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A Win-Win

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A Parody, A Wife introduces her CD husband to an Admirer.
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(A wife starts to actively participate in her CD husband's sex life. Just a bit of fluff, hope you like it.)


We were laying in bed, sex was done, my wife could now relax for the rest of the month or more. We had been married for eight years and we were in our mid-thirties. She wanted no kids, she was way too clean, and she didn't like to leave the house. I think we were both bored.

She was reading her book, it was open twenty seconds after I took off the condom.

"If Men are from Mars," She asked me, "and Women are from Venus."

"Mmm," I listened.

"Where do crossdressers come from?"

I thought, "Um, Queens, obviously."


I had been crossdressing since I was a kid. I had so many clothes hidden under my bed when I was young. Hidden from my mother and sisters. By the time I was eighteen, I had a complete wardrobe. I had lingerie, heels, dresses to die for, and lots of makeup. I had summer jobs while going to school and I saved all my money up to support my hobby.

I moved out and got a bigger closet. I did lots of squats and my legs became perfect. Long and sexy. I had over a dozen high heels.

Then I met Lucille. She wore dresses, she worked at the bank next to my office. I loved a woman in a dress. We dated for almost two years. I cut down on my dressing up, but I was more focused and getting better at it. I told Lucille I wore skirts and she didn't believe me. I had to show her pictures, but she still didn't believe that it was me. She told me I just wanted to break up with her, there was no way I was that good-looking. She said it was an excuse.

I showed her that coming weekend. She looked at me, I was so much more glamourous than her. She never wore makeup or even heels but she was beautiful. I told her she could borrow my makeup and clothes. They were too small for her, she laughed and told me she would read up on it. She went to wash her hands and then left, slamming the door.

We got married right after that, she said she was happy I wasn't lying to her. She said she never wanted to see me dressed as a woman again. Ever. That was easy, I stayed in my own room. That was eight years ago, I now have over three dozen pairs of heels.


My wife's name was Lucille but she wanted everyone to call her Beth. My name was Samuel and I wanted HER to call me Sabrina. Beth wouldn't call me that, she didn't call me anything, she waited until I looked at her. Sometimes I didn't look at her for days.

I looked at her, "I am done with sex." She told me. "Go do that cross-dressing thing if you want sex."


"What, what? I don't want to have sex anymore, that's all. No big deal. I'm an adult I can stop when I want." She got up and picked another self-help book from her library. "Nicole says crossdressers are oversexed, whatever that means. So go have your over sex with someone overqualified." She leaned into her recliner and started drinking coffee and reading.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. What did you say to Nicole?" Nicole was Beth's friend from work, she had lots of opinions.

"I told her you were a better-looking woman than the two of us. She didn't believe me, then I showed her some pictures. You have to make it harder to find your social media accounts if you are keeping your dressing a secret."

That was all I needed, my wife's friend knowing about my crossdressing, and my pictures.

"Her husband Geoff saw the pictures too, I think he is following you now. He said he liked all of your pictures."

This was getting worse, all because she didn't want to have sex and was bored. This little drama is going to keep her mind busy and make me embarrassed in the long run.

"He especially likes when you make videos."

This couldn't be good, thank god we didn't see them too often. There is no way I could look at him now that he knows I dress up.

"Oh and um, Geoff is coming over on Saturday. He wants to have sex with you, specifically intercourse and maybe the other thing as well." She turned her page, she could read and talk at the same time. "He wants you to wear that short green dress."


I couldn't believe what she was telling me. It was crazy. First of all, the pictures of me in green were buried by a year's worth of other pictures, Geoff must have been doing some research.

She then said that she and Nicole were done with sex, and since Nicole's husband and I weren't... then we could have it with each other. She said it was a win-win. I don't think she understands that phrase.

Soon I started getting texts from Geoff. I was going to see him in five days he told me. He was going to drop something off in the morning. He would give it to Beth.

He then sent me pictures of himself, telling me he was looking forward to having sex with me. I told him to stop texting that, I wasn't doing anything with him. I told him I didn't sleep with men. But he texted me back, 'You don't have to sleep with men just me.' And he would see me Saturday. Geoff wasn't a guy you fooled around with, or more to the point argued with. He was a good seven inches taller than my five-eight, and thin frame.

