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Abduction Pt. 04

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Naked beach volleyball for the abducted girls.
4.1k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/30/2016
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Part 4 - Beach Volleyball

It seemed to Celia no sooner had the old man told her to go to sleep than she had done just that. Perhaps she had simply been very tired.

Celia awoke, yawned and opened her eyes. It was not often she awoke three in a bed - indeed had never woken three in a bed - with or without a man. But there she was with Natasha and the old man. They were both still fast asleep. Natasha looked so pretty lying there with her dark hair all over the pillow, the covers a little off and her still open cream pyjama top, complete with the pink hearts on the pocket, showing one of her breasts. Celia had a great desire to suck the nipple but then the thought of sucking the old man's penis again just popped into her mind. Her tongue licked around her mouth. Her thoughts in conflict - which did she want to do? But why the thought of fellating the old man - her captor? She was cross with herself for so liking doing just that the night before.

Her hand reached across the old man to Natasha. Natasha's pretty hazel eyes opened and Celia put her finger to her lips and pointed to the door.

Like two naughty little girls they crept out doing up their pyjama tops as they went and, just like little girls rather than the university students they were, they went to the bathroom together for their morning wee and then back to their own room with its double bed.

It was Natasha who as soon as the door was closed put her arms around Celia and drew her to her. "Oh Celia!" And her mouth sought Celia's and they kissed.

Celia's fingers on Natasha's pyjama top undoing buttons so with the material pushed aside the two girls could embrace breast to breast - soft nakedness pressing against soft nakedness. It was lovely, such a close embrace.

"I hate all this. I just want to be with you."

"Oh, Natasha, so do I!" It was so good being with her new found friend.

"I love your breasts, Celia." They were rubbing their nipples together. Nipples already hard and sensitive.

Natasha's hand inside Celia's pyjama bottoms, slipping past the elastic, and clasping a cheek.

Celia slid Natasha's bottoms downwards over her wide hips and then she too slid Celia's down so they could rub their pubic mounds together - and they did! Not fur to fur because the minders had denuded them but slit to slit, a soft rubbing. It was lovely.

"I want to fuck you," whispered Natasha.

"What with," giggled Celia, "you haven't the right equipment!"

"Anything and everything. Fingers, thumb, tongue - anything I can find!"

"Oh, Natasha, please!"

They fell onto the bed together, cream pyjama tops open, pyjama bottoms around their knees. Their mouths together.

"Morning girls - oh yes, what is this!"

Caught flagrante delicto. Perfectly obvious to the two 'minders' what the girls had been doing or were, rather, about to do. The entrance was perfect timing. Celia wondered if they were on camera - indeed, were they being constantly filmed for the later enjoyment of the men - or perhaps other men they had not even met.

The boys - well, men - were naked and at the sight of the girls their penes moved and erected. Celia swallowed. They really were, as she knew, rather big men both in body and penis.

"Getting undressed for breakfast?"

The girls were separated, placed on their backs and their legs lifted up towards their heads exposing their pudenda - their wet and aroused sex opened for the men's inspection. Easy for the men to grasp the pyjama material still between their knees and hold them in position with one hand whilst pushing their erections down and into the girls' holes with the others. Their penes were in the girls' vaginas within seconds of entering the room.

Celia was so disappointed. She had been about to make love to Natasha and now, once again, she was about to be inseminated by one or other of the men. Yes, his penis was nice and big, stretching her open, but she wanted Natasha's soft tongue, she wanted Natasha's fine fingers on her breasts - not the grasp of the big man.

The fucking was vigorous and prolonged but it was not brought to the expected conclusion. The penis was withdrawn from Celia but not, as she expected, to be replaced by the other. Instead the men pulled their pyjamas of them, picked them up in 'fireman's lifts' and carried them out of the bedroom towards the veranda.

The girls were struggling a bit as they came out into the sunshine. The old man was there, sitting with a newspaper. He looked up as the men came out onto the balcony. It must have looked somewhat animalistic. Two big strong hairy men carrying what might appear two captive naked girls and sporting strong erections - two cavemen, perhaps, carrying captive girls back to their cave to fuck.

"Boys," said the old man, "put them down. You'll frighten Tabitha and Emily-Sue."

