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Accidental Submission Pt. 04

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Conclusion of Stephanie's eventful weekend.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/11/2020
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Although this can be read on it's own, I would recommend reading the first three parts.

After being picked up by a Dominant man while enjoying a quiet drink in Cambridge, he has enjoyed her immensely. Stephanie is pushed into selling herself for sex, has been taken to a private club called the Manor and the following day has been used to demonstrate a hi-tech dungeon. Now her services have been sold again.

"Mike has found a potential buyer for this house and as I am sure you are aware its value is many millions. He will be viewing the property on Thursday evening, and he will use you to try out the games room."

"But Sir..."

"But stephanie?"

"You said work Sir. I am a designer Sir."

"stephanie, you are a whore and the deal is signed."

"Yes Sir."

The car speeds back towards Cambridge and I lose myself in Jennifer's talented fingers

Chapter 7

"It's still early, shall we go for a drink?" asks Mike. Jennifer and Sir immediately agree. I keep quiet, other than the occasional moan when Jennifer, who has slipped my pale pink blouse off, finds a particularly sensitive spot, most often my nipples. There is a brief discussion between Sir and Mike before they agree on where we are going, and the large car turns towards the city centre. I am grateful for the dark windows as we make our way through the city traffic, while Jennifer ensures I stay both turned on and half naked. Presently we pull up in one of the side streets, close to where I was sitting drinking on my own only yesterday lunchtime.

Sir opens the door to me, and picks up and hands me my blouse.

"You should probably put this back on now, stephanie, but not your bra."

Then looking at Jennifer, he carries on.

"By the way, I noticed that you are wearing quite exquisite lingerie my dear, please also leave your bra and knickers here."

"Oh... yes Sir." she responds, blushing slightly but without a seconds pause she removes her bra through the armhole of her dress and drops her knickers to her ankles, picks them up and puts them next to her bra on the car seat.

"Shall we go?" Sir asks, gesturing to us to link our arms with him, one each side, with Mike walking at Jennifer's side. We are an obvious sight and people are clearly looking at us. I'm not surprised: Jennifer is slightly older than me but beautiful. I am not vain enough to call myself beautiful, although others have said that I am, but I am elegantly dressed, and my tits as good as naked, with marks from both the flogging I have recently received as well as teeth marks and love bites visible. Men seem to be drooling.

We go along the same alley to the same bridge, and walk to the same pub as I came to yesterday. I think about how much has changed in that short 24 hours. We even sit at almost the same table in the evening sun. Sir orders a bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape and a bottle of Premier Cru Chablis and four glasses. Sir and Jennifer share the full red wine, Mike has a small glass of the Chablis explaining that he is driving. Sir ensures I enjoy the rest of the bottle. I am feeling just slightly fuzzy when Sir tells Jennifer to put my clips back on, but I am no longer surprised that she simply opens my blouse in public, clamps my nipples and closes my blouse over them, much to the astonishment of the group of young men sitting at the table next to us. Yesterday I would have died of embarrassment, although even then I was in no way shy.

"stephanie, please go into the bar and ask if they have rooms for the night."

I hesitate briefly, realising that I look like an escort, and that asking for a room is likely to draw attention to me.

"Now, stephanie."

"Yes Sir."

Standing up I feel the effect wine is having, but luckily it is also slightly numbing me to the looks I am drawing. It is a beautiful sunny evening and the rays pierce the diaphanous silk as if it were gossamer, glinting off the silver clamps that are so obviously on my erect nipples,. Entering the bar a woman standing beside the door looks at me with utter disdain. I realise I have seen her before, but she does not seem to recognize me. I realise what a dangerous game I am playing. Whilst I am not a regular at this bar, I probably come here every few weeks, especially over the summer. I go to the end of the bar closest to the door and call the barman over. I realise that several men are looking at me, mostly at my tits. The barman says that he can't help me, that I should go and see the landlady at the other side of the bar. Walking through the group of customers standing chatting, I hold my head high and start to walk over to the landlady. I get to the group of men and politely ask to go past. They part to let me through, but ensure that I walk right through the centre of the group, and I feel at least four hands on my still tender derriere. I get to where the landlady is. I don't need to attract her attention. I already have it.

"Excuse me please, but I would like to know if you have any rooms available?"

