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A Year Ago Ch. 08

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Meeting Mrs. Norton.
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Part 8 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/10/2014
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This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phase of the story. . .


As I entered InteriorBent I noted that Avery was wearing a dress and Madison was in heels and a skirt. Her medium pumps were saddle colored with a rolled nose. Those breasts were settled in a gray brassiere I noted. Avery's dress was at least 3" above the knee and she wore slingbacks in black. The three of us had clearly dressed for this meeting. I turned to sit and paused to observe Angelica as she entered.

The last time I had a chance to see her I hadn't paid careful attention. Now my eyes looked directly on her. She had a lovely figure, the V-neck of the dress highlighting her comfortable bosom. Though her breasts were smaller than Madison I enjoyed watching her move. She looked very seductive. I glanced to her hand to study the beautiful bag, but then my eyes fell to her legs and the 4 ½" polished gray heels. Her legs looked especial sexy in a pair of full-fashion silk hose.

As Angelica moved through the door she started speaking, "Thank you girls for agreeing to meet this afternoon. I'll try to keep our discussion short so you three can get back to your work."

Avery and Madison moved to meet her and they cheek kissed, "Don't be concerned about the time. We can sit here for the discussion Mrs. Norton?"

Avery moved to sit beside me, her short dress riding up to mid-calf, and Angelica sat across the coffee table from me. As she settled and crossed her legs, my eyes were following and I saw the small bumps on her upper thighs of the suspender clasps beneath her lacy dress. I was distracted by my thoughts, watching as her hem slid up a bit. She glanced at me and noted my eyes. She was smiling as I looked back to her face.

"I'd like to apologize for the other afternoon Mrs. Norton. I was a little out of sorts," demurely I cast my eyes down again. I quickly moved my expression to a smile and looked to her eyes. She had aqua blue eyes and her soft makeup was perfect.

"There is no need to apologize young lady. I could see you needed Avery's counsel. I love your outfit Sara. It's a beautifully fitted dress. You're lucky to be so tall."

She addressed the three of us, describing her intent to add space. A developer would be modifying the building and parking. She continued describing the changes to be encountered later in the fall. She needed our approval since we had long-term leases. She recommended that we await the detailed plans before signing off on the changes and the temporary space agreement.

"Well I am glad to see you all support this plan. Can I offer you to come to my home tomorrow for dinner and cocktails? It would be us four and three others, a close woman friend and two gentlemen."

We were all delighted to shift the focus to a party and agreed to arrive around 6pm.

"I'll send you the directions via e-mail. Sara, can I get an updated address please?"

I realized that the lease had both my name as Michael and the .com e-mail was Michael as well. Her smile was interesting for she truly needed no other evidence of my gender change. Yet there was something attractive in the way her eyes looked at me. I crossed my legs, the material of my fashion hose announcing the move with a distinct swish.

We had finished the agenda and we turned to simple gossip and fashion, "Oh, I almost didn't, ahh, Madison. You were going to search for an old plan my late husband had given you. Any luck dear?"

I watched as Madison jumped to attend to her request. Her breasts swaying beneath the translucent white blouse. "It's just here Mrs. Norton."

Angelica stepped closer and brushed by my arm as she moved to follow Madison's reach. The touch wasn't sexual but my body released a bit of fluid. She was very attractive and I couldn't resist being a little submissive.

"Sorry I was in the way Mrs. Norton."

"Sara, we're just bumping into each other today. Please, girls, call me Angelica rather than my formal surname. Don't worry, I like you all and I won't bit." She moved toward the door to leave, the old plans in her hand.

After she was outside I saw she'd forgotten her bag, "I'll bring it to her. See if you can get her attention at the window."

We met in the Vestibule, "Thank you for bringing it to me Sara. I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening dear."

She kissed my cheek lightly, a first for me, "You do look splendid dear and those heels are a perfect color for the dress." She held my hand as she continued.

"The others may not have told you, but you do look beautiful."

I thanked her for her compliment and turned to the stairs. I paused a brief moment to watch her enter the BMW. Her legs flashed me and I smiled. She was easier than I'd allowed. I was attracted to another woman. Maybe I would be a lesbian. She didn't seem put off by my change. She might be good to get to know. A new female friend perhaps.

Returning to the girl's office I asked, "What does one wear to a dinner party?"

"No Sara, a mixed dinner party." Madison clarified the invite, "Therefore you'll need a cocktail dress, maybe a LBD?"

"I've got two that may be suitable, but I'll visit the Boutique before we meet this evening." We cheek kissed.

"Oh, and Angelica kissed me as well, down at the stairs." I smiled and headed to my office. With my heels quiet at the door I heard them speaking about me. I slipped inside, the door still wide open.

