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Afro Stress Relief Ch. 10

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Whiteboy meets Tammy's 'rough boys'.
10.6k words

Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 10/19/2022
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I woke up on the Saturday, not believing what I'd got up to at the Beer Bust and not sure what to do, now everybody knew that I was a little white sissy bitch that worshipped black dick! I wondered how everyone was going treat me on Monday at work, Elizabeth had said not to worry as 'what happens at the Beer Bust stays at the Beer Bust', however how could I tell my black male staff what to do after having sucked all their dicks. Perhaps my only option would be to use the method Marci had told me about and threaten everybody with exposure if they started giving me trouble, I thought that was definitely a last resort and resolved to start looking for a new job just in case.

Fortunately, Jonelle had let me know she wasn't going to Dr Jane's on the weekend and didn't need me to give her a ride, and which allowed me to spend the rest of Saturday catching up on my college work.

Next on my list of concerns was Baba G, as I needed to consider if I really wanted to become one of his harem of white fairies, but late on Saturday I got a call from an unknown number, I answered the call but didn't speak, after a short pause, I heard a voice ask, "Hello, is there anybody there, is that Tina?"

"Erm...Hi...who's this?" I stammered.

"Is that Tina?" the voice asked again, I didn't recognize the voice on the phone.

"Who's asking?" I replied.

"Look, honey, I'm a friend of Baba G's, my name's Ericka," the voice responded, sounding exasperated.

"Oh, yes, I'm Tina," I answered.

"Baba G said you were new, you're going to have to get used to using your sissy name and not being so guarded, honey! Acceptance is an important part of sissy life!" Ericka, the voice on the phone, pronounced.

"Erm...Sure," I hesitantly answered.

"Right, I'm Baba G's head harem gurl, I've been serving him for two years, at the moment there's only one other harem gurl, Jilly. Jilly's been with us for about a year, normally there are four gurls to serve Baba G but we've had some drop-outs in the last few months," Ericka, Baba G's head sissy, explained.

"Oh, any reason why the others dropped?" I asked.

"Just life honey, people move around for work, although one of them left to become a full-time shemale and air hostess. Now, have you seen those old movies or TV shows with those Arabian harems where the girls wear the veils and those skimpy outfits with leggings?" Ericka asked.

"Er...I think so," I stammered, trying to remember some scenes from the old films Ericka was talking about.

"Don't worry, take this address down," Ericka instructed me, and gave me an address, Ericka continued, "OK that's where you can get the right clothes, just say Ericka from the harem sent you and they'll understand, they'll get you the right gear but it's gonna cost you about one hundred and fiffy dollars!" I was shocked that I was going to have to pay so much for what I thought would just be a slutty cheap outfit.

"So, we usually serve Baba G the second weekend in each month, first we gurls all gather at the City-Break motel, just off the main highway before the projects, do you know it?" Ericka asked, I knew the City-Break by reputation, it was a cut-price motel, where you could hire seedy rooms by the hour and was known to be frequented by prostitutes.

"Er, I think so, it's a hooker motel isn't it?" I stammered.

"Yeah, real cheap and nasty, a bit like us!" Ericka laughed, but added, "That's where us gurls will get ready and prepared, I take it you've got your own make-up?"

"Of course," I replied, feeling surprisingly offended by Ericka's question, even though most of my make-up came second-hand from Dr Jane and my other girlfriends.

"Great, anyway that's where we gurls get ready, and fully dressed, then it's a quick cab ride to Baba G's place, or the harem house as we call it, then its two straight days of serving Baba G and his magnificent ebony cock!" Ericka announced.

"Oh...what is it we'll actually be doing?" I asked nervously.

"We're Baba G's harem, honey, we're there to pamper and worship him, we will get to bathe and wash him all over, feed him, aswell as entertain and pleasure him!" Ericka explained.

"Wow, do we sleep over?" I anxiously asked.

"Of course, and we sleep wherever Baba G tells us to sleep, if you're good you'll sleep in his bed, or the royal chamber as we say; if you haven't pleased him you may have to sleep at the foot of the bed, like a bitch; and if you're bad you may end up in his dungeon!" Ericka giggled.

"Oh, that's sounds like we're his slaves?" I stammered.

"Come on honey, Baba G told me, you admitted to being a negro cock slut, ain't it true?" Ericka asked in a mocking tone.

"Erm...well..." I haltingly replied.

"Look, say after me 'I am a tiny-dicked white fairy negro cock slut'!" Ericka demanded.

