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Accepted Ch. 01

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A scholarship winner finds out an error in his application.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/29/2018
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Congratulations, you've been-

I looked up from the letter. That's all I needed to know that I had finally gotten myself out of Iowa. A few months from now I'd be leaving this joke of a community college and getting a real degree, in a real place, and moving on from corn fields and factory jobs. Being able to live in California is one thing, but studying programming there would give me such a leg up with the connections alone. With a smile on my face, I scanned the rest of the letter.

-that you will feel right at home-

"Blah, blah, blah," I mumbled t o myself. Turning the page over and quickly looking at another one in the acceptance packet.

-and have been awarded our full-ride scholarship due to your excellent academic achievement, leadership, and community service.

I reread the sentence, continuing as it went into the specifications of the scholarship, praising my varsity captain experience, and welcoming me to the Computing and Mathematical Sciences Department. I knew that I had applied for every scholarship available, but to actually receive one? I was amazed. It worked. It actually worked! The long hours in front of the computer over the past year had finally paid off. And not only that, but now I didn't have to go back to that damn corn factory this summer to scrape together tuition! With an even bigger smile, I stuffed the letters back into the envelope and ran into the house.

- - -

It had been a whirlwind of a summer. I shared the news with my parents, who were even more surprised that I was, and slowly worked through the long, boring process of scholarship paperwork, new student setup, and finally, figuring out orientation and housing. School was a week away, and I could barely concentrate. Bye, bye corn fields!

I logged into my student email and started going through the various newsletters and informational mail that backlogged my inbox. About halfway down, I stopped.

[UNREAD] CSTI Women's Club -- Welcome to Cali!

[UNREAD] Volleyball Walk-on Tryouts

"The Women's Club?" I said out loud, laughing, "Yeah, thanks! Nice automated email system you got there!" Without even opening the message, I deleted it and moved on to the one below. Being the captain of my high school varsity volleyball team was partly the reason I got my scholarship, so it would be great if I was able to walk on to the team. To be honest, I hadn't even thought of being able to play at the college level. At a hair under six feet tall, I was a decent outside hitter, but I shined as a libero. It would be pretty cool to get back out on the court while in college. Maybe even play beach volleyball! It was California after all!

I clicked the email. My heart dropped.

Dear Sasha,

As head coach of the Women's Volleyball team, it is my honor to invite you to walk-on tryouts this summer in preparation for our fall schedule.

"Women's volleyball? That can't be right." Quickly reading through the rest of the message, it was apparent they had a least a general idea of my varsity experience in high school. This wasn't just any automated message; the coach, or at least his assistance, personally sent this. I immediately thought back to the Women's Club email I laughed off just a moment ago.


I opened another tab and immediately went into the student dashboard, finding my personal information within the transcript database.

Name: Milovic, Sasha

Date of Birth: July 23, 1998

Sex: Female

There it was. This had happened years ago in elementary school, and once with a substitute teacher in middle school, but now, on my official college transcript, I was listed as a girl all thanks to my damn name. It's stupid, really. Although my family was once Croatian, we had become increasingly Americanized over the hundred plus years in the United States. As an homage to our "rich heritage," my dad thought it best to name me Sasha, a common name for boys and girls in Eastern Europe. Unbeknownst to him, because why would you want to research a name you're going to give your child, Alexander and Alexandra are the real names. Sasha is the corresponding nickname, for both girls and boys alike. Unfortunately for me, my parents used this nickname as my official name. Lovely.

I opened up my student email and began drafting a message to the registrar. I'm sure this happens ever now and then, I thought to myself. As I began writing, it occurred to me that this might be a bigger problem than it appeared at first glance.

If my transcript says that I'm a girl, what about my scholarship?

Frantically, I went back into my student dashboard. I had signed and submitted forms for financial aid, and had even been cleared for the funds to be deposited into my account, but never had there been anything on the documents other than the words "Financial Aid -- Fall." Diving deeper and deeper into the specifics of the scholarship, I found a scanned copy of my original application. It wasn't anything flashy, a few essay questions and plenty of room for hand written responses. At the bottom was a tagline I had never seen before:

The Davies Advancement for Computer Science and Engineering Scholarship

Helping young women learn to love STEM

I was floored. I applied to a fucking woman's only scholarship to my dream school and they accepted me. I had written so many scholarships and applied to so many grants in order to piece together potential out-of-state tuition that I guess I never checked the details.

