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After the Party's Over

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Uncle George visits the graduate on the day after.
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George Wilcox drove past his sister's house slowly, and when he saw that there was no car in the driveway he went down to the end of the street and turned around. The fact that his sister's car was not there was a good sign but he didn't know if the only other resident of the modest one family house was at home or not.

George Wilcox had no interest in seeing his sister Grace again after spending the day with the divorcee and listening to the now-single mother whine during the graduation party about becoming an empty-nester in a couple months when her youngest daughter would be off to college.

He was glad that the woman he had been dating off and on couldn't join him, because his sister could be a drone and would likely corner her and pester her about why they weren't married or other such crap.

That was a good thing, and besides it was his niece that George wanted to see again. While the changes that had occurred since he had seen Cathy last had been a shock to his senses, the fact that the chunky young woman was now 18 years old made her fair game for his eyes and imagination.

Cathy had not become a raving beauty since George had seen her last about a year earlier but she was still rather attractive in a plain way, and while Cathy was still not much more than five feet tall and was chubby, much of the weight was in good places.

Unfortunately when it came time for swimming yesterday despite the warmth of the afternoon modest Cathy had chosen to wear a t-shirt and shorts instead of a bathing suit, depriving him of an opportunity to further assess her development, but there seemed to be a healthy pair on top that might have been close in size to the bottom half of her full figure.

As George parked the car and tried to decide whether or not to find out whether Cathy was home, his eyes went to the rear of the yard where he discovered that Cathy was not a kid anymore in any way, something he had figured out yesterday by the end of the party.

George hadn't actually seen anything but what he did see turned him on almost as much as actually being able to witness what had gone on behind the garage. The party had wound down by then and the few stragglers were huddled around the beer keg, but attentive George had noticed his niece wander back there, followed casually a minute later by her goofy boyfriend.

George wanted to slip back there to see what they were up to but was corralled by a cousin who sidetracked him in an meandering conversation he couldn't break away from. The wise uncle did keep his eye out for them to reemerge from their secret place, and in about 10 minutes the tall beanpole boyfriend came out trying and failing to act casual, and then Cathy came out of hiding as well.

Cathy was so cute as she walked back out from around the garage soon after and tried to pretend she was just picking up stray cups and things so innocently but George knew better and when the little piglet saw him staring at her with a knowing grin she got flustered.

Not only was Cathy's face flushed with her chubby cheeks red, the damp t-shirt she had on looked rumpled, as if her boyfriend had been doing some groping. The real tell tale sign that his niece had been naughty were her dirty knees, and it was that which prompted George to comment when she passed by him on her way to the trash can.

"There's a little grass and dirt on your knees honey," George whispered out of earshot. "Must be damp back there behind the garage."

The look of horror on Cathy's face was priceless to her uncle, and while he had no intention of mentioning to his sister that her honor roll saintly daughter and been doing something nasty with her guy, it seemed as if that possibility was on Cathy's mind.

Maybe that was what sparked the little argument Cathy had with her boyfriend at the end of the night out in the driveway just before George went home, but he could work up little sorrow for Cathy's guy. After all, he got his but now George wanted some too.

No one answered the bell however, so George went back down the porch steps and was prepared to go home when he heard a little splash from the backyard and went to investigate. His detective work was rewarded when he saw his niece in the pool standing in the chest high water, and unlike yesterday she wasn't wearing a tank-top.

"Much nicer," George sighed as she watched Cathy who was oblivious to him standing at the corner of the house, and although he could only see part of his niece he liked the soft round shoulders that had been partly hidden the day before and the deep cleavage that had been kept totally under wraps at her party. "Nice big tits."

That wasn't a secret even in the clothes she wore yesterday but getting to look at her in a bathing suit was much better, and it got even better when after Cathy struggled to reach something on the deck she was forced to go up the ladder and out of the pool to fetch what turned out to be a tube of suntan lotion.

"Sweet," George sighed as he got to look at Cathy dripping as she dabbed suntan lotion on her rather prominent nose, and while the bathing suit was a modest one piece that was something her mother might wear it was showing a considerable bit of Cathy's Rubenesque body.

