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Ainsley Wants a Baby Ch. 02

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Ainsley Expands her Possibilities of a Baby & Heather Helps.
7.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/09/2015
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Ainsley was extremely nervous as she entered her apartment. Her husband was waiting for her when she walked through the door; "Ainsley, where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick about you. I called the station and they couldn't locate you. I know you're upset, but we can work things out, I promise!"

She took his hands in hers and motioned to the Sofa; "Will, come sit with me, we have to talk."

He looked concerned and sat waiting for her to speak; "First of all, I have to say I love you and what I did and am going to do tomorrow doesn't change that. You have to let me do this, for me and for us. You know having a baby is the most important thing to me, right?"

He nodded and started; "I know Ainsley and we'll find a way!"

She stopped him; "I have already, just don't hate me!"

He sat back on the sofa, his jaw dropped; "Tell me Ainsley, just how you accomplished that?"

She took a deep breath and let it out; "Well after you called and gave me the bad news, I was visibly shaken and Peter Doocy and Clayton Morris noticed this. They pried the information out of me and after a lengthy discussion; I agreed to allow them to inseminate me. Please don't hate me!"

He took a deep breath and let it out also; "Well it wouldn't be my first choice, but okay. When are they going to the clinic to get their specimens?"

"Well that is where the don't hate me comes into play Will! After the show was over, the three of us stayed in the studio and they gave me their specimen the old fashion way, directly into the well!"

His jaw dropped, this time to the floor. He stood up, fire in his eyes; "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THEY ALREADY GAVE IT TO YOU!"

"Please Will, sit down and listen! You know you and I haven't been the most loving couple the past month or so and I sort of let that slip out too. I was hurt and venerable and they were there in my time of need. Who in their right mind calls their wife, while she's on national TV and breaks that kind of news to her? I was shocked and numb at the same time and they were there when you weren't! You need to understand, they filled that void, both sexually and sperm donor wise."

He took a seat and still upset, but she had a very valid point; "I'm sorry Ainsley, I understand I fucked up, but doing this without consulting me first, well it's a major blow to my ego!"

She was disgusted now; "Well I'm sorry, I hurt your macho male ego. How the hell do you think I've been feeling for the past two months? You never touch me unless it's to pour your worthless sperm into me. You get off and I lay there clawing at the sheet, completely frustrated and alone. Those two filled my needs on both issues and here is another blow to your ego Will. After the show tomorrow, we're going across to the hotel and doing it again. I'm at the height of fertility yesterday, today and tomorrow and I'm going to insure they fill me up enough to make sure I'm pregnant. If you have a problem with that mister, there is the fucking door, don't let it hit you on the way out!" She got up and hurried into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. She was so exhausted from the long morning and part of the afternoon fucking and sucking, she crawled up on the bed and fell fast asleep.

A few hours later, Will slipped into the room and sat on the bed beside her and swept a sexy lock of hair from her face. It woke her up and she stared up at him with those gorgeous blue eyes and he melted. "Please forgive me Ainsley. I know I haven't been the ideal husband lately. I just thought our lovemaking had become sort of clinical and I just wanted to get it done and over with."

She shook her head; "Yes that's exactly what happened, but you forget when it's done and over with, you had your orgasm and I'm lying there at night wide awake going insane from lack of sexual release. Those two provided me with the baby sperm and the human contact and yes orgasms, more orgasms than I can count. So I'm sorry for not consulting you first, but I saw the perfect offer and took it. Just to let you know, tomorrow was my idea, I don't want to go another month baron, I want a baby and by god, I'm going to get one."

"I understand and will not stand in your way. Can you tell me one thing though, after tomorrow, if the insemination is achieved, will you still want to have sex with them or will you come back to me?"

She rose up on her one elbow; "That is all up to you Will. Will you perform your marital duties like you are supposed to or will you leave me lacking once again?"

"I promise to be like it was when we were first married. You'll be crying out from the intense orgasms I'll be giving you. Can we start tonight Ainsley?"

She shook her head no; "Sorry, but no Will. I don't want to throw salt into your wounds, but I came so many times today and I'm so full of sperm right now, I could float away. I think I'm going to need all of my energy for tomorrow, but I promise, Monday, I'm all yours from them on, as long as you hold up your end of the bargain. That isn't a threat, but a promise, if you renege, I just may be filing for divorce. I can't go back to the way it has been for the past two months."

