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A Virtual Change in Behavior Ch. 01

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An old friend returns with new plans.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/17/2017
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Please note: This is my first story on the site. Never one to hold back it's fairly long and will be in several parts. It takes a while to get started but I hope you make it through, and more importantly enjoy it. Also, I've tried to use American terms and spelling, although I am not American myself. I hope there's nothing to glaring to break your immersion.


I had been best friends with Jeff since we were about seven years old. We had met in school and quickly became as thick as thieves. Neither of us was particularly social so most of the time it was just us hanging out, usually at Jeff's house. Jeff's family is well off. That wasn't why I hung out with him, but due to this he often had the latest technological gadgets like game consoles and things so we spent a lot of time doing things like that and staying indoors. His parents were also away a lot, so during our early teenage years we were left to our own devices. It was a pretty cool time. Despite it just being Jeff and his parents, his house was big, several guestrooms, more bathrooms than they could ever use and even a basement game room. I must admit, at times I was jealous, but Jeff never bragged and he shared everything with me.

At sixteen though, Jeff and his parents moved across country for his father's job. I had lost my best, and really only friend. We kept in touch over social media for a time, but after a while we drifted apart. I never did make any new friends, and I could see on Jeff's profile he was doing well socially. I guessed that he was spending more time with them, and would rather be doing that than sitting talking to or playing games with me online. I didn't grudge him for it, but I did miss his company.

A few years later I had turned eighteen and left school. I decided not to go to college and just take some time to work on myself before throwing myself into such an experience. When I said I wasn't social, I meant it. I didn't really fit in anywhere and crowds make me uncomfortable. I really just wanted time to breathe. I didn't do any of the 'growing' I had thought I would though. Just never followed through. Instead I played video games and watched movies more often than not, just to kill the time. It was during the summer, after a few months of monotony, when I opened my email to check it one day and saw a message from Jeff with the subject line "Get ready!"

"Hey Nathan, long time no speak! Guess who is moving back to town? That's right, I am finally coming home. My parents are signing the paperwork on the house as I type this. I know we haven't really kept in touch very well but we should totally get together and hang out again, just like old times. Anyway, hit me up if you are interested and get ready for some fun. Jeff."

I instantly brightened upon reading it. It seemed like not only was I going to have something to do with my summer, but more importantly, I was getting my best friend back. I hurriedly wrote a reply telling Jeff I couldn't wait and that we would totally hang out when he comes back to town. Within a few days we were talking back and forth over instant messenger and texting on the phone. I didn't take us long to start making plans. Jeff told me he would be in town in a few weeks. His parents had decidedly to take a second honeymoon, meaning he'd have the house to himself for a few months and that I could spend a month there if I wanted to. It would be just like old times, just us, playing video games and having a good time. He said he would give me a heads up when he had arrived and settled in. I couldn't wait. I eagerly awaited and made plans my end. I told my mom that Jeff was coming back and I would be spending a month with him. I think she was happy for me, no doubt happy to see me off the couch, even if it was just to sit on Jeff's couch. I also bought some beer and got a hold of some weed to take over. I didn't know if Jeff smoked or drank, and I barely did, but I wanted to go all out for my old friend. My bag of clothes was packed about a week in advance.

The night my phone rang I leapt out of my chair for it. I didn't get many calls so I knew before looking at the screen it was Jeff. I played it cool though.

"Hello?" I said, answering the phone after counting out a couple of rings.

"Hey hey! Nathan, how you doing?" came Jeff's voice. "Listen, you good to go? I was thinking I'd swing by and pick you up tomorrow? It's been too long."

My face stretched in a grin. "Yeah, I can make that work, no issues. I picked up some beer and weed for us too, just in case." I said.

"That's awesome," said Jeff, "I already have plenty of beer at the place, but never hurts to have more. I'll swing by about eleven, figure we could make a day of it. I've got a new VR headset and I thought we could try it out."

"VR? Ah man, that sounds awesome. Yeah, I can totally make that work. Can't wait."

"Great." He said, "This is gonna be a month to remember, I promise you that. I'll be online later if you wanna game some tonight."

"Always. I'll catch you later on." I said, nodding, and we both hung up.