To be sure George's niece could use a few hours in the gym every week but while she was chubby she seemed to be solid. Her breasts were quite full, although that was no surprise to George because he had done a little snooping in the house during the party and he had already figured out that the 38C bra in the hamper sure couldn't be his sister's.

Big nipples too, George noted as she saw the fat bumps in the top of the bathing suit, and just when he thought it couldn't get any better he noticed the hair peeking out from the folded over leg opening of her suit.

"Like mother like daughter," George mumbled as he recalled what his sister had looked like back when she was Cathy's age, and he chuckled to himself when he recalled during Aggie's hippie phase back in the early seventies that his sister had given up razors for a time when she first started college.

That was another era though, and George had already noticed yesterday that Cathy's legs were shaved and the large caverns of her underarms were smooth also, but that peek down below made it clear that his niece was not one of those girls that shaved her pussy.

"Thank goodness for that," George mumbled under his breath as he kept his eyes on Cathy while his cock stirred in his shorts.

Cathy bent down and put the lotion on the arm of the chaise, giving him an exquisite view of his niece's full round butt and her chubby but shapely legs, but as he moved though the gate of the fence to get a closer view Cathy suddenly became aware of his presence.

"Omigod Uncle George!" she yelped in shock, but even after her initial scare passed she still covered herself up with her hands until she hopped back in the pool self-consciously.

"Hi Cathy," George called out as he approached the pool and looked at her treading water which covered her from the neck down. "Didn't mean to scare you. I rang the bell and then I heard somebody in the pool so I came back here."

"Sorry - didn't hear the bell back here," Cathy replied. "Mom's at work and won't be home until after 5."

"That's okay honey, I just came over to see if you found my watch. I left it somewhere here," George lied.

"I got stuck cleaning out here all morning and I didn't see it," Cathy responded.

"No big deal. It's a cheap one. That's why I don't spend a lot on them because I either break them or lose them," George explained, and as he knelt down and put his hand in the water he added. "Looks refreshing, and you look a lot more comfortable in a bathing suit than you did yesterday. I can see why you didn't dress like this though because your boyfriend would have gotten mad with the other boys looking at you in a bathing suit."

"Me?" Cathy replied. "I don't think so. Mom asked me to wear a t-shirt."

"Oh really?" George mused aloud. "Not like Aggie to be a prude. Maybe she's jealous."

"I doubt that very much. Mom's beautiful."

"My sister is that, I don't deny that," George agreed. "It's just that when Aggie was your age, she used to be kind of embarrassed about not being - how should I say this? Not very well developed? I remember she used to stand in front of the bedroom mirror doing this exercise stretching this rubbery thing she sent away for and chanting something like - I must, I must, I must increase my bust!"

"Mom did that?" Cathy asked and then said, "She would never let you watch her do something like that."

"She didn't know I was watching her, at least not at first. Aggie also bought this cream that was supposed to make your breasts bigger if you rubbed it on them," George explained as he watched the tops of Cathy's bosom bob in the water. "I told her that stuff didn't work because otherwise she would have hands as big as Mickey Mouse."

"Omigod. I'm glad I never had a brother," Cathy replied. "You were mean."

"Not always," George said. "I could also be very loving and caring and she could be too. I mean, I never caught your mother with dirty knees but she was far from a saint."

"You didn't tell Mom about that."

"Of course I didn't. Why would I? After all," George said as he looked at his niece's deep cleavage. "You're 18 and you're obviously not a kid anymore."

"Mom," Cathy said after a moment of awkward silence. "She always warned me to be careful around you."

"She did?" George chuckled as he feigned surprise.

"Yeah. She said that - well I shouldn't be alone with you."

"is that so?" George replied. "But I seem to remember being in places with us alone, and I've never given you reason to be afraid, have I?"

"I didn't say I was afraid," Cathy said defiantly.

"You almost sound sad about me not making a move on you," George mused, and when his niece didn't answer he suggested, "I do like you but if I'm making you uncomfortable I'll leave."

"I didn't say that," Cathy quickly replied. "I like you too Uncle George."

"Your boyfriend won't get mad if he seeing me back her with you, will he?"

"Who cares?"

"You think my sister would get mad if I was here watching you swim?"

