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Anything goes when Cody meets his favorite band.
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He glanced at her, then back to the grinning guitarist. "Well, just as long as it's okay with Dani?"

"Sure, baby," she smiled, letting go of his hand and gently pushing him toward the waiting male. "I'll...amuse myself while you're gone."

He winked to her as he was lead away, mouthing "I love you" to assure her he would, eventually, return.


"Mmm, Cody," came the husky groan. "Fuck, where did you learn how to do THAT?"

Cody giggled.

"Seriously, fuck," he panted. "You're amazing!"

Cody giggled again as he helped the guitarist zip his fly.

"I'd like you to stay," Billy grinned. "I don't want this to end so fast."

Cody's grin turned to a frown slowly. "My girlfriend is waiting for me."

"Joel's keeping her company," Billy assured him. "I asked him to....take care of her for you."

"Oh," Cody sighed.

He was happy for her- she'd always had a thing for Joel, as he'd always had a thing for Billy. Why shouldn't they both get what they wanted? It was only fair. And yet, he found himself destraught at the thought of Joel and his Dani sharing a bed, fucking until the sun came up.

"I have an idea," Billy smirked.


Billy knocked on the hotelroom door and waited. Cody tapped his foot nervously against the brick building, hoping and praying that they weren't about to walk in on anything too graphic.

"Fuck this," Billy grumbled, searching through his pockets. "I have a key."

Cody stood up straight and eyed Billy. "I dunno if that's such a good idea."

"I'll go in first," Billy winked. "Make sure everyone's decent."

Cody sighed.

After some minutes of searching, Billy found his key in his wallet and opened the door slowly. There were no noises, the room was pitch dark. "Joel?" Billy called. "Joel, you in there?"

A female voice giggled. "He's in the bathroom, Billy."

Billy stepped into the room and flicked the light switch to "On", Cody walking in quickly behind him and shutting the door.

"Hi," Billy smiled.

The girl in bed waved and grinned. "Hi. I'm Genevieve. Neve, for short."

"Hi Neve," Billy beamed.

"Where's Dani?" Cody looked on in horror.

"The blonde chick?" Neve grinned. "She disappeared a few hours ago with Benji. We weren't sure where they went, so we gave up waiting and came back here. Joel said he was supposed to watch her or some shit? Yeah, umm, she hightailed it out of there with the Benj Man. Sorry."

There was a flush and Joel pranced into the room naked.

His eyes went wide at the sight of his bandmate and the young male. "Uh hi."

"He's bi," Billy pointed to Cody. "It's cool."

Joel shook his head at Billy's strange exchange of information, and climbed into bed with Neve. "Your girlfriend? Blonde girl? Dani?" he asked Cody.

Cody was growing greatly concerned. He was trying to shield the hurt he felt at this sudden discovery. Before the show, he and Dani had a long discussion about their fantasies and their hopes for this night. They'd set limits for one another. Dani's limit for Cody was simple: he was not to have unprotected sex with Billy. Cody's limit for Dani was even simpler: she was to go nowhere near the band's over-pierced, over-dyed, over-tattooed guitarist. He was, in all accounts Cody could find, a womanizing whore.

Dani had laughed at his insistance, assuring him that her only interest was the band's lead vocalist. If it wasn't to be Joel, it was to be nobody. Had she lied to him? Had she been lured and seduced by the rabid whore of Babylon? Cody seethed with anger at the thought.

Joel continued. "She and I had a little talk backstage."

Cody was barely listening anymore.

Joel wiggled his eyebrows and continued. "She wasn't very interested in my company, bro. Benji offered that she could go back to his room, he was just gonna go watch some TV and sleep. No offense, but I had needs. So Neve here and I came back here and I pawned Dani off on my brother."

Cody's voice was timid. "Pawned her off?"

"It's just a figure of speech," Billy defended. "Anyhow, we'll go to Benji's room. Thanks, Joel."

"No prob!" Joel waved as Billy pushed Cody out of the room.

"What the fuck was that in there?" Billy spat at the young brunette. "You wanted someone to keep her company."