And that's what we did. Jeff came online sometime around midnite, and we played Left 4 Dead 2 until 6am, talking trash and making each other laugh while killing zombies, just like the old days.

It took me a while to go to sleep that night, and when I woke up the next day I had only had a few hours of sleep. I was tired, but excited too. I jumped in the shower hoping it would wake me up some more. When I came out of the shower I looked in the mirror at myself as I dried off. I wasn't exactly a couch potato, I was 'blessed' according to my mom with good genes. This meant I was always skinny, no matter how much rubbish I ate. It also meant I couldn't put on any weight either. My hair was short, but it needed a trim badly, and all the time spent inside has left me very pale. It occurred to me what I was doing. I was looking over myself so I could give Jeff a good impression. That I could pretend to not be pathetic and he would think I had changed since we last saw one another. When I realised this, I laughed it off. Jeff wouldn't care. He was pretty much the same as me last I saw him, and in his social media pictures he hadn't changed much either. So I forgot about impressing my friend, put on some music and got dressed. Shorts and t-shirt, never goes out of style.

I had my backpack slung over my shoulder as I made my way downstairs. I heard voices coming from the kitchen,

"So you decided not to go to college either?" I heard my mom say.

"No. I got a job with my dad's company for a little while, but gave that up to come back here." Jeff's voice replied. He must have arrived as I was getting ready.

"So what are you going to do now you're back?" My mom asked.

"I was thinking of starting my own business. Something with computers." Jeff answered.

"That's nice," my mom said, "maybe Nathan could help you out?" I cringed a little hearing this and made my way through the house towards the kitchen.

"I was thinking that myself, actually." Said Jeff. "Oh, hey Nathan. Good to see you."

I walked into the kitchen with a grin and nodded at my old friend, giving my mom a quick look that was meant to say 'please stop interrogating Jeff' but in typical mom fashion, she choose to ignore it. Jeff hadn't really changed much, but he was taller than me now, at 5ft 8 I just stopped growing but Jeff must have had a grow spurt as he was now at least 6 foot. He was broader now too, but his face hadn't changed, still had his pretty boy looks, and he still had his stylish slick backed black hair cut.

My mom talked to Jeff for a while, asking after his parents, and where they were going on their honeymoon. I sat down at the table beside my friend and waited. After she was satisfied my mom said, "Well, you two have fun, and stay out of trouble. Nice to see you again, Jeff."

We said our goodbyes and made our way out of the front door. Jeff's car was parked in the street, some kind of sports model, all shiny and black.

"Nice wheels." I said. He laughed.

"Not mine. My dad's. He sent it ahead of him. He'd have a fit if he knew I was driving it."

We jumped in, and headed off towards Jeff's new house.

Jeff's new house was on the opposite side of town from his old house, right out on the outskirts. He pulls into a long driveway that was partially obscured from the road by the forest that grew around the area and slowly made his way down to a set of iron gates.

"Wow," I said, "I didn't know there was anything out here."

"Yeah, it's a newer build. Way I heard it the guy that built it lost all his money just after it was completed so had to put it on the market." Jeff pressed the button to make the window go down and leaned out to punch a code into a keypad on a post outside the car.

"That's a shame." I said, as I watched the motorized gate slide open with barely a sound.

"Worked out alright for us though, eh?" Jeff nudged me in the ribs, then drove into the property.

I could barely believe it when I saw the house. It was twice as big as his old one. It may have been modern, but it was styled like an old English Tudor house, just with more glass, the forest stretching around the grounds. Jeff must have seen my jaw drop as he gave a small laugh and said he'd give me the tour.

He parked up in a four car garage at the side of the house and Jeff grabbed the case of beer while I grabbed my backpack.

"I'll put these in the kitchen after I drop you off in the living room and you can roll a joint for the tour. Sound good?" He said.

"Sure thing." I agreed.

The living room was large, twice the size of my own, with polished hard wood floors and antique looking fixings, but it was full of unopened boxes. It did have an L shaped couch and a coffee table though and Jeff nodded to me to take a seat while he dropped of the beer. I sat down, pulling the table towards me and skinned up.