In a matter of minutes, I had gone from anxiously anticipating a volleyball tryout, to realizing that I wouldn't be going to California at all. I didn't have the money. I spent all summer hanging with friends in order to take a breather from the past year of working double shifts and finishing community college. I grabbed my cell and texted Sam, my best friend since third grade.

yo, need to talk. can I meetcha at your place?

I stared at my phone as I began to break down. I pictured myself back at the corn processing plant, coming home to the same house I'd lived in my whole life, stuck in the same nowhere town like everyone else who's grown up here.

at sarah's, come around back, trucks out front

- - -

"I mean, it's kinda funny," Sam said, trying his best to cheer me up. "You literally got a full-ride scholarship because your dad convinced your mom to call you Sasha."

"Dude, this is fucked. I'm fucked. There's no way I can get the money to go now!" I shouted at him from across the room. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Woah!" Sarah shouted from upstairs, "Inside voice, Milo!"

"Inside voice?!" I yelled back, louder than before, "FUCK!"

I heard Sarah's footsteps pound through the ceiling as she made her way from the upstairs room to the banister.

"Listen Milo," she said as she came down the stairs. "I don't know what the fuck is going on, and I'm trying to give you two some space, but if you start that shit you can just walk yourself out."

"Fuck, I'm sorry, okay?" I said, as calmly as I could, taking a deep breath. "It's just... I'm not going to Cal Sci. They fucked up my scholarship. I fucked up my scholarship."

"Yeah, too bad you're just another white guy!" Sam snickered as Sarah made her way to join him on the couch.

Sarah screwed her face up and looked at him. "What the fuck does that have to do with anything?"

"I got a fucking woman's scholarship. I didn't read it, they didn't check it or something, and when I go to show up at orientation next week they're going to find out. I'm fucked." I put my head in my hands and just sat there, staring at the floor. Eventually, Sarah broke the silence.

"Well, they don't know you're not a girl, right?"

"What?" I said to the floor, hands covering my face. "What does that even mean?"

"I mean, you could pretend to be a girl. It's a lot of fucking money, right? Why not?"

"What? Yeah, it's like forty grand a year..." I looked up, still trying to process what Sarah had just said. "Did you say, pretend to be a girl?"

"Yeah," she replied, shooting Sam a quick look to her right before pressing on. "That's like, over one hundred thousand dollars! Why not? I'd dress up like a dude for that kind of money!" I just stared at her, dumbfounded. Sam mirrored me, trying to comprehend what his girlfriend had just said.

"Okay, listen, you guys are obviously thinking this is super gay or whatever, but think about it. You dress up in drag, go to your dream college, for free, then you take the degree and run! Nobody ever looks at that shit on job applications! And if they do, it'll have your real name." Sarah's face lit up as she finished, looking back at Sam for validation.

"I mean," I said slowly, "how would this even happen? I have to go to orientation next week. I'm picking house next week." Sarah squinted and pursed her lips, looking me up and down from across the room.

"I can do this. Let me do this."

"Do what, exactly?" I said back with an air of hopelessness.

"Turn you into a girl! I can rock the makeup, and you're not like, super buff or whatever so I'm sure you won't look bad." Sam laughed.

"Hah, yeah. Now that you mention it, your body is definitely more like a girl's one than a guy's."

"Fuck you, dude."

"But seriously," Sarah jumped back in, "You want to go to Cali, right?"

"Of course I do," I said quickly, shaking my head as I realized what I was agreeing too.

"Then trust me. Tell your parents that you're staying the night at Sam's or something, and I'll make you over." She paused, staring at me like she was already planning what she wanted to do to me. "Yeah, I got this. You're going to look hot!"

I shot Sam another quick look before pulling out my cell phone. If this fucking works, I thought to myself, I mean, it's not going to, but what the fuck do I have to lose.

"Hey, dad? Yeah, mind if I stay at Sam's tonight?" I faced back towards Sam and Sarah, nodding to them. "Yep, okay. I'll be back soon for dinner and then I'll head over."

