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A Wives Tale

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Sometimes you meet that special someone. Twice.
3.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 07/19/2014
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Like so many nights sitting at this bar before, I ended up thinking about my husband. This was a little odd considering I was sitting at a lesbian bar, absentmindedly ogling a cute chic that seemed to be looking for a hook-up, but my life had flipped upside down and inside out so much in the past two years, the strangeness barely even registered. The girl from across the bar started eye flirting with me, and I immediately cut it off. Not tonight, not with her. I just wanted to think and drink.

In retrospect, it was easy to see that it was a mistake to marry my high school sweetheart right after graduation. He was a sweet guy, but it soon became pretty obvious that either we both sucked at sex, or something was wrong. I assumed everyone's first time was awkward, but after four or five times and it feeling even more awkward each time we got naked, we just stopped having sex.

That was two months into our marriage. Three months in, and I started just leaving the house. No matter how late I came home though, John was always still up. He seemed to not sleep for two months straight. By the end, we weren't even talking to one another. I kept catching him about to cry, and after the first three times he refused to tell me why I dropped that, too.

When I got home one evening and found John gone, I wasn't surprised at all. When I found the letter though, I was, both because John completely let me know how he was feeling, and that he wasn't a he at all. Joanna, as she signed the letter, apparently felt like a woman, and had been going through the motions with me to hide it. I felt shocked. I was also really threatened.

I had always liked girls in high school, but never acted because I liked my social life the way it was. Alive. So when John came along, and we bonded on such a deep level, I thought I was cured. I thought that the phase I was going through was over and that I could live a normal life. But sleeping with John was a nightmare of awkward groping, tons of lubricant and starting and stopping. Even cuddling felt forced, stilted somehow, like neither one of us could really relax. The kissing was great, but beyond that we couldn't connect.

After Joanna's letter, I had to confront myself about my sexuality. Why hadn't I seen it? Why did I feel better about all the times that she had laid on my lap while I stroked her hair? Why did the thought of her as a woman make me a lot hotter than any of the sex we had had before?

But after having had a few quick flings with women during the next few years, and enjoying them far more physically than anything I had ever had with Joanna, I knew who I was. A dye job, haircut, and wardrobe change later, and I went from all American blonde femme to black haired quasi-butch. I still wore some make-up, but not nearly as much as before. I wore a lot more leather and jeans, and finally felt tall at 5' 6'' instead of like a girl that grew just a little too much.

This all led to me sitting and drinking alone, ostensibly to pick up a date but in actuality, like most nights, so that I could brood over my marriage and all the questions that surrounded it.

Then I saw her. She was tall, at six feet, and had a very nice ass under her striped skirt. With such a lithe and athletic body, I immediately started thinking about her working out, and her cute medium breasts bouncing up and down in a sports bra. I then started imagining her bouncing up and down without a sports bra. I could feel myself get a little excited just looking at her sitting there. To hell with brooding, I should at least give her my number.

I walked over to her, her long brown hair in a sexy wavy curl that screamed femme. I ordered a drink for her and stepped up to the bar.

"Hey there, cutie," I said looking at her beautiful green eyes, which felt comfortingly familiar. She turned to me and smiled fluorescently.

"Hey there yourself," she said back. "Do you have a name or should I just call you cutie the whole evening?"

"I certainly wouldn't mind," I said. "But I was thinking more along the lines of something you could moan a little easier."

She raised her eyebrows. She said, "So your name is Fuck me harder, then."

I laughed. "No," I said, "Though I've thought about getting it changed to that. My name's Melissa."

She froze for a second, started to move and then froze and stayed frozen.

"What? I thought that-" I started.

"I... I should go. I mean I need to go," She said, "It's uh... bye."

"Wait, what is the deal?" I said, following her out, "Was it something I said? Have we met?"

That was when I figured out what should have been obvious, but had been disguised by time and feminizing hormones.

"Joanna!" I called out after her, running into the parking lot. She stopped short, and let me catch up to her. I saw her holding in tears, desperately closing her eyes closed and hugging her arms close to her body.

