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After the Fundraiser Ch. 02

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Wife's second time with a black lover.
5.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 12/31/2008
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I put Charlotte to bed and stayed up knowing I needed to think through the events of the evening and be prepared for her reaction the following morning. Would she be embarrassed? Would she blame me? I wasn't sure but I was smart enough to realize it was going to be an emotional and sensitive moment that I needed to have thought through.

I was up at 7:00 AM having only gotten five hours of sleep, sipped coffee and kept the kids busy for the next four and a half hours before Charlotte finally stirred. She shuffled into the kitchen in her robe with red eyes and poured herself a cup of coffee silently then sat down.

"I'm sorry." She said looking into her cup.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Whatever happened we did together." I answered her honestly.

"That wasn't me. I'm so ashamed." She replied then began sobbing.

I quickly stood and went to her kneeling and hugging her.

"Don't do this to yourself Charlotte. Like I said, we were in it together." I said trying to relieve her psyche.

"Do you still love me?" She asked looking at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

When she gave me that look she could have murdered someone and I would still have forgiven her. In this case, I felt like I was the one that had let things get out of hand.

"Sweetheart. Of course I love you. I will always love you." I said with complete sincerity pulling her closer.

For the next few days, Charlotte was emotionally fragile and I had to make sure I went out of my way to make her feel my love and show that I was not angry for what had occurred. We discussed STD's and decided it was best that she be tested. Fortunately, the tests came back negative but it did block our lovemaking for a week. After that, I made sure we made love every couple days and slowly things got back to normal. After a several weeks, between work and kids Charlotte seemed to be back in a good routine.

While I knew that I needed to be careful with Charlotte's emotions, I couldn't deny that the experience had been extremely arousing. Seeing my innocent wife give herself lustfully to this strange black man was something I couldn't get out of my head. I relived it over and over seeing her face and her hands pulling him into her body.

It was several months later that I had the courage to bring it up. It was late at night and we were making love in a slow comfortable rhythm when I began talking.

"Charlotte, can we talk." I said softly to her as I ground myself slowly but deliberately into her.

"About what?" She asked in a hesitant voice suspecting, I think, where I was going.

"About the night with Sam." I answered getting it in the open and feeling her body tense beneath me.

"Okay." She replied in a whisper.

Her reaction caused me hesitation and I continued making love to her for several minutes before I spoke again.

"Did you enjoy it?" I finally forced out in a croaking voice.

"Honey, I love you." She replied deflecting the question.

"Charlotte it's okay. Don't be defensive. Just tell me the truth." I pushed her.

"It was different." She said after a long pause.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked again.

"I'm in love with you." She replied.

I knew I was in dangerous territory pushing the subject but I wanted to know the details and I felt she was being evasive.

"Charlotte, tell me. I won't be mad." I said almost demanding.

"It was okay." She squeaked out. Then immediately followed with "Why are you doing this just make love to me."

"I want to know baby. Did you enjoy it?" I said as I forced my cock deeply into her and licked her neck.

"Yes, he was good." She answered then said trying to rationalize "But I was drunk remember that."

Her admission seemed to break down some walls that had been around us since that night. After that, our previous easy going interaction returned and Charlotte seemed much more relaxed. I started to bring up Sam and that night sometimes during our love making and over time Charlotte lost her defensiveness about my queries. I would even describe how excited I had been watching her with him and tease her which seemed to excite her as well.

I love my wife desperately but the vision of Sam driving his cock inside her was something I couldn't get out of my head. I masturbated often thinking about it and had various scenarios in my head about how the next time would go. Of course, every time I ejaculated I would immediately lose interest in the idea. It seemed it would just remain a fantasy based on that night. At least it seemed that way until events presented an opportunity.

The Christmas season was approaching and we had a Christmas party set in the ballroom of a downtown hotel. I had recently been promoted and because of this the company was providing transportation to and from the party. The company had arranged a deal with a car service but after thinking about it I asked the person arranging the event if I could make my own car plans and put it on my expenses. Feeling completely guilty and transparent, I felt that she must know what I had in mind. Fortunately, she was so busy with other things she only shrugged and said "Up to you."

