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A Wife's Massage (Shemale Surprise)

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Conservative Christian wife has a massage surprise.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/21/2022
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Sweating slightly and breathing heavily, Staci climbed the front steps to her suburban home and unlocked the front door. She made a point of walking the neighborhood every morning before the day's heat set in, but as summer progressed that was getting harder and harder to do, and she often found herself sweaty and out of breath before 8:00 am.

Dropping her headphones in the cubby by the door, Staci made her way down the hall toward the master bathroom to get cleaned up before work. Stripping off her shorts and the light cotton shirt clinging to her torso, she tossed them in the laundry basket, followed by her sports bra. Stepping out of the closet, she glanced at herself in the large mirror. At 35, she'd never given much thought to her appearance, but she frowned slightly at the hint of cellulite in her butt. She loved her A-cup breasts though, appreciating how manageable and unobtrusive they were, and they suited her small frame.

Staci reached into the shower and turned on the faucet, then turned to clip up her long brunette hair to keep it dry. Following a short rinse, she dried off and braided her hair over one shoulder before dressing in her usual denim shorts and t-shirt for work, which was at a nearby cafe. Her husband had long since left for work himself, and it being a Tuesday, she knew he'd be home late.

They were often "ships in the night" and seldom seemed to find time for one another these hadn't always been that way, she mused as she took her car keys from the hook, but recent years had seen his career rise swiftly, and while she was proud of him, she missed the time they'd spend together in the evenings and weekends. She'd brought this up to him recently, and he'd promised to make it up to her soon...that had been last week, though, and Staci doubted he remembered the conversation at all.

It was a short, four-minute drive from her suburban home to the nearby shopping center, which housed a handful of restaurants, a dental office, a couple of clothing retailers, a massage parlor, and the cafe where Staci worked behind the counter most weekdays. Locking her car behind her as she walked toward the cafe entrance, she glanced over at the massage parlor a few doors down. It was a new place, hadn't been open more than a couple of weeks, and was quite tiny, occupying the smallest rental space the complex offered. Staci enjoyed a good massage, it might be worth a try, she mused to herself.

Putting the parlor out of her mind, Staci tied on her apron and was soon immersed in the daily motions of coffee, pastries, and sandwiches. By and large, she enjoyed her job...a naturally outgoing and sweet person, the constant social interaction with customers and fellow staff members suited her personality, and the work wasn't difficult. (Unlike her husband, she liked that she could leave work at work, and didn't bring home the worries and stresses that came with upper management jobs.)

The hours passed swiftly, and it was with mild surprise some time later that Staci noticed it was nearing closing time. As the last few customers slowly trickled out into the late afternoon sun, Staci began her end-of-day routine, wiping down tables and stacking the chairs upside down on top of them. She groaned slightly as she straightened from the last table and placed her hands in the small of her back, leaning backwards until she felt it crack pleasantly. That massage was sounding pretty good right about now, she thought.

Staci dropped her apron off behind the counter and waved goodbye to her coworkers closing up the kitchen and the cash register, and stepped outside into the afternoon heat. It was swelteringly hot inside her car, but thankfully it was a short drive home. She spent the four minutes musing over what she'd do for dinner that evening, since her husband wouldn't be home, and it was over thoughts of leftover chicken salad that she stepped through the front door and dropped her keys onto the nearby table.

Preoccupied as she was with her own thoughts, she didn't immediately notice the splash of color on the kitchen counter, but as she turned toward the refrigerator for a drink, she suddenly noticed the bouquet of roses and envelope sitting by the lazy susan. Staci blinked in surprise for a moment, then her face was wreathed in smiles as she realized who they must be from.

Alex must have come home early, she thought to herself, as she moved around the counter and reached for the roses. Lifting them to her nose, she breathed deeply, inhaling the deep aromatic fragrance of the red blossoms. Still smiling, she lay them back down on the countertop and turned her attention to the envelope.

Sliding it open, she withdrew a folded slip of paper. Immediately visible was a short hand-written note from Alex:

"Hi honey - I know I said I'd make up for things, I hope this is a start. Enjoy yourself tonight, you deserve it!