"Erm...I'm a tiny-dicked white fairy negro cock slut," I hesitantly repeated.

"There, doesn't that feel better! Now, of course, we're going to be Baba G's harem slave gurls for a weekend, I'm mean what better way for us tiny-dicked white fairies to spend a weekend! Don't you agree?" Ericka exclaimed.

"I guess so," I replied, somewhat shocked at Ericka's obvious devotion to Baba G.

"I haven't got much time now, but get yourself down to that store tomorrow, and give me a call next week when you've got the outfit and I should have finalized the date of the next harem weekend by then. One final thing when you're in the harem always address Baba G as Prince G, OK. Bye, honey," Ericka said and hung-up.

I was unsure what to do, I pondered and thought how my life had become one of servitude to the black phallus, any black phallus, and it's seed, and I realized I might be about to become a slave to Baba G's negro dick but, I thought, I was a willing cock slave and so decided to head for the store Ericka had told me about. I decided it was best to go to the Store as 'Johnny' and so the next day headed off.

The store, Ericka wanted me to visit, was over an hour away and on the outskirts of what looked like a fairly affluent suburb, I eventually pulled up in front of a row of stores, the one I wanted was called 'Party Costumes By Design', it looked like it sold outfits for Costume parties and such like. As I entered the store I saw a couple of young women looking through some skimpy outfits, but I noticed a grey-haired white lady sitting behind the sales desk and I approached her. "Er, hi, I'm looking for an outfit, Ericka from the harem sent me," I tried to whisper to the sales lady.

The sales lady looked up at me and replied, "Sorry honey, I don't hear so well, speak up!", I blushed furiously and repeated my statement in a louder voice, but I noticed that caught the attention of the two young women in the store and they glanced over at me.

"Oh, so you're another one of Baba G's harem gurls, honey?" the sales lady asked, my face went redder with embarrasment as I could tell the two young women in the shop were straining to hear this conversation and I just nodded. "Well, let me show you the outfit, we have one on show in our specialist section," the sales lady said and led me to a display of costumes labelled 'crossdressing', unfortunately the two young women were in the adjacent section and I could hear them sniggering.

The sales lady showed me a male mannequin, it had pink puffy, see-through, harem pants with various bits of silver material woven into it, there was a silver bra with lots of costume jewelry stuck on the cups and straps, a pink lacey top just covering the back of the shoulders, there were lots of bright bangles on both wrists, ankle bracelets, there was also a thin silver chain around the midriff, and finally a pink see-through veil. However, the one thing that was most notable was that the harem pants were crotch-less, if I wore them my penis and ass would be on show!

"Now, looking at you, I think we have one in your size, come on through to the changing area," the sales lady said and I followed her, past the two giggling young women, and into the back of the shop where there were male and female cubicles. The sales lady went to another rack and pulled out an outfit and handed it to me, saying, "You'd better use the ladies, honey. Let me know when you've changed and I'll come and do some make-up, we have some wigs aswell, I need to see how you look."

"Erm...can I keep my shorts on?" I asked hesitantly.

"Well not really, I need to see how it looks as it may need some adjustments," the sales lady casually replied. I went into the female changing cubicle and quickly got undressed, I carefully put on the bra and top, and then the harem pants, the outfit also included the bangles, bracelets and chain which I also put on. When I'd finished dressing, I put my head around the cubicle door but couldn't see the sales lady, and I shouted "Hello!"

The sales lady returned, shouting, "OK honey, let's have a look at you."

I very hesitantly eased out of the cubicle, "Are those girls still here?" I stammered.

"Oh don't worry, honey, they've gone! Oh you look nice, and your little hairless dick looks real cute! Now, let's get the make-up, wig and veil on," the sales lady said, adding, "By the way I'm Vera, what's your harem name dear?"

"Erm...Hi Vera, I'm called Tina," I replied, and asked, "Do you know Baba G?"

"Of course, honey, my Son was his first harem gurl, that's how it started really!" Vera replied casually, I was pretty stunned at Vera's revelations, and whilst Vera applied some make-up and adjusted the wig, I unthinking asked her if she about her Son, the transvestite, and also involved with a black man?

"Well honey, I was upset when I first found out, I mean who wouldn't be shocked to come home and find your only Son dressed in your best stockings and suspenders! But I had a long chat with my Son and discovered he'd made Baba G's acquaintance when my Son worked at a fast food restaurant near the projects. I've since discovered that Baba G is a real expert at telling when one of you white boys is a fairy-in-waiting, you see my Son didn't realize he was a sissy until he met Baba G, and he even had a girlfriend at the time!" Vera explained, and finished applying make-up and adjusting the wig, she continued, "There you go, let's add the veil and then go and take a look in that mirror."

