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A Visit to Salmacis Ch. 02

Story Info
Alexandra begins the hunt for Alexia; off to a rocky start.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/17/2021
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Apologies for how long it's taken for this to come out! COVID-19 kinda kicked my ass in real life, and so even when I finally had the time, it made it very hard to get into a headspace appropriate for writing. I promise it'll never take that long again to put out a new chapter!



The girl moaned obscenities as Alexia continued bouncing the slut on her dick with jackhammering thrusts. Fuck, what was her name again? Jackie? Jaclyn? Something like that. I'll just call her Jac. Grabbing one of the luscious breasts above her, Alexia nodded in satisfaction at the resulting groan as she twisted a nipple. Pulling Jac-whatever down, Alexia nipped at her bottom lip with teeth, and then indulged in a searing kiss while their hips collided. Not quite ready to finish, Alexia pulled out and ordered, "On your hands and knees."

Giggling, the short brunette rolled over and arched her back, presenting her gorgeous ass for the tall redhead's further examination. Alexia held Jac's hip firmly in one hand, and extended the other to caress the luscious globes. Retracting the hand, she then delivered a hard slap to the firm posterior. Pleased with the flinching yelp the strike brought, she rained a number of smacks on the cheeks until Jac tried to pull away as she cried out.

"Ohhh, stopstopstop! My ass is getting soooo sore. Just fuck me!"

Despite Jac's protests, her pussy was practically dripping from arousal. Alexia didn't appreciate being told what to do, and would have denied her the pleasure had her own 11 inches not needed to be back in the velvet folds. As her dick lined up at the moist entrance, Alexia slammed her hips forward until she bottomed out. Oh, shit, I fucking needed this. Who the hell is Joan, anyway? Pulling back until only the crown remained inside, Alexia then pushed all the way back in, setting a frantic pace as she fucked Jac into the bed. All the girl under her could do was grip the sheets with both hands, and shriek in pleasure at the rough treatment Alexia subjected her to. Grabbing a handful of hair in one hand, Alexia was pleased to feel silken walls clench around her cock as Jac came undone under her. Oh hell, I'll be nice.

Reaching under with her free hand, Alexia began rubbing Jac's clit while pounding away, and was rewarded when the busty bimbo wailed in climax after only moments of the added sensation. Alexia continued her vicious humping as the need built in her thrust after thrust. Snarling, she finally unloaded inside the viselike pussy. Continuing to push in and out, she coated Jac's inner walls with thick ropes of her cum. Her orgasm eventually came to an end, and Alexia pulled out. Rolling over, Jac wiped away the hair plastered to her face as she panted in exhaustion, chest rising and falling from the exertion of the past several minutes.

Grabbing her phone off of the end table, Alexia leaned back against the headboard as she checked to see if Alexandra had arrived yet. She looked on in dismay at the several texts and missed calls from her sister. Aw, fuck. She's gonna kill me when I get out there! Groaning in exasperation, she climbed off the bed to get cleaned up.

"D-done so soon?"

Looking back, Alexia saw Jac had spread herself out, seed dribbling onto the sheet below her. Grinning up at her, Jac got her breath back under control before continuing. "I heard you had stamina, Lexi! It's barely been half an hour! Not growing soft, are you?"

Alexia rarely appreciated having her prowess called into question, least of all by some whore she just fucked into the mattress. "My ride is waiting out there, or believe me, I'd teach you not to run your mouth."

Laughing, Jac countered. "If they're already waiting, what's a bit more? Besides, you sure you don't want any more of this?" Alexia was torn between the need to fuck this bitch into a coma, and guilt at making her sister sit outside while she got off. She wouldn't just leave without me! Rather, I hope she doesn't... Jac ended up making the decision for her when she cupped her breasts, and began squeezing the soft flesh for emphasis. Gazing up, the challenging glint in Jac's eye was enough to push Alexia's reason over the edge.

Growling, Alexia put her phone back down as she advanced on Jac. "Remember, you asked for this. Let's see how long you keep that attitude up for." And hopefully Lexa doesn't murder me on sight for making her wait so damn long. Maybe she'll spare me if I go to that bakery she likes tomorrow? Well, that's a problem for later. First...



