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Alan And The Doctor Ch. 02

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Alan becomes Alice and receives a spanking.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/08/2016
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The next morning Alan gets up and starts to slip on the panties that Dr Newman gave him. He's excited about his appointment to see the doctor today. He looks down at his penis, thinking it is looking a little bit smaller than usual. He shrugs, putting it down to the colder weather. He remembers that he was Alice last night and smiles. "I've got to be Alan today," he thinks to himself. "But maybe when we go to bed tonight..."

The appointment is for ten o'clock. Dr Newman smiles and shakes his hand firmly when he enters his room.

"Good morning Alan. Are you okay? How is the treatment going?" he says.

"Fine doctor, I'm keen to know what you have to say to me today." Alan says. He's staring up at the doctor as if he is someone famous and he's his biggest fan.

"I just need to check you over first. Please strip off your clothes. You can do so behind this screen. Take your time. You can leave the panties on." Dr Newman says. As Alan turns to do his bidding the doctor smiles to himself, he can tell that this patient trusts him implicitly.

The doctor listens to his heart and lungs then turns his attention to his chest which he notices with satisfaction has become quite fleshy. He takes hold of one of Alan's nipples and says.

"Have you noticed any changes in this area over the last two weeks Alan?"

"Yes doctor, I seem to be getting a bit fatter around my chest. Could it be the pills I've been taking?" Alan asks.

"Precisely so. Nothing to worry about. It's just one of the side effects. More importantly, have you been experiencing better erections? Can you give me an estimate of how many times you've orgasmed in the last fortnight?

"I've not been keeping count doctor, but more than usual. I'd say around seven times including twice when Lindsay w,w, when she used her hand to bring me off." Alan says.

"Lindsay wanked you off did she? It's okay to use the "wank" word. I won't be offended by anything you say. I take it from what you tell me that you didn't fuck her, as you know that was forbidden."

"Oh no sir, I wouldn't go against your wishes. I want to be a good boy for you." Alan realizes as soon as he's said it that it is a strange thing to say. He couldn't unsay it and it made him realize that he sees the doctor as a man and himself as something less.

"Good, I'm very pleased with your progress." The doctor says, trying not to make his delight at the "good boy" too obvious. "Now I've managed to arrange for someone to administer the posterior stimulation. It will help with your erections. It's important that you stay naked for this process. It's okay, Miss Needham has seen it all before."

"I'd be a bit embarrassed naked in front of a woman, doctor." Alan says although he's prepared to go through with it.

"I'll tell you what Alan, I'll ask Miss Needham if she'd be prepared to strip down to her underwear. Perhaps that will make you feel more at ease." He hands Alan a rubber paddle. Before Alan has a chance to answer, he says, "just wait a moment in here, then, when I come back out of the other room take the paddle in and hand it to Miss Needham."

"Yes, sir." Alan says, trying to get his head around what is about to happen. Whilst he's waiting his penis begins to stiffen.

He enters the room. Miss Needham is a large lady; her bra might be better described as a brassier, it completely encompasses her large breasts. Her panties are pure white. They look slightly too small making her pudenda quite prominent. He notices that she has shaved around her vagina so that her slit stands out. His eyes are roughly at the level of her neck and, as his penis stiffens further, he tries but fails to stop staring at her tits and cunt. He meekly hands over the paddle.

She, in her turn, looks to the front of his panties which he is still wearing.

"Drop those panties around your ankles dear. Let's get a better look." Alan pushes them down his legs. "What do we have here young Alan? Is this the best you can do? That's hardly worthy of the name "cock" is it? It's a long time since I saw such a poor specimen." She moves her attention to his chest. "Well, I see you're growing a fine pair of tits aren't you? Have you given yourself a more feminine name yet? It's okay lovey, you don't need to be embarrassed about it."

"Yes, it's Alice." Alan says. For a second he's proud of it, then he's immediately much less certain, his face reddening.

"Okay, Alice, be a good girl for me and bend over the higher horizontal bar. That's it, now grip the bar near the floor with both of those dainty hands. This is going to hurt, but Dr Newman believes it will help you with your problem. We'll try thirty strokes and see how we go. The room's sound proofed so it's okay for you to cry out. I don't take any pleasure in doing this Alice. It's important for my wellbeing for you to thank me after each stroke. Do you think you can do that little thing for me like a good girl?"

"I'll try my best ma'am." Alice has now adopted her femme persona. She feels very exposed with her bottom sticking up in the air. She tries to relax, aware this is going to be quite an ordeal. Her penis is as stiff as it has ever been.

"We can't expect any more than a young girl's best can we Alice dear?" Miss Needham stands to one side of Alice and swings the paddle down hard making a mighty thwack. Alice jumps a little and lets out a squeak but keeps her hands tight hold of the lower bar.

"Thank you ma'am."