That night on the way home I called Sam. After getting him on the phone and telling him who I was he started.

"Knew you would call." He stated.

"Okay, well we need a car for Friday, December 14th probably from 8:00 PM until after midnight." I said trying to act professionally and keep some level of dignity.

"That's no problem. I'll be there." He replied sensing my discomfort. We made plans to touch base as the date approached and I hung up.

I didn't tell Charlotte about Sam and the car but I did encourage her to splurge on a nice outfit. She got excited about the event and called several of the other wives about what they were planning to wear and to coordinate shopping.

One of the couples we were close with had decided to have a pre-party at their place. So we arranged for the same elderly sitter to arrive at 6:30 PM and told her to that we would likely be back around 1:00 PM. Charlotte had selected a long but slinky dress that reached her knees but fitted her tightly and showed every curve. The collar was high and showed no cleavage but the material accentuated her well formed breasts. She looked about as sexy as a woman could without showing any skin.

The kids were the first to announce the car was out front and we kissed them and said our good bye. As we walked outside in the semi-darkness we could see that that the car in front of our house was a black stretch limo.

"Damn, baby." Charlotte said as she squeezed my hand.

"Only the best for you." I said as I tensed wondering how she would respond when Sam emerged from the vehicle.

We were almost to the car when I heard the door open and saw Sam emerge from the driver's door.

Charlotte stopped immediately.

"Oh no." she said softly so Sam couldn't hear.

"It's okay." I said to her as she looked into my eyes for a sign of understanding.

I pulled her forward until her steps began again and guided her to the side of the car where Sam had the door open.

"Hello beautiful lady." He said to her as she looked down and slid inside without responding.

The car had a soft light illuminating the inside with a wrap around seat along the sides and back and a bar on one side. We moved to the very back sliding along the seat.

"You did this on purpose." Charlotte challenged me.

"I told him we needed a car. Didn't know we would get a limo." I replied avoiding the real meaning of her question.

Charlotte stared straight ahead as the car pulled away from the curb and after a few moments of silence I moved to the bar and poured us each a drink, vodka for her and whiskey for me. It was only a short ride to our friend's house and we took it in silence as we sipped our drinks and I tried to figure out how to get her to relax.

Once inside, things got much better as the girls got together and compared clothes and stories. Charlotte had switched to Chardonnay and I could see that she was drinking it quickly. I chatted with the boys keeping one eye on her until it was time to get back in the limo and head for the Christmas event. Charlotte grabbed my forearm as we left and walked towards the door and I could tell by her walk that she was feeling good from the wine.

Charlotte had invited another couple to ride with us in the limo which I accepted with mixed emotions. Claire and Tom walked with us to the car and as we got close Sam got out and caught my eye with an annoyed look. He remained discreet though and once inside I poured a whiskey for Tom and I while the girls declined a drink.

Tom and Claire had never been in a limo before so it was a nice treat for them and we laughed and joked for the fifteen minutes it took to arrive at the party. As soon as we pulled up, Sam opened the door and we stepped out with Charlotte the last to leave the car. Sam held her hand gently as she stepped out and I could see him stroking it gently as she stood. Claire saw it too and a puzzled expression momentarily crossed her face before we all turned and went inside.

The party was a smashing success with everyone letting their hair down and enjoying the food, drink and high energy music. As soon as the sit-down dinner had been completed, the band started and people began mingling and chatting when they weren't dancing. Charlotte and I danced several times then we ended up splitting for almost an hour as I talked with friends and she did the same. It seemed like every time I looked up she was on the dance floor. Usually, it was a couple of girls dancing together but several times she was alone with one of my male co-workers or the husband of a female colleague. Since I knew everyone, I didn't pay it much attention and was happy to see that she was relaxed and having a good time.

I thought about Sam and what might happen later. I knew it was almost impossible to capture lightning in the bottle twice. What had happened that night months before had been spontaneous and unplanned. Now, Charlotte's defenses would be up and her guilt would be pinging in her head. Was it possible that something could happen? Deep inside I wondered, as I often did when I thought about this fantasy, whether Charlotte wanted something more to happen.

I started making my way back to our table which was our home base for the night and when I got there I asked one of the girls if they had seen my wife.

