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A Wet Spiral TWB

Basic Submissive Induction for women.
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by CraigOOL and NLpredator

Text with Audio

Basic Submissive Induction for women

This is the Theta Wave Beats version, which provides a better trance experience for most people. Some people find the low frequency hum annoying. See the Wikipedia page on Theta Waves for more information.

If you have not tried "Awaken Your Inner Slut -- Basic Slut TWB", "Awaken Your Inner Slut -- Power Slut TWB", and "Awaken Your Inner Slut -- Slutocracy TWB", I suggest you use them first, they will provide all the basics you are looking for in bringing out your inner slut, which you will need as a submissive. Becoming a submissive is empowering, or should be, giving you access to the full, robust sexuality your society has denied you for too long. Paradoxically, you will find your freedom by giving it up.

Authors Note: This article uses self hypnosis techniques to help you improve your own sexuality. It is offered as both an audio file and a text file, there may be minor differences in them due to the performance of the reading. You will be surrendering yourself to to me, since a submissive has to belong to someone, even if it is only in her own imagination.

WARNING: This session uses behavioral modification techniques adopted from hypnotherapy. It will convert you into a submissive, using your own mind to do it if you listen to it. If you do listen to it, be sure you wish to engage in bisexual activities with more than one sex partner at a time. Side effects of such behavior can damage primary relationships, you should talk it over with your partner in your primary relationship before you listen to it. This is not an amusement for middle aged wives who have gotten bored. This is a tool to improve the sex lives of those who desire passionate sex with multiple people, under the control of their dominant, or master, and like any power tool you can use it to damage yourself. Don't do that, please.

The Induction used here is based upon the one used by Nlpredator on Tumblr in the article of the same name. This one has been modified for audio, updated for the change in dominants, and enhanced with hypnotherapy techniques to make it stronger. Like any conventional session, it is designed to be used daily over several weeks to reinforce the suggested changes.

Every night, when you go to sleep, you pass through a natural induction into a hypnotic state, the free form version of which we call dreams. Artificially induced versions of this mental state can help people to focus their entire mind, both conscious and subconscious, into making improvements in their lives.

Before we begin, let's go over a few things. First, if you read this or listen to it and follow the instructions here, you will go into a deep, hypnotic trance. The trance will be highly focused on evoking highly arousing and submissive feelings, so if you're not looking for that, you can stop reading or listening right now.

Second, like any induction, you should give this your full attention. That means no distractions, either from your surroundings or yourself. Find a quiet, private place. Be comfortable. Make sure you are relaxed, and continue to relax as you read or listen to this script Breath in through your nose, out through your mouth. You will forget to do this, but every time you remember that you have forgotten, focus again on your breathing until you once more forget. (Read that sentence again just to be sure you understand.) (Be comfortable. Make sure you are relaxed, and continue to relax as you read or listen to this script Breath in through your nose, out through your mouth. You will forget to do this, but every time you remember that you have forgotten, focus again on your breathing until you once more forget. Because you want to do so.)

With all of that out of the way, let's talk a little about hypnosis. More than anything else, hypnosis is your own imagination. (You are doing this because you want to, and because you want to, you have given your imagination great power.)

That doesn't mean that hypnosis is simply all in your head or that it isn't real. Instead, it speaks to the power of (your) imagination, your mind's ability to create its own reality, to relive a vivid memory, to visualize the immediate future, and to create beautiful things from nothing. Imagination is one of the most powerful tools that we have at our disposal, and it's thanks to it that we can create and experience new things. (You intensely want to experience a deep hypnotic trance, so you give your imagination the power to do that.)

Hypnosis uses that imagination, that power, to accomplish things that our regular consciousness can't. In the same way that an engrossing story in book, film, or television can completely capture you, move you to laughter and tears over the fate of a fictional cast, hypnosis can use your imagination to do amazing things. (You want to do amazing things with your mind. You want to please me. You want to show me you can do it too.)