"I dunno. She won't be home until after 3."

"So you said," George responded. "You know, I wish I had my bathing suit or else I would join you because it's getting warm up here."

"You got underwear on don't you?"

"You meant to ask, You have underwear on, don't you?" he kidded. "After all you are going to be in college in a couple months."

"This is vacation and this ain't school," Cathy said and giggled at her intentionally bad grammar.

"True enough, but I think that everything we do in life can be a learning experience, don't you?" George questioned before answering the original inquiry. "Yes, I am wearing boxers. Wouldn't you be offended at that?"

"No. I don't care if you wear boxers or even if you don't wear anything."

"Well that sounds like an interesting idea except I don't think seeing a 55 year old man naked would be very interesting for you. Certainly I'm not as lean as your 18 year old boyfriend."

"He's 20."

"Really? He didn't look it."

"Doesn't act it either," Cathy grumbled.

"I will take you up on the offer to join you," George said as he unbuttoned his shirt. "I'll even swim without the boxers if you take your suit off. A gentleman doesn't swim naked alone with a beautiful girl."

"Well?" George asked when Cathy did nothing but watch him kick off his shoes. "Keeping the suit on?"

"Yeah. Kind of modest."

"It must be modesty because you certainly don't have anything to be ashamed off," George opined as he set his shirt down and ran his hand up and down his chest under his niece's observation. "More grey sneaks in with the black every year."

"Promise not to laugh now," George said after grabbing the very small swell of his stomach. "We are family."

George took his time undoing the belt and after he unclasped the slacks he turned his back to pull them off and then shed his socks. The middle aged man glanced down and smiled at the very noticeable bulge his semi-erect member made in the beige briefs before turning around.

George stifled a laugh when he saw Cathy take an uncertain step backwards as her eyes went right where he expected them to go, and as he went over to the ladder to enter the pool he thanked his niece. "Thanks for not laughing."

"Why? You have a nice body. Better than my Dad's - at least the last time I saw him," Cathy told her uncle as he stepped down into the pool.

"I take it you don't see him much," George asked as she shivered in the waist deep water, and after Cathy shrugged he said, "Damn! Mind if I use your suntan lotion?"

"Go ahead," Cathy answered as he climbed out of the pool, the wet boxers now wrapped around him like a vacuum seal, and as he spread some lotion on his nose and bald skull the look on his niece's face brought back memories.

Her mother had looked at him like that when she first got an idea at what her big brother looked like naked, and although George still had his boxers on he knew that he might as well be naked because his nearly erect manhood was trying to peek out of the boxers leg.

"You okay Cathy?" George asked after he got back in the pool and walked slowly over towards Cathy and he was amused when his niece backed up slowly as well until her back was against the wall of the pool.

"Sure," the cherubic Cathy replied as she looked over at her much taller uncle who was standing a couple feet in front of her.

"What did you and your boyfriend fight about last night?" George asked.

"Just stuff. I think we broke up."

"Really? Oh that's too bad."

"No big deal."

"What was the argument about - I mean, since you two are kaput it doesn't much matter now," George suggested. "With your Aunt Rita gone I don't have much excitement in my life these days when my lady friend isn't in town."

"Just the usual Tyler shit," Cathy said as he eyes stared straight ahead at the mat of hair plastered to her uncle's chest. "You won't tell Mom this will you?"

"Not a chance."

"I mean, I got him off but when I asked him if he would take care of me he said he had to go home," Cathy pouted.

"That's the problem when you're a woman who's dating a boy," George opined. "A man would never leave his woman unsatisfied."

"Did you and Mom - did you do stuff with each other?" Cathy asked.

"Another thing a man never does is kiss and tell," George said when he recovered from the shocking question. "Interesting that such a thing would even cross your mind though."

"A friend of mine from school - she lets her brother do her when he comes home from college," Cathy informed her uncle. "Sounds hot."

"Well let's just say I love and respect your mother very much," George replied as he inched closer. "Even if she had told you to be afraid of me."

"She didn't say that exactly, just to be careful," Cathy said before adding in a voice that didn't match her words, "Besides, I'm not scared."