When I came home from work I was a nervous wreck. Beth took pictures of all the things Geoff had dropped off and sent them to me. I couldn't concentrate at work. She wanted me to explain every one of them to her when I got home.

She opened the big box, She held up a weird-looking bright pink object. "What is this?

I didn't want to tell her, but she started going online and looking it up herself.

She read, "This is a butt plug, its made of silicone it goes into your..."

"I know where it goes," I stopped her.

"And this is an Enema Bag Kit, Geoff said to read the directions." This couldn't get any worse, and Beth was so nonchalant. Like it's every day her crossdressing husband goes through a box of sex aids. "Oh, and he said these are temporary."

She handed me a couple of clear sheets of plastic. They were temporary tattoos, they were mostly in pink and black and said 'Wifey' and 'Sissy.'

"He wants you to wear one of the 'Wifey' one's for Saturday. On your back, right over your butt."

"Beth, this is crazy. I am not doing any of this." I ran into my back bedroom and locked the door. I couldn't believe how fast this had escalated, now I had a kitchen full of things for Geoff to use on me. I was thinking I'm not gay, I'm not sleeping with a man. Of course, I thought this over as I browsed through my new dresses and heels hidden in my closet. Beth knew all about them but she really had only seen pictures of me and only recently. Only my followers on social media got to see me all dressed up... and I think most of them were men.

Beth knocked on the door. "Sabrina? He also gave you a pink lace choker of some sort it says... C, U, M, S, L, U, T. I have him on the phone, anything else you want to add?"

"Ahh..." I jumped in bed and went under the covers. It was going to be a long night. I only had a couple of days to get out of this. And I couldn't believe now she was finally using my femme name.


When I got home the next day, my girly bedroom door was ajar. I looked inside and Beth was making the bed. The bedspread was mostly pink with colorful patterns, she was fluffing up the pillows.

"How do you like the comforter? I got it on clearance. I even found matching curtains."

I didn't know what to say, I was hovering by the door, she never came inside this room and it's usually nice and dark. I never opened the blinds, the whole room was painted a red wine color.

"I found some new lamps too, I was having fun shopping for Sabrina." She giggled. "I like thinking of her as a whole other person."

I walked into the room, it was even more girly looking from the inside, it could have been a teenager's room. There was a glow of light pink and yellow from the two lamps, I actually liked it but I couldn't tell her that. "I am not having Geoff over, you have to put a stop to this."

"No, they are looking forward to this weekend. Nicole and I are gonna hang on the patio while the two of you do intercourse, or whatever."

I was still so shocked, I even noticed that she brought the items Geoff sent and they were sitting on my vanity just waiting to get used.

She was patting down the bed, making it look perfect. "I can't believe you were going to have a man in your bed with those sheets, I put on a new silk one for the two of you. When was the last time you changed them?"

I just stared at her. Was I really going to have a man in my bed? And the room felt so different, there were now candles on the nightstands and flowers on my dresser. I had a whole row of new nail polish bottles on the vanity and it looked like a new makeup set was next to it. My green dress must have come back from the cleaners, it was on a hanger in a clear bag hanging on my closet door. My whole closet looked like it got an air out, all my heels were now rearranged by color. The room even smelled like strawberries.


I was on edge the rest of the week, Geoff would text me a couple of times a day. He would also comment on my pictures on social media. He told all my followers that we would be intimate this weekend. It started a crazy thread of people wishing us luck and happiness, and every one of them wanted pictures of the two of us, before, during, and after sex. Things couldn't get worse.

When I got home that Thursday night, there was a strange car in the driveway. I think things got worse.

"Here she is," Beth announced when I walked in.

A woman was sitting at the kitchen table with Beth.

"Meet your new beautician," She said as the woman took my hand. "This is Marilyn, she has a cute salon at the mall."

I just smiled things were getting weirder for me. Beth never discussed my crossdressing and now she was actively participating in it.

"Hi, I can't wait until Saturday, you are going to look scrumptious for your lover."

She then started touching my hair and making me lift my shirt. She was taking notes and using a tape measure. We then went into my bathroom. She gave me a hair removal cream and explained how to use it. I had the hair on my legs removed already but the rest of my body had slight blonde on it. It didn't show up in my pictures.