When most people think of their imagination though, they focus first on the visual sense. A picture inside your head. Next comes sound. A song that gets stuck in your head. A familiar voice. Next is smell and taste together: powerful, vivid senses that can can instantly invoke long forgotten memories or gnaw at you with cravings for a favorite meal. (There are other cravings that are awakening in you, and your imagination will help you satisfy them too.)

Last of all is your sense of touch. That's because, most of the time, your mind doesn't really focus on this sense. It's always there, in the background. You can become aware of it, immediately identify the feel and texture of everything in contact with your skin, but most people don't give it much thought or imagination at all. (You want to imagine being touched so fully that in your mind, it is the same thing as being touched.)

That makes (it your sense of touch) fertile ground for us. Because, you see, the sense of touch is the sense of your body, the way it feels. When you are excited you feel it in your chest, in your heartbeat and the butterflies of your stomach and the sweat of your hands. When you are drowsy, you can feel it in the weight of your eyes, the swaying of your head, and the heaviness of your whole body. There isn't a sense that could be better suited for hypnosis. All we need now is your imagination. (You want your imagination to help us fully and completely, without objections or worries, opening yourself completely to the experience.)

So, let's put that imagination to use. We will use symbols. Symbols are like shortcuts for the mind. You get a distinct mental image with plenty of associations and memories when you see a logo, a flag, or religious icon, even if the symbol itself is as simple as a few lines. The images come to you whether you focus on the symbol or not, taking a shortcut through your mind to make you remember and visualize. That is the beginning of their power. (But since these symbols radiate through your mind, into the deepest parts of your unconscious, it is far from the end of their power.)

For this trance, there is really only one ideal symbol we could use. The spiral. A single line, curving in towards itself in a lazy circle, spinning, always moving towards the center. When you think of the spiral, images spring forth without any conscious thought to retrieving them. You think of how the spiral spins, even if it is laying still. You think of staring into one yourself, remembering those times you might have done so.

You think of the way the spiral appears in the media, instantly drawing whoever looks at it into a deep trance. You think of the fantasies and stories where a simple spiral was enough to erode the character's will. And for some of you, you remember thinking of the spiral as you go into a deep, heavy trance. (Look at it now.)

The image of the spiral is powerful, universal. But it is an image. A picture in your mind. Let's make it into something else. (Something more powerful. A wet spiral, always in your mind.)

Listen closely. I want you to take your left index finger, then slowly trace an invisible spiral on your forehead. A simple line, you don't have to worry about it being lopsided or squiggly, (your mind will correct it, make it perfect for you,) just use your finger to trace the spiral on your forehead and then focus on that spot, on the feel of your skin. (You feel the spiral sink into your flesh, into your skull, into your mind, then deeply into your subconscious.)

Even after you finish and remove your finger, your skin is sensitive enough that you can still feel where your fingers touched, where the spiral was drawn. And in your mind, you (still see) a spiral there, on your forehead. In your imagination, you can see that invisible but dark black spiral spin, and you can imagine it going to work, slowly draining your will, (pulling you back to obedience, to pleasure, to submission, and to relaxation.)

Focus on that image, that feeling. Let the spiral sharpen, come into focus. Moving, so that one ring becomes two, two becomes three, and so on, (deeper and deeper into your mind,) as the spiral goes deeper and deeper, never stopping. Just looking at it is enough to hold you still, but this spiral is a part of you, in direct contact with you, and you can feel its power over you. (Because you gave it power over you.)

It relaxes you. Makes your body start to feel heavy. With every breath, you can feel the spiral's power sinking deep inside of you, spreading to your limbs. Slightly numbing you, and making you feel good, better with every breath. (More relaxed, more aroused. More obedient, more aroused. More submissive, more aroused. More powerful, more aroused.)