"What, what do you want?" She managed to choke out. "How did you even find me here?"

"I want to talk," I said, "I just saw you in there. You... you can cry, you know... girls, uh, do it all the time..."

"Don't you think I know that? Do you really need to cisplain things to me?" She said. She had opened her eyes but now she was shaking.

"I... you never cried in front of me," I said softly. She rested her quivering head on my shoulder and I held her neck and stroked her hair softly.

She let out her tears and I held her up under her shoulders. Once her sobbing was under control a little, I steered her towards the bar again and we took the back booth. By the time we were seated, she was wiping her eyes.

"I've missed that," She said.

"What?" I said.

"Your touch," she said quietly. She looked nervous and a little ashamed now that she wasn't crying anymore.

"Well, you're not the only one who's had an epiphany," I said, "I kind of realized that I'm gay."

"Oh," she said. "How did you know?"

"I think I've always known," I said. "You were the icing on the cake. No offense."

"It explains the short black hair now," She said. "And that leather jacket. Why did you dye it? I didn't even recognize you at first?"

"Actually, I bleached it before," I said. "This is the natural color."

She cracked a smile. "Is there anything we were honest about with each other?" she said.

"I did really like our kissing," I said. She seemed almost bashful about, and started to close up physically when I reached across the table and squeezed her hand. She stopped for a moment, and then squeezed my hand back.

"But did you like it because it kept the horribly bad sex at bay or because you liked me?" she said.

"Because it felt like kissing a girl," I said, "And I wanted that."

She smiled at me.

"Ok, Casanova," she said, "You're smooth, I'll give you that. Have you been practicing seducing ex-husbands?"

I laughed. "Well, I mean, I haven't been monogamous, but I'm not seeing anyone."

"Well then," She said, "Would you be willing to date your wife?"

"I think I could," I said. We talked for hours after that about our lives, mostly just mundane details really. She told me about how far along transition she was, what it was like to do some of the things to transition. She had sold just about anything of value, and living out of a tiny apartment, was able to afford hormones, clothes, therapy, and electrolysis. I talked about coming out to my family and friends, and how I suddenly had very few people I could talk from my old life. She talked about how she was getting back into writing and reading. I talked about making new friends at work.

At closing call, I remembered why I loved her, why I agreed to marry her. Her laugh, her gentleness, and the love in her eyes all intoxicated my senses as we walked out of the bar slightly intoxicated ourselves.

I hugged myself around her waist and leaned my head against her shoulder. It didn't feel muscular and hard anymore, it felt... welcoming. I felt her put her arm around me and hug me back.

"Hey, so it's our first date, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place for some coffee," I said.

"I don't know isn't that rushing things a little?" she said, "I mean, were both drunk, we might just wake up and find out we accidentally married each other."

"Wasn't an accident," I said.

"I love you when you're sappy," she said.

"Then I think you're going to love tonight," I said, and whispered, "especially my panties."

She was still giggling as we got into the cab to go back to my apartment. Once we were there, I pulled her into a long kiss. I felt her gently collide with the wall as I pushed into her lips. She let out a light groan as my hands started exploring her body. I felt down the nape of her neck to her breasts, lingered there as I brushed past her nipples, and then slid my hands down her flanks to her hips.

"What blend do you use?" she whispered, "This coffee tastes amazing."

"It's not the beans," I said as I squeezed her ass, "It's the French press."

"Mmmmm," she moaned as we pressed together. I felt her hands slip inside my jacket and gently explore my body. It wasn't the embarrassed, almost bashful groping I had received before she transitioned, it was confident but gentle. As I writhed slowly against her body, it felt like we were feeling each other for the first time.

After a few minutes, we moved over to the bedroom. A few minutes after we dove into bed, Joanna broke away from me.

"Melissa, this is really hot, but I have a bit of a pain in my skirt at the moment," she said looking away from me.

"Well, let's take care of that," I said with some enthusiasm. She hugged herself with one arm and didn't move, still looking away from me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I really hate my... little issue down there, and this is a lot more difficult with you," she said quietly.

