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A Week in the Sun Ch. 01

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A father discovers a younger woman on holiday.
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If you have never literally had your breath taken away then it is a bit surprising when it happens. The first time in my life it happened was when I first met my wife. The second time was when my daughter just happened to walk into the airport with one of the most stunning girls I had ever seen in my life.

"Daddy!" my daughter Erica squealed as she ran towards me. I opened my arms and hugged her closely. She had become a remarkable young woman since her mother passed away two years previously.

We were in the airport heading out on our first trip together since she had finished her undergraduate degree at college. Graduating among the top of her class made me really proud of her after dealing with a long illness and the impact it had on both of us. When I suggested going south for some relaxation time she had quickly agreed, but asked if she could bring along a friend so that she didn't have to hang out with me all of the time. I was used to being alone by this point and didn't have a problem with it. I'd never seen a picture of Angie when she mentioned bringing her but obviously they were quite good friends and knew each other from school because my daughter frequently talked about her.

The other girl stood behind her. She was tall, thin and had blonde hair in a ponytail cascading over one shoulder. What really made her stand out were her bright eyes that gazed off into the distance. Taking a look a bit lower her long legs were encased in a pair of tight yoga pants and drifted up into a tight shirt, which only enhanced her small breasts because it was slightly transparent. She was wearing a bra that pushed them together and they stood out proudly from her chest. As I moved my eyes up her body and felt my penis stir in my pants suddenly I saw her eyes widen and a light flush come over her, as she realized that I was checking her out. Suddenly I was very happy that I'd be seeing a lot of this girl in a bathing suit over the next week. She smiled at me.

"Dad, this is Angie." My daughter quickly introduced her. I stepped forward and offered my hand. Immediately she met my gaze confidently. Her eyes were sharp and piercing.

"Hi, I'm Jack. Erica's dad." When I got closer to her I could smell her. Just a hint of vanilla scented something. I had to keep things under control. Not realizing what had happened I was now ogling a girl who was less than half my age in a public place in front of my daughter. And I had lost the ability to speak.

"Nice to meet you." The sharpness of her gaze and the smile on her face suddenly snapped me into reality. "Thanks for letting me come along on the trip." Her gaze dropped again and she turned to look at my daughter expectantly.

"I'm so excited! We're going to have an amazing time!" Erica gushed, grabbing her friend by the arm and hugging us both. My daughter was never one to let an awkward moment stand for long. Clearing my head we quickly made our way towards the ticket counter to get through security. I couldn't help but hang back and catch a glimpse of Angie walking with my daughter and seeing her ass encased in black spandex. It was good for me to have these types of feelings again, I thought even if they were about a girl I had just met and was twenty years younger. It meant that my plumbing was still working after all.

It had been two years since my wife had passed away and in that time I had been involved briefly with a couple of women, but there was always something missing. Now that I was in my mid-forties and didn't have to worry about money thanks to the insurance settlement there was a never ending stream of people coming out of the woodwork trying to set me up, women who were just gold diggers and offers for various things from wild investments to flat out sex for money. I had learned in these hard years to keep some people at arms' length and how important family was. What I was missing was that partner to talk to, share experiences with and build another life with. I wasn't in any hurry to rush into anything of course, but companionship was always important, hence the family trip. Angie was a welcome (and attractive) addition and I hoped after settling my groin down that she would be good to have along for Erica to keep her company. My daughter wasn't the most responsible girl in the world, and after her mothers' death it was difficult sometimes for her to deal with things. From what she had told me about Angie, her friend was responsible and helped her stay on track, which is why I was happy when she suggested inviting her along for the trip. I didn't know how attractive she was as well.

As we boarded the plane my daughter took the window, leaving Angie next to me in the middle.

"Have you ever flown before?" I asked her, noticing that she was looking around nervously.