As the slaps continue Alice struggles to stay in position, her cries getting louder and louder. Her arse feels like it's on fire. She leaves go of the bar and tries to stand up but Miss Needham pushes her down waiting until Alice is back in position before renewing the onslaught. She keeps repeating "Be a good girl for the doctor," as she has been instructed. Alice manages to keep saying, "thank you ma'ams" each time noticing to her surprise that her cock stiffens a little each time she says the words. Soon she is crying like a baby, her sobs uncontrolled so that her "thank you ma'ams" take a good deal longer to say. Miss Needham accepts this patiently.

She's noticed with interest how Alice's cock shrivels and stiffens and will tell the doctor later. She's extremely turned on by what she is doing. Dr Newman has promised to fuck her in his lunch hour to reward her for her work. He's already well known in the practice for his randy behaviour and she can't wait to join the ranks of his conquests.

She decides to stop at thirty strokes. She gives Alice, who's still weeping, a long hug, wiping away her tears, stroking her hair fondly.

"There, there, dear, it's all over. Let me rub some ointment on. It'll help with the pain. Lie over my knee for a minute. Then you can go through and have a further word with the doctor.

As she gently rubs the ointment on all over Alice's hot rear end, she says conversationally; "How do you like your new doctor Alice? He's very popular with all the nurses here you know. He has the reputation of being a bit of a Casanova."

" Yes, I like him. He's going to a lot of trouble to help me. What do you mean Casanova?"

"He's handsome, charming and very good in bed. He's fucked a number of the nurses already. He's got a huge cock and I can vouch for that myself." She says following the doctor's instructions.

"You mean he's f,f,..." Alice can't quite say the word.

"Yes, young lady, he's fucked me more than once, it must be about eight inches." Miss Needham lies. The doctor had asked her particularly to give the measurement.

Miss Needham seeks out the doctor, has a brief word, then ushers Alice back into his office. She's still naked apart from the pair of panties he gave her.

"Do you want me to call you Alice from now on?" Dr Newman asks kindly.

"I'm not sure doctor, Lyndsay calls me Alice when she dresses me up."

"Well I'd like to take things a step further if you don't mind so I'll call you Alice for now okay?"

"Yes, sir." Alice says. Her bum is still hurting a lot and she prefers to stand up for the moment.

"First of all, I'd like to get your opinion on the posterior stimulation. You found it very painful of course, and it made you cry out. I'm hoping that, in time, your penis will be able stay stiff for longer periods because of it. I take it you still want to satisfy Lindsay with your cock? It's okay you don't have to answer that. Tell me Alice, what did you think of the paddling, dear?" Dr Newman turns to Alice and smiles.

"Well, I didn't like it much. Do you plan to arrange for more sessions doctor?" Alice had felt embarrassed when the doctor mentioned satisfying Lyndsay with her cock. It twitches a little as she goes over the doctor's words again in her mind.

"We'll see, but let's leave it for the time being. I'm very pleased with your progress Alice, you've been a good girl. Over the next two weeks I want you to continue wearing the panties and I thought it might be appropriate for you to wear this training bra as well. It's the kind that pubescent girls wear as their breasts begin to grow. It's important that you wear it every day for the next two weeks. I'm sure no one at work will notice it under your clothes. I phoned Lyndsay to make sure we got the correct size. You're very lucky to have such a wonderful woman for a wife aren't you Alice?

"Yes doctor, she's one in a million. If you think it might help I'll wear the bra every day as well as the panties." Alice says.

"You said yourself that you'd orgasmed a lot more frequently in the last fortnight. I'm increasing the clothing prescription but keep taking the same number of tablets. I want to continue with the embargo on full sexual intercourse with Lyndsay for the time being, but don't worry you can continue your sexual play, that's fine. You like being Alice don't you my dear?"

"Yes sir." She looks at the doctor with adoring eyes. She would never consider having sex with a man, it's just that there's something about him that makes her go weak at the knees.

The doctor puts his arm around her in a friendly gesture. "You've had to endure a lot today. I want to congratulate you on sticking with my unusual treatment. You can get dressed now. I expect you'll be able to manage the bra on your own won't you dear? Oh, and just before I go, I've got another website I'd like you to look at. Here,-I've written it down for you. Watch it with Lyndsay, if you like, when she's rubbing your cock. I mentioned it to her when I phoned her yesterday. She might enjoy it too. Fix up an appointment at the reception desk. I'll see you again in two weeks."

The doctor leaves the room. He's already thinking about his lunchtime appointment with Miss Needham.

Alice puts his clothes back on over the female underwear. He's become Alan again although there's now a part of him which will always be Alice from now on.

He's taken the day off work so after eating a snack he logs on to the internet and in his eagerness to follow the instructions he begins looking at the stories and video the doctor has asked him to watch. He is still in a lot of pain so he logs on standing up and stays on his feet throughout. These are different in one particular respect. They all involve married couples who are dissatisfied with their rather vanilla relationship and begin to experiment outside their marriage. Sometimes the wife strays, the husband finds out but is willing to put up with his wife's infidelity partly to save his marriage. Often the husband finds it very exciting to hear about or watch the adulterous behavior.

