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Aaron, Cum For Me


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"Oh, definitely good stuff," she said.

"Okay, so there's something," he said, "So without sounding crude, I take it you were in a 'jovial' mood of sorts?"

She knew what he was asking. "Babe, I am still pretty randy from last night."

Aaron blinked. "Not exactly what I was expecting to hear, but I won't argue. It was hot as Hell."

"Mm-hmmm," Claire agreed with a wicked smile.

Aaron looked at his watch, eyes ticking as he recounted his schedule. "Okay, I tell you what; I'll be in class again until around seven, but when I'm out, I'll read what you have and we'll go from there. Just keep thinking about last night, I guess. There's your fuel."

"You sure, Babe? Don't you think that's a little weird?"

"Oh yeah. It's definitely outside the norm, but if it's the only way to get something of value, then let's do it."

"Oh thank you!" Claire cried as she rounded the corner of the counter and embraced her son. "You're so good to me, Aaron. What would I do without you?" Her hands dug into the muscles of his back. Her cheek pressed against his bare chest.

Aaron staggered slightly, feeling self-conscious with his mother pressed tightly against his exposed flesh. He cautiously brought his hands around, completely the hug.

"It's fine, Mom. I'll help you through this," he said with affection.

Claire closed her eyes. "I know, Honey. I know." Her fingernails trailed over his skin with a light touch. Their ticklish touch was so faint, yet it brought goose bumps rippling across his flesh. He felt them move in tiny, looping circles along his back. First his shoulder blades, then his spine. Slowly they moved to his sides. Her touch was electric, tantalizing and sweet. His heart beat grew more rapid.

"Thank you," she whispered just faintly enough for him to hear as she brought her nails around to his stomach. They traced over his abs, slowly working up between their two bodies. They snaked upwards, rising to his chest, then back down. She was reading his body like braille.

"Thank you," she said again, planting a soft kiss on his chest, then, raising her eyes to his, she smiled. She reached up, kissed his cheek like the night before, only a fraction longer. As she pulled away, Aaron's skin still tingled where her lips had pressed.

"That should help me a bit," she said. "See you after class." She began to leave the kitchen only to stop in the doorway. "You know what one of my favorite things about writing is?"

Aaron shrugged. "What's that?"

"The control I have over the characters. If I want them to squirm, they squirm. If I want them to laugh, they laugh. They feel what I want them to feel and they do what I want them to do..." She paused, as if in thought.

"May I offer a suggestion?" he asked her.

"Of course."

"Have you ever thought about letting them lead you?"

She tilted her head, waiting for an explanation. Aaron continued. "You know them well now. Put them in a situation, control their circumstances, but let them figure out the rest. It might breath a little something new in the story for you." He set his cup in the sink. "Just a thought."

Claire nodded. "It's a good one." The proud, motherly smile returned. "You really are full of surprises, young man. I'll dabble with it a little." She raised an eyebrow. "So, see you at 7:30?"

"Maybe earlier," he said.

Her eyes sparkled. "Oh, goodie! I can't wait. See you this evening then," and she walked out leaving Aaron alone. The vision of a smoldering trail of gunpowder materialized in his mind, sizzling its way up to a powder keg ready to burst. Aaron shook the thought from his mind and began to ready himself for the hours that lay ahead.

The day made Aaron feel like he was wading through wet sand. As the minutes slowly ticked by for him, for Claire they fluttered away as if on the wings of a bird. She crafted and weaved the movements of Lilly, her protagonist, while Aaron began reading her latest work when he should have been studying Chemistry. He read further still, paying little attention to the professor in Ethics while Claire typed in detail the size and shape of Lilly's lover. When Claire brought Lilly to closure, Aaron skipped his class on Mythology and Freud to lose himself in the pages his mother had written. Finally, when he slowly inched through traffic along the freeway, Claire's fingers trembled as she fought to calm her nerves as she typed the final sentence to her story.

The sun had already set as Aaron pulled his sedan into the driveway, the lights streaming through the bay windows of their living room like a lighthouse. It was 8:12, much later than he had planned. He reached to the passenger seat and grabbed his messenger bag and the folded manuscript. Shouldering the strap, he hurried into the house.

"Mom," he called out, closing the door behind him, "Sorry I'm late. There's construction on I-5..." He set the dropped his bag on the couch, scanning around the dim entryway. "...But I finished your story. Mom?"

