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A Witch's Grasp

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The old but beautiful Ms. King has a surprise for poor Alex.
8.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/10/2019
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Author's note: This story contains non-consensual sex and an older dickgirl (GILF) on femboy. You have been warned.


For the first time in his life, Alex was riding a limousine. It was truly bizarre, how only a week ago he had almost been ready to sell one of his own kidneys in order to make ends meet, and now he was on his way to his new job, in the most fancy way imaginable. For a poor, young boy like him, the experience was both nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time, almost like something out of a movie. Even the person behind the wheel looked exactly like you would expect a limousine driver to look like, a middle-aged, handsome, mustache wielding man, fully suited up with a chauffeur's hat and a pair of white gloves.

The advertisement for the job was peculiar to say the least. It had simply been titled"Personal Assistant", with a description that barely offered any information other than the bare minimum required for an ad to be allowed on the website he had found it on. Aside from the one sentence describing his work duties, the only things he had learned was that his employer was a rich, elderly woman, living several miles from the city, and that the job required him to live at the place of employment. It seemed a bit much, but it was only a summer job after all, so it wasn't exactly a huge sacrifice on his part.

In reality, Alex knew that "personal assistant" was just a pompous title for what was essentially geriatric care, as had been made clear in the ad, albeit not directly stated. But he figured that"taking care of everyday needs" couldn't mean much else, especially considering that no prior experience was required. It was far from what he had hoped to have as his first job, but he was desperate, and a job is a job. Besides, spending the summer what was probably going to be some sort of mansion? That would be an experience to say the least, work duties be damned.

When he was contacted with the information that he had been offered the job, it had come as a shock. Not only due to his low expectations and lack of any worthwhile skill, but also due to the fact that he hadn't even been to an interview. Furthermore, he had been required to agree to an oral contract over the phone, binding him to the job over the summer with no possibility of quitting. It was shady, almost as if something criminal was at work, but he accepted regardless. He needed this.

"We have arrived, young master," the driver suddenly said, just as Alex's field of vision was filled with the sight of his employer's home, making his eyes go wide. It was way fancier than he had expected, not to mention larger, almost like a castle. In front of it there was a garden spanning several acres, complete with a fountain in the middle and a rosebush-lined gravel path splitting off on either side of it, before merging again where it lead up to the front door.

The car came to a halt, and before Alex even had the chance to scoot over to the door to make his exit, the driver was already there, holding it open for him."Young master" he had called him. Strange. He couldn't help but wonder why a simple caretaker like him was worthy of such treatment, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. It made him feel important for the first time in his life.

Immediately upon setting his feet on the ground, he was met with a new face, that of a tall, beautiful young woman, barely looking older than himself at 18. With a welcoming smile, she made her way over to Alex from the large gate in front of the garden where she had been waiting.

"Welcome," she began, holding her hand out for the significantly shorter boy to shake. "You must be Alex. I'm Clara."

"Um, hello," Alex replied meekly, shaking the woman's hand with a weak, nervous grip.

"Nice to meet you." She held Alex's hand tightly, eyeing him from head to toe, a strange little smirk on her pretty face the entire time. Alex silently looked up at her, gulping uncomfortably at the attention despite the woman's charms and warm welcoming. "Let's not waste any time. You have work to do." Clara spun around elegantly in her high heels, making her long, black ponytail swing in a wide arc behind her. "Oh, and don't worry about your luggage, we'll take care of it," she added, looking back at Alex as she began walking towards the gate.

The indication that he was supposed to follow her barely registered in his head, as he was too busy admiring the suit-clad curves of Clara's ample body. It wasn't until she turned around to see him blushing that he finally snapped out of it, and with a few awkward steps that almost had him trip over his own feet he caught up with her, his eyes embarrassingly looking down at the ground.

Clara giggled softly. "Are you nervous?" she asked, before an awkward silence had the chance to set in.

"A little..." Alex admitted, doing his best to put on an innocent smile. "It's my first time working. And the job description was a little... vague."

