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A pair of Femboys find love in 2 secretly hung ladies!
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Hey, guys! Just wanted to apologize for the late release. I had hoped to drop this story at the end of June but I got so lost in the story that it ended up becoming my longest piece yet. I'm currently on vacation but will start working on the next story when I get back, which I'm excited to say will be a continuous story where you guys vote on certain character choices.

Please leave your honest feedback in the comments and I hope you guys enjoy my story.


Elliot got out of the shower and whipped the condensation off the mirror before inspecting his reflection. He hated everything about the person looking back at him. In his mind he should have been born a giga-chad, an alpha male like all the other boys he grew up with back in his hometown. They all grew up to be tall, muscular, and confident while he stayed the same height since middle but if that was the extent of his problems then he'd be able to cope with them.

Elliot was by all accounts the most feminine man he had ever seen. If someone had told you he was a black man who grew up in a rough impoverished neighborhood and worked hard to go to a college with a D1 football team, that person would envision Elliot as a 6 foot plus star athlete. One with a strong sense of self and the confidence to get women left and right while having a set goal in which he was chasing. All of those things described the people Elliot grew up with but not him.

He stood at an embarrassing 5'3 with a slender and frail body that lacked any useful muscle mass. His face wasn't androgynous like some men with slightly girlish features but rather straight up feminine. To the point it was common for people to mistake him for a woman at first, something that annoyed him to no end. His ethnic hair was naturally curly and sat around shoulder length with it having a healthy glow to it at all times. His chocolate skin was flawless with not a single blemish to be found anywhere on his body. His eyes were rare for someone of his complexion with them being a bright green, something he was often complimented on. His eyelashes and eyebrows naturally had the appearance of being done which only served to make him look even more feminine. He had a nice small button nose which was the exact opposite of his lips which were big with a natural gloss to them.

Then came the bane of his existence. His lower half was where all his insecurities resided and continued to grow. He didn't have wide feminine hips which was one thing he was grateful for but his gratuity ended there since everything else worked against him. His thighs were very thick, enough so that they constantly rubbed against each other when he walked which in and of itself was girlish. His natural walk always resulted in him swaying his hips side to side as if he were trying to seduce someone with his butt which was one of the main reasons he hated himself. It was big, plain and simple. He had a large round dump truck of an ass with a shelf he'd only seen on instagram models. It jiggled obscenely with every step he took making his already feminine walk look down right slutty.

Plenty of women he worked with asked if he could show them his gym routine so they could replicate his results but he couldn't. Elliot had never stepped foot into a gym before and it was something that baffled every woman he told. They couldn't believe such an ass wasn't built in the gym but rather naturally grown over the years with just Elliot's basic diet. He'd often catch women looking at him with a jealous look in their eyes which he completely understood. Especially since that same look was on his own face whenever a fellow black man walked past him. They were all so tall, muscular, and manly, a stark contrast to his highly feminine figure but it was what Elliot had between his legs that made him jealous.

It was the second reason he despised his own body. He'd tried everything from penile exercises, to jelqing, to even a consultation with a penile surgeon to see if he could get his size increased but was crushed when he was told the starting amount was too small for surgery. With everything about him being so feminine Elliot wished he at least had an average sized penis but even that was too much for god to give him. At barely over 2 inches erect with testicles the size of small marbles, his penis was pathetic unlike the other black men he grew up with who no doubt were a cut above average. Even his stamina was poor with him lasting no more than a couple strokes when masturbating before blowing his small watery load. Something he knew no women would ever be up for a second round with had he ever managed to get laid.

With his appearance being the way it was along with how small and inadequate his penis was Elliot got little to no attention from women. He lived a lonely life in his parents home until he met Carl. They had met online when Elliot was playing video games and quickly became good friends since Carl, like himself, was also very feminine in nature but was more outgoing than Elliot. Carl was Asian with both his parents being Korean. His body was very similar to Elliot with the key differences being that his butt was a little smaller than Elliot's but much perkier, giving him a larger bubble butt that matched perfectly with his wide hips. Their friendship grew the more they played online together to the point that when it came time for both of them to move out of their parents houses they both moved in together.