And your eyes. The more power the spiral has, the more your eyes are fixed onto my words. Not just reading or listening to them, but rereading and re-listening to them, going back over each paragraph, each phrase and word, and every time the influence of my words grows stronger and stronger. You can feel my words sinking into your mind in the same way that the spiral is sinking into your body. (Both are permanently a part of you now. Because you want it to be part of you from now on.)

Your mind is growing relaxed, unfocused on everything except my words. Letting my words draw you down, deeper and deeper, towards a trance. A trance where your whole body will be completely relaxed. Where you will have a feeling of lazy anticipation, eagerly soaking up words and then effortlessly obeying. (Because you want to obey. Obedience is pleasure and pleasure is obedience.)

And when you obey, it will feel so very good. Like sunlight on your skin. (Like the small climaxes before a really big one. Like playing with puppies. Because you know that is the way it should be.)

Think about that now. Soaking in the sunlight, (playing with puppies, and thrills of joy race up and down your body.). Letting it sink into your skin on a perfect day. It feels so good, you don't want to move. You can't resist staying in the light just a little longer. And the longer you stay, the better it feels, the less you think of even stopping. (Because you want to obey. Because obedience feels good. Obedience is pleasure and pleasure is obedience.)

And everything else just fades away. In the same way that the sun makes the light of the moon and stars fade from the sky, my words make your resistance, any distractions, slowly sink into the background, washed out and powerless. (You want to obey more than any objection or doubt could ever matter.)

That's right, sinking down deeper now. Your body has begun feeling so pleasantly warm. My words so enthralling. Just a little further now. Let the spiral take you a little further. Let the warm light take you a little deeper. (Like a boat going over the falls of your stream of consciousness, you are going deep into your subconscious mind now, thrilling yet safe, because you want it.)

And on the count of ten, you will be ready. Ready to listen. Ready to obey. (Because you want to obey.)



You know that you're ready. Eager to obey. (Because you want to obey.)



Sinking deeper and deeper, my words always make you sink deeper. (Because you want to please me.)



And it feels so good, being so deep for me. (Because you want to go deep.)



Just letting yourself relax with another deep breath (Because you want to relax.)


And ten.

Good girl. Nice and deep. Now listen. (Because you want to do what I say.)

Imagine a room in white. Large and empty, featureless, stretching out as far as the eye can see. Imagine yourself standing there. How it would look from your eyes. How you would look from mine. And how the floor would feel on your feet. (Warm, comfortable, a place you could live your whole life.)

Let's place something inside. A bookshelf. Two heads shorter than yourself, (really reaching only the bottom of your breasts,) and wide. Either side extends towards the horizon, with no end in sight. And it is packed, filled with books. (You love these books. They are full of meaning to you. You crave giving me access to them.)

It is a symbol. A symbol for your mind. Everything within you is in these pages. Your memories, your feelings, your interests, everything. All of it within easy access and reach. And now that you've brought me here, shown this to me, we can make a few changes. (Because you want to. Because you crave giving me access to them. Because you want me to make changes to make you happier.)

Imagine taking a book from the shelf. A large book, with a red cover, though like most of the books in your shelf, it has no cover illustration, no title. Inside this particular book are all the secrets of your arousal. What turns you on, gets you wet, and makes you cum. (Just holding this book gets you very aroused. If you have not already started touching yourself, you should start masturbating now, but remember you cannot climax until the end of the session.)

Open the book, and flip forward. All of the pages are filled in with the unreadable scribbles of your unconscious, but on the last page...the last page is left blank. I want you to imagine me taking a wet brush, (wet with your arousal,) then slowly, in thick, oily lines, writing out:

Being hypnotized turns me on.

Being under control turns me on.

(The longer I am in trance, the wetter I become.)

The longer I am in trance, the more I need to cum.

I write these (three four) lines slowly, carefully. (You take the brush from my hand, dipping it in the gushing inkwell of arousal between your thighs, as your lubrication turns to black ink on the brush. You then write these four lines:)

(Being hypnotized turns me on, more and more every time I do it.