When husbands ask for the change they encourage their wives, often against the woman's initial wishes to seek out relationships with other men. However once started the women begin to enjoy the freedom involved in choosing other sexual partners, taking control of the situation.

Alan has never read this kind of erotica before. Some of the stories or videos seem artificial and silly but he is turned on by the majority. He finds stories that place emphasis on humiliation of the husband to be especially exciting and masturbates to orgasm twice whilst watching them. In one video the husband is dressed in women's clothes. He realizes how weak and pathetic the man appears against the well endowed male who is fucking his wife. He feels a bit sad but can't deny that he is very turned on by watching it.

He's thinking that pretty soon Lyndsay will be asking to watch this stuff with him. He takes note of that video hoping to avoid it when they sit together in front of the computer.

Alan gets together an evening meal and it is ready to eat when Lyndsay gets in from work. Alan puts a large soft cushion under him and they sit at the dining room table. Lyndsay is aware of the reason but makes no comment.

"Thanks for making such a lovely meal sweetie. How did your appointment with Ted go today?" Lyndsay says.

"Ted? Oh, er, do you mean Doctor Newman?" Alan remembers that his first name is Edward. He realizes that his wife and the doctor are now on first name terms. He feels a stab of jealousy but despite all his earlier wanking blood rushes to his loins and he moves in his seat hoping Lyndsay won't notice.

"Yes, sorry, I meant the doctor. How did it go? He rang me about the bra. Have you got it on now darling?" Lyndsay says.

"Yes, of course. I have to wear it every day for two weeks. I don't mind that, it was the spanking that I didn't like. I told him and he said he was considering whether it might be necessary a second time. I hope not, it hurt like hell." Alan says.

"I expect you mean the posterior stimulation dear. Do you think it's helping with your erections?" She looks at him innocently. They are facing each other across the table and she moves her bare knee between his legs, making contact with his erection.

"Oh my, Alan, it's early days yet but I think it is working. Shall I give Ted a ring and ask him to book you in for another session in two weeks time?"

"No, don't do that please. I'll do anything to avoid it." Alan says horrified.

"It's okay sweetie, I'm only joking." She looks him in the eyes. "Are you serious dear--anything? I'll bear that in mind for the future."

"Doctor Newman told you about the new website didn't he?" Lyndsay nods. "Well I was looking at it this afternoon like he said." Alan says.

"Did it help you to cum?" Lyndsay says.

"Yes, twice. It's about swingers I think they call them. You know, wife swapping and that sort of thing.

"Ted said we can look at them together. Let's take the lap top up to bed with us and have some fun. If you've cum twice I doubt if you'll be able satisfy me in bed tonight and I was looking forward to a good rodgering. You are allowed to fuck me from now on aren't you?" Lyndsay says.

"Sorry dear I'm not allowed, not for the next two weeks anyway. Other types of sexual play are acceptable though." Alan says.

Lyndsay starts putting numbers into her phone. "Hello Ted, it's Lyndsay. Sorry to bother you at home but this is important. I just want to clarify something. You know, I told you I'd got a strap on for when Alan isn't able to get stiff enough to fuck me properly. You said he was permitted sexual play. Does that include...? What, no I don't mean that, it's me getting fucked with it not him. I'm climbing the walls here Ted, Alan probably told you, I want it all the time. There's nothing to beat a man's member thrusting up my c... Oh, thank you Ted, don't worry, he's here with me now, I'll tell him." She cuts the call off grinning.

"Do you know what he said dear? He was thinking I was asking permission to fuck you with the strap on! It's okay apparently. Anyway he's given you permission to use it so you're on strap on duties every night from now on. We'll play dress up as well sweetie. You wouldn't want to miss that would you?" Lyndsay says looking pleased.

"No dear." Alan says. He's wondering why all Lyndsay's sex talk with the doctor is turning him on so much. Deep down he has an idea but he doesn't want to face it just yet.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Always a thrill to re-read oldies by M. Oldie himself!

One of the readers commented that it takes him a long time to get hard AND that his penis is almost getting up to 3.75"

Alice serves as a perfect example of why women NEED to fuck other men outside their marriage.

Which is surely the reason QuietOldie, reflecting on his lovely wife's repeated infidelities, is able to write so knowingly and so perfectly on the matter!

Well done, QuietOldie - and brave to your reader, too!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

great pat 2 Ive actually cum in my knickers now with very little rubbing . So unusual I usually take hours to get that far, in fact my wife says its one of the reasons she doesnt like me fucking her. Fortunately we do a lot of wanking together and plenty of cunnilingus. roll on time to read the 3rd part. By the way if those tablets Alice is taking are real please let me know my 3.75" could be smaller. xxx

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent start for what promises to be a very slow, very pleasant castration.

Keep sharing more about these "so-called-doctor" visits.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cute for a beginner to have "interesting" thoughts.

Not so cute for an older gentleman, way into the years with flaccidity

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

being very much turned on

plz continue

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