Love you-


Unfolding the paper, Staci's smile returned; it was a gift card to none other than the new massage parlor near her work. He must have noticed it when he drove past and stopped to book her a massage. Glancing further down the page, she noticed the appointment time and glanced at her watch - she was due to be there in 20 minutes.

Still wreathed in smiles at the thoughtfulness of her husband, Staci took a moment to put the roses in a vase, then quickly showered before dressing lightly in her yoga clothes and snatching her keys from the table by the door.

Minutes later, she was pulling once again into the parking lot of the small shopping center where she worked, but this time she drove past the cafe and pulled into a space several storefronts down. The small neon sign out front simply read "Massage"; the windows were covered with stock images of towels and stones wrapped in steam. It was getting well into evening, and only one other car occupied a space nearby.

Climbing out of the car, Staci approached the glass door. A small bell tinkled overhead as she opened it, and for a moment she found herself alone in a tiny lobby. A couple of cushioned chairs stood in a corner, and a nearby table held a pile of magazines and pamphlets. A counter window was directly to her right, flanked by a door that presumably led to the massage rooms.

Then, just as Staci was considering looking for a bell to ring, a young woman appeared behind the counter. Staci was immediately struck by how beautiful she was: she couldn't immediately tell if the woman was black or Asian, and she ultimately decided that she might be both. Dark, creamy skin met flawlessly with her hair, long black ringlets falling around her shoulders and framing distinctly slanted brown eyes. A small nose hovered above full lips with a slight pout, and she carried her full figure with unmistakable grace.

Stacia mentally shook herself and approached the counter. Since adolescence, Staci had struggled with the knowledge that she was very likely bisexual, but her conservative Christian upbringing and her dedication to her faith had taught her that such urges were wrong, so she adamantly suppressed them. Forcing herself to ignore her attraction to the woman behind the counter, Staci smiled.

"Hi," she smiled, producing the printed gift card. "My husband came by earlier, I have an appointment for 8:00."

She handed the paper to the woman, who examined it briefly before returning Staci's smile with a perfect set of white teeth, dazzling against her dark skin. When she spoke, her voice was soft and husky.

"Right on time," replied the woman. "You're the last one of the day. I'm Tasha, come on back and we'll get you situated."

Tasha came around and opened the door for Staci, then led her down a softly lit hallway lined with half a dozen doors on either side. She stopped outside the second door on the right.

Ushering Staci inside, Tasha revealed a small room lit warmly with dim wall sconces. The light blue walls complemented the artwork hanging on them, and a subtle scent of lavender filled her nostrils. A massage table with neatly folded towels dominated the center of the room; the only other furniture was an empty chair and a small table set against the far wall, which held an assortment of oils and a diffuser.

"I'll give you a few minutes to get undressed," said Tasha. "Go ahead and lie face down on the table when you're ready, I'll be back shortly and we'll get started." She stepped back into the hallway and closed the door.

A slight smile of anticipation hovering on her lips, Staci set her purse down on the empty chair and began to undress. Neatly folding her yoga clothes and underwear on top of her purse, she lifted the towel spread across the top of the massage table and slipped underneath, relishing the feel of the soft sheets beneath her nude body. Settling herself in comfortably and placing her face into the hole before her, Staci took a deep breath and relaxed.

It was only a moment later when she heard the door open again, and she sensed rather than heard Tasha come in, close the door behind her, and move across the room to the small table of oils.

"Looks like you have a full hour this evening, are there any places in particular you'd like me to focus on?" she asked softly.

"My shoulders and the small of my back would be great," Staci replied.

Tasha didn't respond, but Staci was suddenly aware of her presence next to the table. The click of a bottle cap told her that oils were being opened, and a moment later she felt gentle pressure on her shoulders as Tasha's warm hands began to work.

If Staci could have purred, she would have. Tasha's hands were magic; over the next fifteen minutes, she expertly navigated every kink and sore muscle in Staci's back, applying pressure and kneading out each ache. Staci fell into a state of half-sleep, utterly relaxed and in complete bliss.

"How are we doing?" asked Tasha in her soft, husky voice.

"Mmm," was all Staci could summon as a reply. Wordlessly, Tasha slowly worked along Staci's arms and hands, then moved to her feet, gently massaging each area before moving higher, over her calves and to her thighs. Staci sighed deeply in pleasure, her eyes closed as she savored the marvelous treatment of Tasha's ministrations.