We walked around the mostly unpacked and unfurnished house, taking turns to puff on the joint I had rolled, as Jeff showed me around. Downstairs was the living room, dining room, kitchen, a bathroom, an office and another reception room. The dark hardwood floors where throughout the house, and most of the walls where done in similar panelling, making it look old and distinguished. The basement level held another surprise, next to an empty room with soft flooring and mirrors all over the walls that Jeff said was supposed the be a gym, was a huge indoor swimming pool. It was currently empty, but I was still impressed. We made our way upstairs after that, Jeff stopping to dispose of the remains of the joint in the kitchen. The second floor contained another office and five bedrooms, including the master. Jeff said they were all en suite an all had their own balconies attached.

He opened the door to one of the bedrooms, this one furnished with a bed, a tv and a chest of drawers.

"I set this up for you, it isn't much, but it's a place to rest your head." Jeff said, "Throw your backpack in and I'll show you my room."

"This house is amazing Jeff." I said, throwing the bag onto the bed and looking out the window into the back gardens.

"So you've said about fifty times," he laughed, "I don't disagree, I'm just glad to be back. C'mon."

He led me to the room next door and opened it up. My jaw hit the floor. The room has a king sized bed pushed up against the far wall, and a three seat leather couch, on the opposite wall from the bed was a large desk. Jeff's computer was set up next to it, all glowing blue lights, and he had four large monitors set up, two on top of the other two. He also had a gaming chair pushed off to the side. I had never seen a set up like that in person. I was amazed.

"Welcome to my own little piece of heaven. Make yourself at home." Jeff said, motioning around the room.

"Holy shit..." I exclaimed.

"Heh, yeah, it's not too bad though I'm still getting everything together. Hey, why don't you roll another joint and I'll go downstairs and grab some cold brews?" Jeff said.

"Bit early for that, no?" I said, I was feeling the last joint still, especially with having very little sleep the night before.

"Ah, c'mon. Let's make it a party." Jeff laughed, leaving the room. I shrugged to myself and started rolling another joint.

Jeff returned just as I lit up with the beers and sat down next to me on the couch, handing on over. It was cold, but mostly froth.

"Sorry," he said, "they must have got shaken up. Plenty more though."

"It's cool." I said, taking the bottle and passing him the joint. I took a drink and grimaced, it tasted a bit chalky. Jeff must have seen the look on my face.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. Man, I am beat. I might need a coffee or something after this. Barely slept last night."

"Don't worry about it." Jeff laughed.

When we had finished the beers and the joint was out Jeff got up went over to his computer. He pulled open a drawer on the desk and produced a box. Opening it up he pulled out the VR headset he told me about. I hadn't had a chance to try one of these things out and was excited to give it a go.

"Here," he said tossing it to me. Thankfully I caught it. "Come sit in the chair and try it out. I know you want to."

I got up and walked over, turning it in my hands and sat in the chair. It was amazingly comfortable and I sank right into it. Jeff started hooking up some cables and then started clicking through some folders on his PC.

"Put it on. This way up." He indicated. "These things take some getting used to. They can make you a bit nauseas but I have a quick sim that'll should help with that. It's a virtual rollercoaster ride."

I was pulling on the headset as he said this and stopped. I hated rollercoasters, and I told him so.

"Don't worry." He said. "It's just to get you used to the experience. You feeling ok?"

He peered at me, and I had to think about it. My mind was feeling a bit foggy, but I put it down to the weed, beer and lack of sleep.

"I'm good. Looking forward to see what the virtual fuss is all about." I said.

"Excellent." Jeff gave me the thumbs up, then moved to help me adjust the headset. "This is gonna feel tight but you'll get used to it." He pulled a strap at the back of my head, making the thing very tight against my face. "Ok now, lean back and get ready, and whatever happens, don't worry or freak out. Just go with it. You ready?"

"Ready." I said. I could feel my head dropping but put it down to the weight of the headset.