"Now girls, remember what I said last night. Go on suck on the boys' willies - don't mind they've gone all big; boys do that. It'll make you feel better - less frightened."

And of course the girls had to do what they had been told. Had to get down on their knees and take comfort in the penes that had just ravished them! Actually Celia chose the other penis; she deliberately chose the one that had attacked Natasha; she did not suck on the penis that had recently been inside her - indeed was still warm and wet from her; Celia taking comfort in it being her friend's wetness she was tasting as the big penis went between her lips. She knew her friend was tasting her. It was not quite the same. They had so wanted to be together.

"Cornflakes," queried the old man. So prosaic when feet from him dark Natasha's lips were wrapped around one big erection and Celia's around another.

"Mmmgh." Said the girls together.

"Don't speak with your mouth full," said the old man and all the men laughed. It was a very sort of male joke.

Celia and Natasha did not have fresh warm man milk with their cornflakes which somewhat surprised Celia. She had rather expected an inundation of hot semen to fill her mouth before she got to the cornflakes - but no. Probably that was being conserved for later in the morning. Celia could not imagine that by bedtime she would not have felt the rush of a male ejaculation - male ejaculations indeed - in both her mouth and in her vagina: and very possibly more than once in each!

Breakfast was faultless. Lovely to sit by the sea in the warmth of the developing summer's day and eat cereal, fruit and even a cooked breakfast, seemingly cooked by the minders whilst still naked. Celia hoped the hot fat had not spluttered. Or did she really care? No, actually! Perhaps Natasha and she might cook naked one day - if they were let go or escaped. It was a nice idea. Perhaps preparing a salad together. She imagined passing the cucumber and them both giggling in a silly but fun way at its shape. Natasha could certainly fuck her with that - indeed they could fuck each other together, one at each end! Happy thoughts but there at the table were the men. The men who had control over Natasha and herself. The men who could and just had prevented Natasha and she being together and had 'inserted' themselves in both Natasha's and her stead.

Permitted for a short time to undertake their morning ablutions alone, the girls were once more brought down onto the beach without bikinis or swimming costumes; the old man leading them by the hand and he, of course as naked as they. The boys - the minders - were setting up a volleyball net on the sand.

Celia knew immediately just what that was about. Men just love seeing girls playing beach volleyball. It was not simply the pleasure of seeing pretty girls on the move and having every excuse to watch, but seeing just what moved! Stretching and jumping tended to move even the most carefully restrained boobs. Bouncing boobs and taut thin material over straining buttocks was a pleasurable sight to men. Perhaps, as they played, the thin material becoming a little trapped between the buttocks or, if the girl was shaved, showing a delightful 'camel toe' shape; or, alternatively, the boys speculating on the size and texture of the girl's 'bush' from the rounded shape they could see pushing out the thin material. Nice for the men to see the sweat on the girls' bodies - a pleasant association with the natural wetness that came between an aroused girls' thighs. The watching boys perhaps wondering how easy it might be to slip their perhaps already erect penes in between those tanned but a little sweaty thighs - if they were only permitted!

Celia knew all about that, all about beach volleyball and could see how much more fun for the men would be naked volleyball. Though, actually, girls too might like the sight of naked men just a little bit more than men in swimming things or shorts; might like to see firm buttocks flexing and men's untidy 'equipment' flapping around - the penis leaping upwards with the boy's jump or slapping against a thigh if he moved quickly to the side. And of course the boy's balls moving independently - the hot, slack scrotum swinging. Yes, Celia could see herself enjoying watching naked beach volleyball; but participating? Hmmm - perhaps with friends - close friends - she did not have a boyfriend at the moment, but she did now have Natasha and would like seeing her body and big breasts on the move!

"Now girls, we don't want you getting sunburn."

The old man was already squeezing sun tan oil onto his hands.

"No, no, that's all right," said Natasha, "I can do that myself."

Celia nodded in agreement though she knew that was not going to happen!

"Oh, so much easier if someone else does it. Difficult to do your own back."

But not your breasts, thought Celia. She knew what was coming! The old man very liberally applying oil to Celia's own skin and the two 'boys' applying it to Natasha's black skin and making it shine. It looked lovely.