He looked dejected, but he nodded; "I understand and please believe me when I say I'm going to make this right!" He planted a soft kiss on her forehead, rolled the comforter over her body and allowed her to go back to sleep.

She woke up a few hours later, took a long soothing shower, if the sperm hadn't done its work yet, is sure as hell won't now. She couldn't believe how much cum flowed out of her well-fucked pussy. Her asshole was tender from Peter's excitement. She made a mental note to pack a bottle of lubrication, just in case he had ideas of trying that again tomorrow. She dried off and put on some flannel footy pajamas. She went out into the living room where Will had Chinese food laid out for her to eat. She did love him; she just loved sex and wanted to make sure she continued to have it like she expected it.

They talked and he was contrite, he wasn't happy about tomorrow, but conceded that it was her decision and if she held up her end of the bargain, he was okay with it and would do his best to keep his end of the bargain. He looked at the freshly washed body before him and he got a hard-on. He thought to himself; "How the fuck couldn't I keep up my end of the bargain, just look how incredible she looks."

After an hour or so of TV, they went to bed, he was awake half the night thinking about her decision, but she fell asleep quickly, she had an early wake-up seeing she was on at 6 AM and had to be in make-up at five.

She was up before dawn and looked over at Will, he finally fell asleep and she kissed him goodbye and slipping into some comfortable sweats, grabbed her purse, stuffed in a sexy pair of panties, bra and the lube and headed to the Fox News Headquarters. She knew exactly what she was going to wear. She would tease them both throughout the telecast. They would be so ready after the show; she knew her womb would be overflowing once again later today.

The make-up artist began doing her hair as normal and she stopped her; "Betty, how about a little waves and curls. I want to look appealing today, not just pretty!"

Betty smiled at her; "I know exactly what you're looking for, you got it Ainsley. A little more eye make-up and blush too?"

"Exactly Betty thanks a bunch!"

Once Betty was done, Ainsley looked in the mirror and her jaw dropped and she whispered; "God Betty I look hot, just wait till I put my dress on, I think you'll like it." She slid off the chair and went to dress, slipping into her tiny lace thong and lacy demi-bra, which only enhanced her already high standing breasts. She turned from side to side and spoke out loud; "Enjoy it now girl, once you get pregnant, these babies are going to grow and droop, well I'll face that when it happens, I believe it will be worth it!" She slipped into her tiny, silky, pure white wrap-around dress. Fastening it at her side, she spun and watched the skirt float about her bare thighs. The bottom was covered in a sculptured lace fringe making her look a little innocent, but she felt anything but! Her high tits did their best to leap free from the parting material and she loved the look. She slipped her tiny feet into a pair of pure white strappy heels and lacing them, she turned from side to side; they made her slender legs look even more desirable. She couldn't wait to see the guy's reaction when they saw her. She couldn't wait till the show was over. She could already feel her pussy getting moist. Maybe they'll smell her scent and she could really turn them on.

When Betty saw her she smiled, "Oh my god Ainsley, you look so fucking hot. If the rating doesn't go up today, they never will!"

Ainsley blushed; "You don't think it's too much do you?"

"Are you kidding, it's sexy and at the same time it has that innocent look, hot, absolutely hot, go get 'em girl!"

Peter finished his brief stint in make-up, only needing a little hair spray. He headed down the hall to his father's office to review today's topics seeing he was based in D.C. and he didn't have an office here. He passed Heather Childers and she stopped him.

"Hi Peter, do you have a second? I have an issue I want to discuss with you."

He nodded; "Okay Heather, but I don't have much time, I have to review today's topics and I don't want to go out there and look like a fool." He ushered her into his father's office and she closed the door behind her. He looked her up and down and thought it was strange seeing she was in a completely closed trench coat. "Alright Heather what's on your mind?"

She licked her full red lips and stared at him with those huge blue eyes. "I'll just come right out and say it, I was up in the control room yesterday and saw everything you, Clayton and Ainsley did!"

He sat back and didn't know what to say; "Ooooookay and you're telling me this why?"