Stepping back into the foyer, Alexandra found she wasn't quite as nervous as when she first walked in. She thought she even moved with a lighter step than she had before her encounter with Maya. I suppose a blowjob from a beauty like her does usually help. As she approached the two women at the door, she couldn't help but feel a little intimidated in turn as they sized her up.

One was a solidly built blonde who had seemingly stepped straight out of a Norse epic. A few inches shorter than Alexandra, she had her blonde hair swept back in a loose ponytail. The woman looked to be double Alexandra's weight, with a look that said she'd have no problem tossing out any troublemakers. Bodily. The other woman was just as tall as Alexandra, with a chiseled build that spoke of many hours at the gym. Her brown hair was cut short, while her caramel complexion was in sharp contrast to the pale Viking next to her. Her powerful arms were bared to display a multitude of tattoos running up the length of each limb.

Alexandra braced herself for the inevitable mix up, and wasn't disappointed when the brunette's eyes locked onto the gold symbols on each hand, and her eyebrows rose in confusion. "You, uh, have a bit of a growth spurt there, Lexi?"

I really didn't need to know my dick is bigger than my sister's! Shaking her head embarrassedly, Alexandra produced the notebook and turned it until she found the proper page.

[Hello. I'm Alexandra, and I'm here to pick up my sister, Alexia. Would you happen to know where she is?]

After absorbing what was written down, the two bouncers glanced at each other in surprise, before looking her over again. Finally, Muscles spoke. "Sorry about that, I didn't know Lexi even had a sister. I saw her come in, but I couldn't tell you where she'd be now. Have you tried getting in touch with her?"

Alexandra nodded in assent, which Viking took as a cue to finally ask, "You can't talk?" The redhead shook her head, meant as a denial of the idea that she couldn't speak, but which was instead taken as confirmation of the fact. "Shit, that really sucks. I guess just keep that book handy when you go in, I'm sure someone's seen her. Maybe try asking at the bar?" Well, no sense in correcting them now.

Muscles nodded in approval at the advice before pulling the door open, the sudden burst of noise from inside drowning out anything else that may have been said. Mouthing 'Have fun' to Alexandra, she motioned for her to enter. Inclining her head in thanks to the two women, Alexandra entered the doorway before it closed behind her.

As soon as she stepped into the club proper, she scanned her surroundings to see if she could miraculously spot her errant twin. Unfortunately, she was nowhere in sight. Ignoring the coat check next to her, she filed the staircase to the left for later. The sea of bodies in front of her had the dance floor teeming to the point of near-overflow. A few people had climbed on to the adjacent stage, which was fortunately devoid of a performance to interrupt. The DJ booth had a woman inside who was busy tinkering with the equipment. Seeming to feel the solitary gaze, she looked up and caught Alexandra's eye. Grinning, she sent a wink her way before going back to what she was doing.

Averting her eyes, Alexandra moved to the left to bypass the group completely, and began walking to the bar at the back. It already had a variety of people milling about, waiting on drinks or watching the crowd. I suppose I should order something if I want to grab the bartender's attention. After jotting down another message, she waved to flag down the petite woman behind the counter. The motion unintentionally called attention to the gold mark on her hand, and she felt her appearance being scrutinized by the other patrons. Once the bartender reached her, Alexandra held out the notebook for her to read.

[Hello, can I get a bottle of water, please? And do you remember seeing my twin sister, Alexia? I'm supposed to be picking her up, and the doorwomen suggested I try asking you.]

The bartender looked her up and down for a few seconds, before shaking her head. "I'm sorry, hun. It's been so busy tonight that I can't say for sure what anyone's doing around here. I'm sure I served someone who looks like you earlier, but I couldn't tell you where she's been." Reaching into one of the coolers, she placed the water on the counter. "That'll be $2."

Alexandra handed over a $10 bill, but waved the bartender off when she went to grab change. The woman smiled in gratitude as she put the money away. "Thanks, sweetie! Tell you what. I'll keep my eye out for your sister, and if I spot her, I'll wave you over next time I see you."

Grabbing her drink, Alexandra returned a shy smile and nodded in thanks. She jumped in shock as she felt a pair of arms encircle her neck from behind. A soft voice cooed in her ear, "I'd recognize that body anywhere! How ya doing, Lexi?"