I did whatever she said. I was glad Beth wasn't going to mind me being hair-free.

Marilyn even instructed me on how to use the enema kit. I felt so different when I exited the shower. I felt embarrassed standing in front of these two women naked under a new short satin, powder blue robe. My legs looked very sexy and the two of them kept on commenting about them. Marilyn made me put on a bra and some panties. She then painted my toenails a very light pink, almost white. She said they would go perfectly with my green dress. They did look nice, I was liking being pampered like this. I put on a pair of mules after she lotioned my feet, legs, and arms. Then she started working on my face. She was removing my hair, she told me I had to go to her salon two times a week, and soon I would have a perfect smooth feminine face and body.

Before she left, she put Brazilian Bum Cream on me and then gave me some vitamins and little pills. "Take one of each now, and then twice a day. Okay, sugar?"

Then she was gone with my green dress and a full shopping bag, we would see her Saturday.

Beth was putting the coffee cups in the dishwasher. "When I told all the girls at the salon about Saturday, Marilyn volunteered to help. Isn't that nice? All the girls are so excited for you."

I was stunned, everyone knew what was going on. That night Beth went into her bedroom and I slept in mine. I wore my nightgown and thigh highs. I loved how my nails looked through the nylon. I slept surprisingly well on the silky sheets, I didn't even eat dinner.


I had one more day to get out of my tryst with Geoff. He texted me constantly, just asking how I was and about my day. It was freaking me out a little. He also sent me pictures, of the new suit he bought for our date.

'Geoff it is not a date. Don't you and Nicole have something better to do this weekend?' I texted him, I kept on begging him to make different plans.

He sent me another picture. It was of his dick. He called but I didn't answer. He called a bunch of more times and I hung up. Beth came in and told me to talk to him. Now.

"He just wants to talk about tomorrow. Stop acting like this, he's just a little excited. He thinks you are very hot."

"I can't talk to him like this, I look a mess, tell him I'll call him later."

"Tsk, women," Beth said and left me alone.

I was so nervous, what could he want to talk about. I did my makeup quick and put on my long blonde wig that curled at the bottom just landing on my boobs. I slipped on a floral print hemmed midi dress, it wasn't sexy at all. I put on four-inch sandals, I had to get into the right mind space to talk to him. I sprayed on some perfume and my female voice finally came to me. "Hi," I said to my reflection in the mirror, clearing my throat. "Hi again, I hope you are ready for this."


"What do you want?" I asked into my phone, I was nervous. Geoff was so big and tall and his dick looked quite scary, it was at least four times the size of mine. I couldn't believe he wanted to put it inside of me.

"Hi, you have a nice voice." He then got right into it. "That was the first time I sent a picture like that, was it okay? It wasn't that easy to take. Don't tell the wives." I was spacing out as he talked, I wasn't used to being wooed over the phone if that's was he was attempting.

"Nicole is terrible in bed." He told me as if I cared. "I have seen your pictures, you need a man. I am a great lover you will be very satisfied when we are done. I'll see you tomorrow at three, beautiful." He hung up. I didn't even have time to argue.

I had a worried look on my face in the mirror. I couldn't believe this was going to happen, I thought as I took my vitamins and pills and then rubbed lotions on my smooth body and cleaned off my makeup. I slipped into a short teddy and thigh highs, then fell asleep. I missed dinner again.


Beth woke me up early, we had a busy day. I couldn't believe I was going to go through with this. Beth told me I was acting like a brat, so I went quietly into the car. I ate a banana as we drove to the mall.

Soon we were walking into a salon and a young girl greeted us. "Hi," She smiled, "right on time."

Beth gave her another shopping bag. "I just have to pick up my order in the food court, I'll see you a lot later." Beth left me alone, I didn't know what I was doing. The girl took my hand and led me to the back where Marilyn was waiting for me.

"Hi Sabrina, let's get you started."

The little girl sat me down and in seconds I had two little diamonds in my ears.

"Come back in a couple of weeks and we will do the next one, Beth tells me you would like three in each ear."

"I do?" I looked at her, I was quite shocked. I always wanted pierced ears I was just too afraid to ask the wife, I wish I did it years ago. I thought I would look great in a big pair of pierced hoops.

