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A Year Ago Ch. 03

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Michael's evolving story of sensual investigation continues.
2.9k words

Part 3 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/10/2014
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This is an evolving story of sensual investigation. Please review the first two parts of this Phase . . .

Five days had passed since my stroll in the Green, something I considered too risky the next morning. I hadn't returned to the DrugFair for the hair remover. The length of the hair on my legs was short but noticeable. I needed a different removal, maybe a waxing. If my dressing were to continue I wanted to have a reasonable way of coping with this; shaving just wasn't the answer. With fairly light hair on my arms and hands but more along my lower torso and legs shaving was just a pain and I wasn't very good at getting to my back. I had tired of the effort my bike club insisted on; tradition leads most of the guys to shave. The appointment was for 12:30pm tomorrow afternoon. The clinician, thinking I was a girl, suggested the procedure would take several hours and the affect would last well over a month.

Each morning now I would arrange an outfit while lounging with a coffee in my new robe. Getting my face and hair right took nearly an hour. The practice walks and video coaching while dressed took most of the morning and I could see a benefit. The work schedule had to be adjusted to prevent my being noticed hence I waited until after 6pm to visit the office the past few days as required to keep up with the server issues. I had a small worry of being stopped by an officer while driving. There wasn't a law against dressing in women's clothing, but there might be some embarrassment. I had ventured out each of the last four evening, but driven straight to the office.

The morning of my appointment planning an outfit, underwear and dress, shoes, had taken some time. A dressing website was the source of a new technique for wearing my undies. Once I was tucked carefully I figured there was a small chance I would be discovered. I reviewed the minimal bump in the front panel of my thong. I could explain my flat chest as having a need for the small breast forms but the clinician would have to get pretty close to do the proper job of my lower body. I had done a neat trim myself, sort of like a bikini line, and intended to simply refuse her access to my groin. With my thong holding my member I was willing to risk the questions. The clinician might be surprised but I thought, so what?

Afterward I felt good when my pantyhose slipped on nicely. I stepped back into my simple dress, a soft peach with a jewel neckline falling to just above my knee. I'd ordered it on-line and was happy it fit nicely. The low heel seemed correct, only 3" to be as discrete as possible.

"You've got a great pair of legs, and your ankles are nearly perfect. Who makes those stockings, they look very sheer?"

I told her Wolford was the brand; these were great for mild weather.

"Remember to not shave and I'll see you in three weeks OK?"

The waxing was painful but she hadn't guessed my gender, based on her conversation that is. I couldn't guess what she would tell the others. She was most surprised by the hair on my lower back and bum. While on my tummy I'd pushed the thong down far enough to allow her to clear my entire body, excepting the bikini line. I was now virtually hairless. The clinician had suggested she could 'help with the minor facial hair'.

"I'll apply the smaller wax strips to rid this pesky near beard," she said rubbing my face gently.

I had shaved closely the day before and hadn't considered using wax for my almost smooth cheeks.

"It's a little heavier than the hair on your butt cheeks. You need to attend to this, it isn't peach fuzz, dear. Make an appointment for three week from today for a follow-up and we'll check your legs then as well."

The pain was passed but I had a slight reddish glow on my face. She applied an aloe gel that reduced the soreness.

"The redness will go away in about ninety minutes. Apply the gel once more after twenty minutes."

When back home I looked at my face and I was surprised, the skin looked normal but substantially smoother than my closest shave. I was more surprising by my arms and hands. I hadn't ever been so naked. The sleeves of the dress were about three-quarters and on the drive back I was distracted seeing my wrists without a bit of hair. I decided to go to the office. I had avoided entering the building during the daytime since I'd began this lark. Now I felt I could pass an inspection by the two women who occupied the adjacent suite.

They had been renting their space for over six months and were a design couple, or so I imagined. Their firm was called InteriorBent, and though I'd only been in their office for a minute once, I guessed they did some decorating. I had assumed they were a gay couple though they had introduced themselves as partners. Avery was taller, with soft brown hair and quite thin, while Madison had near platinum colored hair with a nice figure. I had to look down and away from her nice large breasts. I considered that their partnership might be only a business description rather than a personal one. I feared seeing these two when I climbed to my suite. I had few visitors and my new presence would be immediately understood. I needed to feel perfect, a woman in appearance as well as confidence, prior to entering this next phase.