The oil was most thoroughly applied to the girls. Nothing was left untouched or unrubbed. The men were very careful. They seemed to divide the labour with one doing one arm or leg but each seemed to think it important to do both breasts and both bottom cheeks. Oily hands quite unnecessarily hefting the breasts and bouncing them up and down in each hand as they applied the oil.

The old man was no less thorough. His hands on her bottom liberally massaging the oil into her skin. His finger even going where 'the sun don't shine.! There was hardly any need for that - Celia was not planning on bending over for a long period and risking sun burn on her anus - very uncomfortable though sun burn there might be. His fingers too on her sex; his oily hand squeezing her labia major together and holding the whole of her sex in the palm of his hand.

It was obvious the two men were really enjoying oiling Natasha. Their twin penes gave the game away - up they had come - magnificently erect!

Then of course they had to do it to the men. Celia had known that would follow as surely as night followed day. Celia tried to be perfunctory; unlike the men's groping hands; just doing the job. But the old man was having none of it.

"Don't forget the boy's willies and bottoms. It would really hurt if their willies - and mine for that matter ,got sunburn. Plenty of oil and really rub it in. Pull their foreskins back - you do know what foreskins are? And really get that oil in all those folds.

There was nothing for it; Celia's pale hands and Natasha's dark ones reached and clasped; their oily hands placed on penes; oily hands pulling back the prepuces and oiling up the glans; foreskins pulled up and down to spread the oil; plenty of oil applied to wrinkled balls. Celia wondered if the object was to 'relieve' the men before the volleyball game. Were they meant to be making the men come - sudden jets of white semen splashing down on the hot sand?

It seemed not. Natasha and Celia were bidden to move onto the old man. He seemed to thoroughly enjoy himself, standing, legs apart and leaning on his stick as the two young naked girls, themselves shining with oil, worked oily hands all over his body. Finishing, as they knew they must, with their joint hands applying plentiful oil and letting their fingers play a lot with his dangling 'equipment.' So different from the twin hard cocks inches away.

There they all were, standing in the hot sunshine, bodies shining with oil. A strange group to any passerby but there were not yet figures walking their way up the beach. Nobody to stare at the two naked pretty girls and the fine naked upstanding men and wonder why the girls were playing with the old man's limp cock rather than mounting or being mounted by the young men.

"Ready for the game I think."

Celia and Natasha knew how to play. One girl and one man each side of the net and the old man settling down to watch.

It was such a strange start to the game. Not only were they playing naked but the men were still erect. Difficult to concentrate when Natasha's lovely breasts bounced up in the air as she leapt. Difficult to not be distracted by the men also leaping for the ball still erect - their big penes waggling. Celia could be objective: the two minders were really rather fine specimens of the male of the species. Their oiled bodies a delight to observe - or would have been if they were not her captors. Her eyes going from Natasha's beautiful oiled black skin - an utter joy - to the fine males.

The erections did not last but there was still a remarkable amount of movement as the men ran and leapt. Their genitalia did not stay still any more than Natasha's or her own boobs.

It settled down as an energetic game. Played as anyone might on the beach only the players were naked. The old man watched with considerable attention and encouragement.

Gradually an audience built up. There seemed to be more people on the beach that day. Celia was not at all surprised people stopped to watch. Some were even taking pictures which was not pleasing. Celia did not think it at all right other people should have pictures of her naked.

The old man was encouraging. Even inviting people in the audience to participate. Some did join in but it was made very clear by the old man the rules required no clothing. This did not put some off and there was soon quite a range of naked bodies leaping about with exposed breasts and genitalia. Celia found the variety interesting. No doubt, so did the spectators. Some girls a little shaved, some not, but only Natasha and she fully denuded. One girl, allegedly a blond, was revealed as not naturally so! The contrast of flying pale hair and her dark bush rather pleasing to Celia's eye. Those girls prepared to join in all seemed a little more modest in the breast department: perhaps the bigger girls less happy to have their large breasts bounding.

As the morning progressed the original participants ceased playing and the old man suggested they returned to the beach house for some ice cream. It was funny leaving the seemingly self sustaining game to strangers who had joined them on the beach. A happy naked game just carrying on. Had it all been the old man's influence? Surely not.

