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Adventures of Liam

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Liam starts his Adventure as a Futa Goddess Champion.
11.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 07/20/2023
Created 06/27/2023
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Author's note - Since there isn't any sex until the 6th chapter, I have decided to upload the first six as a single block. However, starting with chapter 7, I think I will upload individual chapters afterward.

Ages of the characters when sex happens: Liam (elf) - 50 years old, Auzora (Wolfkin) - 42 years old, Saliya (Tiefling) - 200 years old, Kïran (Dwarf) - 132 years old, Zeva (Goddess) - a couple of Millennia (you don't ask a Goddess her age), Rhisaca (Barbarian) - 25 years old, Batula (Orc) - 83 years old

Chapter 1 - Naming Day

I sat in the family garden, playing with small, smooth stones and humming. Being a toddler of only three Naming Days, even pretty stones were entertaining when a woman walked up and kneeled before me.

"May I see that pretty stone you have there?"

"Sure," I said, "What's your name? You are very pretty."

"Well, thank you, that was quite kind of you to say, and you may call me The Lady in White."

"Lady in White? That is a funny name. I like you. Will you be my friend?"

"Of course, I will, but unfortunately, I will have to leave you and go far away for a long time."

"Aww, that is too bad. Why don't you take that stone with you so you will remember me?"

"Thank you. You be good, Liam, and when the time comes, I will return."


With that, I awoke from my dream to light streaming into my bedroom window. It had been many Naming Days since I had last thought about that strange day, and I hadn't seen the Lady in White ever since. But I knew it was real. The memory was far too crisp for it to be anything else. However, today was not the day to worry about old memories or dreams because today was my 50th Naming Day when I would officially become a man. But before that could happen, I had to handle my chores.

I quickly dressed and got a bit of food before grabbing my bow and quiver and heading into the great forest, Thereista, which was the location of my village, Shaden. Thereista was the largest forest in all of Lamineta, with trees reaching hundreds of feet into the air and so vast that ten people could link hands and barely encircle one of the smaller towering giants. From a young age, I was trained to be a ranger, moving quickly and silently under her massive boughs. Coming up on my eighteenth naming day, I was the best shot in all of Shaden. I could hit a hare from over two hundred paces. My long elven ears could hear the most subtle shuffling in the undergrowth, and my bright elven eyes were as sharp as a hawk's. I could even bring down the fabled Enok all by myself. Enoks are giant deer-like creatures that stand taller than a moose, with a deer front half and reptilian back half. They have a massive set of antlers that last year-round and strong reptilian tails. Even though I could bring one down, it took at least five men from our village to carry it back. They were highly prized as Shaden used every part of the Enok's body.

With thoughts of bringing an Enok home on my eighteenth naming day and how it would just add to the evening's celebration, I moved silently towards traps I had set for smaller game. The first trap I had set had caught a fat hare. The second snare had a large jackalope, while the third was empty. Then, on my way to my fourth and final trap, I spotted the holy grail through the trees, an Enok. It was huge, easily the largest Enok I had ever seen, over twenty-two hands tall, with a rack and tail to match. Finally, my dreams had come true. Now all I had to do was take it down, and my Naming day would be perfect.

Unfortunately, the Enok was too far away for me to shoot, even with my skills. So, with my full attention now honed in on the Enok, I began stalking my way through the forest. I moved silently and skillfully through the trees, my elven feet making almost no noise. However, I was so focused on my prey that I nearly tripped over a form lying in a pile of leaves. The first thing I noticed was that the figure was a female. It was impossible to hide breasts like hers; the second was that she was a Wolfkin. Beastkin were common on Lamineta, but Wolfkin lived in the mountains north of Thereista, and they rarely ventured this deep into the Great Forest. Finally, I noticed that she was injured.

Chapter 2 - Auzora

The sight of the injured Wolfkin drove any thoughts of the Enok out of my mind. I had been taught from a young age that taking care of others was more important than anything else, no matter who they might be, and that all living creatures deserved to be treated with respect. I understood that there was evil in our world, but I would not be part of it.