I have to tell you, I work every morning with Ainsley. First let me say I'm very into men, but I sort of have a crush on Ainsley. I know where the three of you are going after the show."

Peter nodded and once again looked her up and down; "Annnnd?"

She hemmed and hawed before blurting it out; "I want in, I want to join the three of you in that hotel room. I want to be up close and personal with Ainsley and I wouldn't mind a little of what you and Clayton have to share with Ainsley either. There I said it, what do you say?"

Peter was shocked and intrigued. He took a deep breath and chose his words carefully, not wanting Heather running to the HR department. "Well Heather, that is way out of left field. I find you very candid in what you want. I'm very honored that you'd like me to; to put it bluntly, fuck you! I would love to see you in that light and I'd be crazy not to want to see you and Ainsley together. My god that sight would really turn me on to no end!"

She smiled and began to giggle; "Oh Peter, I hoped that would be your reaction, but why do I expect a but coming!"

He nodded; "There is Heather, how the hell do you expect Clayton and me to convince Ainsley to go along with this? As you saw yesterday, although it sort of got out of hand, we're doing this for one main reason, to inseminate her!"

"I thought about that Peter, how about after the three of you get going, you playfully tie her up and blindfold her. You text me and I'll be waiting in the lobby. I'll come up and get friendly with her and after she's completely turned on, we let her know what's going on."

He shook his head and threw up his hands; "I really don't think that's a good idea. She's sort of in a fragile state already and if we try and fool her, she just may go off the deep end. Let me talk it over with Clayton and I'll let you know. Just stay out of sight for now, okay?"

She nodded; "Alright, but just remember I want this and don't want to blackmail any of you."

He let out a disgusted laugh; "Aw Heather, that is exactly what you're doing, but just hold on, stay out of sight and let me handle it. Now if you'd please, I have a show to prepare for." He got up and she knew it was time to leave.

"I'll text you to see how things are going, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, now please go."

Peter rushed through the topics for today's show and hurried out to find Clayton. He told him everything Heather had just told him and proposed.

Clayton in a very low voice said; "I'll mull it over and we can talk about it during the breaks." He walked away shaking his head as he ran through their options. He came up with a solution, but wanted to run it by Peter before bringing it up.

Both Peter and Clayton forgot all about their dilemma when they saw Ainsley walk out onto the set. They were both speechless; they couldn't tear their eyes from the gorgeous blonde. Peter had to suck on his spit; he was beginning to drool when he saw how beautiful she looked.

When Ainsley saw their reaction, she turned a bright shade of red and started to giggle; "Okay, okay guys, please control yourselves. So I take it you like my look today?"

Peter let out a whoop; "Oh fuck Ainsley, can we all suddenly come down with stomach flu and head to the hotel right now?"

Again Ainsley began giggling; "Shush Peter, we don't want to have everyone know what's going on."

Clayton came over to Ainsley and taking her hands in his, he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek; "I hope you rested last night, because you're going to need all the strength you can muster up later today!"

She laughed out loud; "Oh my Clayton, remember the main reason we're doing this, okay?"

He let out a chuckle; "Yeah sure Ainsley and you are made up and dressed the way you are so you can get pregnant huh? Sure tell me more sweetheart!" He slapped her playfully on her tight ass and he moved to the curvy couch.

Before she could reply they were signaled to begin. Ainsley read a Fox News Alert and all three of them settled down and did a professional job.

During the first break, while Ainsley was over talking with a news contributor about the next segment, Clayton went over to Peter. "I think I have a solution, the way Ainsley has trusted us and put her feelings and her body in our hands, I don't think we can deceive her. I just can't see tying her up and blindfolding her, that just wouldn't be right."

Peter nodded; "So what do you propose? Heather was very adamant she wasn't going to let this go."

"I understand, I think we should pull Ainsley over during the next computer commercial break, it will be long enough to tell her and we can come up with a solution. I think we should go with Heather's idea, but with Ainsley knowing what's happening. This way we can keep Ainsley's trust and not alienate Heather."

"That's a great idea; do you think Ainsley will go for it?"

"I don't know if she doesn't them maybe she can come up with a solution. She has to realize Heather saw what happened and she's holding all the cards. Here she comes; we'll bring it up during the next computer break."

