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After-School Activity

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Caroline gets a little extra education while hypnotized.
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"All right—I'm going to count from one to five. When you hear the count of five, you will all come completely out of hypnosis. You will feel rested, refreshed, and you sleep easily and well tonight if that's what you want. You will remember the experience of being hypnotized clearly and completely, and be able to relate that experience to others. Now, One—ready to come out of hypnosis. Two—more and more aware. Three—more and more awake. Four—ready to open your eyes. And Five—eyes open, wide awake."

Mr. Meadows clapped his hands several times, and the twenty-seven students of his high school Psychology class opened their eyes, stretched their arms, and straightened up in their seats. There were a few giggles, and at least one yawn. Standing in front of the class, Mr. Meadows smiled at his newly awakened subjects.

"So—what did everyone think about being hypnotized?"

"It was great!" said a boy in the second row. "It was like being asleep and awake at the same time. Like a really great dream. The best part was—"

"Hold that thought Michael, because your assignment, due Monday, is a five hundred word essay on your experience being hypnotized today. If you were at all receptive to my suggestions, you should have no problem putting down your thoughts."

A chorus of groans arose from the assembled class. "Wait—it gets better. Your essay must be handwritten."

A further chorus of groans. "Penmanship is important, people!" continued Mr. Meadows. "You have no idea how useful this skill will be in your life!"

From outside the class came the sound of a ringing bell. "Perfect timing," said Mr. Meadows. "Now do not put this off until Sunday night, I beg you. The sooner you get your essay done, the sooner you can enjoy your weekend. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday. Dismissed."

Twenty-six high school students rose from their desks and filed out the door at the rear of the classroom. One of them—Caroline Cooper—sat at her desk for a brief moment, as though trying to remember something important. Finally, she got up and headed out the door as well.

As she made her way down the hall to her locker, Caroline couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She had gone as deeply into hypnosis as any of the other kids, but Mr. Meadows hadn't chosen her to do anything—she had spent the entire session just sitting there with her eyes closed, listening to the others forget their names, or quack like ducks, or talk about their favorite food when they were five years old. Like most of the other girls in class, Caroline always hoped for a little attention from Mr. Meadows—he was, after all, the most handsome man in the school, what with his chestnut brown hair and gray eyes which seemed to sparkle behind his wire-rimmed glasses, and the corduroy jackets and the wool neckties he liked to wear. And he was smart, and he wasn't a stiff like many of the other teachers. What was not to like?

She stopped in front of her locker, dialed the combination, and pulled open the door. There was a mirror that took up most of the area inside her locker door, and after depositing her books inside she checked her look thoroughly, scrutinizing every last detail. She straightened her jacket, a black-and-white herringbone checked affair that was zipped up to the collar. Then she smoothed her hair, dark and shoulder length, simply styled and parted on the left side. Her friends kept bugging her to get it cut in a Bettie Page style like Katy Perry used to wear, but Caroline preferred to stick with what she had.

Speaking of her friends—there they were, having come up behind Caroline as she was studying her reflection. There were three of them—Jamie, Doreen, and Jessica, and they were all smiling at her as she turned to face them.

"OH! EM! GEE!" blurted out Jamie, a brunette with a round face and equally round glasses. "Caroline! You have got to come with us to Jessica's house! Her parents have gone for the weekend, and she found where they stashed the key to the liquor cabinet!"

"I found a recipe for Long Island Iced Tea online," chimed in Jessica, a light-haired blonde who was somewhat shorter than the others. "It's real easy, and we have all the ingredients!"

"We're gonna order pizza, and I'm gonna seduce the delivery boy into giving it to us for free!" squealed Doreen, a dirty blonde whose large breasts jiggled noticeably underneath the denim jacket and pink T-shirt she wore. "Ooooooh, I am such a slut!"

"Tee-em-iye, Doreen," said Caroline. "Please tell me you're joking."

"Well Duh!" replied Doreen. "What kind of slut do you think I am?"

"Don't answer that, Caroline," said Jamie. "So are you coming over?"

Caroline blinked slowly a couple of times before answering. "I may come over later, but right now I—I have something else to do."

