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A Weekend With Three Angels Ch. 37

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Sue and Candi come for supper
3.8k words

Part 26 of the 30 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/03/2003
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At precisely eight o’clock this morning our phone started ringing. I think everyone wanted to give us enough time to wake up and get our day under way before they began the bombardment of questions and excitement.

We had dinner last night with Tom and Dawn and their daughter Amy. And Joe and Rhonda were there with their daughter Tammi. Trish and I surprised everyone including Teri and Tracy with the news that they are all invited to join us on a two week honeymoon cruise to the Caribbean on our own private chartered ship. They went nuts!

We’ll be visiting several ports and a few private islands as well. The entire cruise of course will be clothing optional except for the major ports of call. The crew will consist of a captain, and a crew of three women who will handle all of the cooking and sailing duties. They do these clothing optional cruises on a regular basis and I have seen their photos and read reviews by former passengers. It should be a great time for everyone.

So the calls today were to thank us for the invitation and get more details. Trish and I accepted the thanks and for questions beyond what we knew right away, we referred them to our travel coordinator, Rita. She already has a list of the confirmed guests and Trish and I will be finalizing the list in the next few days. In addition to the dinner guests from last night we plan to include Carol, without whose help, the wedding would not be happening at all. We’ve talked about Sue and I hope that after tonight Trish will want to add Candi to the list. I think if we invite the twins, Lucinda and Melinda, they would probably come and could be a lot of help as well. Trish and I have even discussed the possibility of employing them on a full time basis in our home.

Ralph and Sandi are also invited to the wedding, and it would be appropriate to invite them on the cruise even though we’ve not been quite as intimate with them both as we have with the others. They both have jobs though that I think will prevent them from being able to join us. So I think we’ll extend the invitation as a courtesy and see if they can arrange to come.

I suggested to Trish that she call Melinda and ask her if she could come over today to help with our dinner party and we could also discuss the other opportunities. Trish asked if I wanted to invite anyone else tonight, especially since I was going to be the only guy. Of course she knew that I had no problem with that aspect and I politely thanked her but said that I thought the guest list was good as it was.

Trish made the call and Melinda readily accepted. Lucinda was just getting ready to return to Phoenix and she was tempted to stay, but she had a commitment at work. Trish told her that we wanted her to come back and visit soon and she said she would try to get back by next week.

Once we had handled and referred all of the phone calls we got dressed and went shopping. Trish had the day off and we wanted to be together anyway. I had a few errands to run in town so we did it all together. Trish needed a few things from the grocery store so we did that last.

By the time we got home, Teri and Tracy were home too. They helped us unpack the groceries and get things set up for supper. I was telling everyone about Candi and how much I thought she was like Trish.

'Does she have any kids?' Teri asked.

'No, she doesn't.' I told her. 'She told us that she always wanted to have a daughter, but it never happened. Now her husband is gone and she's resolved that she probably won't have any children at all. I think she's kind of sad about it.'

'I'm a daughter.' Teri said jokingly, 'Maybe she'd like me.'

We laughed. 'I'm sure she'll love you.' Trish told her, 'And I suppose I can share you with her. Let's see if Rob is right about her first. She might be a witch, and we might all hate her too.

Again we all laughed. But I was confident. I've become a pretty good judge of character and I know what kind of traits the girls like too.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang. It was Melinda. She came inside and immediately started getting things arranged in the kitchen. Trish showed her the fish that we had bought for the grill and the other items we had prepared for dinner. Melinda found all of the plates and utensils and got busy taking them to the table outside. Within just a few minutes she had everything all set up and in order. There was nothing left to do until it was time to start cooking.

Trish and I sat down with her at the kitchen table.

'Oh Ms Trish we had so much fun the other night. Thank you for inviting us to your party. You make us feel so welcome.'

'Your sister was right,' Trish told Melinda, 'when she said that we would like you. In fact, not only do we want you and Lucinda to be here for our wedding, we want you to join us on our honeymoon cruise.'

Melinda's eyes widened in amazement.

Trish continued. 'We'll be on our own privately chartered ship in the Caribbean for two weeks. Would you like to join us?'

