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Afro Stress Relief Ch. 14

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Whiteboy visits Beatrice in Las Vegas.
13.4k words

Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 10/19/2022
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*Editor's Note: there is no Chapter 13 in this series.

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After spending my weekend being a slave gurl at Baba G's harem, I was feeling very submissive and slutty, and decided now was the right time to send in my AMIRAP application form, as I'd shown myself to be totally submissive around black dicks and a complete slut for them. Maybe because of all the negro semen from Baba G and his friends inside me, I really wanted my holes to become well-used thorough-fares for big black cock and I wanted to be repository for all that sticky, thick, negro spunk!

The AMIRAP mailing instructions were very explicit, telling me the make and type of packaging I had to use, I would also have to send the package via a special courier which had registered delivery, I guessed this was because I had to enclose the application fee, fifty dollars, in five ten-dollar bills with the application form. The address was a PO Box, in Washington DC and the instructions stated there should be no mention of AMIRAP on the packaging.

I went to the courier office just before going to work on Monday, there was a big sign in the entrance stating, 'Helping the Afro-American Community for over Thirty years!'. The staff in the courier's office were all black and mainly women, I went to a free cashier. "Hi honey, what can I do for you today?" the mature black lady cashier asked.

"I'd like to send this package by registered delivery," I asked the lady cashier and handed my AMIRAP application package to her.

After taking the package and putting it on a weighing machine, the lady cashier said, "OK honey, just let me ask one of my colleagues as I'm not sure we can use this service on a PO Box number address." The lady cashier sauntered over to one of her colleagues with my package and after a few minutes of whispered conversation and a lot of giggling, the lady cashier returned. "It's all OK, I just need to take a few details down and we'll get that shipped today and it should arrive tomorrow," the black lady cashier explained, as I turned red.

After taking my name and contact details, the black lady cashier began to record the information on her computer, but said, "We don't get many white folks in here, how did you hear about us, honey?"

"Er...just a friend of mine told me," I hesitantly replied, trying to avoid talking too much.

"Oh, your friend must be black if they know about us?" the black lady cashier continued.

"Er...yes is he," I confusedly answered, knowing I was only here because of the instructions from AMIRAP.

"Oh, it's always nice to see white boys like you having black male 'friends'," the black lady cashier replied, and with wry smile added, "I'm sure you'll be getting a lot more black 'friends' soon!"

I was a bit stunned by the black lady cashier's response and went bright red with embarrassment, as it was obvious, she knew what I was! "Thanks," I stammered.

"That'll be twenty dollars, honey!" the black lady cashier said, I was surprized at the cost but handed over the money and thanked her. As the black lady cashier handed me my receipt she said, smiling, "Someone will be in touch tomorrow to confirm your package has been delivered, honey. Any problems and you get your little ole butt back down here and come see me!"

I thanked the black lady cashier but left the courier's office blushing furiously and went to work, I once again thought how thing's might be easier if I just came out to everyone as 'Tina' but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that was a path I wasn't ready to take yet!

Once I arrived at work, I decided it was best to avoid the loading bay completely, as I was still feeling very submissive and horny, and I might not be able to control myself and act in an inappropriate manner toward the loading bay crew! I thought I might need a couple of days to get myself back under some sort of normal routine.

The next day I got confirmation that my AMIRAP application package had been delivered, although I still had my reservations about joining AMIRAP I felt surprizingly optimistic about it and wondered what was going to happen next.

Fortunately, it was an uneventful week at work, even Mary wasn't badgering me about her up and coming initiation as a black-only prostitute! Baba G was keeping a low profile in the loading bay, and I did my best to avoid any contact as I knew I'd end up in a compromising position, either on my knees or on my back!

It seemed most people were abiding by the 'What happens at the Beer Bust stays at the Beer Bust!' rule however, I did notice a subtle change in the way the girls in the office acted towards me, on a work-level nothing changed but they started to include me in more personal conversations, sometimes passing round photos of black hunks in women's magazines and commenting on the size of the hunk's cock and handing them to me and asking me if I liked the him, I would blush and just nod. The office girls also started including me in discussions on clothes and make-up, even asking where I'd got some of my stockings from, and although it was nice, I wasn't sure how that would impact my role as the 'Manager', if I became one of the 'girls' I wasn't sure that I could continue as a male and manager at the company.