"In here," she called from the den.

Aaron turned the corner finding her sitting cross-legged in a large suede armchair. A desk lamp cast light over her shoulder as she held aloft a glass of wine. A small stack of pages, held together with brass bindings, sat in her lap as she flipped the pages in review.

Her legs swung back and forth as she patiently read. Her attire was purely breathtaking. She wore a dark black dress, just a shade lighter than her hair. The hem of the skirt was cut to just above her knees, but the bodice was cut in a low 'V'. The swell of her breasts seemed so much fuller than it had the previous nights. The scent of perfume, though very subtle, permeated the air. She appeared as elegant as she seemed lethal, and, judging by her budding nipples, she had been waiting for quite some time.

"Hi, Babe," she cooed with a smirk.

"Hi. Sorry I'm late." he replied, remembering to breath. "You look... amazing!"

She smiled that smile of hers. "Thank you. I wanted to feel pretty tonight. It is a celebration, after all."

Aaron perked up. "You finished it."

"Mm-Hmm," she said, her eyes alight. "Hope you don't mind but I grabbed a glass while I waited."

"Not at all."

"Care to join me?" She pointed to the bottle on the table near him.

"Thanks," he said, pouring a glass.

"Are you hungry?"

Aaron shook his head. "I ate before my last class. You?"

Claire shook hers. "I've been nibbling here and there," she said as Aaron took a long sip. "How was your day?"

"Nothing exciting," he waved it off. "So do I get to read it?"

She smiled. "I was hoping so."

"Great!" Aaron handed her the worn manuscript. "Here's the one from this morning. I've marked some things. Just suggestions and notes."

"Perfect." They exchanged papers. "Why don't you go ahead and read it, while I review this."

"Right now?" he asked. "How long is it?" He flipped through the pages.

"Not up for it?" she asked.

"No, this is fine. Probably take me a half hour."

"Good. Take a seat." She gestured to the lounger across from her.

Aaron practically jumped onto the couch, trying to hide his excitement for her story. He grabbed a pen and began to read, instantly finding himself absorbed. Claire began to flip through her own pages, reliving her tale and looking for his red markings along the way.

The two continued on, turning pages and shifting positions in the dim light, Claire constantly eyeing her son. How dedicated he was as he scribbled down notes, and biting the cap while his eyes scanned the pages. She marveled out how he rapidly devoured her words. She watched when his pulse quickened, or his chest rose for breath. His hand would knead the cushions like dough. His teeth chewed the plastic of the cap. His blood felt like fire constantly growing until finally, he came to the last word, and let out a deep breath.

Aaron turned his attention to his mother, finding her watching him, her own manuscript set aside. She raised an eyebrow waiting for a response.

"That was pretty good." He said honestly.

"You liked it?"

"Oh definitely," he said with wide eyes.

"Why thank you." She swirled the wine in the glass. "Now, flattery aside; where does it need work?"

Aaron flipped back through the pages, glancing over his notes. "Well, actually there are several places, to be honest. Mainly..." He continued to flip, searching for the right page. "... Here. Just before Lilly and Andrew finally hook up."

"Yes?" Claire waited.

"Well, it just... it doesn't feel right."

"What's that?"

"It's tough to say." He searched for the right words. "I mean, their circumstances are pretty much nailed: we know they love each other. They both desperately want each other; there is no argument about that. It's just there is so much build-up, and then... BAM! They bang and it's over. I understand why you end after the hook-up, though the resolution needs some work. My biggest concern is what happens immediately before the climax."

Claire waited. "Yes?"

"Honestly, I think the moments leading up to Andrew and Lilly need to be altered some. Make it more of a tease, you know. This story is more about her, yes. But their feelings and where they are as individuals are almost identical. It should almost be like a game of sorts. Not one person seduces the other, but more of a slow deliberate cascade until they pounce on each other."

Claire digested his words. "What about the level of taboo? Was that a concern?"

Aaron thought about it. "Well, at first, it kinda struck me as out of sorts... but then I got to thinking. Honestly, if it is well told, and it is between two consenting individuals who are of a mature age, then fuck it. Everyone has needs. What was so cool here is that their needs blossomed into something greater. It's a great story, really. I just think it needs a little fine tuning."

Aaron's words sunk in to Claire as she listened. "Okay. Was there anything else?"