Ainsley was on a high, no one on the set saw her as happy and as carefree as she was this morning. Peter and Clayton were soon to rain on her parade. The computer break came up and they pulled Ainsley aside. They told her all of the story and what Heather had proposed.

Ainsley looked shocked; "So you two want to tie me up and blindfold so Heather can have her way with me?"

Peter spoke up; "We don't want this, she does and I really don't see any way around it. Do you have a better solution?"

She let out a disgusted laugh; "Yeah, we can just forget about the hotel and head home."

They both shook their heads; "Peter is right Ainsley, if we don't show up, she'll know we told you and we end up with the same problem, her spilling the beans about what happened yesterday."

"How can she do this to me? I was so happy, I really began thinking what we did was the greatest thing ever. She turned it into something dirty, I'll never forgive her!"

"Think about it, we wanted to tell you as soon as possible so we can come up with a plan, We'll talk while Janice gives her next long weather report from plaza outside."

She thought about it and the thought of making out with another woman turned her off at first. After mulling it around in her head, she decided it may be something to experiment with. She wasn't bad looking and just the thought of all four of them naked in bed together was starting to really get to her.

When they got back together again she was nodding; "Okay I'll do it, who knows making out with another woman just be enough to keep you two stiff long enough to really make sure I get pregnant."

Clayton chuckled; "My, my Ainsley, just thinking of you and Heather going at it is giving me a stiffy!" He reached out and placed her hand over his cock; "Here feel Ainsley!"

She yanked her hand away, laughing loudly; "My god Clayton, save it for later. We don't need anyone else seeing us. Next thing we know we'll have a full-fledged orgy on our hands."

He turned up his hands and laughed; "What, I don't think that's such a bad idea!"

She slapped him playfully on the back and they headed back to the set. The rest of the show dragged on and as they signed off, they hurried to get their coats and one by one they headed across the street to the large suite Ainsley had reserved.

When they got there, suddenly everything got rather serious and you could cut the tension with a knife. Clayton broke the ice when he pulled a couple pairs of fur-covered cuffs from his pocket; "Oh look what I found in my desk, perfect for using on you Ainsley!"

She started laughing and shook her head; "You're so bad Clayton!" She reached into her purse and pulled out the bottle of lube and tossed it to Peter; "Here you go Peter, just in case you think about using the wrong hole again!"

They all started laughing and Peter reached into his large overcoat and pulled out a large bottle; "No need Ainsley, I brought my own and this is really massage oil, just for you and it's scented and flavored!'

"Mmmm, you think I can try some of that on you too?"

"Whatever you desire Ainsley, whatever you desire. Just to let you know I ordered up some brunch and some drinks. No alcohol, seeing you just may be pregnant or soon will be." Just then there was a knock on the door and in came room service.

The three of them munched on the snacks and cold drinks. They were loosening up and as they finished up, Ainsley turned to the two guys; "So how do you want to start this?"

Peter was smiling; "How about you kicking off those shoes and get up on the bed and do a sexy strip tease for us?"

She laughed out loud and shook her finger from side to side at them; "Oh no, no way, I have a better idea, seeing this is my show, I'd much rather see the two of you up there and give me a show! Get up there and strip, who's first?"

Clayton kicked off his shoes and hopped up on the bed; "Your wish is our command, your highness!" He slipped off his tie and tossed it to her. "Keep that, we're going to need it for a blindfold!" He unbuttoned his shirt and wiggling out of it, slipped it back and forth across his ass and then tossed it also to Ainsley. Unzipping his pants, he tried getting them off and stumbled and clung to the headboard to steady himself.

Ainsley laughed her ass off and looking to Peter she saw he already had his shirt off, along with his tie. She looked back to Clayton; Take it off, take it all off!"

He managed to remove his pants and kicked them aside, he used his thumbs to slip off his socks and dancing around, he wiggled his ass towards her. He hooked his fingers in his boxers and slipped them off. His ass still facing her, he wiggled it again as he stroked his cock. Turning around, he stepped to the edge of the bed. He crooked his finger at her to approach and when she did, he palmed his cock and growled out; "Want a taste Ainsley?"

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