"You wouldn't understand," Cody frowned.

"Try me!" Billy demanded. "I'm a rather understanding kinda guy."

Cody looked up into Billy's crystalline blue eyes and sighed. "I asked her not to fuck Benji."

"Okay, and?" Billy raised his pierced eyebrow. "Just because they're in a room together, it does NOT mean that Benji is hammering her."

Cody shuddered at the mental image.

"Cody?" Billy asked, his voice full of warmth and sincerity.

Cody nodded.

"When we find her, if you feel that you need to go home, I'll understand."

Cody's brown eyes filled with confusion and sadness.

"I mean," Billy stuttered and paused. "I don't want you to. But I'll understand."

Cody placed his hands gently onto Billy's waifish cheeks. "I don't want to leave."

"Good," Billy blushed. "Cause I don't want you to either. But I understand about Dani."

"Thank you," Cody grinned. "Let's find her."


Dani flipped the channels on the remote control slowly, not finding much of interest at such an hour.

"Dani?" came a voice from inside the bathroom.

"Yeah?" she called back with disinterest.

There was a tearing sound and then a giggle. "I need your help!"

She walked into the bathroom, only to find the male standing before her naked. He was combing his hair gently, and laughing at his reflection in the mirror.

She arched an eyebrow. "And what on earth do you need my help with?"

Benji snickered. "This!"

Her eyes trailed down his body and stopped to memorize his erection.

"That's nice, Benji," she grinned. "Very nice."

"I thought you'd like it," he grinned. "I was in the shower, you know, thinking about your little strip show that you did before. I got to imagining what it'd be like if we hadn't been interrupted by Paul. And next thing you know, I had a friend."

"A friend?" she giggled.

"Well, yeah, he's my friend!" Benji teased.

"I see," she chuckled. "Some friend."

She wetted her lips and winked at him. Going smoothly to her knees, she began to work her tongue up and down his shaft, coating him slowly with her warm saliva.

"Oh god," Benji hissed, sitting down onto the toilet and growling. "Fuck, your tongue"

She purred, the vibrations bringing pulses throughout his body.

"Are you sure this is okay?" he heaved between moans. "Your man's not gonna track me down and murder me?"

"He's.....with.....Billy," she moaned between downstrokes.

No matter how ridiculous the statement sounded to his ears, he simply nodded in agreement.


"You'd think that I'd have these keys in a better location," Billy hissed as he began searching for another key. "Fuck, I know Benji gave me a key."

Cody's stomach was churning. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Dani, and at the same time, thoughts of Billy. Oh how he wanted to have the thin guitarist naked once again, ready to receive all the pleasure his body had to offer. He stopped himself, however, exploring thoughts of Dani receiving such pleasure from the most vile of creatures Cody had ever laid eyes on.

"FOUND IT!" Billy squealed and began to unlock the door.

He paused and glanced over his shoulder at Cody. "Should I go first again?"

Cody considered this, memorizing the childish look of mirth on Billy's beautifully made up face. "It's okay," he forced himself to smile.

"Okay," Billy grinned, throwing the door wide open.

"Children, we're home!" he yelled.

Yet again, the hotelroom was devoid of their desired inhabitants. This time, there was no girl at all in the bed; rather, there appeared to be no one at all inside.

"Children?" Billy called louder. "Benjamin?"

Cody's heart was beating in his stomach. Surely, he would faint if she wasn't here somewhere.

"Stay here!" Billy assuaged. "I'll be right back."

Cody watched silently as Billy glanced around the room and headed toward a closed door on the other end. He pushed the hair from his face and turned an ear to the white door, and then tried the handle.

"Benji?" he yelled, stepping inside the bathroom.

"Dude, don't you fuckin knock?" came a yell from inside the shower.

Billy stepped forward and pulled the shower curtain back slightly. Inside, Benji and Dani were both sopping wet, Dani on her hands and knees at Benji's throbbing erection.

"Found you!" Billy giggled at Dani.

She glanced upward and met the guitarist's gorgeously blue eyes. "Is Cody okay?" she smiled.