Aaron thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Nothing I can think of right now. Any questions about what I wrote on those sheets?"

Claire set her glass down. "Actually, there was one thing I wanted to ask..." She flipped through the pages. "Ah, here. It was when Andrew was bathing and Lilly was spying on him. You mentioned something didn't sound right when he was being described." She looked up.

"Oh, yeah. That." Aaron straightened himself. "This may sound a little weird, but, um... Let me ask you this? When you research; what are your sources for... anatomy?"

Claire laughed. "Seeing as how we've been so honest, and you know I've not seen a man in a long, long time -- porn," she said with a straight face.

Aaron tilted his head, "You've... been looking at porn?"

His mother nodded. "Yup. I've searched those pages through and through finding fine specimens. Problem is it's nothing you can really see nor feel." She tightened her fists. "It's very frustrating, but, oh well."

"I can imagine," Aaron said, shifting in his seat. The thought of his mother studying men on the internet began to stir an erection once more.

"I think I've been losing the genuine feel with the whole experience as well," she admitted. "You know, with the sex. I've been writing how I want it and not how it is."

"Well you have to be honest to the characters," Aaron defended.

"True. But there comes a point in time where it is really sad when I've made a living creating people who copulate not only more than me, but the way I'd really like it. I can't even think of a way to incorporate a 'game' of sorts between Andrew and Lilly like you suggested."

"Really? That's an easy one," Aaron chuckled.

His mother stared at him. "Please enlighten me."

"Okay, well granted this story takes place in the '20's, but this is the first time they've come together, right?"

"Mm-hmmm." Claire uncrossed, then crossed her sleek legs again, causing the fabric of the dress to whisper.

Aaron shifted in his seat. "Well, technically you couldn't use any modern sex game or anything, but think back to ones you've used to play. How both parties were so engaged in it that it was like adding kindling to a bonfire. You just need to use an experience like that, only rework it to fit your scene. That way, the readers will be creaming their pants with the characters." Aaron's face blushed crimson, suddenly realizing what he had just said. "Jesus, sorry. That just slipped out."

Claire grinned widely. "I've said worse, Baby," she said. "But what games are you talking about?"

"You know, for this situation, something that has an element of chance like Naughty Dice or maybe-."

"Dice?" Claire uncrossed her legs and sat forward with wide eyes. "You can use dice in sex?" Her fingers dug deep into the armrests.

"Y-yeah." Aaron stuttered. "I mean, they have to be the special kind with descriptions and stuff."

"How do they work?"

Aaron cleared his throat, uncertain. "Well, you roll the 'em and one says what to do, and the other says where."

Claire's thighs were squeezing together. "You've used them before?"

"Lucy and I used to-."

"Do you still have them?" Her panties were growing wetter at a maddening pace. How have I never heard of this, she thought.

"I think so..." Aaron felt his pulse running a mile a minute. Even counting last night, he'd never seen his mother so worked up.

"Go get them." She stared deep in his eyes. It was more of an order than anything he'd ever heard her say.

Aaron stared back, finally finding words. "I'll... be right back."

Moments later when Aaron returned, he found his mother refilling their glasses. "Let's go into the living room. There's more light there."

"Sure," was all he could mutter as she led the way with hurried footsteps. As he followed her, his hard-on screamed in his jeans as if it sensed his mother's moistening tunnel hurrying along in front of it.

She set their wine glasses on the coffee table and turned to her son, trying to control her excitement. "You have them?" she asked as she knelt down beside the table.

Aaron nodded as he lowered himself to sit beside her. He dropped into her hands two red cubes. She selected one and held it up, rotating it to inspect the words on each side. She read them out loud:

"Lips, Chest, Neck; oh that's a good one." Her focus was encouraging. "Toes, another favorite. Ass; naughty-naughty. And privates." She looked up to her son with a surprised smirk. "Very promising, Aaron."

"Yeah." He watched this vixen in front of him.

"These must be the actions," she said, holding it up. "Tickle, Lick, Nibble, Kiss, Caress, and -- oh that is dirty," she turned to her son. "... And Fuck." She shuffled the dice around in her hand; their plastic crackling filled the room. "So how does it work?"

Aaron shifted his weight. "You roll the dice and do what it says to the other person."

"For how long," she asked eagerly.

Aaron swallowed. "About two minutes."