One embarrassing incident that occurred was about calendars, the company typically got sent calendars and posters from suppliers, often with photos of women wearing bikinis and posing provocatively with the supplier's products. My predecessor wouldn't allow the loading bay crew to put them up on display, but I'd relented but said the guys could only put them up in their rest areas, as I didn't want to upset the girls. After the beer bust, I noticed the girls started to put calendars on their desks with photos of partially clad Afro-studs, and, unsurprizingly, Mary suggested I should have one on my desk and said she'd get me a 'special' one, not wanting to upset Mary I reluctantly agreed. The next day Mary handed me a small desk calendar, saying, "This is a charity calendar, it shows inmates in our state prisons, and of course all the boys are black."

I looked at the calendar and was a bit shocked to see a huge looking Afro-male on the first page just wearing a tiny prison jockstrap, which didn't leave much to the imagination, I went red in the face and my little white penis sprang to attention.

Mary giggled on seeing my reaction, saying, "Yes I felt the same way!"

"I can't put this on my desk Mary, it's too explicit," I stammered and went to put the calendar in a desk drawer.

"Come on honey, what's the problem, we all know you're a black cocksucker, and that cost me money!" Mary complained.

"Hmm...Mary I don't think that's an appropriate way to talk to me and I don't think the calendar would go down well with management," I replied, somewhat exasperated by Mary.

"Ah, don't be like that, gurl! Me and you are the same, you should be 'out and proud', you'd get a lot more respect from the office girls and the guys in the loading bay!" Mary replied.

"Look Mary, I just don't think I can, how about I give you the money for it and take it home?" I suggested, hoping to placate Mary.

"Hmm...OK, it cost five dollars but you can give me twenty dollars, as it's for a charity that helps the families of black inmates and I know you'd want to help those boys!" Mary said earnestly, but she added, "I'm disappointed that you won't put it on your desk, wouldn't you do it for me? I mean all these other girls have got pictures of black music and film stars but these are real black men and the sort of men, me and you should be helping!"

I reluctantly handed over twenty dollars and said, "How about if I keep it in my drawer for now."

"Hmm...OK I guess," Mary responded disappointedly, taking the money from my hand. "By the way, my pimp says the police are putting extra patrols at the truck stop on I44, he reckons it'll be like that for a couple of weeks, so he's going to try and get me started someplace else, maybe out of state, I'll let you know."

I'd reluctantly agreed to accompany Mary on her first outing as a black-only prostitute, but I'd assumed it was only going to be at a truck stop just outside OKC, "Oh, I'm not sure I can do that," I said quietly, hoping that Mary wouldn't start causing a scene in the office.

"Honey, you said you would help me out, you know how nervous I am and how much I need the money," Mary exclaimed, and began to sob, causing the other girls in the office to look at us, I quickly took Mary outside.

"You promised..." Mary said between sobs.

"Look Mary, I'd said I'd come with you to the truck stop for your first time but now you're talking about going out of state, which sounds a lot more dangerous to me, why not just wait until it quietens down at the truck stop!" I said, trying to compromise with Mary.

"My black pimp wants to get me working as soon as he can, and I need the money, as you know!" Mary answered still sobbing, and added, "My pimp knows you and I can only travel out of state on a weekend because of work."

I wasn't sure what to say but I didn't want to upset or antagonize Mary, as she might not follow the 'What happens at the Beer Bust stays as the Beer Bust' rule and could cause a lot of trouble at work for me. I realized that the 'Beer Bust' rule was only really useful if the people involved had something to lose if their involvement came to light, but I thought Mary and maybe Baba G didn't really care who knew what they got up to, however for others it might mean a divorce, or in my case exposure!

I wondered if I was 'out and proud' about being a negro cocksucker, as Mary suggested, it would be easier but I realized I was being very naïve, I knew that it would be totally unacceptable to the company management and I'd end up having to leave my job.

"Erm...look Mary, I can't guarantee anything but I'll need a couple of weeks' notice, as I have other commitments on a weekend," I said, trying to be as vague as I could.

Mary hugged me, saying, "Ah thanks sweetie, I knew you wouldn't let me down! And don't worry we'll have a great time."

Work seemed to quieten down after that, nobody mentioned anything to me about my activities at the Beer Bust, and Baba G kept his distance from me and didn't attempt to talk to me at all.