The other three looked at her, slightly disappointed. "Well, okay," said Jessica. "But don't wait too long before coming over. It's gonna be epic tonight!"

"Yeah, we'll see ya later!" said Doreen.

"Yeah, later," said Jamie, and with that they all headed away. Caroline closed her locker door and headed in the opposite direction. She did, after all, have something else to do this afternoon.

Now if she could only remember what it was. . .


A few minutes later she found herself in Mr. Meadows classroom—deserted, as everyone had left school for the day. She stood there, staring around, trying to figure out why she had come. Was this what she had to do? Maybe she forgot a pen or something. . .

"Hello, Caroline."

Caroline jumped slightly and gave a startled yelp. There, at his desk, was Mr. Meadows—sitting comfortably like he'd been there all along. Her eyes widened—how had she not seen him when she came in?

"Do you know why you're here?"

That was when she remembered it—a voice, whispering in her ear--

"You will come to my classroom after school is out. You will not tell anyone you are coming here. You will believe this is your own idea. You will not remember me saying this until I ask you why you are here."

His voice.

"It was you." said Caroline out loud "You gave me a post-hypnotic suggestion."

"Good to see you've been paying attention to the material."

"What—what do you want with me?"

"What do you think I want, Caroline?"

There was something different about Mr. Meadows' voice, thought Caroline. He wasn't light and joking, like he was in class—he was softer and more serious, and that made him seem stronger, and more compelling. She could feel his voice working on her mind, and she realized what was about to happen.

"You want to fuck me."


"You want to fuck me while I'm hypnotized."

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"It's what you want."

"Well, yes," said Mr. Meadows. "But I think you want it too. Otherwise, why are you here?"

Caroline considered the question. She remembered that a hypnotized person could not be made to do something they would not normally do. On the one hand, she would not normally fuck a teacher—that was all kinds of wrong. On the other hand, she had the opportunity to fuck the most handsome man in school—and she might have done it anyway if he'd asked her. What did it matter that she had been hypnotized to do it? That might make it even more fun, being completely at his command like that.

She moved to take her seat near the back of the class, but Mr. Meadows stopped her. "No no—come sit up front."

Caroline did as she was told, taking the seat right before Mr. Meadows desk. She placed her hands palm down on the chair's desktop and looked straight at him, patiently awaiting his next word.

"Now you're already in a light trance—but as you sit before me—as you breathe deeply—as you relax completely—you will feel yourself going deeper and deeper--deeper and deeper--deeper and deeper. . ."

Caroline let herself respond to his suggestions, let his voice work its magic on her mind, felt herself fall into that extraordinarily pleasant state between sleep and wakefulness—and while he didn't tell her to close her eyes, she did so anyway. She felt like she was floating inside a cloud—everything was beautiful and nothing could be wrong, so long as she could listen to him speak.

"Caroline, listen to me. The fact that you have allowed me to hypnotize you means that you trust me completely, and without any doubt whatsoever. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"And because you trust me so completely, you know I would never say or do anything to harm you—correct?"


"And because you know I would never harm you, you're willing to do whatever I ask, and accept any suggestion I give you—correct?"


"And you will believe anything and everything I say, because you know everything I tell you is true—correct?"


"Say that last part for me, please."

"Everything you tell me is true."

"Good, very good. Now I'm going to ask you some questions—and because you trust me completely, you will answer them truthfully and completely, and to the very best of your ability. It will feel so very good for you to answer my questions, and you will enjoy answering them. Are you ready?"


"Now it is my understanding you've turned eighteen—correct?"

"Yes. Four months ago."

"And have you ever had sex, Caroline?"


"How many times?"

"Five times. It was almost six."

"Tell me about them, please."

"The first three times were with Greg Cunningham, my boyfriend at the time. I went over to his house after we were all out bowling, and we did it in his parents' bed. That was good, the second time was really good, and the third time was really great. Then he broke up with me—he said he wasn't interested in me anymore."

"His loss. Go on, please."

"Then I did it with Danny Gibson, my date for the winter festival dance. We snuck into the teachers' lounge, and did it on their sofa. That was fun. The next time we did it was out in the woods, in the back of his car. I broke up with him because he was only using me to get close to my friend Doreen."

"What about that almost sixth time?"