She rolled the dice around in her palm. "Just two?" Her breathing had turned deep, as had her son's.

"Well, technically it's until the roller decides to stop, but the minimum is two."

"Mmmm, this is a naughty little game, isn't it?" She looked at the dice and rolled them across the table.

They read: Lick -- Privates.

"Oh my," she said. "So... if we were playing, I'd lick you or you'd lick me?"

Aaron exhaled. "Um... Since you rolled. You'd be licking me."

"Really?" She looked to the dice, picked them up and rolled again.

They read: Nibble -- Toes.

"So if you rolled the dice, and they said that, you'd nibble on my toes?" She looked up at him coyly.

"That's right." Aaron nodded.

Claire shifted her weight, feeling the wetness between her heated thighs. She turned to her son, looking into his eyes.

"Baby," she said, "Do you think we could... try it?"

Aaron's cock jumped in his pants. "Are you serious?"

"I've never done this before, and I think I really want to."

"But Mom, look at what the actions are."

"I know, Baby. We won't have sex. And for the really naughty stuff, maybe we'll just pretend." Her fingers trembled. "I'm really turned on right now. You said this could help with the story, and I want to try it."

"Isn't it a little wrong though? I mean, you're my mother, remember? That's getting really close to incest."

Claire looked as if she was ready to shoot bolts out of her eyes. "Babe, on paper I bet you it already is." Strands of her curls bounced in front of her face. "I know you came with me last night," she said. "We both could hear each other; so - nice try."

She stood up, mind set. "Besides, didn't you say that as long as it is two consenting adults, fuck it?"

"That was a different type of taboo, though Mom." Aaron said, looking up at his mother.

"I know, Son. But those were your words, not mine."

"But..." he was running out of arguments and she knew it. "But we have to be naked to play the game." His veins felt like they were pumping melted lead.

"Oh really?" She tilted her head to the side with her hands on her hips. "Well that means I get to see a nice, hard cock firsthand, doesn't it." She reached to her side and began to lower the zipper on her dress.

"Oh God," Aaron whispered. He had longed to see what was about to be before him.

"Come on," she said as she slipped the dress free, leaving her to stand in a black bra and panties. "You're about to feel very overdressed. Momma's getting nude."

Aaron's jaw dropped to the floor as his gaze roamed over her body. Claire rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine. Get up."

As if on autopilot, he stood, but before he could say anything, she grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up his body. He raised his arms, allowing her to pull it up, past his head. He could feel her stretch her body to him as she reached up, trying to free his clothing over his head. Her breasts pushed into him, her chest against his. Her mound held tightly against his erection. As the shirt fell to the floor, they held their stance, lost in the feel of each other's bodies.

Finally, Claire found her voice. "There," she said with a heavy breath. "Now take a seat," she said as she pushed him back onto the couch. He stared back up at her, marveling in her beauty.

"Jesus, Mom," he said as she stood above him. "You're gorgeous."

Blood rushed to her face. "Aw, thank you Babe," she said as he ogled her swelling breasts. She followed his gaze looking down to her own chest. "My-my, Aaron. Enjoying the view?" she asked as she leaned over slightly. "And here I thought you loved my ass." She said with a little wiggle.

Aaron shook his head. "I am, I mean, I was just... they look fantastic! Bigger then I recall. I mean, not that I..." He blushed. "How big are they?" Aaron had to call on all his willpower so as not to reach out and fondle her beauties.

"What these?" she toyed as she cupped her breasts, holding them tightly together. "30D's. 100% natural." Her finger snaked forward to the center and pinched a hidden clasp. She blew him a kiss and shook the bra free, exposing her bare breasts to her son.

"... Whoa," was all he could mutter. Claire burst out laughing.

"Glad you approve," she chuckled. Her nipples were a dark brown and hard enough to cut glass. Tiny goose bumps ran around the areolas. Her nails lightly brushed the skin traveling from the swell of her breasts and circling closer and closer to the center. "You know you're the first man to see these since your Dad?" she said before pinching her nipples.

Aaron sat mesmerized. "I'm honored."

His mother grinned, nodding to his jeans. "Your turn," she breathed. "I want to see you take those off yourself."

Aaron removed his shoes tossing them beside the couch. He moved his hands up to his belt and began to loosen the clasp.

"You sure about this? Not something we can forget about to easily," he asked.

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