On my college evenings, I was still picking up Jonelle and giving her a ride to college, even though we didn't share any classes since Dr Jane's course had finished, however I wanted to stay in Marci's life and remain friends with all the girls I'd met as 'Tina' and so continued providing Jonelle with 'free' rides.

I asked Jonelle if she'd helped Marci move into Sarah's apartment, "Oh yes, me and Tammy went, although we turned up late to avoid doing too much work," Jonelle sniggered, and continued, "It was pretty wild, even my Momma, Millie, was getting a big ole dildo pushed up her ass, although I ain't sure how I feel 'bout seeing her eating some young white pussy!"

I was pretty stunned but also a bit jealous as I would have loved to see Millie's big black butt, I told Jonelle about my time at Harvey's.

"Shit, are you still hanging around with that white cracker bitch?" Jonelle exclaimed, interrupting me before I could finish my story, adding angrily, "You should know better by now, little nigga-dick loving white sissies like you need to keep away from 'Harvey' types!"

"OK, OK, but if you let me finish the story, I'm trying to get some revenge on Harvey, you know after what happened with Drake!" I said in an exasperated tone.

"Ah..., oh I like the sound of that, what sort of revenge are you planning?" Jonelle asked, I went on to describe my meeting with the Flora, Gertie and Ida and how they were rumored to be practicing voodoo and black magic, and how I 'helped' Duke out!

"You're such a slut, once you get into stockings and high-heels," Jonelle giggled.

I giggled at that and added, "But I asked them to help me, you see I want to see Harvey on his knees and sucking a big black cock!"

"Oh fuck...I'd pay to see that cracker swallowing some nigga jizz! Man, I kinda like this side of you, you've gone ghetto gurl!" Jonelle laughed.

Once Jonelle and I arrived at college, Jonelle kissed me on the lips and said, "If I can watch Harvey becoming a black dick eater, I'll let you spray your nasty white spunk over my feet and lick them clean!" I eagerly nodded, as I always enjoyed getting used and abused by Jonelle.

I met Harvey as usual, and he started by saying, "Not sure what you did at the barbecue but all the girls are still talking about you, Charlene and her nigger-loving Mother all seem to think you're great. Charlene even said those three nigger voodoo bitches really liked you!"

"Come on Harvey, don't use that language, it's gonna get you in big trouble!" I scolded Harvey, but thinking how good it was going to be, watching Harvey getting 'straightened' out!

"I'm worried, to be honest, Charlene is spending more time with her Mother and those Voodoo bitches, since Celeste went to prison. I think they're trying to split us apart, Charlene's Mother is always wanting her to go 'black' and I know those Voodoo hoes don't like me!" Harvey confided in me.

Harvey's attitude towards Flora, Gertie and Ida was deplorable, I thought all three women deserved a lot respect and were an inspiration to their community, whom they cared deeply about. I also thought Harvey was very stupid to have made such enemies, as they obviously possessed some sort of spiritual power or awareness which I had witnessed at the barbecue when they somehow knew I was called 'Tina'!

The rest of the week was fairly quiet, except for Friday when towards the end of the day I got a message from Troy saying Baba G wanted to see me, down in the loading bay. I was very apprehensive as I didn't want Baba G to make me do anything sexual, I knew if he asked, I couldn't say no! I nervously walked to the loading bay, where Troy told me Baba G was waiting in the office, which was the office where Baba G had first propositioned me. I entered the office, not knowing what I would find, Baba G was sitting down, looking very relaxed and smiling at me.

"Well sissy-boss, how you been! Are you missing my big ole nigga dick?" Baba G chuckled.

"Er...Baba G, I thought..." I stammered but Baba G interrupted me and slammed his fist on the table!

"It's Prince G or Master, bitch!" Baba G growled.

"Er...Sorry...yes Prince G, I thought we were keeping away from each other at work," I stammered and meekly sat down opposite Baba G.

"Yeah, we sort of did! But I'm here to give you some bad news, this is my last day in this shitty job," Baba G calmly responded but added, "I'm taking your harem sister, Jilly, off to Detroit tomorrow, it's gonna take a while to drive to Detroit but I'm gonna have some fun with Jilly before I drop him off at DD's. Jilly's gonna be starting his new life as a Detroit hooker for DD but I'm pretty sure it won't be long before that little white bitch will be strutting around DD's club with a fine pair of big white titties."

