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Alex Ch. 03

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Three years later, Anna visits Alex and Pam at the sea side
3.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/18/2017
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It had been three years since Alex had transitioned and found love, all in the space of a few months. He had been found by his younger sister, in her room, wearing her little black number and looking at himself in her mirror. Within days he had come out and within weeks had become his sister's best friends lover. Now three years later he walked with Pam, his fiancée and sisters best friend and Anna his sister along the streets of Regency Brighton. The white stuccoed three story buildings with their porticoes and large bay windows reflected the light from the street lamps.

They had been to a local pub which catered for young students, especially from the LGBT community. Like most parts of Brighton, they had been received warmly into the pub, town and its environs. There was, however, a nasty underbelly to the town and they had been warned many times to keep to well lit streets late at night. Pam had settled on Brighton for her degree and Alex had followed her south only six months after she had moved away. Her employer had been a little miffed at her sudden move, but had written an effusive letter of recommendation. Her knew employer had made his thoughts on transgender and gay rights known at the interview, but faced with Alex's test results and the letter of recommendation had grudgingly hired her.

Alex had outshone his potential and her employer had mellowed and begun a relationship of real trust with her, appointing Alex as deputy manager on his absence. An invitation to supper for her and Pam followed, and pretty soon Alex and Pam were mixing with the owners circle and making new and interesting friendships. Now after a meal in which they had been joined by Anna, Alex's younger sister they were walking back to the elegant second floor apartment that they rented.

Anna had been an unwilling participant to the meal, as she suspected she would be set up with an eligible bachelor to even up the numbers. As it transpired there was no such attempt and she had relaxed into the event and joined in the conversation with ease. Now they walked back arm in arm, Alex and Pam either side of Anna and joked and laughed together basking in the warm glow of the evening.

"Oi! Oi!" A shout from the opposite side of the road and they looked to see four men in their late twenties, smoking and swaggering towards them. "Evening ladies," one shouted and they all laughed.

"Looks like it's your lucky night, you can all get a piece of us," another shouted. They moved to cross the road, from the dim shadow between the lamp posts into the glare of a light directly above the trio of girls.

"You're not our type," said Alex firmly,

"Or sex," added Pam, lifting her chin, as all three stiffened ready for an assault.

"Three dikes on a night out, well 'darling' you've come to the right place. When we've finished you'll want cock for the rest of your life. So be prepared to be grateful to us, very grateful."

"Yea, you'll see what real men can do for your pussy. Trust me your rug munching days are over." They closed the gap quickly.

Pam noticed a dark blue saloon car slowing to a stop level with them. The passenger window came down and a deep mellifluous voice sounded from the drivers side.

"Is everything all right ladies?" It asked, as Pam turned slightly to see better.

"If you're a taxi driver, then no we're not all right. If you're a friend of these four then sod off." she said loudly. They all heard the chuckle as the window wound up silently on an electrical pulse.

The door opened and a very tall black man uncoiled himself from the vehicle. He stood at least six foot five, slim, suited and booted. Pushing the car door shut he locked it and moved towards the girls and the pavement. His left hand slid into his jacket pocket, his right to his trouser pocket. He lifted his left hand and flicked open a small black leather wallet.

"I'm Detective Sergeant Richard Robinson, of the Sussex Police, please move aside and let these ladies pass." His right hand remained in his right trouser pocket.

"Fuck off you..." They all heard the yob's next comment, racially abusing Richard, and saw the policeman frown. Richard withdrew his hand and his fist was tight on a small rubber handled extending baton. His wrist whipped down and up extending it to its full twenty six inches.

"Last chance, step aside and that's an end to it. If you continue to harass these ladies, then I will arrest you." Richard squared his shoulders and straightened his back. He looked very imposing and the girls smiled awkwardly.

"Fuck off....., there's one of you and four of us, you might get one or two tries, but you are in for a fucking good kicking." one of the men pulled a Stanley knife out, the blade flicking out and gleaming in the lamp light.

"I'll add, uttering threats and carrying and offensive weapon to the charges now. So using racially and sexually abusive language, carrying an offensive weapon, uttering threats, attempted bodily harm need I go on?"

"You can fuck off right back to bongo bongo land you fucking..."

A siren and blue flashing lights appeared at the end of the road, and in the dim light they saw several policemen exit the side door of the armoured transit. Each carried a baton and a small shield. Their faces were helmeted and the visors were down,

"Alright Dick, saw the motor and thought you might want a hand." A voice roared in the night. Richard smiled.