I stood up and went over to mirror, I was surprised at the look, the baggy see-though harem pants looked good and I loved the veil, my little white penis didn't look out of place, and my bare ass cheeks looked ok but, I thought, how much better I'd look with a bigger butt! "Do you like this look?" Vera asked.

"Hmm...I guess so," I replied.

"You look fine, honey, Baba G is gonna like it, rest assured! In fact, you remind me of my Son actually, although his little white cock was always rock hard whenever he was getting ready to visit Baba G," Vera responded and laughed.

"Is your Son still in Baba G's harem?" I asked, assuming Ericka was Vera's sissy Son.

"Oh no, my Son moved to San Francisco to become a full-time drag-artist, if OKC was a bit more accepting of alternative lifestyles he definitely would still be a harem gurl!" Vera replied, and asked, "Do you want the outfit? It costs one hundred and fifty five dollars."

"Oh...I guess I'd better have it, thanks," I stammered a response and returned to the changing cubicle, after carefully getting myself out of the harem outfit and all it accessories, I changed into my normal clothes, took the wig off and wiped the make-up off. I handed all the bits and pieces of the outfit to Vera, who carefully wrapped them up and I gave Vera the money.

"It's so refreshing to know that there are at least some white boys in OKC who, like my Son, know their place around black males," Vera announced as I turned to leave, I gave Vera a quizzical look. "Baba G didn't just convert my Son into a negro cock slut, he also turned me into one!" Vera smiled mischievously! I wanted to hear more about Vera and her Son's 'turning' but at that point, some young men entered the shop and began talking and joking very loudly with each other, I decided to leave and return to my apartment. I thought about ringing Ericka and letting him know I'd got the outfit but I thought I better see how things were at work on Monday after the Beer Bust! I spent an uncomfortable night having bad dreams about what might happen at work but eventually drifted off to sleep and dreamt about being a harem slave gurl.

I was very nervous on Monday as I entered the office, I thought it best to get in early, I'd spent some of the weekend looking for new positions and updating my Resume. I'd noticed there were quite a lot of roles that would be suitable for me and my experience in warehousing and shipping, and some were based around military bases which I knew would have a high concentration of black males and their big negro cocks!

I was the first person in the office and went straight to the loading bay, and noticed everything was back in its normal place and all of Friday night's layout was gone, I realized the guys and girls had done a good job of cleaning up. I checked the loading bay office, where Baba G had used me so thoroughly, it had also been thoroughly cleaned. I returned to my desk to check my e-mail, surprisingly there was nothing untoward in any e-mails I'd received which began to ease my fears of anyone making threats or comments about my behavior on Friday evening's Beer Bust.

When the girls began to arrive I expected various sarcastic comments but no one mentioned anything, and more surprising was that Elizabeth and Mary both called me 'Johnny'. As usual I was wearing a pair of panties, a NONO pair, as I was expecting Elizabeth or Mary to check on me, but both didn't mention it. I decided to visit the loading bay to see what the atmosphere was like, as I entered the area none of the loading bay crew seemed to take too much notice of my presence, despite the fact that I'd sucked all their big black cocks at the Beer Bust.

Troy waved at me and walked over with some paperwork, "Hiya Johnny, you good, we got some things wrong with this shipment, can you sort it out?" Troy asked, I was pretty stunned to be addressed so politely by a big-dicked negro stud who'd recently given my mouth a good working over with his cock.

"Erm...Sure I'll take a look at it," I replied nervously, and took the paperwork and returned to the office. I was staggered that no one had mentioned anything that had happened at the Beer Bust. The rest of the day went by in a similar uneventful manner, I began to feel very relived until I left work and was about to get in my car when someone gave me a sharp smack on my butt, I swung round to find Mary smirking at me.

"Hi honey, I just want to say how proud I am of you and the way you handled all those big Afro-dicks!" Mary said, excitedly.

"Erm...I thought we weren't supposed to talk about what happened at the Beer Bust?" I replied, a bit annoyed Mary had accosted me outside of work.

"It's definitely not something you should speak of in work but we're outside work and it's just you and me," Mary smiled, and continued, "Honey, I know a black cock slut when I see one, and you are definitely one, just like me. Now, I have little gatherings at my home, just me and some Afro-men, maybe you'd like to join us some time?"