"Er...sorry Master but I think you're supposed to give the company a week's notice before leaving," I nervously answered, worried about what Baba G's reaction would be!

"I got some holidays coming so I'm taking 'em, now sort out the paperwork sissy-boss!" Baba G ordered.

I quickly left Baba G in the office and scurried off back to my desk, I was relieved Baba G was leaving as it would make the working environment a lot easier for me but was also a bit jealous of Jilly getting all that time playing with Baba G's big black cock on their journey to Detroit! I checked Baba G's vacation time and was surprized to discover Baba G did have sufficient vacation time to cover his notice period, I quickly filled in the necessary forms and rang the personnel department to let them know. The personnel department were concerned I was allowing Baba G to take the vacation time and leave almost straight away but I said it was due to family problems which they seemed to accept.

I returned to the loading bay office where Baba G was still sitting and asked him to sign the required forms, "There you go slave gurl!" Baba G said, after signing the forms and slapped my butt cheeks as I gathered up the completed forms.

"Now I'm on the late shift tonight and I think Tina should come round later and give me a 'leaving' party!" Baba G chuckled and caressed my stinging ass cheeks.

"Er...Prince G I can't come to work as 'Tina'!" I gasped because I knew I couldn't come back into work as 'Tina' as the security guards would demand to know who I was.

"Oh, but you can, bitch. You come to the delivery gate and I'll let you in," Baba G explained, he'd obviously thought about it, the main gate through which deliveries and shipments were made was always locked and only the loading bay crew could open it from the inside.

"I'm not sure, Master," I stuttered, wondering how I could get out of this situation.

"Hey, sissy-boss, I ain't asking, I'm telling!" Baba G growled and I knew I didn't have a choice, I had willingly become one of Baba G's harem slave gurls and it was my duty to serve him, I nodded reluctantly. "Good, be at the gate about six-thirty and I'll let you in, you'd better be in your best stuff and bring a butt-plug!" Baba G grunted, I meekly nodded and took the completed forms back to my desk.

I hurried back to my apartment after work to get ready for Baba G's 'leaving' party, I was very apprehensive about going to work as 'Tina' but also quite aroused at what Baba G was going to do to me. I got myself showered and ready, making sure my rectum was clean and did my make-up just as if I was going to work as a tranny hooker at BWAs. I put my best NONO lingerie on, a nice black basque, stockings, backless panties, gloves and high-heels. I looked at myself in the mirror, and played with my long blonde wig, and was satisfied with the way I looked.

I got a long coat to cover myself, one of the coat's Dr Jane had lent me, plus Marci's cast-off lurid pink shoulder bag containing a black butt-plug and other things, then went to the elevator. I wondered if Dr Jane wanted these coats back and thought that I should ask her, the next time we spoke together.

There were two youngish white women, deep in conversation, already in the elevator who didn't take much notice of me as I got in. "Well, I heard that negro woman has finally left the building," one of the white women said.

"Oh, thank goodness, who knows what would have happened to the place, if she'd stayed!" the second white women replied.

"Yes, it's great news, we were thinking of moving out if any more of 'them' moved in. It's a relief but I'm going to try and get the resident's board to put in a new rule about setting up a committee who should 'approve' new residents and I want to be on it!" the first white woman stated.

"Good! That should keep 'them' out! It's unfortunate you can't have a 'no niggers' clause in the contracts anymore!" the second white woman chuckled. I was furious on overhearing this conversation as they were talking about Marci and I was about to angrily interrupt their discussion and tell them how their attitudes on race were ugly, stupid and old-fashioned, however at that point the elevator stopped and the two white women left.

As I drove to meet Baba G, I thought I was definitely doing the right thing in applying to join AMIRAP, I knew the views of those two white women in the elevator were very common in OKC and I'd probably shared some of those views before I was 'turned'. I felt that letting lots of big black cocks fuck my white ass and inseminate me with negro semen was something I could do, to help fight against such racist attitudes! I also wondered if I should start inviting Afro-boys over to my apartment to give the other residents in my apartment block an opportunity to experience a more 'diverse' elevator ride, that thought made me laugh, thinking how the residents would react to sharing an elevator with a black man!

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