"Apologies. It can be hard to interpret Ms. King's needs at times, but I do hope I managed to put together a somewhat acceptable ad." She kept her head straight and her chin up as she spoke, her wide hips gracefully swaying from side to side, despite the threat of the gravel path throwing her off balance due to her less than appropriate footwear.

"Err, not to sound rude, but... who are you exactly?" He felt dumb asking her such a thing, but as far as he knew there had been no mention of anyone other than his employer, and this girl clearly wasn't her.

The pretty girl turned to Alex with her eyebrows raised and her hand on her chest in embarrassment. "Oh, forgive me! I'm Ms. King's manager." She went back to her smirk from before, in an almost robotic fashion. "Everything that reaches her from the outside goes through me first."

There was something off about Clara, something that couldn't quite be placed. As if she was withholding information. There were plenty of things Alex wanted to know about the job before meeting his employer, but this woman didn't seem like the person to ask, but he was damn well going to anyway.

"Alright..." Alex mumbled as they walked past the fountain, unsatisfied with the lack of incentive to enlighten him about his duties. "So, could you tell me more about what I will be doing here?"

"Oh, you know," Clara said, with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Just helping Ms. King with a little bit of this and that. Nothing difficult."

"... Specifics, please?" This was starting to annoy him. Though he didn't let it show, of course.

Clara sighed. "You're mostly just going to keep her company. She gets lonely fast and needs someone to talk to in order to stay in good mental shape for her work. But she might ask you to help out with simple tasks. Making her bed, bringing her coffee, turning on her bathwater... that kind of stuff. Easy, right?"

It did sound easy. Too easy. They pay wasn't nearly bad enough to warrant such easy tasks. Surely, there must have been something more to it, right? A few worst case scenarios popped up in Alex's head. Perhaps Ms. King was a putrid, angry beast of a woman, enjoying making less fortunate souls suffer. Perhaps he was expected to take care of her toilet- and cleaning related needs. He shuddered at the mere thought.

"I guess," Alex said in a distant tone, as they finally made their way up the staircase to the large, wooden front door. "Another thing, how come there was no job interview?"

"There was no need for it," Clara dryly replied as she swung the door open, revealing the lobby's decorative interior which Alex began admiring while listening to the manager's words. Despite looking just like what he had expected given how fancy the outside was, he still found himself in awe. Two staircases ran along either side of the round walls, coming together into a large balcony overlooking the lobby, a chandelier hung from the ceiling, and several chinese vases and marble torsos sat on pedestals along the edge of the floor. "Ms. King saw your application and that was it. You really stood out, apparently."

"Really? Why is that?"

Clara shrugged. "Who knows. You'll have the chance to ask her yourself soon." She began taking her shoes off, which was a bit unusual but made more sense when Alex noticed the line of slippers along the edge of the doormat. He quickly followed suit, happy to get out of the worn out sneakers that he had walking around in for far too long. With Alex right behind her, Clara began walking up the staircase, giving him a view of her big buttocks rubbing against each other in her tight suit, and had it not been out of respect for her as a colleague, he would have had a hard time looking away.

"Slippers, huh," he casually said, as if wanting to point out what an oddity it was.

"Yup. No outdoor shoes in this house. She's a bit of a clean freak, you see."

"Thank god," he thought. That took care of at least one of his worries.

They were quickly approaching a large mahogany door at the end of the second floor hallway, with fancy flower patterns carved into the wood, and Alex knew immediately that his had to be the master bedroom - the heart of the mansion. Clara stopped in front of it, between two large paintings on either wall that looked like they belonged in a museum, before turning to Alex, whose nervosity was showing more than ever.

"Okay, Ms. King should be working at her desk right now," Clara informed him, placing her hands on his shoulders. "She's really friendly, so just go in and say hello, alright?"

"... Are you not gonna introduce me?" Alex asked worryingly. He had always been a bit shy, and having someone with him when meeting a powerful woman like Ms. King would have helped tremendously.

"She doesn't like to be disturbed when she's working, so I try to leave her alone. But she'll welcome you with open arms, I promise you that."