"Why?" I said as I caressed her face. Her skin was smooth and soft, and I could feel the heat radiating from her neck.

"I keep thinking about the times we had sex, and how shitty it made me feel, and then it's like I didn't transition at all and I'm back where I was two years ago," She said.

"You're not though. You're a beautiful woman now. You're my wife," I said.

"Well, yeah, but I'm afraid... it's going to feel bad again when I'm naked," she said.

"Well, let's just take it slow," I said, putting my arm around her. We sat there, with me hugging her body close to mine. After a while, she hugged me back.

"I think I know how to do this," She said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Get our sexy times on," she said, "What, do you think I'd work you up that much and then not even try to deliver?"

"Sweetie, don't feel like you have to do anything," I said, "I'm a big girl; I can understand some hang-ups about sex."

"But... I want to... with you..." She said.

"What's your plan?" I asked.

"We each take off a piece of clothing, one after the other," she said.

"Sounds sexy," she said, "Let's do it."

She volunteered to go first, and slowly took off her blouse. I couldn't stop myself from kissing her cleavage, and she gave a little start before letting out a little moan and holding the back of my head as I inhaled her scent. I pulled away and pulled my tank top over my head, tossing it to the floor. Of course, this was when I realized her bra was way classier than mine, and I had to grin like an idiot.

"What?" she said, nervous.

"I'm just looking at how sexy you are," I said. "Also, you need to show me how to shop for bras. Apparently that knowledge never got passed on to me, Ms. perfectly fitted."

"But isn't it more fun to take them off?" she said as she unhooked her bra and let it slip off of her.

"I think I have a replacement," I said. "I just need to slip in on here-"

I said as I slid my hands up her arms in the opposite direction that her bra had just slid down. I gently put my hands on her breasts. I slowly squeezed and kneaded her as she started to breathe more heavily.

"I don't know," she said "It's a-aaah! A little tight in the nipple-ahhh."

After I gave her the front massage, I slid back a little and took off my bra. I groaned as she put her lips on my nipples. I let out a slow breath as she circled her tongue around my areola.

"Mmmm. Don't stop," I murmured. She didn't, but eventually she moved on to the other tit and gave it the same treatment.

"That was great," I said, "Are you going to... umm... take off your skirt now?"

''Umm... I guess I can..." She said.

"You're beautiful no matter what honey," I said. She unzipped herself in the back and paused. She took a deep breath and then pulled it off all in one motion. I saw her in just her grey striped panties. There was just a slight bulge in between her legs, but I was distracted by her smooth legs and the delicate curve of her thighs and waist.

Slowly, I reached over and grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. I rested my head and on her tummy. It was so different from the last time I had felt it. It was so smooth and soft, and slimmer than I remembered.

"You make a nice pillow," I said. "You're so warm and soft. Mmmmmmm."

I slipped out of my pants and curled up next to her. We lay next to each other listening to each other breathe. After a while I felt her rhythmic breathing and I wondered if she was asleep.

"O-ok," she said finally. "I think I can do this. Just... be gentle."

"Well, not too gentle," I said as I kissed her just below her belly button.

"Could you be a little, uh, further away?" she said, "I'm not totally comfortable with being this close without... um..."

"Sure," I said, pushing myself up into a sitting position up next to her. She started to pull her panties down, and then stopped, catching her breath. I hugged her and whispered in her ear, "I love all of you. It's ok, sexy lady. I want to be with you."

She smiled and slid her underwear down all the way, kicking them off the end of the bed. I quickly slipped off mine and dumped them on the floor, which was nice because after about five minutes wet panties stop being sexy and start being uncomfortable. I finally looked down to her... half of a sock and elastic band.

"Um, what is...?" I started.

"It's to keep everything all tucked away," she said. I noticed that it was straining in the sock part.

"Well, let's get it off," I said. She pulled it off and I finally saw her cock. It had an angry red line across the top and was only about half erect, and a bit smaller than I remembered.

"That looks..." I said, trailing off.