"That was with Kenny Hauser. We were at Ronnie Chung's house for a party, and we snuck upstairs to do it, but he tried to take nude photos of me with his phone after I asked him not to, so I bailed."

"Entirely sensible."

"Thank you."

"So it sounds like you enjoy sex very much, then?"

"I suppose."

"You enjoy sex a great deal, actually, more than anything else. You know this is true because everything I tell you is true."


"What are your plans after graduation?"

"My parents and I are looking at some colleges in the Chicago area. Northwestern University looks pretty cool."

"What will your major be?"

"I don't know yet. I was thinking English or Business—maybe even Psychology."

"Is that what you want?"

"It's more what my parents want, but I'm cool with it."

"I see," said Mr. Meadows. "Now, Caroline, I'm going to ask you to do some things for me. Always remember this—while you are hypnotized, you will be able to move and act just as though you are awake. But you will not be awake—you will still be in a deep, deep trance. You know you can do this because I tell you so. And what is it about everything I tell you?"

"Everything you tell me is true."

"Excellent. Now—if you would take off your shoes, please."

Caroline reached down, grasped the back of her left shoe with one hand, and slipped it off easily. Then she did the same with the right shoe. Setting them quietly off to one side, she straightened up in her chair and resumed sitting quietly.

"Stand up, please."

Caroline slid out of her chair and stood upright, hands at her sides, eyes serenely closed. She still felt like she was floating, and she was pleased with herself that she still remained hypnotized, just like Mr. Meadows told her she could.

"Take off your clothes, please."

Caroline unzipped her jacket and shrugged it off her shoulders, then pulled off one sleeve, then the other. She laid the jacket on her chair desktop, then started to unbutton her blouse--

"Caroline? A little slower, please."

"Yes." Caroline unbuttoned the top of her blouse, then slowly moved to the next button—then the next—then the next. When all the buttons were undone she pulled her shirt off to reveal a lacy black brassiere. She then unsnapped the top of her slacks and unzipped her fly, then pushed them down past her behind to let them fall to the floor around her ankles. Carefully she stepped out of one collapsed pants leg, then the other. She reached behind her back, and after a moment's work undid the clasp on her brassiere. She dropped it atop her blouse and jacket, then slid off the matching panties. She hooked them on one foot, then lifted them up to take them in hand, then dropped them with the brassiere. And she stood there before Mr. Meadows, hypnotized and waiting.

Mr. Meadows smiled as he admired her nude body. Her breasts were quite exceptional—small, but full and round, with a gentle upward slope. Each was topped with a delightfully puffy nipple—the only things about her, he mused, that were awake and aware.

"Tell me, Caroline—have you ever gone down on a man?"

Caroline furrowed her brow a little. "Gone down? No. Only sluts do things like that."

"Like your friend Doreen?"

"She's not a slut—she just likes to say she is."

"Well, let me tell you this—all kinds of women give oral sex to men. All kinds of women enjoy giving oral sex to men. And you are going to enjoy giving oral sex to me. You know this to be true, don't you?"



"Everything you tell me is true."

"All right, then. Would you please kneel down? You may open your eyes if you wish."

Caroline slowly knelt down, and only then did she open her eyes. That's when she saw that Mr. Meadows has moved from behind his desk to stand before her. And that's when she saw that he wasn't wearing pants.

She could not take her eyes off his cock—the biggest she'd ever seen. Ever seen in real life, anyway—there was that time Jamie showed her the contraband porn collection she'd found on her brother's computer, and those guys had some really huge dicks. She couldn't watch it for more than a minute, and now here was a life-size big dick pointing right at her face. Still, she knew she was going to enjoy going down on Mr. Meadows, for he had said so, and everything he told her was true.

Now if she could only figure out how to do it.

She moved closer, and started licking the head, then ran her tongue up and down the shaft. She couldn't imagine herself swallowing it, so she thought if she licked it like she was doing that would be all right. She kept on licking, and started getting into it, and as she did her eyes drifted closed again. She could hear Mr. Meadows moaning softly, and she moaned in return as she felt herself become aroused. It was amazing—not even her first time with Greg was she so turned on. She almost surrendered herself completely to the pleasure—until she became aware of someone else in the room with them.