Melinda was slightly overwhelmed. 'Oh yes! I would love to. I have to talk to my boss man at Enchantment though. I don't know if I can be gone that long.' There was sadness in her voice that she might not be able to come due to her commitment at work.

'Well that's something else that we would like to talk about.' I said. 'Trish and I are in need of some more help here at home. We'd like to offer you a full time position here. Your duties would be similar to what you are doing now at the resort, and perhaps a bit more varied and interesting. We need a person to handle cleaning and maintenance in the house as well as cooking and managing the kitchen. You'll have a generous budget for shopping at the grocery store. I'll match the salary that that you're currently earning at Enchantment, plus any benefits that you receive. You can take two days off each week. And since this is a big home and needs a lot of attention, we plan to offer your sister the same opportunity. Do you think she would be interested in moving to Sedona and working here with you in our home?'

I could tell that Melinda was excited at the prospect of becoming our full time housekeeper. Her mind was churning and she asked thoughtfully, 'Yes I would like very much to come to work for you. And I believe that Lucinda would like that too. My apartment is small but I think we could live together there. We had such a small house in Mexico. Should I call her and ask?'

Trish replied. 'Do you think it would be good to ask her on the phone? Or should we wait and have her come up here next week so we can sit down together like this? That way we can address any questions that she has face to face.'

'Yes I think that would be better.' Melinda agreed. 'But I will speak to my employer this week. When would you like me to start working here?'

'We could use you immediately.' Trish answered. 'But you should give Enchantment at least a two week notice. That way they'll have time to find a replacement for you. If by some chance they let you go sooner, then you can start here right away.'

Melinda nodded. She understood that we wanted her to be able to leave under the best circumstances and not burn any bridges.

'There's one other thing.' I added. 'I have plans drawn to build another guesthouse here on our property. It will be located just down the hill toward the wash. It has a little over eighteen hundred feet, two bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms and a full kitchen. If things work out, we would like you and Lucinda to live here in that house. We'll pay all utilities and expenses on the house so that would be an additional benefit to you both and would allow you to save more money either for your family in Mexico or for your own retirement. Either way, it would amount to a large increase over your current income and cost of living expenses.'

Now Melinda was beaming with excitement. I knew we had her hooked. But Trish cautioned her.

'You don't need to make a hasty decision. Rob and I have thought about this for a while now. We knew we needed someone, but since we've gotten to know you and Lucinda, we now know that you are the people we want. But we want you to consider the options carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. And let's plan to talk with Lucinda this weekend. You can invite her up here, but try to keep the rest of it secret. She doesn't need to be distracted this week at work. Do you agree?'

Melinda nodded again. 'Oh Ms Trish, Mr Rob, it all sounds so wonderful! I'm sure that Lucinda will be excited too. But I will try to keep the secret. I promise.'

We stood up and she hugged us both. I was excited to know that our family would be growing with the addition of these two fine young women. We've had a chance to observe the quality of their work ethic as well as the personal side of their lives including their physical beauty and free spirited sexual nature. I couldn't imagine anyone more suited to our home and lifestyle than Melinda and her twin sister Lucinda.

I was telling Melinda about our dinner guests when the doorbell rang again. Trish went to answer it. It was Sue and Candi arriving together. Melinda and I got up to go into the living room in time to see Sue and Trish hugging and kissing. Sue stepped back and introduced Candi to Trish. I was pleasantly surprised to see Candi move forward and kiss Trish on her mouth. Trish let the kiss last just long enough to make it enticing for us all. When they smiled at each other it was with a look that said 'there'll be more of that later!'

Sue came over to give me a hug and a kiss and then I introduced them both to Melinda. Candi gave me a nice long wet kiss too and hugged Melinda as if she had known her forever.

'I just love this town!' she said, 'Everyone is so friendly.'

At that moment Teri and Tracy entered the room and we completed the introductions. Of course the girls were also extremely cordial to Sue and our new friend. I knew that this was the beginning of a great new friendship.

Melinda prepared some lemonade cocktails for us all and we sat down in the living room. Candi was looking around and admiring our home.

‘Rob told me that you have a new house under construction.’ Trish said. ‘How long before you’ll be moving in?’

‘It’s going to be at least three more months, I’m afraid. But I’m working with my interior designer right now and finalizing the paint and fabric colors. I love what you’ve done here. Can I look around?’