"No. This plane is so big, I don't know how they even get off of the ground." That prompted me to launch into describing how plane flight worked. Having many years in the military dealing with planes made it easy. As the plane taxied to the end of the runway and we started to take off, it was all I could do not to grab her hand to help her feel better. What was I doing? This girl was all of twenty two and I was like a kid again. She smiled at me as the plane lifted into the air and we settled into our seats. Before long the pilot was announcing our descent and we were into the warm air and sun.

The resort was stunning and they quickly had us checked into our suite, which was actually quite spectacular. I had spared no expense and the resort and room was five stars quality. Two large bedrooms adjoined a large living area with a small kitchen and each bedroom had a balcony overlooking the ocean. After seeing them gush over the place we were staying I happily listened to the chatter and happy squeals of my daughter and Angie talking about things they could see and do at the resort over the week. I set to unpacking the small amount of clothes in my bag, but after only a few minutes I heard a knock and the door to my room opened. The two girls walked in already changed for the pool. My daughter is an attractive girl I will happily admit even though it has caused me stress over the years when she gets male attention. But for one of the first times in my life she was overshadowed by the stunning beauty next to her. Angie wore a simple blue bikini, but seeing her body without a lot of clothing for the first time is something I won't soon forget. Her long legs were already partially tanned and they tapered up beautifully into her slim bikini bottoms, covered only slightly by a translucent wrap. Her stomach was flat with just the slightest hint of definition obviously from the soccer she played in school. But the best part was her bikini top, which had pushed her small breasts together and her nipples were just slightly hard and were slightly visible through her top. The curve of each breast just slightly pushed out of each side. She had taken her blonde hair down and it flowed over her shoulders in a cascade. My daughter was wearing something similar and I knew that the two of them were going to get a lot of attention around the pool this week once they started sunning themselves.

"Hurry up Dad and we can hit the pool before dinner." My daughter said. I already had my shorts on so I quickly took my shirt off to change, and noticed Angie looking at me when I did. From my years of service I kept in very good shape, and hit the gym regularly. At my age of forty five I was pretty happy with my physique, and I was even happier to see her eyes on me when I was shirtless. Again though, I had to catch myself from thinking things about this girl who was young enough to be my daughter. I threw on a simple button up and grabbed a towel and we walked out to the resort grounds. Walking a bit behind the two girls it was easy to steal glances at Angie's ass in her bikini bottoms, which swayed enticingly even though she was only wearing flip flops.

We quickly found the pool, complete with a swim up bar which I planted myself at and ordered a beer. The girls found the last rays of sun and I was treated to the sight of Angie fully displayed in her bikini. The two girls chatted together and it wasn't long before a couple of guys approached them. I groaned, knowing that these two would get hit on by pretty much every guy at the resort under 30 while they were here. Turning to the bar I suddenly heard a voice next to me.

"What are you drinking there, sailor?" I saw a woman probably in her early 40's with dark hair and freckled skin had sat herself next to me.

"How did you know I was a sailor?" She smiled at me.

"Tattoo." She pointed at my upper back, where my service tattoo was displayed. "My EX-husband was a sailor." She said, obviously emphasizing the ex portion. I glanced down and her breasts were obviously surgically enhanced, but definitely on display in her skimpy bikini top. She was in pretty good shape and I quickly found out that her name was Cecilia, she was a divorcee, had been here for a week and without telling me directly it was easy to learn that she was definitely on the prowl. The way she smiled and flirted with anything with a penis told me the most. However, she was good to keep me occupied while at the bar and it meant that I didn't have to continue to fantasize about my daughters' friend.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon I said goodbye to Cecilia. She gave me a pouty smile and leaned in to kiss my cheek suddenly.

"I hope that I might see you later. Maybe you can buy me a drink?" she suggested with a wink. The girls were waiting for me and we quickly headed back to our suite and got ready for dinner. The food was incredible, and hearing the two of them chatter about the guys they had just met was a welcome distraction from gazing at Angie again. Her eyes were captivating, and every time she looked directly at me I almost shivered inside.