"Ask him yourself!" Billy teased, removing his t-shirt as he laughed. "He's waiting inside for me to report back on my findings."

Dani became visibly shaken.

"What's wrong?" Benji asked, his eyes growing wide with concern.

"He's going to shower with us?" Dani asked nervously, watching as Billy stripped out of his Dickies and boxers.

"Well, why not?" Billy grinned. "The more, the merrier."

"What about Cody?" Dani asked.

"What about Kevin?" Benji asked at the exact same moment.

"Cody!" Billy corrected his bandmate. "He's sitting outside waiting for us to return."

Billy climbed into the shower and kissed Benji passionately.

"I missed you," Benji grinned.

"Missed you too, baby," Billy enthused.

"Hold up!" Dani shrieked.

"Yes?" both men asked in unison.

"I'm....I'm going to talk to Cody," she sighed, climbing out of the shower and grabbing a towel.

"She's a little uptight, isn't she?" Billy sneered, running his hands down toward Benji's hips.

"She gives good head, though," Benji grinned.


"Cody?" she called into the room, shutting the bathroom door behind her.

Cody was stretched out on the bed, watching out the window at passing cars.

"Cody, I'm sorry," she grimaced, kneeling in front of her boyfriend.

Cody sighed loudly. "You promised me, Danielle. You promised me you wouldn't touch that skank."

"I know," Dani frowned. "But he's not like that."

"Sure," Cody frowned. He felt tears welling in his eyes and fought them back.

"Cody, I love you! I didn't....I didn't do what you think, okay?" Dani was crying now, her face in his lap.

Cody stroked her hair and listened as she sobbed lightly.

"I didn't have sex with him, Cody," she cried. "You have to believe me."

"Does it matter?" Cody growled.

"It matters that you believe me," Dani pleaded with her large brown irises.


"Hey!" a voice called, jerking Dani and Cody from their tender embrace.

"Hey, you two, you okay?" the man asked sincerely.

Cody turned to gaze into the other man's ridiculously large brown eyes.

"We're fine," he hissed.

"Look, bro," Benji sighed, holding his hands up in the air. "I know she's yours. I respect that. No harm done, okay, man? Don't like....murder me in my sleep."

Cody stared at the heavily tattooed man and began laughing.

"What's funny?" Benji asked, confused.

"You think I'm going to murder you?" Cody laughed, shaking his head.

"Well," Benji looked nervously at Dani. "If that was my girl and some sick pervert was trying to shack up with her, I'd murder him!"

Dani grinned, patting her boyfriend's shoulder.

Cody stared back at the guitarist. He'd never seen the man in person before tonight, and never this close. Up close, his image wasn't as brash as in photographs. He had a certain joviality, a degree of childishness about him. Fresh from the shower, he wore no makeup and his mussed hair was still raining droplets onto the carpet around him. His towel was closed tightly at his hips, baring a naked chest adorned with wild colors of every hue. His eyes were so amazingly large, so full of life and joy. His pouty lips may have been over-pierced with three lip rings, but they were perfectly sculpted; the lips of a cherub.

He was like a punk rock angel.

Cody felt his cock stir.

"Friends?" Benji asked, offering his hand to Cody.

"Friends," Cody nodded, shaking the man's hand firmly.

"Well, now that that's out of the way," Billy beamed, joining the three. "I vote we all take another shower!"

Dani, Cody and Billy erupted into laughter. Benji only stared at the group.

"Benj, what's wrong?" Billy asked, placing a gentle hand onto his friend's shoulder.

"Cody's...Is Cody...?" Benji tried to whisper.

"Yes, Cody's bi," Billy nodded. "And Dani is too."

Dani glanced at Benji. She hadn't shared that information with him during their short time together.

"I didn't know that," Benji sighed. "You didn't tell me that, Dani."

Dani shrugged her shoulders and grinned at the tattooed man's wet body. "I had no need to tell you that."

Cody pondered this conversation at occurred, his eyes growing wide. "Wait," he practically shrieked.

The three looked at him expectantly.

"You're bi, too?" he asked Benji.