Elizabeth had already told me about Mary's 'hobby' of negro cock orgies, "Erm...I'm not sure, let me think about it," I replied, hesitantly, hoping that would get rid of Mary.

"OK honey, well let me know," Mary replied, a bit despondently and left.

On the evening I rang Ericka, Baba G's head harem gurl. "Hello, this is Ericka," Ericka answered.

"Oh hi, erm...this is Tina, I visited that store you suggested and got an outfit," I replied hesitantly.

"Is that Tina, Baba G's boss?" Ericka asked.

"Ohhh...erm...yes," I stuttered, shocked that Ericka knew my relationship with Baba G.

"Did you get an outfit or did Vera have to order one?" Ericka asked, rather aggressively I thought.

"Yes she had one in my size," I answered.

"Great, I assuming you're willing to serve Baba G, and do as you're told, honey?" Ericka asked.

"Erm...I guess so," I hesitantly answered.

"Honey, there's no guessing, Baba G said you were a natural black cock worshipper, was he wrong?" Ericka dismissively asked.

", no. Yes I want to serve in Baba G's harem!" I stammered.

"Good gurl, at the moment Baba G hasn't confirmed the date of the next harem event but it'll probably be near the end of the month," Ericka informed me, adding, "You'd better be doing some yoga and stretching exercises as Baba G can be a bit kinky sometimes!"

Ericka said he would contact me with all the necessary details once the date was known and before finishing said, "Also, get yourself a chastity device Baba G likes his white fairies with full testees!"

At the end of this conversation my tiny white penis was rock hard as my mind thought about what might happen at Baba G's harem. It made me realize how much I missed hanging out at the brothel, 'Babes with Asstitude', with my tranny gurlfriends and serving all that amazing African man meat, I wondered if I'd been a fairy all my life but just needed something to unlock my inner white sissy boy self! I realized that Dr Jane was the catalyst that had released my inner bitch boy and I knew there was no putting Tina back in a box.

The rest of the week was very uneventful and no-one mentioned what happened at the Beer Bust, and more importantly there didn't seemed to be any repercussions of me attending as Tina and giving every black male at the Beer Bust a blow job.

College was also very quiet, as usual I picked up Jonelle, but she seemed very distracted and hardly talked, I meet up with Harvey again, at least he seemed in a better mood, Harvey explained his girlfriend's sister had gotten into trouble with the police.

"It's great, the bitch was arrested for prostitution, and she is always going onto my girl about the money she earns as a hooker. The police released the Whore on bail, I really hope they lock her up after the Trial, the black bitch!" Harvey gleefully told me, his girlfriend's sister was bi-racial but to Harvey that was black.

I was surprised at Harvey's joy at his girlfriend's sister getting arrested and asked, "Won't your girlfriend be angry with you for wanting her sister to get sent to jail?"

"I ain't stupid, I act all concerned what I'm home. I can't wait for the Trial!" Harvey beamed, I thought this was another reason I needed to seek some revenge on Harvey, along with the fact that I believed he was partially responsible for me losing Drake!

Dr Jane once again asked me to stay behind after her class, Dr Jane told me she'd managed to get more surveys done and she hoped that Tammy and me would get the final batch when we visited Tammy's 'rough boys'.

It was Friday afternoon, and I was in the office, I was wearing my 'normal' male outer garments but underneath I was in stockings and suspenders with a red thong which just covered my small white penis and testicles, plus parting my butt cheeks. I no longer felt comfortable wearing men's undergarments and virtually always wore panties or thongs. All the girls in the office encouraged me to dress this way, especially Elizabeth, in fact Elizabeth was constantly suggesting I come to work as 'Tina', in other words fully 'dressed'.

"Honey, it's only a matter of time, if you keep up this double-life you'll end up having a nervous breakdown!" Elizabeth said.

I wasn't convinced by this argument, it was a fact that I'd worked, happily, as a negro-only sissy prostitute, it was true I'd had an Afro-boyfriend and it was also true that I'd sucked off all of the black loading-bay crew, but I'd managed to preserve my outward appearance to the outside world as my old self, 'Johnny'. In some ways it was still a thrill to be leading a double-life, secretly wearing panties to business meetings or in the gym, being a normal working 'joe' during the day but being a transvestite prostitute at night! I also knew that if I became Tina 'full-time' I'd probably have to leave my job, possibly my apartment and there would be no going back. When I was dating Drake I thought about becoming a shemale and its consequences but, I thought, with Drake at my side I'd be able to overcome any obstacles but that was all gone now.

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