After saying good night to the girls I decided to stay up for a while. The night was often the hardest time for me because being alone was still difficult. It was easier to just sit and relax with a drink and try to ease myself into sleep rather than toss and turn. Grabbing a beer from the mini bar I headed out to my balcony with a book and sat reading. After about forty minutes I was engrossed in my book when I heard a faint knock on my bedroom door.

"Mr. Parker?" I heard Angie's voice. She walked into my room and I was stunned to silence again. She was wearing only a long men's dress shirt and her hair was down again, which looked incredibly sexy.

"Hi. Is everything okay?" I asked, thinking maybe something was wrong with the room or Erica.

"No, don't worry. Erica is dead to the world but I can't sleep that fast." I chuckled, knowing my daughter could sleep like the dead at the drop of a hat. "What are you reading?" I showed her the pulp fiction novel I had and she smiled. "I've read his earlier stuff. It's great for mindless entertainment." I agreed. "Mind if I sit down?" I pointed to the opposite chair. She sat and drew her legs up, showing me that underneath the shirt she wore tight black shorts. The outline of her hips was clearly visible but it was obvious that she wanted to be covered. She was also wearing a sports bra top underneath.

"Do you want a drink? I noticed you didn't have much at the pool."

"No, thanks. I don't really drink that much. School is too important and I've seen too many of my friends make really stupid decisions when they're wasted."

"I noticed. That's a good influence to have around Erica." She blushed. "Don't worry, I know what my daughter gets up to. It's been hard for her since her mother died."

"I can relate." She said. I looked at her surprised. "My mother passed away a while ago suddenly when I started high school. She had a stroke. It was really hard." A distant look came over her face briefly. I remembered having that look often when thinking about my wife after she died.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." No wonder she was so responsible.

"It happened a long time ago, but I guess that's why I'm such a caretaker." She sighed. "My dad and I had to support each other. Now he's found his new wife and doesn't really need me much anymore." It all made sense. We talked about how at the age of 14 she had to start cooking, taking care of a house and paying bills because her father wasn't really good at it. Before long an hour had passed and we were still just talking about our lives and how things worked out. As she sat there her shirt rode up more and I could see just the hint of her crotch outlined against the shorts she wore. She was wearing a white bra top underneath the shirt. She was gorgeous. As she yawned and stretched I took a long hard look at her flat stomach, long legs and small perky breasts. My cock twitched in my pants.

"I guess I'd better head to bed." She said softly. "Long day of following Erica around." I laughed.

"It was really nice talking to you Angie. I hope we can do more of it. Oh, and please call me Jack." I said, locking my eyes with hers. I meant it. She was mature, easy to be with and of course incredibly beautiful.

"Thanks. I feel the same way. You're not like the other guys I meet." I was happy to hear that she didn't call me the dreaded "Dad" word and thought of me as just another man. She stood up, paused and then quickly leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. Her hair smelled faintly like the scent I had smelled in the airport and the first urge I had was to grab her and kiss her, but of course that would have been ridiculous. As she walked back through my room her shirt swayed around her hips and I took one last look at her long legs before she disappeared. That night I had a hard time sleeping just imagining those legs wrapped around me, how wonderful her pussy probably tasted and thinking about her soft lips working on my hard member. I woke up with a raging erection and couldn't remember the last time I had that happen. I even had to use self-control not to masturbate in the shower fantasizing about Angie last night like I used to as a teenager.

The second day was spent much like the first. We relaxed by the pool, reading and tanning. Again the girls got a ton of attention from the male staff and guests. Within a couple of hours they were both invited to the nightclub on the property for that evening, and I felt a surge of jealousy when I knew that they bad both promised to be there. I saw Cecilia from the day before slowly walk out of breakfast at a late hour wearing dark sunglasses. She was obviously a late riser, and I suspected she might be out that night as well, which would probably be enough of a distraction.

After lunch and more relaxation I decided to head back to the room to lie down for a nap, and the girls followed me. After lying down for a short time, I heard a knock on the door and Erica popped her head into my room.