The simulation started. I went from seeing nothing but black to a blue sky, complete with clouds. The VR video followed my head movements when I looked around I saw grass on either side, and when I looked ahead I saw I was sitting in the car of a rollercoaster ride. The track went off into the distance and I couldn't see the end of it, but luckily I didn't see any loop-de-loops either. A countdown appeared in front of my eyes, counting back from ten, and I braced. As the virtual ride started I jolted back, purely on instinct, and heard Jeff laugh from outside my virtual bubble. The ride went slowly and smoothly at first, but soon started to pick up pace. I saw why I couldn't see much of the track as it started to zoom on, there wasn't any. When the car reached the end of what was there, more track appeared just in time. Soon that track was climbing upwards. That's when the loop-de-loops started, and my stomach began flipping. Up and down and all around, over and over again.

"Jeff, man, this is making me wanna hurl." I said.

"Don't worry about it. Lean into it. The feeling wears off quick." Came his voice from the side of me.

This went on for little while, my stomach full of butterflies as the ride went faster and faster, colors beginning to blur like a starship in a sci-fi show going into hyperdrive. Eventually everything began spiralling, colors spun in front of my eyes making me dizzy.

"This is weird Jeff." I said, my voice sounding slurred.

I didn't hear any reply and once again tried to 'lean into it'. I could feel my head trying to following the motion my eyes were seeing, and then I saw something else. Something flashed into my vision, too quick for me to see. After a while, it did it again. Text, but I couldn't read it. I happened again and again and then the melding colors changed into something else. It took my brain a while to catch up. It was a video of a girl, blonde and blue eyed, smiling through the headset at me, the background behind her still a mix of swirling colors. I tried to look around myself, like I could on the rollercoaster, but the scene stayed fixed. The girls eyes twinkled and she blew a kiss at the camera, a smile on her face. Then the camera zoomed out, revealing her to be naked, and beside her, from the waist down, two naked men, one white and on black, standing on either side of her, huge cocks erect and pointing towards her. The girl grabbed both of them, one in each hand, and began pumping them, putting one in her mouth and winking at the camera again.

"Jeff, what the hell?" I said. Or tried to. It sounded slurred again, and distant. But this time I heard his reply.

"Just go with it, trust me." He was behind me and I felt his hands grab my wrists and pull them behind the chair. I heard a click and when I tried to move my arms, I couldn't. The words 'SUBMIT', 'GIVE IN' appeared on the screen, flashing in front as the girl took the cock deeper down her throat before moving on and doing the same to the other. I felt something else snap onto my head and realised it was headphones. I could hear noises. Sex noises of a girls orgasms, and a voice saying "This is what you want.", "You love cock, don't you?" and other things, all overlapping in a cacophony, further disorientating me.

The scene in front of me began to change, quick images of different things. Girls sucking and fucking, sometimes one guy, sometimes several, all muscle bound and...big. Girls covered in cum, girls in lingerie and skimpy clothes, girls with huge cocks of their own posing and getting fuck by one or several men. All the while text flashed as the images went by at speed. I was having trouble taking it all in.











The word 'SUBMIT' flashed up more and more, and I could hear it being said through the headphones in a male voice. Jeff's voice I realised. I tried to struggle but I was weak and couldn't move. I was trapped. I tried to speak out but I don't even know if I managed it. All I could hear was this soundtrack blaring in my ears. Even when I closed my eyes I could still see the flashing images and text inverted behind my eyelids. I didn't realise I was erect until I felt my shorts being pulled down and my dick sprang free. I tried to move again, but to no avail. I felt something warm and wet drip onto my stiff cock. It was a weird sensation, like it was happening to someone else. I felt a hand rub the substance up and down my shaft. Jeff's hand? Was he touching my cock? Was it my cock, or was I just dreaming all this? Something tight but soft slipped over it. Whatever it was it began to move, I couldn't hear it, but it felt like whatever it was, it was vibrating intensely. It hummed and pulsed, and I could feel the need to burst rise up. The images continued, the soundtrack blared. I could feel myself drool onto my chin as I reached climax, cumming hard...and then I must have blacked out.

When I awoke, I felt confused. I felt cold and...I could feel silk, or satin on my skin. I was lying down, I was pretty sure of that. Could I And that familiar weight of the VR headset was still pressing into my head. The soundtrack was there too, but it was very quiet.


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