Seeing each other in person was a relief for both of them since they now had someone to relate to by their side. They helped each other with everything like friends should. Elliot was horrible at doing the laundry so Carl picked up that chore. Carl wasn't the best when it came to cooking so Elliot handled their meals. Wherever one of them fell short the other was always there to help. It brought them closer than ever and they soon saw each other as best friends borderline brothers. Everything was great until Elliot got some horrible news.

Elliot had been talking with a girl named Betty for about a month before Carl even started gaming with him. When Carl met Betty for the first time he was shocked. He never imagined Elliot, someone who was slighter girlier than himself, would get a girl like Betty. She was slightly taller than him and was a natural redhead which in and of itself was hot. She worked out regularly, so Carl wasn't surprised that she had a great body which went perfectly with her beautiful face. He thought that Elliot and Betty were doing great so when he came and found Elliot crying, he was shocked to learn she broke up with him. However the true shocker was the fact that Betty had left him for another woman. It was something that neither of the boys could wrap their head around but after reading a text she sent Elliot a few days later it crushed both of them.

The text was straight to the point and essentially told Elliot that he wasn't man enough. That he was just as much if not more of a girl as she was and that his penis was far too small to be of any use. She said that the woman whose name Betty never divulged was satisfying her in ways that he could never hope to. That a guy as girly looking as Elliot should just become gay since he'd never be able to give a woman what she needs. It was a cruel text and one that changed Elliot.

Following the breakup Elliot turned into a recluse. He never left the apartment and even quit his job in exchange for a fully remote one he could do in his room. Even the go arcade they loved to go to hadn't seen either of them in weeks since Carl refused to go without Elliot. Carl knew that Elliot and himself were less than desirable when it came to women but knew that there was someone out there for them. He wasn't sure who or where they would come from but knew that staying locked up in the apartment wasn't going to yield the results they wanted. Him and Elliot were both in the same boat so all they had to do was stick together, put themselves out there, and keep trying.

Carl knew that one day they'd find their perfect matches but never would he have thought they'd come with a secret. Very large ones, ones that once they gave into and accepted them would forever change the two boys.

Chapter 1: Back Into The Fold & Two Gorgeous Saviors!!

The sun had started its descent causing a beautiful array of colors to shine brightly in the summer sky but it went unnoticed by the two boys. Elliot and Carl were both going head to head in Creature Feature 3! It was a fighting game and the latest one in the franchise. In it the two could pick from a variety of characters from different horror films to fight each other to death. They had been playing for the past hour and were both tied sitting at 9 wins each. Elliot was using Jason Vorhees from the Friday the 13th franchise while Carl was using the Werewolf from the Wolfman movie.

"C'mon on Carl, that passive is bullshit! No way a werewolf can heal after I cut off its arm!"

"Suck to suck dude! Looks like I'm about to.....WHAT THE FUCK!!"

Carl was caught off guard when Elliot used Jason in a way he hadn't expected. He made the hockey mask wearing killer toss his iconic machete aside and replaced it with a fireman's ax. The ax was slower but did significantly more damage and it was just enough to overpower the passive healing the Werewolf had. Carl panicked and tried to leap away to create distance only for Elliot to make Jason throw the ax as hard as possible at the fleeing beast. Carl stared at the tv in disbelief at the sight of his Werewolf with an ax lodged in its forehead.


"Yes! What was that, Carl? Sucks to suck, right!"

"Fuck you, dude! You got lucky!"

"Lucks got nothing to do with it! It was merely my superior skills!"

"Suuuure! Let's go with that!"

Carl glanced out the window and saw how nice it was outside. He looked at Elliot who hadn't left the apartment in over 3 months since Betty broke up with him and saw a briefe glimpse of the sadness he had been hiding behind his smile. It tore Carl apart seeing his best friend in such a depressed state and at that exact moment he decided to end it.

"Hey, Elliot"

"What's up? You wanna rematch? Not that it's gonna change anything."

"First of all fuck you! Secondly, it's nice outside, how about we..."


"You didn't even let me..."