"She is doing remarkably well. Less than two weeks and she's figured how to act just a little submissive. Mrs. Norton was quite taken with her, right Avery?"

"Absolutely, there were some sparks flying. She'll need to be careful. We know how some Lesbos can take control, don't we Avery?"

I finished my tasks and closed up a little early. I might need to be fitted for a new dress, and we were meeting at the Wine Bar before 6pm.

As I passed their office I stuck my head in a moment, "I appreciate your concern girls. I am aware of Angelica's interest."

Avery turned and approached the door, "Sara, don't underestimate her. She'll have you between her legs in a heartbeat. I've seen that 'look' before. That woman is a cougar."

I turned quickly but added, "Maybe she's just what this girl needs, and she does have a great pair of legs." I giggled as I left them.

As I entered the boutique I saw what I hoped would fit me. A perfect tank dress with a patterned lace over the black-tulle backdrop.

The saleswoman smiled, "That dress did you well. I'm glad you're back." I'd almost forgotten I was wearing the Spade frock she'd sold me a few days earlier.

"Thanks for the help with the fit. I was just complimented about it." I moved to the mannequin, "Do you think I may fit this one?"

She came to help, "It's a size six, let me check if we've got this in an eight. It's a Gaultier, but reasonable."

I waited while she checked and reviewed a pair of pumps, shiny and tall.

She returned in a few minutes, "Yes we have the Gaultier, but I may need to take the butt in a little. Please try it on and we'll see."

I left twenty minutes later with the shoes, the dress and a new bracelet. Thanks to the monthly invoices these weren't a problem. I put them in the Audi and walked over to the Bar.

A late model Porsche SUV slowed as I crossed the street to allow me to step to the curb. I noticed the guy driving, turning only slightly, and smiled as he watched me walk across the Green.

Avery and Madison introduced me their friend, a plump woman name Darcie who worked in the Bank next door to us. We couldn't talk about the expansion with her so we enjoyed the wine and ordered a simple dinner.

"Oh, I did buy a new dress. I'm officially a size eight. Is there a reward for that?"

Madison smirked, "Just remember, it will change girl. You're with us now; we don't compare nor compete."

"And the size varies for each designer and manufacturer. You might be in a six in a Dolce but a 10 in another. Just be happy you've found a way to control your diet," Avery smiled lightly as she said this.

Darcie didn't seem to mind my comment, "You do look great. Exercise is essential, and clearly I need a lot more of it. But I like to eat too, And drink wine."

Just then I saw the man from the SUV approaching our booth, "Hello ladies. I wondered if I could speak with your friend a moment?"

Thankfully I was stuck in the middle of the booth, "And who are you?" Avery asked.

He looked directly to me, "Sorry, I apologize for my manners. I'm Brian Hall. I saw your girlfriend on the Green a few minutes ago. I wanted to ask her to join me for a drink, but maybe another time. I'll send over another round. Thank you for allowing me to interrupt."

Darcie said, "Thank you for the wine, and her name is Sara."

He nodded and turning slowly headed to the bar.

"He's presumptuous," I said quickly as he was gone. "I simply smiled as he let me pass."

"Well we got a free drink on your smile Sara," said Darcie. "And he was gorgeous!"

That evening I got home near 9pm, a little woozy from the wine. I'd spent a few minutes earlier on-line reviewing the cleansing of my colon as a preparation for anal penetration and stopped to pick up a special enema kit. The decision to prepare my bottom was similar to the others I made recently. The need to allow someone inside my body seemed appropriate for a woman even as I had no intention of allowing a man to enter my bottom. I would attempt this sexual act alone to see if there was anything special about penetration. My bottom was private and I intended to keep it so.

The order for my phallus shaped toys wouldn't arrive until next week. I'd bought four different toys, small to medium in size after reviewing the alternatives the day before. The number of versions and materials available surprised me. One made of stainless steel was quite expensive. Having researched these toys I felt it would be best to have alternatives. I also bought a special three-plug kit to help me train my opening for eventual penetration.

I intended to try the cleansing this evening. I would consider the process successful if I felt comfortable and clean. Penetration wasn't my goal. I removed my dress and undergarments and filled the bag. An hour later I felt surprising better about the process. Somehow having expelled the dirty material from my opening changed its function.

I'd found that there were different reasons why women enjoyed anal sex. I'd allowed that I might become aroused by anal sex, by the thought that I was submitting to some extent. But I was by myself. My bum was clearly part of my new feminine identity. I'd previously overlooked the opening between my cheeks. Now I saw it as part of my anatomy. The prejudice of my male mind had been slain. I was a woman, had a place to receive, to be penetrated, if I choose. I went to the full mirror wearing only my heels and wiggled my butt while watching my cheeks move.

