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Accidental Kiss

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Amelia's attraction drug works on the wrong person.
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Everyone in this story is over the age of 18!

This story involves some mind control and plenty of incest!


The Free House

"Amelia! Can you come here please?" I hear my mum shouting from downstairs.

Pausing my show, I get out of my bed and head for the door. I'm dressed in my small pyjama shorts and baggy pyjama top. I don't have a bra on so I can feel my C cup tits bouncing as I walk.

Running downstairs, I see my mum and dad sitting in the kitchen.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

My mum is the spitting image of me, except 30 years older. Also, she has brown hair rather than my dyed jet black hair. We both have green eyes and slim figures but with good sized tits and curvy arses. Just good genetics, I guess.

"Yeah fine, just wanted to let you know that we've booked to go away this weekend." My mum tells me.

"Where are you going?" I ask, already thinking of what I can do with the house to myself.

Having just turned 18 and now legally allowed to drink, I'm hoping some of my mates are free. I definitely hope that Tony is free!

"Just away in the motor home." My dad tells me as he stands up and takes their empty plates to the sink.

"Sounds fun." I tell them with a smile.

Turning around, my soft black hair brushes against my face as I run back to my room.

Instantly I'm texting my friends about the free house. I think Saturday will be a good plan, then even if they don't go until Sunday day then I am still in the clear.

"Are you inviting Tony?" My friend Charlotte replies.

Oh Tony, he's an absolute dream.

Although many consider me hot, I'm incredibly shy and nervous around boys. Especially this Tony! I don't know what it is, every time I try to speak to him at school I just freeze up.

"Definitely!" I tell her, planning on asking him in person at school tomorrow.

Tony is actually 19, but he was held back a year. I guess he's not the smartest in the world but he makes up for it by being so hot! He has brown hair that he pushes to the side and definitely the most muscular guy in our year.

I lie in my bed and text my friends for a while as we organise it. The whole time dreaming about Tony. If I play my cards right, I could finally lose my virginity to him!

The Next Day

Back in school, I've spent the whole morning chatting to Charlotte about this weekend. We're going to split our alcohol as neither of us has a job or anything. Luckily my parents are leaving me some money that's supposed to be for food.

In the hallway of the school, I see Tony walking down the other way with some of his mates.

"Oh my god." I stutter out looking at him.

"What?" Charlotte asks, "Oh, Tony." She says with a little laugh.

"How do I look?" I ask turning to her and brushing my hair back.

"Hot, just go talk to him and be calm!" Charlotte tells me.

"Here I go." I say.

I can feel my hands getting sweaty and the nerves are making me feel like I can be sick. Walking closer and closer to him, our eyes meet and Tony gives me a little smile.

"Erm... Hi." I say stopping in front of him.

"Amelia," He replies with a smile, "How you doing?"

"G-great." I stutter out like an idiot!

"Good to hear." He says.

I awkwardly stare at him for a moment, my mouth wide open as I try to speak but nothing comes out.

"Okay," He says awkwardly, "See you later."

Just as he goes to walk away, I finally find my words.

"I'm having a party!" I blurt out.

"Okay?" He says with a very confused look on his face.

"It's this Saturday," I stutter out, "If... If you want to come?"

"Sounds great." He says with a smile and I feel like my heart could melt.

"Great." I reply back.

Oh god I want to die! Get a grip Amelia!

"Do you want to give me your number and you can text me the details?" He says pulling his phone out.

"Yes!" I shout way too loudly.

Grabbing his phone, I quickly type my number into his phone and hand it back to him. I feel his finger touch mine and I feel like my heart just skipped a beat.

"See you later." He says and walks off.

As soon as his back is turned, my legs almost give out and my heart is beating so fast in my chest.

Oh god, did that just happen? Did I just give him my number?!

Charlotte calmly walks past Tony and comes over to me with a huge smile on her face.

"That looks like it went well?" She asks nudging my shoulder.

"Oh my god!" I whisper to her, trying to contain my excitement, "I just gave him my number!!"

"Check you out! You definitely have a shot if you dress a little slutty for him!" Charlotte tells me.

Charlotte is my best friend, but she is so much more confident than me. I honestly don't know how she does it.

I spend the rest of the afternoon chatting about the party and daydreaming about Tony. Planning my outfit to make me look hot to try and seduce him.

As the final bell rings Charlotte and I head outside.