"Don't need to. I already know where this is going and I'm not interested. Why go outside when all that's gonna happen is me getting shit on by douchebags and seeing pretty girls who won't even look in my direction!"

Carl couldn't stand to hear another moment of his friends sulking and hopeless outlook. He was going to get him outside even if it meant losing something they both loved. He went to the kitchen and filled a glass with water from the sink before returning to the living room. He walked towards the entertainment center and took a deep breath to calm himself before pouring the water all over their PS5.


"What I have to!"

In seconds the tv screen went black as their favorite pastime shorted out with smoke emanating from its cooling vents. Their PS5 was officially gone and with it the only thing Elliot had to pass the time when he wasn't working.

"There, now that it's broken you only have 2 choices. You either come outside with me or die of boredom in your room."

"I'll...I'll find something else to do!"

"Like what?"

"I'll...I'll start reading! Yeah, there's plenty of books I've heard are great for passing time."

"Oh please! You haven't picked up a book since you graduated."


"And, it's time Elliot! Time to move on from that bitch!"

"You...You don't understand!"

"Yes I do! You loved her and she dumped you for something you couldn't change! She then left you a fucked up text to hurt you when you did nothing wrong. Fuck, Betty! The cunt can choke and die for all I care."


"I'm in the same boat as you, dude! If I can go out there and at least try, then you, who actually had a girlfriend, can definitely get another one but you're not gonna find her kicking my ass at video games everyday."

"Hmp! At least you admitted I'm better than you!"

"I'm being serious, dude!"

"I...I know and you're right! I owe it to myself to be happy!"

"There you go! That's what I wanna hear man!"

"Alright let's go get rejected by every girl we approach"

"Eeehh, let's...keep it more optimistic! Alright?"


Elliot put down the controller and went to change. He was putting on something other than house clothes for the first time in 3 months. So he shouldn't have been surprised when he noticed some of his clothes had become too small for him. He went through his wardrobe like a tornado turning his tidy room into one that resembled a town after a hurricane. He went through almost every article of clothing he had and found nothing appealing until he stumbled upon his old go to outfit.

It consisted of a black t-shirt with the quote "it's okay to be different" on the back and his favorite pair of khaki shorts.

'I can't remember the last time I put this on. Might as well see if it fits.'

He put the clothes on, surprised at the fact that they fit him, for the most part. The shirt was fine but his shorts were very snug in the butt area. He inspected himself in the mirror and rolled his eyes in annoyance at the fact his butt had gotten bigger. The outline of his underwear was clearly visible which was embarrassing since it was already small on him. He had no need to leave the apartment so ordering the proper sized underwear wasn't on his priority list. The briefs he had on looked like he was wearing a thong since his buttcheeks ate the barely fitting underwear he had on. He wanted to keep searching through his clothes but decided to just go with it, not wanting to keep Carl waiting.

The moment he left his room he saw Carl smiling at him.

"Why're you smiling at me?"

"Cause' the last time you wore that was when we broke the high score at the arcade downtown. That was a good night, right?"


"So let's go have another one! C'mon!"

They both left the apartment and walked to the elevator, where Elliot pressed the button to bring it to their floor. Carl gave Elliot a quick look over and tried to not to laugh but a little bit of it slipped out.


"Don't say a word!"


"I know what you were going to point out!"

"I was just gonna say your outfit really suits your figure!"

"You mean my ass!"

" that you mention it. It does look like it got bigger! Jigglier too!"

"Fuck you!"

"Now, now, no need to get feisty. Statistics show that women like guys with nice asses!"

"Nice asses, not a dump truck way bigger than their own butts. Looks like I'm wearing a fucking thong! I swear these fit me last month!"

"Yeaaah, you definitely got a lotta junk in your trunk!"

"Like you don't!"

"Well now that you mention mine did get a little bigger...perkier too! Although it's still smaller than yours!"

"Whatever, you're buying a new PS5!"

"I mean I did buy the first one!"