Breaking free of the hold, Alexandra whipped around to glare at the newcomer. Before her stood a glamorous redhead, pretty face staring up at her expectantly. Silver-stamped hands reached out to Alexandra, but she moved away from the swiping grip. The woman's seductive smile turned to a frustrated frown. "What's wrong with you? ...Lexi?"

Shaking her head in denial, Alexandra tried to step around the woman, but was cut off as the shorter futa moved back in her way. "Well, didn't think she'd have a little doppelganger running around here! You her sister or something?" Alexandra nodded in acknowledgement before once more trying in vain to slip away. Hands reached out and grabbed her arms to hold her in place.

"Not even gonna say hi? I'm a very good friend of Lexi's, she ever mention a Natalie to you? Actually, I haven't even caught your name yet."

Alexandra grimaced at the introduction. Alexia had indeed talked to her about a Natalie before. Her sister's summation of the woman was less than flattering. Pushy, needy, and acting entitled to anyone she's interested in. I've met her for all of 30 seconds, and she is three for three. Alexia had apparently slept with Natalie a few times, and then had to deal with the shitshow that followed as the girl started claiming they were an item to anyone who would listen.

Not wanting any part of the drama that came with a woman like that, Alexandra used her hands to pry the arms away, but Natalie's eyes locked onto the golden marks as she freed herself. "My, my, my. And I thought your sister was big!"

Alexandra didn't appreciate the proprietary tone of that last 'my', nor did she approve of the arms that curled around her neck once more. Natalie leaned in and continued, "The silent type, huh? Let's grab a room and...properly, introduce ourselves, huh? I'll take good care of you."

Finally having enough after the blatant proposition, Alexandra forcefully extracted herself and began walking away, Natalie calling after her in anger. "Not gonna say a goddamn word to me!? Stuck up bitch!" Alexandra ignored her and kept walking.

The shout had caused people from the edge of the dance floor to turn around to see what was happening, and with a sigh of relief, Alexandra finally saw a familiar face. One of Alexia's actual friends was among the onlookers, staring with undisguised surprise at seeing her. Leah had always been nice to Alexandra, and she knew the fiery woman had tagged along with her sister in coming here. With any luck, maybe the search for the drunken idiot was coming to an end.



I'm the only one left! Claudia went home because she had work in the morning, Rachel had slipped out with a green stamped cutie on her arm, Halima was probably getting sandwiched in a private room courtesy of the tag team that was working on her earlier, and Alexia had broken off to snag a girl of her own. What was supposed to be a night out to cheer her statuesque friend up had instead devolved into everyone selfishly doing their own thing. Nothing new there, I guess. Leah was about ready to call it quits and go home herself, when a shout of 'Stuck up bitch!' had her craning her neck, hoping whatever drama was unfolding would make up for the lackluster night.

Of all the people Leah had expected to see at Salmacis, Alexandra was near the bottom of the list. An Alexandra currently being yelled at by dear old Natalie, no less. I wonder if she's figured out that it's not actually Lexi she's talking to?

Leah had always liked Alexandra well enough. She lacked the cockiness and aggression of her twin, and her stutter was cute in a sad sort of way. It was very jarring to be subtly intimidated by the towering figure looming over you, only to hear them trip over their own words when they tried to say hi. Leah supposed she really couldn't blame her for staying quiet most of the time. Alexandra kept her distance whenever Alexia was hanging out with the group, but they had a good relationship otherwise. Leah would love to bridge the gap between the two and become closer, yet she didn't want to push and make her uncomfortable. But if Alexandra had come to a place like this, maybe it was time to start. Oh, she's headed this way!

Leah left the dance floor to meet Alexandra, and felt an unexpected flush of pleasure at how happy the girl looked to see her. "Hey, Alexandra! What was Natalie yelling at you for?"

For her part, Alexandra had blushed an even deeper red. Whether in anger or embarrassment, it was hard to say. And to Leah's delight, rather than write in the notebook as expected, Alexandra opted to speak.

"H-hell-o. T-t-trying to get me to g-go with h-h-her. D-d-d-didn-t want t-t... D-didn't want t-to."

Leah's heart hurt to hear the frustration in Alexandra's voice, while she felt a bit of anger of her own flaring up. What a pushy cunt. "Want me to go kick her ass for you?"

The giggle Alexandra let out at the notion was almost enough for Leah to let go of her newfound heat. Almost. "I mean it, Alexandra. That's no way to treat anybody, least of all a nice girl like you."