‘How about if I give you a tour?’ Trish responded while standing up.

‘I’d love it!’ Candi answered, and she stood up to join her. Together they wandered down the hallway to the girl’s rooms. ‘I hope you girls won’t be ashamed of how your rooms look…’ Trish called over her shoulder at Tracy and Teri. Teenagers and clean rooms just don’t seem to go together, although I must admit, they do a pretty good job of keeping their space neat and clean. I could hear Candi commenting on the art work and wall treatments and I felt pride in our home.

Melinda was busying herself in the kitchen and Teri and Tracy were helping her. I heard Tracy telling Melinda how much I had enjoyed the anal sex with her and her sister the other night. They were giggling and plotting to do it again.

Sue was telling me about her conversation with Candi in the car on the way to our house. ‘Candi said she had more fun yesterday than any day since she’s been here in Sedona. She really likes you and it looks like she likes Trish too.’

‘I told you,’ I said, ‘I think that Candi and Trish are cut from the same mold. They could be sisters! Even their jewelry matches.’ I was referring to the clit rings that they both wear. I didn’t mention that to Trish yet. I thought it would be fun for her to discover it herself. And I was pretty sure that would happen later on tonight.

The two of them were walking back into the living room, arm in arm, and talking wildly. They barely even acknowledged us as they proceeded to the other side of the house. They were obviously getting along well.

Teri called to me from the kitchen and said she was going to turn on the grill outside. Sue and I decided to head out that way too.

A few minutes later we were joined by Candi and Trish.

‘I can’t believe it!’ Candi was saying, ‘Your bathroom and my new one are almost identical! I picked the same granite and cabinets and even the same plumbing fixtures! It’s amazing!’

‘Well I must admit,’ Trish said, ‘Rob designed and built this house before I had met him. But I love everything that he did with it. The only things that we added together are in the girl’s rooms. And we pretty much let them decorate those themselves.’

‘Rob, I love your home!’ Candi told me, ‘And I guess we have the same good taste about a lot of things. Especially your bathroom. And Trish is a doll! You were right. I love her.’

Trish beamed in agreement and turned to kiss Candi as a thank you. Then she looked at me. ‘Rob, have you said anything to Sue yet about the cruise?’

I shook my head, no.

‘Can we invite Candi too?’

How could I say no to that? Even if I didn’t want to invite her, I couldn’t say so after the way Trish asked me. But she knew that anyway.

She went on, ‘Sue, and Candi, one of the reasons why we asked you over here tonight is to invite you to be with us when we celebrate our wedding.’

Sue nodded and said ‘I know. You already invited me.’

‘Yes.’ Said Trish, ‘But we also want you join us for our honeymoon cruise. Rob has chartered a boat in the Caribbean for two weeks and we want you both to come with us.’

Sue looked at me with a big grin. ‘Rob you really know how to do things right, don’t you? How big is this boat?’

Trish smiled proudly. ‘It’s a hundred and forty feet long and has ten staterooms.’

‘Oh my god!’ Sue gasped, ‘That’s like a mini luxury liner!’

‘And we’ll have it all to ourselves.’ Trish added. ‘We’ll make stops in Jamaica and we’ll even have our own private island!’

Candi smiled at us all. ‘I can see that I need to clear my calendar. When does all this happen?’

Trish gave her the dates and wrote everything down including Rita’s name for details about the travel arrangements. She told Candi that we would send her a formal invitation to the wedding, but that we wanted to give them both ample time to make plans to be away for two weeks.

At that point we all knew that our new friendship was going to blossom and grow. Trish and Candi were carrying on as if they had known each other forever. Trish took Candi’s hand and led her toward the guest casita. She told her that she had to see the last bit of the house. As they disappeared in the door, Sue and Melinda began to talk about the cruise. I was enjoying knowing that we could bring so much joy to so many people who would share in our wedding.

Teri and Tracy had taken off their clothes and were sitting in the spa. I looked over towards the casita and I could see Trish and Candi through the window. They were kissing and their hands were busy undressing each other. I felt excitement as I allowed myself to be a voyeur. Sue caught on to what I was watching and put her hand in my lap.