The elevator finally reached their floor and the two got inside. They were on the 25th floor so they had some time before they reached the lobby. They continued their back and forth with Carl smiling on the inside happy to see his friend back to his old self. After a minute or two they reached the lobby where Jonas the concierge clerk expressed how delighted he was to see Elliot again after so long. The two quickly caught up on things with Jonas telling Elliot how he was now an uncle and Elliot telling him a fabricated story about how he was busy with work.

Jonas excused himself when he noticed that another tenant was leaving for vacation and went to help her with her bags. Elliot and Carl walked out the lobby with Elliot making Carl laugh before they started their day outside.

"Listen, all I'm saying is if some meathead calls me gay or something I swear I'm gonna lose my shit."

"Lose your shit as in...Angry or Psychotic?"

"Psychotic, full on "I killed him because the walls told me to!" type of shit!"

"Yikes, let's hope you don't have to dismember someone on your first day back in society."

(30 minutes later)

The boys had gotten something to eat at Elliot's favorite cafe. The coffee wasn't anything to get excited about but their pastries were to die for. His favorite was their apple fritter which came with a nice cup of hot chocolate that was topped with whipped cream that wasn't too sweet but just enough to bring everything together.

After they were done they decided to go for a walk in the park and Carl found himself once again smiling at the fact his best friend wasn't cooped up in the house any more. They were walking by an open field when they noticed a couple guys passing around a soccer ball. Carl could see the uncomfortable look on Elliots face as they got closer. He understood why since they seemed like the type of guys to bully anyone they saw as beneath them. Something he had hoped people would grow out of after they left high school but with both Elliot and himself turning 23 this year it was still something they dealt with from time to time.

They quietly walked past the group of guys hoping to go unnoticed and Elliot thought they were in the clear when suddenly Carl was hit in the back of the head by the soccer ball.


"Carl, you okay? Hey, what the fuck is your problem?"

Elliot watched as all 3 of the muscular guys approached them and he gulped as they began to tower over him the closer they got. By the time the group reached him and Carl it was obvious they all had at least a foot of height on them. Carl regained his bearings and looked at Elliot with a forced smile before telling him to let it go. Every part of Elliot wanted to listen to his friend and leave but he just couldn't. Not after such a blatant display of disrespect that not only wasn't necessary but also excessive for no reason.

One of the guys walked right up to Elliot with a cock smirk on his face before talking down to him.

"You two should where you're going."

"Watch where we're going? How about you get your head outta ass and apologize to my friend?"

"Your friend? I thought he was your boyfriend!"

Elliot's anger was growing at the way the group was laughing at him and what looked like the leader's unoriginal joke. It was something that the two of them had heard plenty of time before but to be physically harassed on top of it was something he wasn't going to let slide.

"We're not gay!"

"Really? You coulda fooled me! I for sure thought you two were pros at sucking dick!"

Once again the group as a whole were laughing at them and in a moment of rage Elliot acted without thinking. He picked up the soccer ball that they had no doubt intentionally kicked at Carl's head and chucked it over the safety railing into the pond next to them. The group of douchebags all immediately stopped laughing and both Elliot and Carl could sense a shift in their deminor. Carl watched as the guy directly in front of Elliot clenched his fist before swinging at Elliot who barely managed to dodge the blow, falling on the ground in the process.

The group of guys slowly approached him with malicious intent written all over their faces.

"We were just fucking around with you faggots but now you're gonna get it. I'm gonna fuck your girly little ass up first then your chink boyfriend can go get my ball out of the pond before he catches a beating next."

The leader took another step toward Elliot who thought he was about to get an express trip to the hospital when he heard a woman's voice come from behind him.

"Hey, y'all best leave those girls alone if you know what's good for ya!"

Elliot and Carl turned around to see a tall blonde woman behind them. She was slightly taller than all the bullies so Elliot figured she had to be around 6'5 and she was absolutely stunning. She had her hair in a ponytail and had a sweatband around her head. She wore glasses but he was still able to clearly see her ocean blue eyes. She had freckles on her face which some might see as blemishes but to Elliot they only enhanced her beauty. She also had nice lips which went perfectly well with her high cheekbones. Overall she was drop dead gorgeous and Elliot didn't even look at her body yet.

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