- - -

"Now, the trick is to look up as you do it, okay?" Sarah lectured me as she attempted to put mascara on my bottom lashes. "Hey!" she snapped, obviously catching me rolling my eyes, "You're going to have to do this every day for the next three years if this works out, okay? Pay attention!" The gravity of what I was doing didn't hit me until Sarah said those words. Three years? I'm going to have to do this for three years? As Sarah finished my lashes, I looked into the mirror to see what we had "accomplished" over the past few hours.

I was sitting at her vanity, shirtless, in just my gym shorts with freshly shaven legs, painted toes and fingernails, and had my hair up in a pink hair tie. It wasn't long by any means, but just enough to pull back into a tiny, high ponytail at the top of my head. A light foundation had softened my face, silver eye shadow and black eye liner made my green eyes pop like never before, and a dark pink lipstick covered my lips.

"See?" Sarah said, stepping back from in front of me and joining my gaze into the mirror. "You look like you're ready to party!" I had to agree with her. It wasn't the most casual of looks, but I could barely recognize myself with all this makeup on. I always considered myself to have masculine features, but apparently it only took just a few products to give me an attractive, believable, feminine face.

"Well," I said, turning around and looking up to Sarah. "I've got to give it to you. I agree."

"Fuck!" Sam shouted from across the room, "Milo? You... look... good, dude," he stumbled. Sarah laughed.

"Hey now, it's okay to say he looks good! If anything, it's a compliment to me!" She smiled and put her hands on my shoulders. "Okay, now that we've got this taken care of, let's try the outfit I picked out for you." I looked at her, unsure of what to say. "Come," she said, slapping me on the back and hopping over to her bed. "Go change into these and give us a fashion show!"

I stood up and walked over to Sarah, who was obviously enjoying herself. Without even looking at the clothes, I grabbed them and stormed off into the bathroom. "Thanks," I said dryly, before slamming the door shut.

I set the clothes down on the counter and took a moment to collect my thoughts. Straightening my back, I slipped my gym shorts and boxers off, feeling the fabric slide down my bare legs. It was an oddly exciting feeling being completely hairless from the neck down. I shivered, then grabbed what appeared to be a pair of light blue skinny jeans and prepared myself for what would be a struggle to slip into. Instead, I tossed them to the side and started with something easier: a loose fitting red sweater. It wasn't baggy, but fashionably fell off my shoulders before slimming at the waist just enough to show off my skinny figure.

I pulled the sleeves midway up my forearm and looked into the mirror. Staring at what was apparently my face was surreal. It was me, but completely different. I couldn't get over the fact that I actually looked good as a girl. I looked down again, noticing my pink toes poke out from below my flaccid penis. I couldn't control myself as this strange combination of femininity and masculinity began to turn me on.

Okay, I thought to myself, closing my eyes, focus. Don't be weird.

I stepped my feet into the faded jeans, making sure both legs were in before trying to pull up. They hugged my calves as I struggled to get them up to my knees. As a volleyball player, I didn't have much for upper body strength, but my thighs and butt were fairly defined from years of squatting and shuffling around the court. Great for the sport, but as I was finding out, not so great for slipping into skinny jeans that were already too small for you.

I began to hop up and down, trying to slide the jeans up my thighs. As I did, my dick began to bounce, flopping around and getting slightly harder with each hop. Once again, I couldn't control myself. Whatever was happening was turning me on in some way and I had no idea why. I pulled my jeans up to my waist, with the crotch dipping below my engorged cock. With this thing sticking straight out there was no way I could fit into these jeans. I looked back up at myself.

Standing in the mirror in front of me was a tall, attractive blonde with a six inch dick poking out from her pants. I stared at my cock, and looked back up at my matching pink lips. I imagined this tall blonde kneeling in front of me. I opened my mouth, mimicking my imagination, and began to slowly stroke my cock, mesmerized at my own sexiness. I ran my other hand over my chest, feeling my nipples through the soft sweater. In my mind, I pictured her on her knees, sucking my cock as she ran her own hands over her tits.