"Dad, do you want anything from the snack bar? I'm just going to grab something. Angie's showering and then we're going to go for a walk." I shook my head and she disappeared. The thought of Angie in the shower just gave me even more fuel for my fantasies though. Thinking about her petite, firm body with water cascading over it, and having her pinned against the shower wall with only soap between us suddenly had my cock rising in my pants.

Feeling like a horny teenager I crept to the door between our rooms and peered through. The shower was running but I glanced at the bed Angie was using and saw her bikini lying on the sheets. The thin material I had seen stretched all over her barely covered body all day and fantasized about stripping off of her was right in front of me. The shower continued to run, and my cock started to control my thoughts rather rapidly, especially once the sight of Angie with soap sliding down her naked body was dominating them. I quietly crept into their room and picked up her bathing suit bottoms. My cock was now as hard as a rock imagining the silky material on my cock, and I slid one hand inside my shorts to stroke myself. After a few strokes I simply couldn't help myself. I pulled down my shorts, wrapped her bikini bottoms are my hard shaft and started to furiously stroke my cock. I imagined finding her by the bed wearing her skimpy suit and taking her into my arms, stripping it slowly from her body and listening to her moan as we fondled each other. The tension about Angie I had built up over the past two days quickly came to a head. Once I thought about her firm young body bent over the bed wearing only those bottoms just waiting for me to penetrate her it was too late. My cock swelled and I shot a thick stream of come into her bikini bottoms.

Suddenly coming back to reality and alarmed that she would be able to notice I tried to simultaneously wipe them off and pull up my shorts. The water in the other room turned off quickly. I was forced to drop the bottoms back on the bed, quickly pull up my shorts and run out of the room. All I could do was hope that she didn't notice that they were in a slightly different place and had a streak of my come on them. I heard the bathroom door open and couldn't help but glance through the narrow crack in the door but Angie came out wearing a towel and quickly eased the bedroom door closed with a click. Thankfully she didn't glance outside the door or she would have seen a very red faced older man standing about ten feet outside of the door with a guilty look on his face.

I didn't want to take any chances so I quickly crept back into my room, hoping that I hadn't just blown everything with her. However, when we left for dinner she didn't seem to have noticed anything or if she did she certainly wasn't letting on.

That night I was treated to another tempting sight when Angie walked out of their bedroom in a tight dress ready to go out that night. The metallic material was almost sheer and in the right light you could clearly see the bra and panty set she had on underneath it. After dinner and a couple of drinks the girls headed off to the night club, and I settled in at the lobby bar. Part of me wanted to go with them but I didn't want to be the older guy spoiling their good time. If Angie was truly interested in me at all then I had to be patient and get to know her better first.

After about half an hour I spied Cecilia walking through the lobby. Like she had radar attached to her she quickly spotted me and swooped into the seat next to mine. Again, her full breasts were completely on display and her dress looked like it was painted on her wide hips.

"Well, fancy meeting you here." She purred. I had a few drinks in me and was actually starting to think she looked like an attractive option so I was happy to let her entertain me. She soon digressed into many stories of her ex-husband, fun times she had travelling the world and her views on the resort and the area. As we chatted and flirted she was slowly and obviously moving herself closer to me, putting her breasts on full display and licking her lips at regular intervals. It was pretty evident that if I simply made a mention of taking her back to my room she would be more than willing. I was almost at that point, but not quite there. She was exactly the same as pretty much every woman who wanted to date me recently, especially once they found out I was wealthy. I knew their ulterior motives and so far had managed to stay away from any serious entanglements. However, when she leaned in to give me a full description of her sexual techniques in bed, suggesting that she could give me a night I wouldn't soon forget my cock couldn't help but respond.

The only thing that broke her spell was suddenly spotting the girls leaving the nightclub with a group of guys in tow. Erica came over to me at the bar, took one look at Cecilia and frowned. Angie stood off to the side, obviously taking everything in and also obviously ignoring one guy who was trying to talk to her.

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