"Oh, she went to the bathroom with Liz." Kay answered.

Kay was one of our attorneys and while not particularly attractive she was witty and good fun to talk with so we chatted for several minutes. It was about that time that Liz wandered up to the table without Charlotte.

"Hey Liz, what did you do with my wife?" I asked.

"She said she needed to get something out of the car." She answered quickly.

I felt my knees almost buckle beneath me and fought hard to keep a smile on my face and expression that would not indicate to the group that there was an issue. After the moment passed, I stood there and debated whether to rush outside to see what might be occurring or to give her space. I decided to give her space but stood there anxious and nervous for the next thirty minutes before I finally saw her approaching the table.

"Hi baby, are you enjoying yourself?" I asked still hiding my anxiousness.

"Yes, I'm having a great time." She answered as she wrapped her arm though mine.

I could tell by her tone and her eyes that she was feeling no pain.

"You look so damn beautiful." I told her was complete sincerity.

"You just say that because you're in love with me." She replied with her impish grin which made her dimples form on her cheeks.

"Yes, I am." I whispered to her then leaned down and kissed her fully on the mouth.

When we finished, I could see the entire group looking at us. The women looked on with envy and the men with a sense of annoyance knowing they would be castigated for not being treated so well.

Charlotte didn't say anything about going to the limo and I decided it was best not to pry. Instead we chatted and had a few more drinks then decided it was time to go. Tom and Claire were ready to go as well so I called Sam on my cell and told him we would be out front in five minutes.

We piled into the limo with Sam once again acting the gentleman but paying too much attention to my wife.

"Charlotte I think the driver wants to jump your bones." Claire teased her once we were settled in the back not knowing how true her words were.

I could see Charlotte blush quickly then giggled. "Well you know what they say about black."

Everyone laughed at her suggestive joke but my cock got instantly hard.

We drove back to where Tom and Claire had left their car talking about the party and making silly jokes about sex in a limo. Soon we were there and Sam was opening the door for them to exit which they did with quick handshakes and hugs.

Once the door was closed I leaned over and took Charlotte in my arms and kissed her deeply as my hand found the hem of her dress and snaked underneath. Our tongues fought it each other's and I could feel her body writhing in my arms telling me she was very aroused. I could sense the car backing from the driveway then felt it lurch forward onto the street when Sam's voice emerged from the intercom.

"Where too people." He asked in an upbeat voice.

"Are you ready to go home?" I whispered to Charlotte hoping for the right answer.

"Are you?" She answered and rather than clarify I spoke loudly. "Why don't you just drive for a while?"

"Sounds good." Sam's voice replied crackling over the system.

We giggled and went back to our kissing when during a break Charlotte asked. "Can he hear us?"

I shrugged my shoulders then looked for a control panel knowing there had to be a way to isolate the cabin from the driver. I found it without difficulty and studied the switches before tapping on the panel indicating to her where the controls were located. Then, while she watched I turned the intercom off and locked the dividing window so it couldn't be lowered. I knew that Sam was probably cursing me but I wanted some time with my wife.

"Strip baby." I commanded as I leaned back deeply into the seat.

Charlotte shot me her impish smile then started running her hands over her dress seductively. Down her hips and legs then back over her tummy and breasts her hands roamed enticing and teasing me.

"We need music." She said and as fast as I could I found the controls and was fortunate to hit a good jazz station on the first try.

Charlotte reached behind her and unzipped the dress holding the front up with one hand while she continued to run her other hand over herself.

You interested in something sweetie?" She asked me with a wicked smile.

Rather than answer I pulled her hand away from her dress allowing the top half to fall exposing her bra covered chest. When I reached for the bra she swatted my hand away and took her hands and cupped her breasts forcing the tops to bulge from the restraint. The she reached behind again and unclasped her bra and the material immediately became loose with only her mounds holding it on. With a shrug of her shoulders it fell forward and off and I was presented with her near perfect breasts and lovely nipples that I so often worship.

Charlotte took her right hand and placed in on my crotch and feeling my hard cock said. "Oh, baby needs some relief."