"Thanks Davy boy, but there's only four of them, it's a piece of piss, but thanks for the offer." He turned back towards the four men and shrugged.

"Booo!" he shouted and at least one of them began to pee his trousers, they scattered and ran. Anna laughed as she felt Alex relax; Pam had jumped at his shout. Richard flicked the baton up and pushed on the end retracting it again. He slipped it in his pocket.

"Can I give you Ladies a lift home, it's beginning to feel quite cold out here." he gestured towards his car and moved back into the road.

"He's lovely, but when he shouted, a little bit of wee leaked out," Pam said to no one in particular, Anna giggled, Alex nodded in agreement.

Safely in Richard's car, they felt him drive with confidence and care back to Alex and Pam's flat. They arrived and he parked as closely as possible, given the random number of cars set against the kerb. He pulled the car to a halt and switched the ignition off.

"Do you want to come in for a coffee so we can sort of say thank you?" Alex asked as he opened the car door. Pam nodded, Anna look around and not at the detective. He agreed and they waited til he locked the car before moving to their flat.

The flat was reasonably tidy, Alex and Pam moving some of their clothes and books from the room as Anna went to make the drinks.

"Tea or Coffee?" she shouted, and waited the responses.

She made the drinks and found an old tray to bring them in. She handed round the drinks and sat demurely on the sofa at the opposite end to Richard. He smiled a thanks and sipped his brew.

"What do you guys do in Brighton?" he asked, placing both hands on the mug of steaming tea he had been given.

"Alex works in IT Publishing, I'm a student." Pam said, "Anna is Alex's sister, she's here for a few days helping me celebrate the end of my course and to see Alex."

"Shame your only here a few days, I could have asked you all out for a meal."

"She can stay over," said Alex quickly, smiling as Anna blushed, "Her course finished too, I'm sure she can be persuaded to spend a few days at the seaside." Alex nearly choked as he tried not to laugh out loud.

"If it helps I can stay a bit longer, if it helps," she repeated lamely and blushed from scarlet to crimson.

"I'd love to see you guys again, " Richard said beginning to blush himself. "The weekends a bit busy, but maybe Monday or Tuesday next week."

"Are you working the weekend then?" Alex asked,

"No I have my son this weekend, Joe's seven and I get him alternate weekends, this weekend is one of them."

"You're divorced?" Anna asked and instantly regretted it, her face turned to the floor.

"Yes I am; we separated over a year ago and the final decree came through recently. My Ex is a good woman and the parting was amicable, she is adamant we'll never use Joe as a tool between us. To that end, she was quite insistent that I had an equal share in Joe's upbringing. Next term Joe will live with me, and I'll make sure he goes to school and is picked up on time. Lindsay, my Ex, will get all the newsletters and stuff. We'll go to parents evening together and school plays, as far as possible. Next term Lindsay gets alternate weekends."

"Wow that sounds, err..." Anna waved her hands, "good," she trailed and looked horrified at herself.

"Look stuff Monday, why don't we meet for a coffee on the front on Sunday, I'll bring Joe and you can meet him, he's cheeky and a monkey, but he is a good boy."

After agreeing, Richard stood, looking at his watch, excusing himself due to the lateness of the hour he left, Anna taking him to the door. On impulse she reached to him and kissed his cheek, he grabbed her hand and whispered thank you into her ear. Returning to the lounge she looked at Alex and Pam,

"What!" she exclaimed, they looked at her and grinned, she returned their gaze with a look of steel. "What?" They looked at her and Alex blew a kiss. Anna grinned and flopped down on the sofa.

"God he's hot," laughed Alex. "Don't get me wrong but he is a honey."

Pam laughed and sat next to Anna. "So, what next then?"

"He's divorced with a child, I don't know, he's...." She paused; Alex sat the other side of her.

"Gorgeous, A Hunk, probably hung like a horse, can do press up's one handed on his little finger?"

"Shut up! You're definitely not helping Alex," warned Pam, putting an arm round Anna.

Anna snuggled into Pam's shoulder and chest, reaching out she took Alex's hand. Tears began to fall and Alex, leaned in to kiss her little sister's cheek. Anna sniffed and squeezed his hand.

"He is gorgeous isn't he, such deep pools for eyes, I'm sure they were hazel, actually I'm pretty sure they were hazel," she said. Pam kissed her hair.