Nearly each day before the adventure had begun we had encountered each other, just in passing in the Hall. The offices shared a toilet. This was to be for I had decided that I couldn't abandon my new look, this new me. I liked what I was becoming and felt comfortable in these new clothes. Being seen, as a false woman would be unacceptable and the near approximation of a woman wouldn't do. Days after getting my hair done I had the clothes and accessories of a young woman and I had continued to refine my makeup skills. I needed to get to my server for some adjustments required by my largest client. The evening and night work wasn't as effective for certain tasks.

It was nearly 4pm when I finished getting ready. I had redressed, the peach dress seemed inappropriate for office work. Bring the dark gray A-line skirt up and over my bottom I turned to button the white blouse but decided I needed a chemise. I noticed my ivory bra clearly through the fabric and the cincher would be better concealed as well. The black slingback heels were just a bit tall; not quite four inches, but I liked how they accentuated my legs in the nude toned pantyhose. I grabbed the Coach bag, which was now loaded with my tools and other stuff. My voice had become quite feminine with three days of working with the on-line coach but my word selection was still an issue. The lessons I'd downloaded had been very helpful, but I needed to practice and being around others was what the on-line teacher suggested.

Now as I reached the lower doorway I was glad I'd asked for a quick manicure while at the salon. Though I could keep my nails short I now enjoyed seeing my hands with a soft pink finish. I needed to resolve the client issue before six this evening so I was committed, hoping to slip passed their suite. Climbing the stairs hadn't been an issue until now, my heels banging on each wooden step. I was passed their suite when I heard voices. I moved to unlock the door and quickly shut it, as the voices became a bit louder. My suite was actually well insulated from the sounds of their workspace. I now focused on the issue at hand. The data feed and resolution took about forty minutes. I realized that the rug across the wood floor helped quiet the noise of my heels as I moved about the office. I was doing some other minor housekeeping on a secondary server when I heard a light knock on the door.

"Michael, can you speak with me for a moment please," it was Avery's voice but I stayed still considering the options. She might leave me alone if I could find an excuse.

"Avery, I'm a bit wound into solving an issue. Can we talk in the morning OK?" I realized my voice had not shifted; one of the consequences of the training. Learning to slip back to my nature tone was now a problem.

"Michael, sure, OK? Are you, you sound like you've a bit of a cold, aahh. Sure thing, I'll come by at some point tomorrow." I listened as she moved off. I crept to the doorway as quietly as possible, having removed my heels. My ear on the door I heard her speaking to Madison.

"He couldn't spare a moment. He sounded a little weird though. I hope he's OK."

Then Madison spoke, "What do you mean 'weird', he has a cold?"

They had reached the stairs and the sounds of their heels on the steps drown out the voices.

I waited about thirty minutes, quietly considering what I had just done to my situation. I had elected this new adventure and now it would start to control my life. Could others accept the new Michael, or the Hallie? What was my name now?

The challenges of my decision were mounting. I would eventually have to explain myself, first to Avery and Madison, and many others. With my heels on I exited the building as the twilight faded to night. Moving away in the Audi I turned toward home.

"There goes someone in Michael's Audi. humm, maybe he's got a new girlfriend?" Madison said to Avery. They were sitting at the window table of the nearby Vegetarian restaurant.

Avery looked up to just catch the car passing, "She looks cute, with short hair, maybe we'll meet her soon. He could use someone in his life. All work and no play, since Lynn dumped him."

Driving along I realized my voice needed more practice and turned left to head to the nearby Mall. I didn't have a shopping list but I thought interacting with other women would be useful. I entered at the Nordstrom, the Jewelry counter immediately at the door. I looked over the cases and saw several bangles priced close to a hundred dollars. I slipped two from Pandora over my left wrist, noticing the golden tone attracting my eye and the nail color and sheen. The others I purchased I placed in my bag. The salesman was clearly a bit effeminate and seemed uninterested in me. This was my first encounter speaking with a man since starting the voice lessons. I noticed his locution and manner of speaking with his controlled breathe.

The voice lessons had helped me become aware and I must use compression to focus my speech. Clamping the thighs was an exercise I had been doing over the last couple of days, to repress my male breathe, just as he seemed to be doing. This together with my devoicing was what I used when discussing the various characteristics of the jewelry. I was learning to act with my voice; I needed to present my femaleness to both men and women. I next stopped at the makeup counter and within a moment a lovely lady approached.