I decided to explore my body and moved to the bedroom. Taking my time while lying down I breathed deeply and slowly began exploring my opening with my fingers. I had a small bottle of lube as aide to allow my digit into my bottom. I became aroused as a second finger entered my hole. It might have been the preparation together with the wine. The mental stimulation had been going on for well over an hour. I was very relaxed as I played and a moment later I climaxed. I hadn't touched my penis! I was soon asleep.

Saturday I awoke worried about the evening. I had been around women for the greater part of the past twelve days. I still hadn't even shared my changes with my other close friends and tonight I would be attending my first dinner party in heels and a dress meeting strangers! I'd planned to take a bath this afternoon to relax.

Drinking my coffee I checked my E-Mail. Evidently the company supplying my new sex toys must be quite near to my town. The package was 'out for delivery'. After lunch the bell rung. The boxes from Nordstrom and the toy company were piled on the porch. I enjoyed opening the Nordstrom packages; a new pair low-heeled shoes, warm up pants and some cosmetics. The plainly wrapped box remaining was from the toy supplier.

Inside I found the new anal plugs, a stainless dildo, two silicone real skin dildos and a thin but longer double head dildo. I was surprised to be excited by the fake phallus. Since last evening I hadn't thought about my explorations. I decided to try the small sized plug. I found the lube and returned to the bed. I was wearing my exercise shorts and sports bra. I didn't bother to remove my thong, but turning onto my side I slowly eased the now warm plug passed my anal muscles. Maybe I was anxious for it took me a minute or two to feel it seat tightly within me. I wondered what I could do while this toy was inside me? The Cherry website suggested that a beginner allow a week of active use of the kit.

I went to the kitchen and started the cleanup. After five minutes I was aware it was there and it was stimulative but I could remain focused. I finished the kitchen, but could I do the vacuuming? I started but had to pause. This toy was making me ooze. I returned to the bed, removing it. I noted that I was quite clean from last evening's douche, but I cleaned the plug and set it aside to complete my housework.

Later just as I prepared the bath I re-inserted the small plug. I used the new Chanel bath foam for the first time. The long soak was comfortable. After twenty minutes I stood and removed the small device, and lubed the medium plug. This one slipped into place easily, maybe due to the relaxing bath. I considered how the flared end held my opening. This one was nearly 4" long, longer then my now shriveled little cock. The plug remained inside me until I started to dress for the party.

I reviewed my outfit and selected the black and rose lingerie set, which included a suspender. The hose I selected had soft red colored welts but were nude in tone. The Stuart pumps were quite tall but I hadn't measured them. I was actually excited. The anal play had proven more enjoyable than I thought. It somehow made me aware I truly was different now. I wasn't randy for a cock but knowing a little more than yesterday was a good feeling. The anxiety had passed.

I started my makeup with a moisturizer and a light foundation. My eyelashes weren't very long so I applied a second coat of mascara. The lip liner was becoming too much work for daywear but this was an evening affair. I was pleased with the highlights and color.

I had also purchased a small bottle of Chanel no. 5 with the bathfoam and lightly dabbed my wrists, touching my throat. I'd seen that some women also place a small amount behind their knees. I turned to look at my face. I didn't look much like a boy even without makeup but I realized now that I wanted to alter my small Adam's bump and maybe raise my brow just a bit. Though Theresa's work on my eyebrows was still looking OK I had to pluck the newly grown hair. I needed more skill before I could feel good about changing the shape.

Turning to the full mirror I considered whether I could go braless. The dress would look good either way. I just wondered. My confidence was too weak. I needed some real boobs. My little cock wasn't as much a problem. I tucked the boys and naked stood looking at my body. Was there a future without a penis? I didn't think I would go that far. I slipped a small nude thong up my legs.

I clipped the small cincher into place and fastened my hose to the sexy suspender and nestled my breasts into the demi-brassiere. These six clasp garments were better at holding the full-fashion hose up. Finally I pulled the black and rose thong into place. Using the second panty really was the way to flatten my bump. The new chemise was the perfect length. I wanted the new dress to fall perfectly. The fitting was unnecessary but the dress was quite snug. My necklace and the new bracelet were all that was remained. I won't wear a watch tonight. I had a fifteen-minute drive to Angelica's home.

She was coy in her E-mail. I could sense she was attracted to me but we both knew I had boy bits. How strange to have her 'wanting to get to know you'. There was no mention of the other girls. I slipped the new tall heels on and grabbed my new red clutch and slipped the essentials in; Lipcolor, compact and my cards. Black dress and heels, sheer nude stockings on a leggy blonde. How could she resist me?

I was getting ahead of myself. I paused, thought about how to remain calm and closed the door as I swept my legs into the seat. I was off to a party in the Audi!

End of part Eight

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Sara evolves

This view of transition is what I hope for !

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Only twelve days

This story/series is patiently developing. Please keep it going Sara.

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