"That's good honey," George said as he put his hands on the edge of the pool on each side of his niece's head.

"When you were out of the pool," Cathy said in a quivering voice. "I could see you - I mean - the way that your shorts were wet I could see - you know?"

"No honey, I don't know. What are you trying to say?"

"I could practically see your dick through your underwear," Cathy finally explained.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No you're not," Cathy smiled weakly.

"I already know from yesterday that you've seen a man's cock before though," George reminded her.

"You've got a big one don't you Uncle George?"

"That doesn't matter now, does it?"

"Don't know. Never saw a big one before. Only touched 3 of them," Cathy confessed. "Sure looked big."

"If you want to get your count up to four, why don't you reach down and touch mine?" George offered. "I won't stop you."

"Here," George said after Cathy stood there frozen. "Why don't I help you find it?"

With that George reached down and grabbed Cathy's hand and after only a brief initial resistance, pulled it through the water until it was on the bulge.

"What's wrong honey? Cold?" George snickered when she saw Cathy shiver when she touched his cock through the fabric, and as he felt her move her hand down the bulge on her own he added. "Well?"

"Big," Cathy mumbled as her hand slid back up, and then she let out an accidental snort when she added, "Really big. Way bigger than Tyler's."

"Speaking of really big," George replied as he put his hands on Cathy's round wet shoulders, "You don't mind if I take a look at what your suit is having trouble hiding, do you honey?"

George took the shoulder straps in hand and half expecting to be stopped, slid them off the wet flesh of her shoulders and pulled them down her arms until the suit was at her waist.

"Oh Cathy," George sighed as he watched the full globes ease down to her thick waist, the plump nipples seeming to throb. "Let me get a better look at you."

George lifted his slightly buoyant niece up until her elbows were propping her up more out of the water, exposing her large breasts for her uncle's eager eyes, and as he cupped the heavy jugs and savored the doughy flesh Cathy rolled her head back.

"You like these beauties played with don't you?" George snickered as the already fat nipples blossomed even larger under his touch, the crimson aureolas which were not much smaller in diameter than drink coasters becoming all pebbly in response.

"Ooh!" Cathy moaned as an answer and then her entire body shook as her uncle's thumbs moved over and stroked her slick underarms, the feel of the barely discernable stubble that had grown since yesterday not unpleasant to George.

"Didn't shave this morning - wasn't expecting this," Cathy said in way of any apology he didn't want or need.

"It's okay, after all you're a furry girl. I saw that already and I like it. Put your legs around me," he instructed, and as Cathy did what her uncle asked her eyes bulged when she realized he had slid his boxers down and his cock was now pressing into the crotch of her bathing suit while she held him in a leg lock.

"I want you - and I want you to know what it's like for a man to make love to you."

"Here?" Cathy gasped.

"To start," George said before he leaned over and kissed her, and although Cathy wasn't expecting it she didn't fight it and before they broke it off she had pushed her tongue into his mouth.

"Get this off you," George grunted as he yanked the suit down to her thighs and then effortless lifted his chubby niece up so her ass was on the edge of the pool so he could get the suit off and get a good look at Cathy's pussy which was just as hairy as he had thought and hoped it would be.

"Oh god!" Cathy cried out when her uncle threw her legs over his shoulders and dove down into her crotch and slid his tongue right between her juicy labia which welcomed him by parting.

George looked up and saw his niece was kneading her tits as he lapped her sweet pussy, and when he slid his thumb into the fold she was tight but he was so aroused he couldn't wait.

"Down you go," George said as he eased her back into the water and maneuvered her so she was in a shallower part so their height difference was minimized, and then he grabbed his cock by the stump and ran it up and down her opening.

"You want it don't you honey?" George asked as he nibbled her slippery neck. "Tell me you want it."

"Want it," Cathy moaned as she tried to climb onto his lap while he was standing, the teasing of her clit with the knob of his member driving her a bit crazy. "Don't hurt me Uncle George."

"Wouldn't hurt you for the world Pumpkin," George said as he pushed the tip of the dick inside of his niece, and as he grabbed her fleshy buttocks and lifted her up he moved her back against the wall as slowly pushed his cock into what felt like a keyhole.


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