I did a once over of the Wolfkin in the present, seeing that she was breathing, but her breaths were shallow, and she seemed unconscious. While I was tall (6'-1") and filled with lean muscle, she was even taller (closer to 6'-6") and well-rounded, with a body that just screamed strength. In addition, she was wearing the fanciest armor I had ever seen. I had never seen someone wearing full-plated armor before. I had seen traders wearing mail armor when they came to our village, but nothing like this. It was made of finely-crafted plates that fit seamlessly together to create a suit.

However, a large gash in her abdomen was causing her problems. It looked to have been inflicted by a wicked sword and was oozing a foul smell. I may be a good forest ranger with rudimentary first aid skills, but I am no healer. I knew enough to rinse her wound with water from my waterskin. Though the injury seemed clean, I could still smell the foul odor. I knew I couldn't do any more on my own, but I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to lift her in her armor. However, stripping her and leaving the armor didn't seem like a good idea either. I decided to try lifting her with her armor on first; if I failed, it would have to be left. To my surprise, my wiry 6'-1" frame could lift her with relative ease. We elves may not look strong, but we are made of muscle, and my days spent in the woods have honed them to the degree that I am genuinely proud of. That, coupled with the finely crafted armor weighing less than I thought it would, I was able to carry the Wolfkin back to Shaden.

One of Shaden's town guards noticed our approach as we neared the village. "Liam, you have returned and with someone. Who do you have there?"

"I'm not sure, but she is injured, and I need to get her to the healer right away."

"Well, you know the way to the healer's hut. I will inform your father of your arrival."

"Thank you, Haflar." I set off to the healer's hut, arriving a few minutes later. "Sarya, are you home?" I asked upon entering her home. Sarya was the village healer and the oldest of Shaden's Councilors, having seen over one-thousand naming days. Yet, despite her old age, she was the most intelligent person I knew and my grandmother.

"Liam, come in. Have you come to see me before the celebration?"

"Unfortunately, no, I have come for healing."

"What did you do now, young man? You are always getting into trouble. Did you try and fight an Enok again?" she asked with some playful judgment in her voice.

"No, granny, though I did take one down near the deep bog. In fact, when we are done, we should send some hunters out to gather it before the beasts get it. However, the healing isn't for me," I said as I laid the injured Wolfkin upon her healing mat.

"Who is this fine lady?"

"I don't know, I found her injured on my hunt, and I think she has been poisoned," I said as I showed Sarya her injury. Instantly the kind granny disappeared as Sarya went into full-on healer mode.

"I see. The first thing we need to do is get her out of this armor so I can get a better look at her injury. Liam, I'll need you to help me with that."

"Of course." To my surprise, it took us under five minutes to remove her armor, leaving her in only her undergarments. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful and young she looked. She couldn't have been much older than me, though the ages of beastkin can be deceiving, just like that of elves, as both of us age quite slowly. She had long black hair that flowed off her head and short dark blue hair covering the rest of her body. She had a cute set of wolf ears on her head that twitched on their own accord, a slightly elongated nose, and a set of sharp canines. On top of all that, she had a long bushy tail. Before I could inspect her further, I was shaken from my musing by Sarya saying, "This poison is evil. It is flooding her system with darkness. I will need to mix a purifying tincture to clear her system. I will need your help to do it."

"Whatever you need, I am here to help," I responded. It took Sarya and me over an hour to create the correct concoction and another hour for the Wolfkin to recover. It would have taken longer for her recovery, but beastkin are renowned for their healing abilities. When she finally awoke, she said, "Thirsty."

I immediately got her some water, which she finished in a single gulp before asking, "Who are you, and where am I?"

"I am the ranger, Liam, and this is the healer, Sarya. You are currently in the elven village of Shaden. What is your name?"

"I am Auzora, a paladin of the Goddess Zeva. How did I come here?"

"I found you during my hunt. Unfortunately, you were injured by a poisoned blade. I brought you back to our village, and our healer and I have spent quite a bit of time bringing you back from the darkness."

"I remember now, I was fighting a Vorbat, and though I was able to slay the vile creature, it was able to get in a lucky strike."

"What is a Vorbat? I have never heard of such a creature." I asked.