Clara gave him a warm smile and patted him on the shoulders before letting him go. "I'll leave you to it," she said, looking at Alex while taking a few steps backwards. "Good luck!" Just as elegantly as before, she spun around and walked away, presumably back to her office to continue her work as a manager.

As soon as Clara was out of sight, Alex turned back to the large door and with a nervous gulp grabbed the golden handle. The idea of preparing a few lines for a hypothetical conversation occurred to him, but considering he knew so little about his employer he chose not to. He pressed down on the handle, feeling his heart beat faster and faster as the door slowly creaked open.

Little by little, the bedroom was revealed to him. What dawned on him immediately was just how immense it was, looking several times bigger than his own apartment. Although presumably, it served as more than just a bedroom, as it had a fancy lounging area directly to the left, with the far left wall next to it being covered in a large shelf absolutely bursting with thick, leather bound books. The furniture was as fancy as you would expect, antique empire sofas and armchairs with a table in the middle, all made with carved mahogany. A large, at least 60 inch TV hung on one of the walls next to the area.

On the right side of the room was the bed, a fancy, king sized one. Just like all the other furniture, it too was made out of carved mahogany, and dressed in white, gold lined bed clothing. Next to it, there was another door, presumably connected to a bathroom.

A faint click could be heard, turning Alex's attention towards the source of the sound, the desk in the middle of room near the back wall, just in front of him. And there she sat. Ms. King, with one hand on a closed laptop in front of her and a satisfied smile on her face.

"Welcome, dear," she said, her tone like that of a loving mother with a slight quivering in her voice, likely due to her age.

Alex stepped in and carefully closed the door behind him, feeling a bead of sweat run down his face as Ms. King's mere presence seemed to drain any confidence he could hope to make use of when making his first impression. She immediately began eyeing him up and down much like Clara had, but this time Alex didn't even notice, his anxiety preventing him from even holding proper eye contact.

"I hope my employee's have treated you well," she continued. "Would you like something to drink?"

What Alex could make out from the quick glances he threw her way was that she was younger than he had expected, or at least looked younger. Still, her hair had clearly lost its color, and she seemed to have an overall style that reminded of a grandmother, like a big pearl necklace and cat eye glasses with a thick, black frame.

Alex let out a light cough. "No thanks, ma'am," he replied, making a conscious effort to not let his nervosity show.

Ms. King took off her glasses and pointed her open palm towards the chair on the opposite side of her desk. "Have a seat, dear. We'll begin discussing your work immediately."

Reluctantly, Alex walked over to the chair and sat down as the old lady continued to stare him down. Despite his attempts at staying calm, he couldn't help but nervously clutch his thighs tightly in his hands, watching Ms. King silently begin to flip through a bundle of papers. She paused to read on of them for a few seconds, then looked back up at Alex.

"Alex..." she mumbled. "You look just like in your picture."

His picture. That's right. He had almost forgot that the advertisement had stated that a profile picture was required. Other than that, there really wasn't much written in his resumé, he didn't have any work experience after all. It was strange that he had been hired at all, especially without an interview.

Unexpectedly, Ms. King rose from her chair and made her way around the table, making Alex freeze in place as she stopped next to him with their eyes locked. Ms. King said nothing. It was difficult to determine what she was thinking from the blank expression on her face, but Alex couldn't help but think that he was being judged somehow.

It wasn't until now that he noticed how surprisingly beautiful Ms. King was. She must have been over sixty, but she had clearly taken good care of herself over the years.

Her face was clearly that of a woman who had been supermodel material in the past, with blue eyes that almost seemed to glow, eyebrows that had stayed nice and full over the years, high cheekbones and an overall well-shaped chin and jawline. Her hair hung in two large, silvery-white braids from the back of her head and draped over her shoulders and chest. The only thing that stood out a bit was her quite long, hooked nose, but in Alex's opinion it only made her more gorgeous. He had heard about studies done on female beauty, finding that women with a bit of a quirk or "flaw" were often considered more attractive, as it kept them from looking too plain, and this was a prime example of that. She did have wrinkles, as expected, but not nearly enough to make her look like an old hag. They were... charming, in a way.