A grateful smile made its way onto Alexandra's face, but she shook her head to banish the thought of using violence over the incident. "D-d-o you k-k-now where L-L-Lexi is? Picking her u-up."

Leah's dwindling irritation was reignited as she spoke. Of fucking course she's only here to get that dumbass. Not like she's here to see you or anything. Spotting Natalie glaring at the two of them from near the bar, Leah returned the look with interest until the other woman lowered her eyes in fear.

Alexandra must have thought the anger was meant for her, as she unknowingly mirrored Natalie in dropping her head, looking chastened. Leah's frustration fled immediately in her panic to reassure Alexandra that it wasn't directed at her.

"No, no! I'm sorry, Alexandra. I wasn't angry at you. I'm just ticked off that you had to come all the way here to get Lexi, and she can't even tell you where to find her."

Alexandra appeared to relax at the reassurance, and Leah let out a long breath she had been holding in. "OK... Lexi is a big girl who can take care of herself, but she's also gotta be pretty hammered if she actually made you come here to grab her. We'll split up, 'cause I'm gonna take a look around for her as well. Let's swap numbers so we can keep in touch. I'll let you know if I meet her, and you can do the same. Is that fine?"

Leah felt blessed as once more the auburn beauty beamed at her. The notebook was extracted from her pocket and opened to a page that already had her contact details written down. Inputting it into her phone, Leah sent a quick text so Alexandra had her number. "And there we go! It was really nice seeing you Alexandra, I hope we can talk a little more after we track your sister down." And maybe a little more, but I won't get my hopes up. Not yet.

"O-O-OK. Bye, L-Leah."

She felt a warmth in her chest at finally hearing Alexandra say her name, and Leah couldn't stop herself from reaching out to rub her arm comfortingly. "I'll see you in a little bit, Alexandra." And before she could give in to the urge to stay rooted here talking to the beautiful woman, Leah forced herself to start moving away to begin a search of her own.



Alexandra couldn't help but smile as Leah walked away from her. She knew the girl was nice, and it felt good to know she could always count on her to be kind. It would be a big help to have someone else looking for Alexia. Leah was walking in the direction of the bar, so Alexandra figured it'd be better to go the opposite way to cover more ground.

Wanting to check out the second floor, she returned to the entrance where she saw the stairs earlier. Making her way above, she found the upper level was made up into a lounge. Chairs, sofas, and tables had women of all types relaxing, drinking and socializing. The smaller bar along the back wall looked only slightly less busy than the one downstairs. Slowly making her way forward, she scanned each group to see if she could spot the wayward woman. Her breath caught when she spotted a tall redhead putting the moves on a girl, but was disappointed when she realized it most definitely wasn't Alexia. Guess I shouldn't get my hopes up any time I spot someone who vaguely resembles us.

Figuring now was as good a time as any to try calling her again; Alexandra looked around until she spotted a section that was empty besides a lone woman with her head down and a drink in front of her. Doesn't look like the type to bother me. Taking a seat away from her, Alexandra tried calling Alexia, and of course it just rang until it went to voice mail. Grunting in annoyance, she channeled the most obnoxious texters she knew; and blew up her phone with several short messages!



[I'm here.]

[Been looking all over for you!]

[Answer your fucking phone!]

[Dumb bitch.]

[I'll tell your friends about that time you pissed yourself when we were 9.]

[I brought those chips you were saving for movie night with me, I'm gonna eat them in a little bit.]


[I've got better things to do than hunt you down!]

[I swear, I'll stutter my way through a personal story at your wedding.]

[It'll probably take me a few hours, and your guests will hate you for not stopping me.]

[Alexia Andrea Kokkinos]

[I'M gOnNA kiLl y-o-U]


[I'm coming for you.]

[Oh, and Leah's looking for you, too.]

[Message me when you get this, bitch.]



"Ohhhhh, fuck! Lexi!"

Alexia thought she heard a second vibration somewhere in the room, and the added frequency was starting to bother her. Trying to focus on the task at hand, the odd sound was grating on her enough that she nearly pulled out to hunt the source down. After a minute of the out of sync vibrations, the second one vanished. ...Feedback from the bullet? Shrugging, she put it out of her mind since the toy in Jac's ass didn't seem to be acting up anymore.


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