"Would you like to experience the NARS lines Miss?" I didn't know what she was asking about, but said yes.

After twenty minutes Theresa showed me the affect of her work. I was spellbound, "How will I ever learn to accomplish this level of 'art'?"

"Do you have an hour to spare Sara?" I had used this in lieu of Hallie, only realizing my error after speaking. Thankfully Cheryl didn't seem to be in this evening.

"Now I'll show you in detail." She removed the makeup and re-applied each product while allowing me to review and understand the techniques.

I left with $425 dollars of product, and a different sense of my character. Theresa was quiet but clear, "This is you Sara, your spirit has emerged. Be on the watch for those snakes out there girl."

The ninety minutes with Theresa gave me many opportunities to make small errors of speech, correcting each without being embarrassed. In fact the voice coach had suggested that make these small errors was in fact a feature of feminine speech. I was glad I was wearing pantyhose since the stool was tall and my legs were on display. Theresa commented when a handsome man with graying hair came near.

"That one is homing in on your sexy legs and those delightful heels dear. He can't stop his eyes from roaming toward you." I smiled slightly but said nothing. I did look toward him when he was nearest and smiled, causing him to blush. He smiled back, but turned to leave.

My stroll continued after the makeup do over with Theresa. I stopped at Bebe and tried on two pairs of heels. With the saleswoman's help I found a great pair of natural toned strapped pumps with 4 1/2" heels.

"The strap does look sexy and will help wearing them for an evening. Good shoes should be comfortable and beautiful Sara. The slight platform is nice as well."

Now with two bags in hand I wanted to get home and started toward the Mall entrance.

"Wow, dude, look at that piece of ass," I heard two boys close behind. I didn't turn to look, but used a storefront glass to provide me a glimpse as I passed.

"She's got a great set of gams buddy. Watch how her cheeks move in that skirt. Yummy." They were speaking loud enough to assure I heard their comments.

I continued to walk along the stone floor, my heels clicking in the near empty space. I realized they might actually follow me outside, so I decided to step into a Men's store on the right. Immediately the tall salesperson scoped out what was happening and moved to encounter the two guys.

"I think the Security team might be on the way boys, better move along now." I hadn't stopped to witness his intervention, moving about as if I was shopping for a shirt.

He approached and I noted that his tag said William, "They're gone Miss. Sorry for the difficult moment. You avoided a possible problem, this time. Shopping this late can bring out the goons."

I turned to him, not acknowledging the danger, "I'm sorry, what do you mean?"

He studied my face, "I assumed those two were hounding you as you were leaving, it's my error Miss." He blushed as I looked at him quietly for several moments, then without thinking I licked my lips, crossing the tip of my tongue over the smooth NARS Scarlet cream on my lips. Theresa had lined the edge with a Velvet pencil.

"I have to close Miss, Good evening, oh. Did you want to buy that shirt?" I placed it in his hand and smiled, than I turned slowly about my left heel, my right hand absently touching his lower arm as I moved by and left him standing there. I saw him reflected in a mirror near the entrance. He was standing still, his eyes watching my bottom as my heels hit the stone flooring beyond the carpet.

The encounter was magically. I had flirted with this stranger, my excitement was evident to no one. I hadn't considered a male as a sex partner until a moment ago, yet I had reviewed his height, posture, his suit and shoes, but stopped my gaze a moment at his torso. He appeared a little stiff and I wondered where this interest might lead. Could I adopt a whole new sexuality together with the other changes? As I walked passed Nordstrom I saw a large photo of a beautiful model, dressed loosely in tight pants and heels, bent in a way that her blouse was open and her bra slightly exposed as was her breast. I felt moistness in my thong.

During the past few evenings I had visited several websites that presented 'girls', boys who'd become girls, natural looking females. The time reviewing these images convinced me that something special was happening to my life. I wasn't alone in the ability to pass, to mimic a woman, but I needed to be aware that this was no small task, nor a game. The adjustments I would be making were huge and I hoped for acceptance by others possible. I didn't have an extend family to deal with; they were on the other coast. I was uncertain when I might explain myself to them, if ever. At least I had found a focus and I was enjoying the changes, the rest may not be so easy.

To be continued,

'Hallie' would not do for her new name. Maybe she will be Sara.

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DaveXX80DaveXX80over 9 years ago
Please keep going

Love your writing style and really enjoying the story so far. And I think Sara is a beautiful name and perfect for 'her'.

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