"God, if you couldn't handle it, I-" She said as she covered herself with the sheet.

"Painful," I finished.

"Oh. Oh, yeah, the line- yeah, actually, it kinda is," she said, calming down enough to stop trying to curl into a fetal position.

"Are there any rules with your, uh, genitals, and stuff?" I asked.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I don't really have anything specific," She said. "I guess the biggest rule is to remember that I'm your wife?"

"Well, how would my wife feel about a little oral intimacy?" I said.

"I'm actually a little nervous about it," She said. "I mean, how dysphoric am I going to feel?"

"Well, not to be selfish, but you could always eat me out first and then when I do you, you'll know I'm doing it the right way to please a lady," I said.

"Ok," she said. I spread my legs and she crawled in between them, resting on her elbows and knees with her sexy ass in the air. She kissed down my stomach from just above my naval to my now drooling cunt. When she licked up from the bottom of my slit up to my clit I squeaked in surprise.

"You naughty girl," I said, "You're full of surprises!"

She smiled at me mischievously from beneath my mound and then dove in with gusto, sending shivers up through my whole body. I felt warmth begin to build in my solar plexus and I shuddered under her oral assault. She put a finger in my folds and I nearly went over the top, but seemed to plateau again after a few seconds. Then she started humming, and I felt myself start to breathe desperately as I went over the edge. I ground my vagina into her face as I came hard with a guttural scream.

"Did I do ok?" I hear Joanna ask with some of my girl spunk still dripping down her chin.

"Yes," I said, trying to catch my breath. "You did ok. Damn, how did you know how to do half that stuff?"

"I learned a few new tricks," She said, smiling again.

"Well, spread those legs missy," I said, "It's time for my late night snack."

She lay back and opened her bent legs to give me full view of her nether region, grasping her inner thighs. I crawled over to her lovely looking girl cock and grabbed it by the base. I was struck again by how everything on her was so feminized, even the parts of her that screamed that she was different. I took the flaccid member into my mouth and started sucking gently.

"It feels nice," She said. "You're mouth is really warm."

I started massaging the length with my tongue and elicited an excited moan. Once I had gotten a good mix of pre-cum and saliva in my mouth, I lubed up my finger. I slowly pushed up into her and earned a squeak when I found her special spot. I put her cock back into my mouth and fingered her until I felt her tense up and release into my mouth.

"That was..." she breathed heavily, "That was pretty ok, too."

"Bet your ass it was," I said as I crawled up and snuggled with her warm body. She pulled the sheets over us, and I kissed her one last time before we both fell asleep contented.

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1Martiniman1Martiniman13 days ago

Nice story that’s sweet and touching, but I wish it had been expanded into a longer winding tale of interest and romance. Still good tho.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
To Anon 7-18-17

I know how you feel, and you should know that it IS possible. I met my wife back in the summer of '99 and we were married 8 weeks later. 16 months after that we had our second wedding, with me finally able to wear my wedding dress. I kept up a facade until 2008 when SHE finally convinced ME to drop the act and come out to my family. They pretty much disowned me for a few years, but after nearly losing our youngest son in a car accident, they realized just how stupid it was to be apart. Now I'm just 'one of the girls' with them.

So fiction aside, it CAN happen. I hope knowing that helps!

As for the story, it was nice, but far too short. I hope the author does a re-write, this time starting from the beginning when they first got together, then lead through the separation as it happened, then finally to the loving reconciliation. It would make for a much better story that won't feel so rushed. Still, 5 stars for the concept alone!

tonitemptstonitemptsalmost 5 years ago
Very good

Interesting story. I like it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I love this story!

Too many stories here follow the pattern "Wide walks in on husband dressed up. Accepts it. Help them dress and be amazingly attractive. Hit the town together. Both end up screwing big (usually black) very well hung guys."

This, however, is closer to my dream. I'm happily married and am not interested in men at all. To transition, however, but keep my relationship with my wife, would be heaven!

DianeRedfernDianeRedfernabout 8 years ago
The best!

I loved it so. Much

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