"Honestly love, I don't, and if I did I would be concerned about having you as a guest."

"Of course, thank you for letting me know."

I know this is all I need to do, and want to get back to my group outside.

"What's your name? Haven't I seen you here before?"

The landlady is exploring every detail of the marks on my body with her eyes as she asks.

"Errrr, my name is stephanie, I have been here a few times before, but not dressed like this." my voice trails off somewhat.

"Well look, give me your number, because although I wouldn't rent a room to you, sometimes I need the names of girls I can call up. But if I do, you would need to be properly dressed, OK?"

"Er, of course, my number is 07896942747... Thank you."

She puts my number straight into her phone and tries it, checking I'd given her the right number. I guess.

"Oh by the way, love, you handled those blokes pretty well, I'm sure they didn't keep their hands to themselves... but please don't draw attention to it? Thanks."

With that, it is clear that the conversation was finished.

I head back towards the terrace and know I have to go back through the same group of men, who this time again let me into the centre, but as I get there, one of them makes a comment about joining them for a drink. I try to decline, but remembering what the landlady had said I accept, but explain that I have to let my companions know. One of the guys calls the barman over.

"Can you let this girl's friends know that she is having a quick drink with us before she goes back?"

Laughing, the barman agrees and brings over a large glass of white wine.

"I think this is what she's drinking." he laughs.

I am now in the centre of the group and I can feel one set of hands on my bum, another touching my arm, and others dangerously close to my breasts.

"So love, what's your name?'


"Alright Steffie, so how come we haven't seen you here before?" he says, laughing, not waiting for a reply.

I do my best to avoid them pulling my skirt up or touching up my tits while I sip at the wine, and answer their questions about the nipple clamps, about the numerous love bites, about being so exposed in the middle of the day. Finally, after I finish the wine I make my excuses, but not before they get my phone number, and check it, and they all feel up my bum and as close as they dare to my tits. Rather more unsteadily I head back out to my companions.

The bar is starting to fill up with the evening trade, and the same woman is standing by the door, now with a group of friends, whom I also recognise but luckily don't know. I hear the words tart and slut in their conversation as I go past.

Going outside, the sun is setting and the air is noticeably cooler, although there is no effect likely on my nipples which are numb from the clamps having been on them for so long. I make my way through the growing number of people who are here for an evening drink. I'm somewhat relieved that the falling light makes me slightly less obviously half naked. Still, there are plenty of men and girls looking as I go past. Getting back to the table Sir looks at me smiling.

"I understand that you were bought a drink in the bar?"

"Yes Sir."

"And did you find out if they have rooms for the night?"

"I did Sir. Unfortunately they are fully booked Sir."


I explain what had happened and also that I had needed to give my phone number to both the landlady and the men who had bought me a drink. He is pleased, happy that, as far as he is concerned, I am building up a few potential clients. I am not sure, and starting to look forward to getting back to my flat to release my cock from its glued tuck, and to considering how I move on from this weekend.

Jennifer's elegant finger on the buttons of my blouse break my train of thought. I look at Sir with a look of probably terror and he simply raises his finger to his lips in a sign to be quiet. At the same moment Jennifer pulls the chain and there is a moment of searing pain followed by the intense ache as the feeling returns to my nipples. I double up with the intensity of the pain and dig my long red nails into my palms and bite my lip, all to keep quiet. As I slowly sit back up Sir compliments my silence. Jennifer is smiling at me and as she does my blouse up she leans towards me and kisses me deeply on the lips, much to the enjoyment of the guys still sitting at the table next to us. She leans round and whispers in my ear.

"I think the guys next to us are enjoying the show. I'm going to carry on and you are going to let me... OK?"

I nod imperceptibly. I feel her soft lips on mine again and part my lips to allow her tongue in. I feel her hands resting on my hips. She moves her hands to my back and pulls me closer as she feasts on me. My right side is closest to the table next to us and I feel her left hand move to my side, then cup my breast. Her thumb teases my so recently tortured nipple. Her lips leave my mouth and start to kiss their way down my white neck. I'm thankful of the increasing darkness as she brushes my blouse aside to kiss my nipple, now also cupping my left breast with her other hand before lifting her head again, kissing me lightly on the lips, the cheek, the lips, then gently sits back. I relax, and carefully pull my blouse closed again.