"Vorbats are minions of the Ocashion Empire to the north. They are bat-like creatures with evil humanoid faces. They are the size of a deer and have large sharp claws that inflict poison. Typically my armor would protect me from their strikes, but this one got a lucky strike. Unfortunately, no armor is perfect. Thank you for saving me, but I must leave quickly. Your village is in danger as long as I am within it."

"Hold on, before you leave, in such a rush, you need to speak with our elders. If there is a threat to the village, they need to know about it."

"Since you saved my life, I will do as you ask. However, I must be gone before night falls, or you will all be in danger," she said.

Then, Sarya spoke for the first time since Auzora had awakened, "Liam, why don't you help her dress in her armor and then show her around the village? I will gather the other elders and have a runner gather you both when we are ready at the grand meeting hall."

"As you wish, Councilor," I said with a respectful bow of my head before she left, leaving Auzora and me alone. It took us less time than I expected to get her fully dressed in her armor though I couldn't help but steal glances at her beautiful figure. Once she was dressed, we left the hut and were just beginning our tour of Shaden when I let out a loud gasp.

"What is wrong?" Auzora asked.

"I just saw someone from long ago."


"The Lady in White."

"Who is the Lady in White?"

"I don't know, she visited me when I was a child, but I thought it might have been a dream, but I just saw her walk into my house."

"Well, should we investigate?"

"I think we should." So, we walked into my house, and she stood in the middle of my kitchen, the Lady in White. Immediately, Auzora dropped to her knees, prostrating herself in front of her.

"What are you doing, Auzora?

"Bow, you fool, do you not know who this is? That is my Goddess, Zeva!" she exclaimed.

"What, you are a goddess? I thought you were named the Lady in White."

"That was the name I gave you all those years ago, but your companion is correct. My proper name is Zeva, and I am a Goddess, but groveling is unnecessary. So please stand, my child, for you have a grand part to play in the coming days. As for you, Liam, the day of your destiny has arrived."

Chapter 3 - Leaving Shaden

I took a moment to look at the woman before me. She was absolutely gorgeous. Long white hair flowed down her back and seemed to shimmer in the light of the house's lanterns. It perfectly framed her oval face. She had large red lips, a cute button nose, and golden eyes. Her eyes seemed to draw you in and never let you go. Finally, after getting lost in those orbs for longer than I cared to admit, I could look over the rest of her form. She wore a sheer white cashmere dress that flowed around her body like it was made of water. She had large breasts that were barely contained by the dress. I could see hard nipples straining to escape the dress's hold. As my eyes wandered lower, I noticed that she had some sort of bulge in her nether regions. However, before I could investigate more, she spoke again in her melodic voice.

"Liam, over the last forty-seven years, you have grown and developed into one of the greatest Rangers your village has ever seen. Your bow skills are unrivaled by anyone in a fifty-mile radius. You are well on your way to being the Hero I need you to be. But it is time to spread your wings and leave this place. Only out in the broader world will your destiny truly unveil. Do you understand?"

"You want me to leave with Auzora, don't you?

"Exactly! However, you must promise me something."

"Anything for a goddess."

"Promise me you will be open to new experiences, no matter how strange they may be." She said with a cunning smile.

"I promise," I responded.

"No, I want you to repeat what I said," she stated.

I promised to be open to new experiences, no matter how strange they may be. I felt a tingling sensation run through my body, and I knew the Goddess had just cast a binding on me. I would now be open to new experiences. Why?

"Perfect, now please leave us. I wish to speak with my Paladin in private."

"As you wish, Goddess," I said before turning to Auzora and saying, "I will await you outside." She just nodded, her eyes never leaving her Goddess. I waited ten minutes before the Wolfkin emerged from my home with a bright, beaming smile. However, a guardsman approached us before I could ask her what the Goddess said.

"Liam, the village council is ready to see you and your guest. Please follow me."

"Thank you, Langer. Please lead on." I said, despite knowing exactly where we would be going. The council wanted to be formal, and I would allow them to be. It was only a short walk to the large council building at the center of our village. Shaden only had around fifteen hundred residents. Some towns had up to ten thousand residents. Once we arrived, Langer took us straight into the council chamber. Seven members of great importance sit upon Shaden's Council, including my grandmother and my father, who was captain of Shaden's Guard. My grandmother, being the eldest member, spoke first. "Liam, thank you for coming before the council. Would you be so kind as to introduce your companion?"