"Hey listen." Charlotte says grabbing my arm and keeping me still.

She keeps silent as the rest of the people walk past, once alone she leans in close and whispers to me.

"Okay, I need to tell you something but it is top secret." She whispers.

"W-what is it?" I ask, not thinking she has any secrets from me.

"Honestly, no telling anyone! And no judging me!" She says.

"I promise." I tell her, never judging her before in my life.

"Okay good," She says, Charlotte takes a step back and brushes her blonde hair away from her face, "So, you know how Matt and I hooked up at that party and that's what started our relationship?" She tells me.

Matt being her very attractive long-term boyfriend, she hooked up with him at a party after they both turned 18 a few months ago.

"Yeah?" I ask, not knowing what this has to do with anything.

"So, I heard about this shop that sells this sort of cream." She says.

"What sort of cream?" I ask, more confused.

"It's called WAR 0.5, it's like, an attraction cream, is the best way I can describe it." She tells me.

"What are you on about?" I asked her.

"This cream, if you put it on your lips and kiss someone then that person is massively attracted to you." She says although I don't believe she's being serious.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Okay so, I put this cream on my lips. Then I kissed Matt at the party and he was instantly attracted to me! You can remember, he couldn't keep his hands off me." She says.

Come to think of it, he did seem very affectionate that night. More than normal anyway.

"That's sounds a little creepy Charlotte." I tell her.

"I mean this in the nicest way Amelia, but you're shit at talking to guys." She bluntly puts out.

"Thanks." I scoff back.

"I don't want to be mean, but you can't! So, if you get this cream and plant a kiss on Tony, he will be all over you!" Charlotte explains.

"But I don't want him to be forced to like me!" I tell her, not liking that idea.

"No, they're only weak compared to others. It just enhances feelings that are already there. If someone isn't attracted to you, then it won't do anything." She tells me.

"What if he's not attracted to me?" I ask.

"How could he not be!" She says which give me a little smile.

"Look, here's the address. Just go the shop and let the woman there explain it." She says handing me a piece of paper with an address on.

"Okay." I nervously reply, thrown off by this conversation.

"Just, trust me." She says.


The Red Orchid

I've been staring at this piece of paper that Charlotte gave me for hours. I really like Tony, and I know he can like me as well.

It's just, I get so nervous around him! If this can help me out, then maybe we can both be happy. This is just a little push.

That's it, I'm doing it! I can just buy it, I don't have to use it!

I get onto the bus and head for the address she gave to me.

The shop is pretty funny from outside. It's all old and wooden and the windows are faded a bit black. Opening the door, a metal bell rings and I look and see a black woman smiling at me from behind the counter.

"Hello lovely, how can I help?" She asks in a kind voice.

"I, erm... my friend recommended I come here." I tell her, suddenly filled with nerves.

"Oh okay, what are you after?" She asks.

I walk towards to the counter, looking around it's a very strange shop. All dark wood counters and tables filled with random objects. It's not like a pharmacy, or a normal shop, it's something different.

"I erm, oh what is the name of it now." I say, my mind going completely blank.

"It's okay, can you describe it?" She asks.

"It's erm..." I say, almost embarrassed to ask for it, "It's a cream, that erm... makes people attracted to you."

"Oh," The black woman says and a huge smile appears on her face, "I know what you want, stay right there."

She walks back into the backroom only to remerge a moment later holding a small cardboard box.

She hands me the box, it's small and black with some white writing on it.

"WAR 1.0" it reads.

"Yes, that's the stuff!" I tell her, remembering Charlotte telling me about it.

"Perfect." She says.

"So erm, how does this work?" I ask.

"You put a little on your lips, then the next person you kiss will be unbelievably attracted to you." She tells me.

"It's not like, drugging someone is it?" I ask her, not wanting to do that to Tony.

"No, no. Only if they are attracted to you will it work. It doesn't bring in new feelings or emotions, just enhances them." She explains, making it sound not too bad.

"And, how long does it last?" I ask her.

"A couple of hours." She says calmly.

"Okay, I'll get it." I tell her.

Fuck it, if it works and it's not making Tony do anything against his will, then great!

"Perfect, I'll bag it up for you."

Back home a few hours later, I'm looking at the box. Just praying that it's going to work.

I get up and try on a few different outfits for the party. After a few different ones, I settle on a tight, black skirt and a black crop top. No bra so that my boobs are obviously, looking at myself, I think I actually look kind of hot!