‘Looks like Candi and Trish are really getting to know each other now.’ She winked as she rubbed my cock through my shorts.

Melinda stood beside us as we all watched the erotic scene through the glass. ‘Mr Rob, you are a very lucky man. You have all of these beautiful women all around you, and Ms Trish, she loves you most of all!’

‘I know.’ I answered, ‘Sometimes I think this is all just a dream.’ I looked down at Sue’s hand as she held my cock through the linen material of my shorts. ‘But this is a real hard on, and I can feel the warmth of your touch and the smoothness of your skin.’ I ran my hand along Melinda’s thigh. She took my hand and pulled it between her legs and I felt the dampness of her pussy.

‘Maybe we should get undressed like those ladies in the house.’ Melinda suggested. Trish and Candi were naked now and Candi was sitting on the edge of my massage table. Trish was fingering her and I knew the very moment that she discovered Candi’s clit ring. I could see her bend down and look closely. Then the look of exclamation as she confirmed the match. And then more wild kissing and touching.

Sue and Melinda and I were all disrobing each other while we observed the lovemaking in the casita. Sue put her mouth on my cock and started to suck. Melinda pulled my face into her belly and I began to kiss and lick her sweet olive skin. I could smell the musky aroma of her hot pussy and I moved down to taste it. She adjusted her stance to allow my tongue to probe the upper folds and the tip of her clit.

‘Oh Mr Rob! Mmm, that feels so good!’

I slid back in my chair and spread my legs to give Sue more space to work her oral magic on my dick. That also got me down into Melinda’s sweet tasting juicy cunt. She held my head and pulled me to her hot spots. I reached my hand around her hip and held the cheek of her ass while I ate away and slurped up her nectar.

I guess Teri and Tracy wanted to share in the action too because from the corner of my eye I saw Tracy’s body standing next to Melinda. She was kissing and nibbling on Melinda’s breast and I felt Melinda shudder in an orgasmic wave. I pressed my finger to her anus and it slipped ever so slightly into her dark hole. That produced another shudder and I used my forearm to support her in her moment of weakness.

Teri had crouched in behind Sue and was licking her ass hole while Sue continued to lick and suck on my sturdy pole. I knew I was going to let go soon, but I know that Sue loves the taste of my cum, and she also knows exactly how to sense my coming eruption, so I just let it happen. When I shot that first spurt, she swallowed it and then dove down hard forcing the tip of my cock down deep in her throat. I felt the tip rubbing on her insides and the swallowing action of her esophagus as she milked me dry.

From inside the casita we could hear Candi squealing with delight as Trish teased and played with the clit ring that matched her own. There was a massive simultaneous orgasm happening there in our backyard and we all just kept up our kissing and licking and sucking until there was no energy left in any of us.

The heap of sighing, moaning, happy flesh that was our five bodies sat quietly recovering as the door from the casita opened and Trish and Candi emerged sporting similar happy faces. They were holding hands. As I glanced their way I saw the shimmer of their clit rings while they walked toward us.

‘God Trish, I thought we were the only ones feeling sexy, but it looks like the same bug was biting out here too!’ Candi cried.

Sue looked up at them and smiled. ‘You two left the blind open and watching you got us all pumped up. I just had to help Rob with that monster in his pants. And Melinda had an itch that only Rob could scratch. And fortunately Tracy and Teri realized that we needed help over here, so they joined in and made everything perfect.’

Candi looked at us all and asked, ‘Is this what your honeymoon cruise is going to be like everyday?’

Trish giggled. ‘It probably will be, but you haven’t met the others yet. I’m sure that you’ll find them all to be delightful and there will be endless lovemaking. Just the way I want my life with Rob to be… day after day of endless lovemaking. And I want you to be part of it too. Rob, you were right. Candi and I are soul mates and I’m so glad you found her and brought her to me.’

I winked at Teri and Tracy, recalling our conversation from earlier this afternoon. I could see that they were going to enjoy getting to know Candi too.

As I regained my strength I got up from my chair. Melinda and Tracy and I began to do the final preparations for dinner. Trish, Candi, Sue and Teri got into the hot tub and conversed while relaxing to the massaging bubbles. Their chatter was drowned out to our ears by the water.


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