"I'm just going to remove the towel," said Tasha, and she gently pulled the towel covering Staci's backside to one side and draped it over the back of the chair.

Roused slightly by the sudden cool air, Staci's eyes opened for a moment as goosebumps spread across her skin, and she gave a short involuntary shiver.

Tasha laughed softly. "Sorry about that, we'll get you warmed up." Staci immediately felt Tasha's hands once again on her thighs, her fingers digging expertly into Staci's muscles.

Then it happened: Tasha's hand brushed lightly against Staci's exposed clitoris, and she gasped audibly, her eyes flying open again.

"Something wrong?" asked Tasha, her hands pausing a moment. She didn't appear to have noticed what she'd done.

"No, I'm fine," replied Staci after a moment, rather breathily. She was awake now, and despite herself, she began to feel an unmistakable warmth spreading from her stomach to her loins. She involuntarily began to moisten, and Staci felt herself flush with embarrassment and arousal. She shifted nervously, and a moment later felt Tasha's hands return to her thighs, moving upwards and across her buttocks.

Angrily, Staci chided herself for her lapse in control, and focused her attention on anything but her body's arousal. Tasha's hands moved from Staci's right cheek to her left, and this time Staci distinctly felt a finger slip briefly into her crack before moving on.

Her body jerked slightly involuntarily, and she felt anger rising suddenly. She moved to push herself up.

"Hey, wha -"

A strong, firm hand suddenly pushed against her back and Staci dropped back facedown into the hole in the table. Her mind struggled momentarily to comprehend what was happening, and then, to her horror, she felt the weight of someone else climbing onto the massage table with her, their weight pressing down upon her back.

"Lie still," said Tasha's voice. The softness had gone, and was replaced with a deep huskiness that hadn't been there before. Staci tried to push herself up, but the weight of the woman lying on top of her was too great, and she found she had little choice but to remain where she was.

Staci had only a moment to process this sudden turn of events, before she again felt Tasha's hands, gently parting her ass cheeks. A finger slid up her exposed clitoris, and a low laugh sounded above her.

"I thought you looked wet."

The finger traced around her opening, and Staci began to try and heave the oppressive weight off of her, but to no avail. Her efforts were suddenly halted when two fingers slipped suddenly inside her, and she squealed in shock. They wriggled slowly around her wet interior, before a third joined them, and they began to move back and forth, spreading her natural lubricant liberally around her opening.

Staci's eyes were half-closed; she was having a little trouble catching her breath with the weight of Tasha's body on top of hers, but she couldn't deny that her arousal was climbing with every stroke of Tasha's fingers inside her.

Dear God, this isn't happening, Staci thought to herself. I'm being raped by a woman. Oh God, no...

But there was no escaping the knowledge that her pleasure was rapidly overcoming her inhibitions. Tasha felt Staci push her butt back up against her fingers, almost imperceptibly, and a smile crossed her face. She had the young woman exactly where she wanted her.

Staci felt Tasha's weight shift above her as Tasha pushed herself up, suspending her body above Staci's, her free hand still applying her full weight against Staci's back. Tasha's fingers slipped out of Staci's vagina, but Staci had no time to decide whether she felt relieved or not before she felt something else press against her opening....something decidedly larger than a finger.

The pressure against her continued, and Staci writhed against her captor, but with no success. Then, whatever it was that was pushing against her, slid past her opening, and Staci cried out in shock as she felt herself penetrated by something long and hard. It slid to a stop as she felt Tasha's body suddenly pressed against her bottom, then it began to pump in and out of her, slowly and deeply.

Holy Christ, does this woman have a strap-on??? Staci thought wildly to herself. With a herculean effort, Staci heaved herself up just far enough to twist her head around, and the sight that met her eyes left her utterly shocked.

Tasha was completely nude, her full, natural breasts heaving with each thrust of what was unmistakably...a real penis. Staci gaped in astonishment as the dark member appeared and disappeared into her body, completely unable to process what she was seeing.

She's....a transgender....?

Seeing Staci's astonished look, Tasha met her eyes and grinned. Reaching up with one hand, Tasha firmly gripped Staci's chin in her fingers and leaned down, kissing her hard on the mouth. Staci grunted into Tasha's lips as Tasha continued to thrust in and out of her, harder and faster than before, building in intensity.