"Poor Anna, you're really smitten aren't you?" She said and placed her spare hand on Anna's cheek, gently stroking her. Anna nodded and Alex sighed,

"My little sister is growing up, how lovely." They all laughed and kissed each other, then Alex stood, "Well I hate to be the party pooper, but I do have work tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep; Don't!" he pointed at Anna, who grinned.

"See you shortly," he said to Pam and lifted an eyebrow at Pam, unseen by Anna. Pam winked and held Anna close.

"You don't have to mollycoddle me," Anna said, sitting up, "But thank you for trying. This will be what it will be, so roll on tomorrow." She stood and bent to kiss Pam, then sauntered off to the bathroom, bumping into Alex as she came out.

As Alex lay in bed, Pam came in and undressed; not bothering with her nightie she slipped naked between the covers, cuddling tightly up to Alex, reaching to her right breast as she moved to kiss her lover. Alex reacted and their kiss was deep and longing. Pam slipped her free hand to Alex's tiny male appendage and felt it move between her fingers. Alex's hand moved between her parting legs, a moan passing from her to him. There was a brief knock then Anna walked in,

"Oh My God! I'm sorry, so sorry..." Anna turned crimson again as Alex and Pam disentangled them selves. Alex began to giggle and Pam rolled onto her back laughing.

"Come on in Anna, come on, don't worry, come on. " Pam patted the bed beside her, Anna sat, red faced and crying. Pam sat up and enveloped her best friend and kissed her cheeks.

"Why don't you and Anna sleep here, I'll go next door, I think she needs you more than ever tonight," said Alex as she sat up and swung her legs out of bed.

"No! No! Alex I need you too, please, please stay," Anna cried and reached for her sibling. Alex scrambled back into bed and with Pam's help placed Anna between them.

The three slept huddled together, drifting off noiselessly.

On Saturday the three wandered along the Sea front, looking at the pebbly beach and the people spread out in two and threes, fours and fives as they enjoyed the Sun and the sea air. They wandered down and moved along the sea shore, just stepping back from the tide. Sitting halfway up the beach they enjoyed the afternoon. In the distance a figure trotted beside a small child, as he neared they recognised Richard and assumed the young boy was Joe, his son. Soon they were up to them and Richard's face lit up as he saw them.

"Hallo, Hallo, this is Joe; Joe these are my friends Anna, Pam and Alex, say hello."

"Hallo Anne, Sam and Annis," he said with a grin. They laughed and Richard cuddled him against his knees.

"Monkey," he said and Joe did an impression of a monkey, grinning as Richard tried to catch him. "Shall we go for a coffee, what do you think?"

"I think we need Hot Chocolate with Cream and mini marshmallows," said Alex holding her hand out for Joe to take. Joe nodded and held Alex's hand. They wandered along, Anna hanging back as Alex and Pam talked to Joe, bending to put their faces at his eye level. Richard wandered alongside Anna,

"Your sister's good with kids then?" Richard said and smiled, Anna smiled at him,

"She was a he, she transitioned a few years ago, Pam is my best mate from so far back it hurts," She looked into Richard's eyes. His face crinkled into a grin.

"Well whatever, she and Pam are good with kids, will they have some, I assume they'll marry."

"Well Pam's just finished so she's going to be job hunting, but yes next year they plan to marry, probably here in Brighton."

"Well your parents should be pleased, Pam's lovely and probably an open book to them. It must be difficult for Alex, to be in the wrong body for so long. But if he's out now and happy, that's just brilliant."

"No problem then with a transsexual friend then?" Anna said archly.

"I have boy friends, I have girl friends, and those are the rosa-blanca.ru we use. Alex is a girl friend because that is what she is, just like Pam and you. Speaking of which, how are you taking to having a sister who was a brother?" Richard asked and looked at her directly.

"I really have to hang on to my stuff now, which never happened before, but overall, we're closer, if that were possible."

"Good, I'm glad. Alex needs all the help and support she can get. Now we need to speed up or they'll be throwing E-numbers down Joe's throat and I'll have to clean up the mess before his Mum finds out, c'mon."

They quick walked until Richard tugging on Anna's hand pulled her into a ragged run to catch up with the other three. They arrived breathless and laughing as Alex held the shop door open for Pam and Joe; joining them Anna grabbed Alex and kissed him quickly on the lips,

"Perfect!" she whispered pulling him close. Alex held her and they relaxed and spun round to see Richard helplessly fending of Joe and Pam as they fenced at him with sticks of rock. At the till they paid for the seven inch cylinders of sugary confection and wandered out. Richard had taken the bag and casually put it in the small backpack he carried.