"So much energy," said the old man back at the house, "so nice to see young people playing so freely. Such pretty girls and such fine young men. I so wish I could join in. You boys must be so tired after your exertions and have no energy left - and you girls too."

The men shook their heads.

"Ah, you still have more energy to release then? First some ice cream."

It was peculiar. Just getting the ice cream and the wait whilst it softened a little seemed to excite the men. Celia could not but notice their penes thickening and lengthening - that barometer of male arousal.

"Where are those ice cream cones?" Asked the old man.

As if on cue the penes rose to their curving upright height.

"Ah good. I hope they have not gone soggy and soft in the cupboard."

They did not look at all soggy or soft...

Carefully the old man applied a scoop of the ice cream right on the top of the man's erection - applying it like a hat. It was a soft ice cream. The man winced and took a deep breath as it was applied.

"There you are Emily-Sue, there's your double scoop cone! Blackcurrant or is it Raspberry with a dollop of vanilla on top!"

Possibly, just possibly the knob did look like a round scoop of ruddy purple ice cream with another scoop on the top. It was surprising it stayed there; even given the softness of the ice cream it was precariously balanced.

"Go on lick, Emily-Sue!"

Of course as soon as she did it the vanilla scoop just slid off the penis! But the old man applied another scoop.

"Go on gobble it all down!"

The minder's hands on her head and she was forced down, the scoop of vanilla and the knob all going into her mouth as one. The ice cream was cold - very cold - the knob only warm in places but it was being moved. Her mouth was very full. The man was forcing his penis back and forth in her mouth, mashing the ice cream as he did so. Clearly he was relishing the unusual sensations of cold from the ice cream and warmth from her lips, tongue and mouth. Up and down went Celia's head. The man's hands holding it, forcing her mouth to move.

"Aagh - fuck!" He ejaculated.

And he certainly did and not just verbally. Not just the contrast of cold, cold ice cream in her mouth with the warmth of his penis but, now appearing in spurts, to be mashed with the ice cream, were pulses of warm, glutinous semen. A salty and warm contrast to the sweet cold ice cream. It was not vanilla flavour either!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck - fucking wonderful, you've just got to do that!" He said to his fellow.

"Language, language!" admonished the old man. He turned to Natasha sitting in a chair. "Your turn." He scooped up more vanilla ice cream but managed to drop it right down Natasha's cleavage. An accident? Celia did not think so.

A lovely but cold scoop of vanilla ice cream slipping down Natasha's dark cleavage. It had landed right between her boobs leaving a white trail all the way down. It ended up resting in her tummy button. She had not been sitting very upright in her armchair. The sudden cold made her sit up straight. It carried on with its journey.

"Oooh, aaah - that's cold."

The old man came to her rescue licking the scoop of ice cream as it rested between her tightly closed legs, right on the vee where her legs joined - right on her denuded slit. Celia would like to have done that herself and followed the ice cream trail up her tummy to her cleavage - but the old man enjoyed himself doing just that.

"Perhaps Tabitha, you would rather have yours in a tub?"

Natasha looked at the minder's upstanding penis. "Um, please."

Celia wondered if Natasha had made a good choice. What was this tub?

"Of course you can! I'm sure we have something..."

Some people like their ice cream in a cone: others do not terribly like the biscuit like cone and rather have their ice cream in a tub with a spoon. Perhaps Natasha was one of those or was she simply trying to avoid fellating the other minder? Celia did not know.

The other minder seemed unperturbed; he took hold of and lifted Natasha's legs up so her knees were either side of her head causing the whole of her sex to be exposed, her lips opening to reveal her special soft skin and genitalia.

It was then Celia realised just what the plan was as the other minder moved into position to hold her arms. Oh no!

The old man scooped more of the soft, creamy vanilla ice cream and released the scoop, the ball, of ice cream right onto Natasha's exposed nether lips making them clench like some dark, mysterious sea anemone.

"Ooaahwoah," she wailed. Her hips moving trying to dislodge the round ball of ice cream but the more she wriggled , the more it slipped around until it came to rest right on her sexual entrance.


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