Ms. King bent down and moved her hand towards Alex's face, making him recoil slightly in confusion, but froze once again when she grabbed him under the chin and tilted his face up. She furrowed her eyebrows, clearly inspecting every part of his him, her eyes moving up and down, while his moved away in embarrassment. His face wasn't exactly a part of him that he was proud of. He had quite feminine features, a jawline that was rounded and smooth, puffy lips, and eyelashes that always looked like they had mascara applied to them.

"Umm... Ms. King?" Alex mumbled, his face flushed and his heartbeat quickening.

"Please, call me Evelyn," she cooed, turning Alex's head from side to side while her eyes continued to scan him. Her alluring presence was so overpowering that he could barely move, with her gorgeous face right in front of his and her scent slowly creeping in. Not only did she look good, butdamn, did she smell good as well. A sort of sweet, flowery scent, the type you just want to get right up in your face and take deep sniffs of.

"What are you doing, Evelyn?"

"What am I doing? Inspecting my new employee, of course!"

Alex sat quiet for a moment, as she ran her hands through his ear length, brown hair, before he decided to speak up. "I thought we were going to discuss my work..." His words seemed to stop Evelyn in her tracks, and the little smirk that he thought he could see on her face quickly faded.

"Oh my, forgive me!" she said, clearly feigning ignorance. She let go of Alex and went to sit down in her seat, before putting on her glasses and picking up the paper from before. "I can be a bit absent-minded sometimes. But you'll get used to that."

"Right..." Alex replied, his tone almost making his doubting obvious.

"Now, then. Did Clara tell you anything about the job?"

Alex shrugged. "A little. She said I was here to keep you company and help you with basic things. Like... making your bed and bringing you coffee and stuff."

Evelyn held the paper in front of her, which had been made clear was Alex's resumé. She silently read off of it while listening to him speaking, her eyes alternating between him and the resumé almost as if she was sizing him up, while a subtle grin slowly grew on her lips.

"That's right," she said in an upbeat tone. "There isn't that much more you need to be told, honestly. Perhaps it would be better to put you to work immediately." She put the paper back down on her desk, as her grin grew wider yet. "You wrote that you used to intern at a massage parlor, yes?"

Alex sat dumbstruck for a moment. Surely she wasn't expecting a massage, right? Not that it was a difficult task, but it was a far more intimate one than he had expected. "Err, well yes... But only for half a year."

"Oh, that will do just fine. I could really go for a neck massage right now." Without skipping a beat, she stood up and began unbuttoning her purple business suit. "I'll need to use your chair. Mine's too tall."

It took Alex a moment to realize what was going on, as Evelyn once again walked over to him. Did she actually expect him to give her a massage? This was all going way too fast.

"Go on, get up! This is your first task!"

"G-giving you a neck massage?"

"You're not gonna refuse, are you?" she purred, leaning down until her face was right in front of his. "This is your job, Alex."

Alex gulped. "Umm... okay, I'll do it."

Reluctantly, he got off his chair and went to stand behind it, watching the elderly woman continue to unbutton. He only noticed now that she was quite tall, towering over him by at least half a foot. Not that Alex was anywhere near tall, of course. If asked, he would have insisted that he was five foot five, but in truth he was barely above five foot four. He also noticed that her height was accompanied by width, with child bearing hips that were beautifully rounded and connected to a slim waist. It was hard to blame Alex for becoming entranced with the way Evelyn looked, especially considering she was undressing right in front of him. Could she really be that old?

When she reached the last couple of buttons, it dawned on Alex that she wasn't wearing anything under her suit jacket. Her flat tummy was partially revealed, and as Alex's eyes traveled up they were met with another beautiful sight. A large pair of breasts, held up with a sexy, black bra, the type you would never expect a woman of her age to wear. It clearly struggled to contain those large tits, almost as much as Alex struggled to avert his gaze. Evelyn took notice of his reaction and giggled softly in response.

"Oh, Alex," she teased, her voice strangely affectionate. "Don't tell me you're actually staring at my chest?" She held her arms back and pushed her chest out, letting the jacket fall to the floor, and giving Alex an even better view.

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