They found a cafe and true to her word, Alex ordered three mugs of hot Belgian chocolate, with whipped cream and marshmallows. Joe roared as Alex lifted her mouth from the mug wearing a cream moustache with a marshmallow on it. Richard tutted, but grinned as he walked over to them. They sat and talked whilst Richard and Anna drank their coffee.

"Richard, Joe?" a tall elegant blond wandered over, as Richard stood,

"Mum!" Joe said and ran to the woman, who hugged him and ruffled his hair. Richard beamed and walked to kiss the woman, as a man appeared at her side with two coffees.

"Greg, good to see you," Richard took a coffee and shook the man's hand. Anna and Pam moved to allow Alex to add two more chairs to the table.

The woman came over and as Anna stood kissed her cheek, offering her own in return, Anna kissed her and they shook hands, she repeated this with Pam and Alex, then sat next to Anna.

"Hi I'm Lindsay, Joe's mum and Richard's ex, that's Greg my other half. Hi how are you?"

They mumbled a collective 'Good' and Lindsay took a sip of the coffee Richard had set in front of her. Richard and Greg were talking a little way off. Grinning and tapping each other's arms.

"Those two are as thick as thieves at times. I sometimes forget who the ex is." Lindsay said with a sigh. "Now tell me how you met Inspector Morse?" she said looking and smiling at Richard.

"He saved us from a fate worse than death, from four Neanderthals by the Steyne," said Alex, "came for coffee and we haven't looked back since."

Lindsay laughed and nodded, "That sounds like him, any excuse to have a ruck. Did they fight or run?"

"Richard got his baton out and shouted boo; one actually pissed himself before they ran off."

"My Hero!" laughed Lindsay, and looked at Richard.

"You seem very fond of him," Anna said and blushed.

"I love him, adore him even, but I can't live with him, he drives me nuts. I hate his work and I obsessed about him getting beaten up or worse. We tried to make a go of it, for Joe, but it was too much. We split, but yes I love him and want the best for him, but we're never going to be a family in any sense. He loves Joe to distraction though, and couldn't be more supportive." She looked at Anna, who caught her glance and blushed, "Oh My! You're smitten aren't you, you dear, darling thing. Well he's a catch obviously, but he'll drive you mad, trust me. I really wish you all the best, and seriously, if you need help call me. Here," Lindsay slid a business card across the table.

Anna curled it between her fingers, and then slipped it into her bag. Lindsay looked at Anna then Alex,

"Are you two sisters?" she asked and Alex nodded,

"This is Pam my fiancée and Anna's childhood friend, she added.

"I can see the family resemblance; so, who's visiting whom?"

"I'm visiting Alex, and Pam; she works and she was a student until the end of last week."

"Where's home? Are you studying or at your parents?"

"I finished this Monday and came straight down; Mum and Dad are clearing my flat and them coming down here tomorrow."

"What did you study? God hark at me, I'm interviewing you, so sorry."

"No worries, I studied Art History at Nottingham, it's near home and so I could escape at weekends and get pampered."

"Meanwhile," said Alex, "Some of us work, I moved down here to be with Pam."

"Good for you, the LGBT community here is excellent."

"She's L and I'm L & T," said Alex with a grin,

"Never have guessed at the T, when did you transition?"

"Three years and a bit, it was phenomenal, best thing I ever did, supported by these two."

"Sisters should stick together. Well this is lovely, but that young man needs to get home, have some tea, a bath, a story and bed."

"What about Joe?" Alex giggled.

"Him too," Lindsay laughed. "Look since we're all around Brighton, we should meet up and have a meal, I'll leave it to Richard to arrange, tell him Greg's cooking, he'll come."

Lindsay rose and kissed each of them before going to Joe and wiping his face with a small paper tissue, which she licked before applying. Joe wiggled in protest, then wiped a sleeve across his face. His look of pure disgust was eloquent enough, as was the plaintive yell of "Mum", which echoed across the cafe.

Richard and Greg looked over and grinned, before shaking hands as Lindsay approached with Joe holding her hand. She and Richard kissed and then he knelt and hugged and kissed Joe, handing him the small backpack he had been carrying. As they reached the door, which Greg held open, Joe turned and waved goodbye, they all waved back, as a smiling Lindsay kissed Greg in passing, then turned and blew a kiss at them. Greg saluted and left to catch them up.


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