Staci's mind raced to catch up. Every part of her mind was screaming at her to run, that this was wrong, that she didn't want this....yet every fiber of her body shuddered in ecstasy. It had been so long, so long since she and Alex....and God, this woman was beautiful.

Tasha slipped her tongue past Staci's lips, and it was in that moment that Staci gave in to her carnal urges.

Tasha felt Staci's tongue reach for her own, and as Staci's body began matching the rhythm of Tasha's pounding thrusts, pushing back against her with each one, Tasha knew that this was now fully consensual, however much she had struggled at first.

Staci continued kissing Tasha over her shoulder, her eyes lidded over with lust and moans of pleasure rising from deep in her chest. Tasha was breathing heavily now, the effort of holding herself above Staci's body and fucking her from behind beginning to take hold. Sweat began beading on both women, the heat of their bodies rising with exertion as they passionately fucked on the massage table, Staci's butt rising to meet each thrust of Tasha's cock.

Suddenly pulling free, Tasha slid off the table and stood up, allowing Staci the opportunity at last to roll over and see fully her lover's body. Tasha's dark ringlets clung to her face, disheveled, and her full lips were parted as she breathed heavily, catching her breath. Her breasts, so much larger than Staci's own, glistened with sweat and heaved with each breath, each mound tipped by a small dark nipple. A flat stomach led down to her crotch, where a hard, 7-inch penis throbbed above a shortly-trimmed mass of dark curly pubic hair.

Tasha reached out, and seizing Staci's legs, flipped her onto her back and pulled her toward herself in a single swift movement. Pushing Staci's legs up, Tasha placed herself once more at the entrance to Staci's body, and without hesitation plunged herself back into her once more.

Overcome now by lust, Staci's cries of protest had long since turned to moans of pleasure, and she lifted her waist slightly to meet Tasha's thrusts, reveling in the sight of Tasha's breasts heaving upward with each one. Impulsively, Staci reached forward and seized them in her hands, feeling their supple weight. Tasha groaned in delight, closing her eyes and tilting her head back as she fucked Stacia as deeply as she could.

Staci's cries grew louder as Tasha continued thrusting in and out of her, and she felt a sensation rising in her body. Without warning, Staci screamed, her body convulsing involuntarily as an orgasm overtook her, overwhelming her senses. Tasha, breathing very heavily now, didn't let up but continued her rhythmic pounding as Staci orgasmed on her cock, feeling the wetness of Staci's fluids gushing over her abdomen and down her sweaty legs.

Unrelenting, Tasha ignored her growing weariness and thrusted harder still; Staci's eyes rolled up into her head, and she saw blackness on the edges of her vision and was dimly aware that she was going to pass out. The heat and exertion overtook her at last, and Staci fainted, her body suddenly slumping on the massage table.

Tasha stopped and stared in surprise for a moment, completely nonplussed. That had never happened before. Before she could even wonder what to do next, though, Staci began to rouse herself, blinking and shaking her head.

Seeing that she was alright - and unwilling to allow Staci the chance to come to her senses and end the sex before Tasha was finished - Tasha made a split-second decision.

Pulling her completely soaked cock out of Staci's vagina, soliciting a weak gasp from Staci in the process, Tasha mopped up copious amounts of Staci's cum from her legs and began to apply them liberally to Staci's anus. Staci moaned slightly as first one, then two fingers, lubricated her virgin asshole, the sensation nearly overwhelming her again.

At last, feeling that Staci had been sufficiently prepared, Tasha removed her fingers and placed the tip of her still-hard cock against Staci's anus, pressing against the puckered hole before her. Staci groaned softly at the pressure, and then she suddenly shocked awake with a shriek, her hands gripping the sides of the table in pain, as Tasha pushed herself firmly into Staci's ass.

"No!" she screamed. Or tried to, at least. Tasha wasted no time recommencing her rhythmic thrusts, and Staci quickly felt pain give way to a realm of pleasure she had never experience before. Gaping in astonishment down at the hard cock in her anus, Staci unconsciously lifted her legs and hips up to meet Tasha, offering a better angle and an incredible view of what was happening to her.


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