"Fuck yea," I said quietly, stroking myself harder and licking my lips. "Suck that cock." My manicured hands rubbed my dick harder as my pink toes continued to peek out after each stroke. I watched as my cock began to glisten with precum, the stick substance coating the tip and dripping onto my pink fingernails. I focused back onto my lips, opening them and sticking out my tongue as if inviting my own cock into my mouth. I stroked harder, feeling the orgasm building.

"Take my cum you fucking slut," I whispered to myself, grabbing my nipple through my shirt. "Fuuuuck,"I moaned softly, as I stroked myself to completion. White ribbons of cum shot out from my cock, coating the sink and counter in front of me. I slowed my strokes, letting the last drops of cum leak out from my tip and down my hand. Still gripping it tightly, I took a deep breath and stared at myself in the mirror. Once again, I was met with the gaze of an attractive blonde, cock in hand. I smiled to myself and slid my hand off my softening member, making sure to catch any leftover cum before it dripped onto the clothes. I cleaned myself up quickly, and tried stuffing my cock into the jeans. After some more patience and positioning I was able to tuck myself in. With a deep breath, I buttoned up.

My face was still flushed from what I had just done, but aside from that, I looked good. Surprisingly good. The jeans were a little tight, but I liked how form fitting they were, especially around my butt. Being that they were Sarah's sister's, they were slightly shorter than I expected and ended just above my ankle. Still, the manufactured holes that made them look worn were flattering, letting my smooth, bare thighs poke out without looking like I was straining to fit into them. The draping, red sweater worked nice with the light blue jeans, and actually gave me an attractive waistline as well. Whether I liked it or not, I could pull this off. Taking another deep breath, I opened the bathroom door and stepped back into the bedroom.

"Well, what do you think?" I asked as they both turned around.

"Oh my god..." Sam managed.

"Yes!" Sarah shouted.

I theatrically spun around, showing off my new look, and hopefully hiding the fact that I had just cum to the mirror image of myself moments ago. With my back towards them, I put my hands on my hips and hiked my jeans up a bit more, allowing them to really hug my butt.

"I can see why you guys like wearing skinny jeans. My ass looks pretty damn good, huh Sam?" I said smiling.

"Hey now," Sarah said as she hugged her visibly blushing boyfriend, "he's all mine! But damn girl! Your ass is P-H-A-T, phat!"

I faced back at them, rolling my eyes and smiling. "Okay, real talk though. How am I supposed to look like this every day? I have no clothes, you did the makeup and I can't wear this ridiculous mini ponytail all the time." I walked over to the bed, sitting down next to the two of them. Immediately, Sarah slapped my thigh.

"No! Cross your legs, no sitting down like a guy anymore." I readjusted to Sarah's specifications, crossing my right leg over the left one. It was slightly uncomfortable, but my earlier tucking job had definitely made things easier.

"Now, I'm more than happy giving you some makeup to start you off, but we need to hit the mall tomorrow. You need shoes, clothes, and a haircut. And whether you like it or not, you'll have to go looking like this."

"What?!" No way was I going to go out to the mall dressed like this! What if someone recognized me? We're not in the smallest of towns, but one slip up and I could not only lose this scholarship but also become the laughing stock of the county.

"Of course you do. We need to go get you some woman's clothes, woman's shoes, and go to a woman's hair stylist. Doing all that as a guy would be worse, and you know it. You could even practice sounding like a girl too!"

"Sounding like a girl?"

"I mean, you don't have the deepest of voices but it's not entirely feminine. Try speaking softer, like a girl!" I gave Sarah a blank face and then looked at Sam. He'd been completely quiet since Sarah started talking.

"Sorry, I just... still can't believe that's you, Milo. If I really concentrate and use a bit of imagination, I can kind of see you through all of this, but even then. Just go with it, Sarah's gotten you this far."

"Alright, well this has been enough for one night. If you plan it, I'll do it."

We stayed up a little while longer as Sarah excitedly planned out our Saturday and I practiced a much more fitting voice. It was going to be hard, but after a few minutes of really focusing it seemed like I could somewhat pass the sound test. In addition to that, Sarah pushed for us to use my actual name, Sasha, as Milo sounded a bit to "bro," as she put it. Although I was focusing on her while we talked through each step along the way, I couldn't help but notice Sam stare at me every so often.


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