Being under control turns me on, more and more every time I obey.

The longer I am in trance, the wetter I become, my arousal more intense.

The longer I am in trance, the more I need to cum, and the harder I will cum.)

And now, imagine yourself blowing on the page, helping the ink to dry. Open your mouth, then softly blow. Good girl. And now, when the book is closed, then put it back in its proper place on the shelf...you can feel its effect strengthen. You were already aroused, but now you can feel my words (and your words) enforcing your arousal, forcing it to build stronger and stronger. You can feel your body respond, starting to ache for release. Because you want to cum for me. Because you want to obey.)

And it feels good. You know that when you are this aroused, that you leave yourself open. That when I write on the books within your mind, (or when you write on the books within your mind,) (my our) words shape your thoughts. Our words control your mind, because you have given me permission to write in your books. And knowing that just makes you feel even better. (You crave being obedient to me. Obedience is pleasure and pleasure is obedience.)

You want to be controlled. You want to obey. And the more you want that, the more aroused you feel, the more you can't keep your hands to yourself, (you have to touch yourself, and you have to touch me.) The more aroused you get, the closer you edge towards cumming. (Because you want to cum really, really hard for me. Because you want to obey.)

But not yet. (Right now you are just beginning your arousal, even as intense as it is right now. You have really been a Good Girl, very obedient, listening and obeying. Obedience is pleasure, and pleasure is obedience. So you deserve a mind bending, incredibly intense orgasm as your reward.)

Let your arousal build. Tease yourself just as I would tease you. Guide yourself towards that edge. But you won't cum just yet. (Because you want to obey, and that makes you even more aroused.)

And as you approach that edge, we will take out another book. This one with a white cover. This book is many things. In a way, it is your mind. Your will. Your awareness. It is you. Inside, the pages are blank, white on white, nothing that you can read. But we won't be writing on the pages. Using the brush with the cold, wet, oily black paint from before, I will make a single line on the cover of this white book. (I dip my brush in your arousal, again and again, as you open yourself to me, getting the brush so wet the ink of arousal is dripping off of it.)

(I draw a wet spiral. A spiral of your arousal, in permanent ink, in a spiral hidden inside your head.)

A symbol. A powerful, powerful symbol. My symbol, my mark on you. My power over you. Using this, you can let yourself sink back to this warm, obedient trance. Simply whenever you hear me tell you to remember the spiral, you will know which spiral I mean. And when you hear me remind you, your mind will start to sink. Your body will grow heavy. My words will start to sink deep inside of you. And you will return to this deep trance, deeper than before, always going deeper. (Because you want to obey. Because you want to relax. Because you want to please me. Because you need to please me.)

Blow on the ink, on the spiral. (Blow on the brush. You love blowing on my brush. You crave blowing on my brush.) Deep breath in, softly let it out. Good girl.

Very (excited, very aroused, very) good girl. Soon, you will close your eyes. In your mind, you will think of the spiral, (and the spiral that now lives in your mind will think of you.) Think of how good trance feels, (how relaxing yet arousing it is, how wet you are, how happy your obedience makes you.) How good it feels to be under my control, (how much pleasure you receive for your obedience, how much you crave being submissive.) You will think of these things, and you will cum (when I count down to zero). (As I count down each number, your arousal will get ten times stronger.) Hard, intense, more powerful than anything you could ever achieve alone. Even now, you need it, you must have that orgasm. (Fingers twitching inside yourself, thumb brushing your clitoris, hips bucking, thrusting, back arching you are in the most titanic orgasm of your life when I say zero, and it just goes on, and on, and on. Good Girl.)

And when you cum, you will keep your eyes closed for however long you like, but when you open them, the trance will be over. You will be awake, refreshed, and grateful.

(Ten -- you remember how much you crave using your mouth on my brush.

Nine -- you remember how aroused obeying me makes you. You know that you're ready. Eager to obey. Because you want to obey me.

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