Benji shook his head at the male. "I'm adventurous. Call it what you like, categorize it as you will."

Billy grinned and nodded. "He's bi."

"Whatever," Benji laughed.

"Wow!" Dani beamed, sitting back down onto the bed and glancing from Billy to Benji, Benji to Cody. "You mean to tell me I have three hot bisexuals studs all to myself tonight?"

The three men studied one another.

"I guess so," Billy beamed, joining her on the bed. "Aren't you a lucky gal!"

"I didn't realize you were bi," Dani grinned, running a hand through Billy long black locks.

Billy winked at her, biting her wrist playfully. "I get that a lot."

"Yeah," Benji teased, smacking Billy's kneecap. "He looks like a flaming homo, doesn't he?"

Cody and Benji erupted into laughter.

"I don't think so," Dani smiled soothingly at Billy. "I think he's quite a hottie."

"Homos can't be hotties?" Benji argued.

"Benji?" Cody grinned. For the first time in the entire night, he knew what he wanted and he was certain he'd have it.

Benji's eyes met Cody's. "Yeah, Code Man?"

"Shut up and kiss me!" Cody demanded, forcing his lips onto Benji's pierced ones.

"Ouch!" Cody shrieked and jumped back.

Benji rubbed his labret stud and giggled. "Woopsy, shoulda warned you!"

"How romantic!" Cody grumbled.

As the pair of men returned to kissing, this time less frantically, Billy turned to Dani and began to unravel her towel. "I think Frick and Frack over there are suitably amused," he grinned.

Dani laughed.

"What say you we get to know each other?" Billy winked.

"I say you should shut up," Dani rasped.

"And kiss you?" Billy asked expectantly.

"No," Dani shook her head.

Billy raised his eyebrow at the now naked girl.

"And fuck me!" she corrected, grinning.


"Oh fuck," she growled pushing back against his intrusion. "Fuck me, Billy!"

"That's what I'm doing," he grunted and pounded back into her forcefully.

"Mmm," Cody was purring beside her on the bed. "Look at that big cock pounding into your tight pussy. Oh Dani."

"Yeah," Dani hissed. "He's fucking me, Cody. Yeah."

Benji raised off Cody's erection and laughed aloud. "The two of you sound like a deranged simpleton's version of porn."

"Shut up," the couple said in unison.

"Alrighty then," Benji laughed and returned to working his tongue up and down Cody's slick length.

"Fuck Benji," Cody howled. "That's amazing."

"Fuck me, Billy," Dani yelled over her boyfriend. "Fuck me harder!"

Billy complied, forcing her head just inches from the headboard. Cody reached out to stop her from crashing forward, and they grinned at one another.

"Okay," Benji beamed breaking their attentions apart. "Do me."

Cody stared at the guitarist in wonderment.

Benji raised his eyebrow. "Cody, come on. Fuck me, you're ready."

Benji climbed onto all fours beside Dani and grinned at the young female. "Looks like we're both the bitches, huh?"

Dani snorted.

Cody climbed behind Benji and spit on his palm, slicking two fingers and working them slowly insider Benji's tight hole. "Does it hurt?" he asked cautiously.

Benji nodded and tried to relax.

"Alright," Cody grinned. "This is going to hurt and you're going to thank me for it."

Benji grinned. "Mmmhmm."

Billy and Dani were too focused on their own choreographed movements to care, but their interest was piqued when the bed began to shake frantically.

"OH FUCK," Benji was screaming. "FUCK ME, CODY, HARDER!"

Dani stared in awe at her boyfriend's violently pounding hips.

"Is he like that with you?" Billy asked, mouth aghast.

"No," Dani shook her head. "Never."

Benji let out a scream, Cody growled and the pair collapsed.

"Well then," Billy laughed. "That was refreshing, boys."

Cody pulled himself off Benji and grinned. "Fuck, he's tight."

Benji rolled over and blushed. "I've never actually done that before."

Billy, Dani and Cody gazed at him in awe.

"I told you," Benji sighed, a large smile spreading across his pierced lips. "I'm just an adventurous kind of guy."

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