"I would like to speak for myself, honored council," Auzora said as she stepped forward.

"Please introduce yourself and explain why you have come to our isolated village."

"Thank you. I am Auzora Theorasa, Paladin of the Goddess Zeva. Over the last three years, I have been fighting agents of the evil Ocashion Empire as it has continued to spread its tendrils across the lands east of the Great Forest. A battle with several Vorbats caused me to seek refuge amongst your trees, and though I slew them all, one was able to get a lucky strike, injuring me. If your Ranger, Liam, hadn't found me when he did, I would surely be dead from the Vorbats toxins. I am now indebted to him and will do all I can to repay my debt."

At that moment, Auzora was interrupted as a runner burst into the council chamber.

"What is the meaning of this?" an elderly male council member (whose name escaped me) exclaimed. "Can't you see the council is in session and not to be disturbed?"

"I apologize, honored Councilors, for the interruption, but Guard Hafler thought you would want to hear my news immediately." the runner said breathlessly. It was evident that he had run all the way here.

"Well then, tell us your message already!"

"A rider has come to the main gate. He is dressed all in black, so much so that I don't even know what species he is. His voice was deep but with a hard edge to it. He demands to know if we have seen a fugitive of the Ocashion Empire, a Wolfkin."

"You may instruct Guard Hafler to tell the rider that we have not seen any Wolfkin here in Shaden in many years. However, before you do, please ask why he seeks this Wolfkin and of what crimes this Wolfkin is accused of committing, and remind him that Shaden is not part of the Ocashion Empire. Therefore, if we encounter such a person, it would be up to the Councilors to decide whether the accused should be handed over."

"What happens if he asks to see you, Councilors?"

"Tell him that we are busy with an urgent matter of the village but will be able to see him in the morning. Offer to put him up at one of our inns on the other side of town and say that the council will pay for his night's stay for the inconvenience."

"As you wish." Bowing, the runner turned on his heels and began to leave. However, before he could go, Sarya said, "One last thing, tonight is such a lovely night, and I don't think it such an urgent matter that you must run back. Now is the perfect time to take a leisurely stroll back to Hafler. Don't you agree?

"Of course, thank you for your time. I shall relay all of your messages." He said before leaving again, though this time at a much more sedated pace.

Once the runner was no longer in earshot (which for us elves is quite the distance), a female councilor, whose name escaped me, spoke up. "Sarya, are you sure it is wise to make the rider wait? I think I can speak for the entire council when I say not one of us has any love for that vile empire, but is it wise to upset them?"

"I don't think asking him to wait until morning is too upsetting, especially at this hour. However, if he is upset, we can use your excellent diplomatic skills, Trayla, tomorrow to smooth over any misunderstandings. That being said, as much as it pains me to say so, I think it would be in everyone's best interest if you, my dear Auzora, were not in the village when the meeting happened."

"Do not worry. I would never put your village in danger. I promise I will be gone before the first light tomorrow. Thank you for the kindness and hospitality you have shown me. I will never forget it." As she turned to leave, I spoke for the first time since entering the chamber.

"Honored Councilors, Thank you for everything you have done for me this evening and over the years. Without all of your efforts, I would not be the man, the ranger, that I am today. However, I think if I am to embrace my destiny truly, I must leave the Shaden and Thereista behind me and venture forth. I believe this meeting with Auzora is that pathway, and I must travel with her. However, Shaden will ..." Before I could continue any further, I was interrupted by my father.

"Oh, Liam, every council member knew this day would come. You are destined for greatness, not being a ranger of a small village in the middle of nowhere. When Sarya told us you had found a wounded Paladin, we knew this would be the time for you to leave us. The coming of the black rider only confirms our suspicion. I only have only one request. Please see your mother before you go. She would be heartbroken if you left without saying goodbye.

"Of course," with that, we headed to my mother and father's home, said our goodbyes, and got some needed supplies before slipping out of the village and into the night. Sarya was right; it was a beautiful night, perfect for me to start my adventure.

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