"Leave it!" Sir says. I suddenly realise he has also been watching intently. "I believe our neighbours are enjoying the show."

"Yes Sir." I respond immediately, leaving it to hang loosely past my breasts.

"I see they are smoking, stephanie. I suggest you ask them if they have a spare cigarette. They will no doubt try and get you talking. You are to talk with them; if they invite you to join them, you are to join them. If they ask for your number, you are to give it to them. You are only permitted to close your blouse if they turn on the lights here on the river bank, which they don't usually do for another hour or so

"Yes Sir. I don't smoke Sir."

"You do now."

"Yes Sir."

Nervously, I turn slightly to see who is at the table at the moment. I'd been trying to shut them out but realise I will now have to speak with them. Glancing down I realise that while my blouse is loose and undone to the waist it is somewhat closed and although I never would go out with my blouse so undone, it would be possible. Slightly relieved, I turn towards the guy closest to me. He is probably about 25, as are his friends, too old to be students. They are all wearing the uniform of the smart young men around here: chinos, soft linen shirts or polo shirts. They are drinking Corona, of course. Since Jennifer's little show has finished they are all pretending not to be looking over at us. I stand and walk the half dozen steps between our tables In that time they all look straight at me, or at least straight at my chest LOL. Men! I think to myself, amused at the irony.

"Excuse me... you wouldn't have a spare cigarette by any chance?"

The guy closest to me almost jumps up. Stumbling slightly.

"Yes, sure!" he opens the top of his pack and holds it out to me. Having managed to quit ten years ago when I was much more like the guy in front of me than he would ever believe, I know this is not something I should do. But my long fingers with my manicured nails slide a cigarette from the pack and I place it between my lips. He immediately holds out his lighter to me and cupping his hands around the flame he clicks it on. I know that he is looking down my blouse as he does it. I draw in the smooth smoke and not having smoked for so many years feel the buzz straight away. He can tell, and suggests I sit down and enjoy the smoke with them. I of course accept: that was never in question. Ironically, as I sit down, I realise this is where I was sitting yesterday lunchtime when Sir procured me.

"So what's your name? I'm Harry"


They ask about me, where I work, what I do, if I'm from Cambridge. I find out that they all work over on the big tech park, which makes sense, although they're not engineers. They work in acquisitions: irony again. They find out I'm an interior designer from Cambridge. I'm offered another cigarette, which I take. Then one of them is heading into the bar to buy drinks and they offer me one. I know I can't refuse, so ask for a small glass of Chablis. The conversation is easy and soon Jack arrives back with the drinks. Wryly I look and see that the glass is certainly not a small one. Still, I am enjoying the conversation, even though now occasionally I feel Harry's hand rest lightly on my thigh. The conversation flows easily, but all the time I am starting to feel the lines between my day to day life and the one I have been living for the last 36 hours blurring. I start to forget that my blouse is open to the waist, and the lightest gust would expose my breasts and that anyone sitting beside me, such as Harry, can easily see my nakedness. By now I have all but forgotten that my skin is not as perfect and ivory as it was when I was here yesterday lunchtime, but in several places, brutally, although temporarily, marked by the teeth and tools of others. Lighting my third cigarette Harry gently touches my neck.

"Did these hurt, all these marks on you?"

I blush immediately, instantly remembering.

"Sort of... but not too much."

I don't quite know how to explain that although it was excruciating, at the time I welcomed it. I lean back slightly, drawing in the smoke from my cigarette, enjoying the taste in my mouth, enjoying the ritual of smoking, of blowing out the smoke. I see Harry's eyes wandering over my body, over the marks on my skin. I contemplate that I had committed to myself to give up smoking before I started to transition. So I had never smoked as a woman. It gives me time to think about how I am going to handle the situation. Harry's hand is now simply resting on my thigh, but his fingers are clearly playing with the button of my suspender strap where it is clipped to my stocking. Ruefully I see that another glass of wine has arrived, and they are not making my thought processes any easier. Harry's friends are also starting to get a little louder. The guy opposite, Dave, is watching Harry's hand and listening to my explanation, it's him that has just brought me another glass of wine.

"So are you into kinky sex then, stephanie?"

I feel Harry's hand suddenly tense and still on my thigh, embarrassed that Dave has asked but clearly wanting to know as well.