"Okay, let's get undressed," Marilyn said and she brought me into the back of the shop. I went into a big shower where she made me use the enema kit. When I was done she gave me a robe. I was so glad the little girl was gone. "Okay, lean on this table." Marilyn then lifted my robe and slathered me up with lube, I spied a look and she had the pink butt plug in her hand. "This is gonna hurt." She giggled.

I saw stars after she got the plug inside of me. It felt so tight, it made me walk funny. She made me practice.

"With heels, it will feel so much better," She giggled.

"Bent over again I might as well put this on too," And soon I had the tramp stamp that said 'Wifey' in beautiful script, right over my ass. "Perfect, that was easier than I thought. It says it will stay on for three to four weeks, we can change it to 'Sissy' then if you'd like.


Three hours later I was completely done. I was looking in the mirror at a beautiful woman. "Marilyn? How can I look like this, I have work on Monday."

"Ooh, I have the cutest white blouse and black skirt you can wear. You are going to be so much more popular."

It felt like days ago that Marilyn gave me new D-Cup breast forms and glued them on my chest. They matched my skin color perfectly. She also put me into a waist cincher, my first time wearing one. Then in tight green panties and a garter belt. I had sheer nude stockings on and my feet were nestled into six-inch platform heels with a thick gold strap. I was now 6'2" I was hoping Geoff was taller than that.

My green dress never looked better. It was a ruched Bodycon dress with spaghetti straps, the hem dipped right below my stocking tops, it was much shorter than I remember. I had lost some weight since I last wore it but it was a perfect fit, even over the new breasts, with the new cleavage. My followers were going to love me in this, I took a couple of selfies.

I looked in the mirror again as Marilyn finished brushing my hair, it was now all mine and long. Streaked blonde leading down to the middle of my back. Full and amazing.

"Marilyn? How do I take off my hair?"

"You don't sugar, come in next week and the girls will give you a brand new style. Let's mix it up a bit."

I touched my plump pink lips with my finger. My nails were so long they were white with a touch of pink, they matched my toes. I had perfect eyebrows and long lashes, but the biggest change was my makeup. My eyes were large and dark I looked and felt like a new woman, I felt I was too sexy for Geoff. I was definitely too sexy for this mall. She then put big gold hoops on my ears to complement the diamonds. I turned my head back and forth, I looked pretty amazing. I took a couple more selfies, and some with Marilyn.

"Come, let's find you a signature scent." Marilyn and the little shop girl walked me back into the main room to go through the different perfumes. We were now surrounded by customers and more of the staff. They all complimented me on my dress and hair, I was shy but quite proud. I smelled so many fragrances, there were over two dozen of them. I decided on Versace. It smelled wonderful and came in a sexy bottle. Marilyn just put a touch of it on my wrists, neck, and behind my knees.

She put her nose on my clavicle. "Mmm, not only do you look like a woman, you now have the air of a beautiful woman too, let's get you wrapped up and ready to leave, haha." Marilyn had a shopping bag full of my perfume, makeup, cleansers, and so many brushes. "Any questions just call, sugar."

I walked out to the front clicking in my heels, I didn't see Beth, and I could feel the butt plug. I was wiggling a little more exaggeratedly than usual.

"Holy Mother of God," I heard a voice from outside the mall. Nicole had her hands up to her mouth. She started taking pictures of me as I waved goodbye to all of the Salon women while walking out. "Sabrina?"

"Um, yes."

"I just wanted to be sure, I don't want to take the wrong woman home to Geoff, he has his heart set on you."

She looked at me closer, she was tiny I had to be a foot and a half taller than her.

"Um, Sabrina do you have any ID? I just want to double-check." she lightly touched my breasts.

I realized I haven't seen her in months, and she knew all about what was going to happen today. I was quite nervous, mainly because I was now dressed like a supermodel and in the middle of a mall. And my breasts were being fondled. There was a crowd of admirers around us watching and taking pictures.

"Bye Sabrina," I heard Marilyn call, "Tell me ALL about it."

"Okay, I guess it is you, let's go."


I was in the passenger seat of Nicoles' big roomy Jeep, we were listening to NPR, she seemed very excited about what was going on. "You can't believe how much work I got done this week, Geoff wasn't focused or bothering me at all. I even read two books and watched a couple of movies. He usually texts me constantly."

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