"Amelia, we're heading off soon!" My mum shouts from downstairs.

Running down, I'm in party outfit.

"You look nice, what are you up to tonight?" My dad asks.

"Just going to Charlotte's for a few drinks." I tell him, not wanting him to know I'm having a party in a few hours.

"Well don't do anything stupid." My mum says kissing my forehead.

"I won't." I reply with a laugh.

I stand at the doorway and wave them off. My dad driving the motorhome and my mum driving her car. They always take the car as it's easier to drive around the small towns they visit.

As soon as they're out of sight I run inside and text my friends.

Going back to my room, I look at myself for a minute. Just thinking about potentially having Tony take my virginity tonight is getting me horny. Although I'd love to get my bullet out and make myself cum really quickly, I save it in hope for even better pleasure later on.

I grab the box of this WAR 1.0. Opening it, it's a small metal container.

I rub my finger over the top of the cream, it's thick, kind of like Vaseline. Looking in the mirror, I pucker my lips and start to apply it to myself.

"Okay Amelia, this is it. Time to get your dream man." I say to myself in the mirror.

An hour later, my hair is straightened and I have a full face of make up on. I'm wearing a black thong but I am tempted to take them off just to be a little kinkier for Tony. However, I don't want anyone accidentally seeing down there.


The Accidental Kiss

It's 2 hours before people are going to start to arrive for the party.

I'm sitting on the sofa and watching TV. I have a bottle of wine in the fridge just waiting for me and I almost can't contain myself with excitement for what this night will bring.

When suddenly, the front door flies open.

"Hello?" I shout jumping up from the sofa, wondering if someone has come home early.

"Hey it's only me." I hear my mum shouting and closing the door.

Oh no, what's she doing here?!

"How come your back?" I shout out, praying she isn't staying.

"Your dad left his wallet, I'm just going to gab it and meet him there." She says running upstairs.

Oh, thank God! At least she's definitely going.

"How long is the drive?" I ask her as I hear her running around upstairs.

"It's going to take me about 3 hours to meet him!" Mum shouts in a huff, clearly annoyed about dad not taking his wallet.

I see her running downstairs, her jogging bottoms and baggy top flapping as she moves.

"Right, I'll see you on Monday." She says.

"See you Monday." I say, eager for her to go.

As she's walking down the stairs, she goes to give my forehead another kiss goodbye, except, her foot slips and she goes from the bottom step to the floor. This sudden change in level means she doesn't kiss my forehead, instead I feel her lips lightly press against mine.

Oh no!

Her light kiss, which is usually just a peck, lingers softly on my lips.

My eyes are wide open staring at her as she remains perfectly still.

Ever so slowly, she pulls back and I feel my lips stick to hers. She doesn't say anything, just staring at my lips a few inches from my face.

"M-mum?" I stutter in panic.

"I just... erm..." She stutters out, as though lost for words.

Her bright green eyes never leaving my lips and I can feel her heavier breathing on me.

"I just..." She stutters again.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Y-yeah, I'm... Oh Amelia," She says in a heavy breath, "You're so beautiful."

I see her eyes close and she leans forward.

"Mum!" I say taking a step back.

Oh no, the cream!

"Sorry Amelia," My mum says as though back to her normal self, "I didn't mean too...." But she stops talking.

"Mum?" I ask again.

She takes another step closer to me, once again her eyes are locked onto my lips.

This time she doesn't answer, instead I feel her hand come up and hold onto my face.

"Oh Amelia." She whispers and leans in again.

Her hold on me is too tight and I can't pull away, suddenly, I feel her soft lips press against me once again.

Not like a normal peck, my mum is actually kissing me!

The only other kiss I've had in my life was with a guy called Connor at a party!

I'm frozen in shock, my mum is kissing me. I can see her eyes closed as her fingers slowly stroke my face.

She pulls back and again my lips stick to hers.

"Okay mum," I say grabbing her hand and pulling it away from my face, "You should go meet dad."

"Oh, your dad can wait." She says moving forward and grabbing my face again.

Her mouth comes back to mine and she kisses me again, her soft, delicious lips.

Not thinking I instinctively pucker my lips and peck her back. Amelia stop!

Pulling away again but my mum holds me close.

"Oh Amelia," She says between kisses on my lips, "Look at you, you're so beautiful." She says kissing me over and over.