"It depends on what you think of as kinky." I respond, not wanting to be on the back foot. "I enjoy some power-play... but only with people I trust." I tell him, realising how hollow that belief is after the last day. I sense that while Harry is charming and gentle, Dave may well understand what I mean slightly better.

"So why didn't you do your blouse up when you came over? Did you forget? Or are you not allowed to?"

I am thankful of the dark to cover up yet another blush.

"I was told to leave it..."

"Cute... A subby... Maybe I can play with you sometime. Should I ask the guy over there?" Dave motions towards Sir

"Or maybe you should later, given he told you to come over?"

"If you would like me to."

All the time Harry's hand is resting on me and through the conversation he manoeuvers it so that he is cupping my arse.

"Maybe you should give us your number so that we can call you and find out?"

"Of course."

All four of the young men take down my number.

"I should be getting back, thanks for the drink."

I get up to leave and Harry stands up, and before I turn to go he gives me a kiss right on the lips. Dave calls me to his side of the table and before I am allowed to go he insists that I give them all a kiss, each deeper than the last, Dave being last. Whilst kissing me he brazenly brushes my blouse aside and caresses my breasts. I thank him and go to walk back to my companions; as I go Harry gives me his packet of cigarettes with a disposable lighter. I notice his number hastily written on the packet. Walking back I fasten my blouse again, having kissed four men.

I can tell that Mike, Jennifer and Sir have been talking business as well as enjoying the show, especially the last part of it. I take the seat beside Sir and opposite Jennifer. The night is getting late and I am unsure what will happen next. I do know I can walk home from here, and that I have work in the morning. I also know that I'm missing my underwear and that my own clothes are still at Sir's house. Sir is clearly also tired and suggests that we call it a night, but insists that Mike drop us at his house and that he will organise someone to take me home from there. Harry waves goodbye as we head off and make our way back to Mike's car.

"I see you have an admirer?" teases Jennifer. "Does he know that you have a little cock under that pretty skirt? Or do you make a habit of not telling potential lovers?"

I realise she is referring to Sir.

"No, he doesn't know. I don't intend to see him again."

"You may not have a choice: you have given him your phone number and I'm pretty sure that your cute little arse is going to be whored out, aren't you?"

"I think that was just a game."

"You just see."

We get to Mike's car and I get in the back with Jennifer, who immediately pulls me into a deep kiss. By the time we arrive at Sir's house my blouse is laying on the seat of the car and my skirt is on the floor along with Jennifer's dress, and I have been pushed to the floor with my head buried between her legs, something I have not done with a girl for very many years. Sir opens the car door, and looking amused, Jennifer hands him my clothes, including my lingerie that was in her handbag. He holds out his hand. Wearing nothing more than bruises, a garterbelt, stockings and five inch heels, I take his hand and walk to his front door. I'm not even embarrassed now at the way my little cock is slipping out from its tuck. Entering the hallway where Sir first took me, he immediately takes advantage of my nakedness, having me lean over against the chest in the hall whilst quickly pulls out my plug and fills me once more with his cock and then rapidly, his sperm.

"I would love to spend more time with you tonight, but we must both sleep and you must go to your other job in the morning, but first come through to the living room: there are some things I'd like to explain."

We go through to his elegant living room, where I had been so thoroughly flogged yesterday, and he motions for me to sit on the sofa. Sir then brings a small but exquisite bag as well as several garment bags. He shows me that my clothes, as well as those he has acquired for me, are in the garment bags, having been cleaned and pressed. He then opens the small bag and goes through the contents with me. My lingerie is in there as well as several pairs of exquisite new stockings, all seamed I see, obviously his preference. Then a brand new iPhone. He explains that it has already been set up, and that all I need to do is to put my SIM card into it in order that my phone number that I had given out so readily was associated with the phone. Then he opens what looks like a large jewellery box. Inside is the same polished butt plug that he had put inside me when we went to the restaurant, together with a USB charger. He explains that I should put this on charge whenever I go to sleep, and insert it each morning. Questioning whether that meant during the week drew a look which made it clear that it was at all times. The next box has a slightly smaller plug, which is apparently for night times. Then. explaining that I can explore my other surprises at home, he offers me a coat, only a coat, saying that he will have the clothes I was wearing today cleaned. As I put on the coat he turns to me... lightly kisses my lips and then says:


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