Charlotte turned around so her butt was on my crotch and started rotating her hips in time with the music. I took my hands and placed them over her breasts with her nipples between my softly pinching fingers.

"Mmmm, ohhhhh hun that feels good." She said as she threw her head against my shoulder.

My hands left her breasts and anxiously I started pushing the dress down over hips and legs catching her thigh highs along the way until the garments were collected in a pile around her heels.

"Where are your panties sweetie?" I asked realizing that they were missing.

"Oh they were too hot." She replied still massaging her body over mine.

"What did you do with them?" I asked as I rubbed one hand along the inside of her thigh and returned the other to her nipples.

"Sam has them." She said pushing hard against my cock as I gasped.

"What?" I gulped.

"Yeah, I went out during the party and let him take them off." She said in a sexy voice that I knew was designed to excite me.

"You did?" I said feigning ignorance.

Charlotte had now turned around and was straddling my legs with her breasts in my face and tore off my tie and was unbuttoning my shirt.

"Yes, I told him he could fuck me later." She answered in a husky voice. "You do want Sam to fuck your wife don't you?"

"Do you want him to?" I asked.

My shirt was now unbuttoned and Charlotte was running her hands over my chest. I could feel the heat of her body and the perspiration that was forming.

"No darling. You need to answer. Is it what you want?" She demanded as her tongue licked my earlobe.

"Yes." I croaked out after several seconds of silence.

Charlotte didn't respond just continued to rub my body with her hands and kiss my ears.

"I need you inside me." She stated suddenly and unbuttoned my pants and forcefully pulled them down with my boxers.

"Does he really have your panties?" I asked still not believing.

"Yes baby, he does." She replied finally freeing me of all my clothes.

We were now both naked except for her heels and I tried to push her back on the seat so I could go down on her.

"No honey. I'm ready now." She said and lay back and pulled me on top of her.

"OHHHHHHH." We both exhaled in unison as my cock sunk all the way into her wet shaved pussy in one motion.

We started an excited fast rhythm, our bodies slapping together. Charlotte's legs wrapped around my waist and she began a high pitched whimper in my ear.

"It feels good baby, feels good, oh I need you." She said making my cock grow even harder.

"Oh shit Charlotte, I'm too excited. Going to cum." I said in frustration as I fought the tell tale tingling in my balls.

"Its okay baby, let it go." She replied stroking my head.

"OHH, SHIT, SHIT." I yelled as my balls tightened and my cum sprayed inside her.

I collapsed back on top of her my chest heaving for air as she continued to stroke my hair.

"I'm sorry Charlotte. I was too excited." I explained my body completely drained of energy and now feeling the effects of the drinking.

"Quiet sweetie, it's okay." She said as we cuddled and kissed.

At that point, with my cock empty and my energy gone, I thought about just going home leaving well enough alone and keeping the previous encounter as a one-off to fuel our fantasies. But something compelled me to sit up in the seat and turn on the intercom.

"Hey Sam find a place to pull over." I said.

"Okay." Was all he said but immediately the car slowed.

"If you let him back here he is going to fuck me." She said looking into my eyes.

"Do you want to?" I asked feeling very small.

"Don't let him back here if you don't want him to." She said again maintaining her stare and putting the monkey on my back.

The car pulled off the road and came to a stop and we could hear his door open and close and then the sound of the back door opening.

Charlotte had moved so that she was laying length wise on the seat and had covered herself with her dress in an attempt to gain some modesty. Sam stepped in and closed the door behind him and looked at me with my dick pointing at the floor.

"All done?" He asked instantly piercing my manhood.

Sam leaned back on the bench seat at the back of the car with Charlotte between us.

"Come here baby." He commanded arrogantly.

Charlotte looked at giving me the chance to counter his instruction. Part of me wanted to say it was all a mistake and that we should go home. But, there was this desire within me to see her once again give herself away completely to this older black man. The seconds turned into a minute and then two and when I still had not asserted myself she sat up letting the dress fall from her body and moved to him. He spread his legs and she scooted between them, her knees on the floor. When she got within reach, he took her breasts in his hands as if weighing them and rolled her nipples making her head tilt backwards and forcing a deep sigh from her mouth.


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