She opened her eyes to see who it was-and fervently wished she hadn't. Standing over her, glowering down at her, was an African American woman in a gray business jacket and skirt. The jacket buttoned up all the way to the top, and did nothing to diminish the woman's ample bustline; the skirt clung to her equally ample behind like a second skin. Caroline could feel the woman's eyes through the glasses she wore, and her hair was pulled back and wrapped up tight in an utterly no-nonsense bun. This was Ms. Trimble, the Vice Principal, and the last face any student wanted to see. Rumor had it that she gave a boy three weeks detention for staring at her butt too long—and if she did that, what would she do to her?

Caroline's mind raced. "Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod," she said to herself. "My parents will kill me if they find out about this! What do I do? What do I do?"

Ms. Trimble stared down at Caroline for a moment longer, then turned to Mr. Meadows. "I see you found yourself a new toy."

"I think she has a lot of potential," replied Mr. Meadows.

"Well, maybe—if she could suck and fuck worth a damn."

Caroline was shocked even further. Suck? Fuck? Damn? This was a woman known to chew out students in the middle of the halls for using the word "Ain't!" What was going on here?

"Perhaps if she had someone to show her how it was done. Could you?"

"I thought you'd never ask," said Ms. Trimble, with a warmth in her voice Caroline never thought was possible. Paralyzed with fright and amazement, she watched as Ms. Trimble unbuttoned her jacket and slowly stripped it off to reveal she was wearing absolutely nothing underneath. Each of her breasts was almost as large as Caroline's head, and topped by a large dark nipple with an areola nearly two inches in diameter. She then unzipped the side zipper on her skirt, then slid it off her behind to reveal she was only wearing a garter belt holding up a pair of black stockings. She then moved to stand before Mr. Meadows, and Caroline scooted back on her knees to give her room. Ms. Trimble turned to face him, and squatted before him on three-inch patent leather heels. Then she turned to face Caroline.

"Now you pay attention. This is how a woman sucks cock."

Turning back to Mr. Meadows, Ms. Trimble opened her mouth wide and took in his cock-head and about an inch of the shaft. With each thrust of her head upon his cock she swallowed another inch, then another, and another. After ten such thrusts she had reached the base of his shaft and then drew back her head, keeping her lips tightly sealed around his thick, hard flesh. She then thrust forward again, taking the entire length of the shaft at once, then drew back again. She continued like that, back and forth—back and forth—back—and forth—while Mr. Meadows' breathing got faster, and his moans got louder.

Now Caroline had almost come out of her trance when she saw Ms. Trimble standing over her. But as she watched her give head to Mr. Meadows—watched as she worked her mouth around his cock—focused on the rhythm and intensity of her action—she began to breathe more deeply, and relax more completely. Her eyes became heavier and heavier, and it was all she could do to keep them open, but she wanted to keep them open because she found Ms. Trimble's blowjob technique so very fascinating. Soon she was back floating inside a cloud, feeling warm and wonderful, feeling like nothing could be wrong.

Then Ms. Trimble took Mr. Meadows' cock out of her mouth and turned to Caroline. "Now you try it."

What else could she do? Caroline moved carefully forward on her knees until she was again in front of Mr. Meadows. Following Ms. Trimble's example, she opened wide and took his cock in gradually—feeling it fill her entire mouth, feeling the head against the back of her throat, feeling the taste of it on her tongue—and enjoying every second of it. And as she bobbed her head back and forth in perfect emulation of Ms. Trimble, she realized that what she had done with Greg, with Danny, was nothing compared to this. "This—Is Sex" she said to herself.

"That's enough for now. Stand up, please."

Disappointed to have to stop, but pleased to hear him speak again, Caroline withdrew from his cock to stand beside him. She watched as Ms. Trimble, having put on her skirt and jacket but leaving the latter unbuttoned, stood there with her eyes closed, her hands behind her head, and her back arched as Mr. Meadows absently fondled her right breast with his left hand, stroking the nipple with his thumb. She smiled as he spoke to her.

"Thank you for your help today."

"Mmmmmm—you are more than welcome, honey," she said with the same warmth Caroline had heard before.

"May I see you this Sunday?"

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