"Mum, you should really go and meet dad." I say between kisses.

I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm actually kissing her back every few kisses. Her soft hand on my face feels amazing.

"Forget about your dad." Mum whispers to me.

This time, her other hand comes and holds onto my hip and pulls me close to her. Our bodies pressed against each other as she plants more kisses onto my lips.

I feel her tongue leave her mouth and press against my lips but I keep my mouth closed. Not believing that my mum is trying to make out with me.

Her hand goes from my hip and I feel her squeezing my arse outside of my skirt.

"Mum!" I shout out but this doesn't stop her.

She bits my bottom lip and pulls back on it.

Oh god, why does this feel so good!

"Oh Amelia, I need you!" Mum says kissing my lips again and grabbing my arse, "I need you!"

"No, no, no mum!" I argue back but I can't stop her from kissing me, "This isn't you, it's a cream I bought. It's messing with your head." I tell her.

"No, I want this! I want you!" Mum says.

Her hand coming from my arse and grabbing one of my tits, without a bra on she full on grabs my boob and squeezes it. I feel her fingers pulling on my nipples and it forces out a little moan from my mouth.

"Muum, stop." I moan out.

"Never!" She says.

She tightly grips my soft, black hair and pulls my head to one side. With one hand squeezing my tits, I feel her soft, wet tongue run all the way from the bottom of my neck to the top.

"Muuuumm." I moan from the touch, my entire body feels like it's tingling.

Mum keeps planting kisses on my neck as she plays with my nipples. I can feel my legs shaking beneath me and my own breathing starts to get heavy.

Suddenly, her hand leaves my tits and I feel her grabbing onto my thigh. In an instant it's running up my leg and under my skirt.

"Muuuummm!!" I shout out as her hand rubs onto my pussy from outside of my thong.

"Oh Amelia." My mum moans kissing my lips again as she rubs my pussy.

"No Mum.... Mum..." I moan out, "Stop... Mum... stop... This isn't right."

"Oh, but it is." She moans.

"Mum, pleeeeeaaasseeeee!!" I moan out in pure shock as my mum roughly pulls my thong to one side and her finger plunges deep into my pussy.

Oh, my fucking God! My mum is fingering me!!! And I'm soaking fucking wet!!

"Oh yes baby, you're so tight for your Mummy." She moans as she keeps kissing me.

"Oh God, ooohh." I moan out as her finger hits the right spot and forces my leg to shake.

My mum takes my open mouth as an opportunity to force her tongue inside.

I realise that I'm pressing my tongue against my mum's as she fingers me in the living room.

"Mum stop!" I suddenly shout and come to my senses.

I push her away and step back.

Her finger leaves my pussy and although I am soaking wet, I manage to control myself.

"Amelia, I need you now!" She says again and lunges for me.

"No Mum!" I shout and jump past her.

I quickly run up the stairs, hoping to lock myself in the bathroom.

Getting onto the landing, I'm only a few feet away from the bathroom door but I feel a hand grabbing my wrist.

"Come here young lady!" My mum shouts and spins me round roughly.

I'm harshly pushed against the wall and my mum presses her body against mine. I realise she doesn't have a bra on either and her tits are pressing against mine. Her hands are running all over my body, grabbing my stomach, my tits and my arse as she breathes heavily whilst staring at me.

"Mum! You don't want this, think about dad!" I try to argue but it doesn't help.

Her hand grabs my thigh and pulls my legs apart.

"Forget about your dad, I just want you." My mum moans and her hand runs up my skirt once again.

"Muuuuuumm." I accidentally moan out as her finger plunges deep into my wet pussy again.

"Yes, moan for your Mummy." She moans as her finger slides in and out of me, holding me tightly against the wall.

"Oh god, this isn't happening." I pant out, "This isn't happening." I grip onto the wall as my mum fingers me faster.

"Yes, it is!" Mum moans, "It is happening and I love it!"

Her other hand reaches up and grabs my top, roughly pulling it down and exposing my tits.

"Mum!!" I shout loudly.

"God I've wanted to see these since you turned 18!" My mum says before leaning forward and taking my nipple into her mouth.

"Muuumm!" I moan, "You don't want this, it's the cream!"

"No, I've wanted this for so long! I've thought about fucking you ever since your birthday." She says.

I can feel her teeth biting on my nipples as a second finger slides into my soaking wet pussy.

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