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Alex's Feminization

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After causing an accident, Alex is forced to repay a debt.
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Alex hated his body. At 18, he expected to have gained some muscle or some body hair. Instead, he was hairless everywhere but his head and was still slight of frame. But there was one part of his body he hated more than anything. His butt. He had been cursed with a butt that was in a word, fat. His rump was round and looked like it would have been more at home on a girl in a rap video than on an 18 year old boy. It seemed no matter how much he ran or worked out, he never managed to make his butt do anything more than get bigger and rounder. No matter what pants he wore, his butt always filled them out, stretching them to the max. This combined with his wide hips and narrow shoulder and his soft features gave him a distinctive girlish appearance. He had often been catcalled on the street on the mistaken assumption that he was a girl. He hated it.

It seemed that lately the problem had gotten worse. Alex had made the decision to grow his blonde hair out to the point where it reached his shoulders. It was a bad idea. Now, he looked girlier than ever. He couldn't barely leave the house without being harassed. He stayed inside mostly. On the few time he went outside he tried to wear the baggiest clothes he could. Unfortunately, even sweat pants couldn't conceal the curvature of his behind.

This was one of those rare days. The sun was out and the day seemed too beautiful to waste. Putting on a jacket and grabbing his iPod he opened the door and walked outside. He started down the sidewalk humming to himself. His music was turned up almost as loud as it could go. He went on his way oblivious to the world around him. He had been forced to wear jeans as nearly all of his other pants were too dirty to continue wearing. This was an old pair, it seemed, as he had had to struggle to fit them past his hips. He was acutely aware of the way it stretched around his ass, leaving no room for anything else. He was glad that it was a weekday and all of his neighbors were at work. Almost all of them.

Mr. Nelson had lived next to Alex for as long as Alex could remember. It wasn't until recently that Alex had began to notice Mr. Nelson. Mr. Nelson was a single dad with all of his kids moved away. It seemed that every time that Alex went outside Mr. Nelson was out there too. He always waved and said hi. It seemed innocent but there was a way Mr. Nelson seemed to smile a bit too long or looked a bit too intensely, that made Alex feel a bit uneasy.

Alex walked past Mr. Nelson's house briskly. Mr. Nelson was out watering his garden. He waved and approached Alex. Alex reluctantly pulled out his headphones and stopped. Mr. Nelson smiled broadly. " How are you today?" He asked.

"Alright," said Alex.

"Out for a walk?" Mr. Nelson asked.

"Um, yeah," Alex replied.

"Well, don't get lost," Mr. Nelson said, smiling. Alex laughed nervously.

"I won't," Alex said.

"All right then, have fun, oh and by the way, I like your pants," said mr. Nelson. He sauntered back over to his garden and resumed watering his plants. Alex walked away. He could feel Mr. Nelson watching him. He wished that he had looser pants to wear. Every step seemed to stretch the fabric further. He continued on his walk with his music on. He walked along thinking about nothing.

He stepped out onto the street and started walking across. He wasn't paying attention but was suddenly jerked back to reality when he heard a loud screech. He looked around and saw that a large black Cadillac had swerved around him. The driver had lost control and had hopped the curb. It stopped on a lawn with a loud clunk.

Alex immediately ran over to the car. " oh my God! Are you okay?" The driver opened the door and got out. Alex immediately recognized him. Mr. Nelson climbed out of the car and stood next to the car to survey the damage. One of the tires had burst and and the rim was badly dented. Alex groaned. "I'm so sorry," he said.

"It's not so bad," Mr. Nelson said, " it's only the tire and the rim."

"I can totally pay for this," said Alex.

"Oh yeah? This shouldn't run too much," said Mr. Nelson.

"How much,"said Alex grimly.

"Oh, shouldn't be more than about 700 bucks," said Mr. Nelson. Alex groaned . There was no way he could afford that. All he could cover was 75 bucks.

"Please, don't call the cops," he begged. " I can totally get you the money soon."

"How about you work this payment off?" offered Mr. Nelson., "with minimum wage, it shouldn't take so long."

"Oh my god, that would be so great," said Alex.

"Come by my house tomorrow at 9," said Mr. nelson, "I'll call a tow truck and we'll just add that to your bill." Alex nodded.

He walked home dejected. Now he could look forward to months of work. He got home and went to his room and laid down on his bed. He closed his eyes and tried not to think of his situation.

The next day he walked over to Mr. Nelson's house and knocked on the door. Mr, Nelson opened the door and waved him in. "I figured we could start with just some simple house cleaning." Alex looked around the house. It didn't seem too bad. "We'll get you started with some easy vacuuming and dusting. Did you come with a change of clothes? I don' t want you to get your nice clothes dirty." Alex looked down at what he was wearing. An old t shirt and sweatpants seemed fine for the job.

"I think I'm good," said Alex.

"Nonsense," replied Mr. Nelson, " I'll go get you some old work clothes. You're pretty small. I don't think any of mine will fit, but I'm sure I have some of my kids clothes that will." He left and shortly returned carrying a small bundle. He handed them to Alex. Not wanting to antagonize him, Alex took them. Mr. Nelson showed him the bathroom and Alex went to change.

The first item was a tight pale pink shirt that looked suspiciously like a girls shirt. Alex was sure it belonged to one of mr. Nelson's daughters. The next he knew for sure did. It was clearly a bra. It was small and white with small soft cups. Alex knew what these were called. It was a training bra. The next item was a pair of Jean shorts that didn't even go past finger tip length. These shorts were coupled with a small scrap of cloth that Alex figured out was a pair of underwear that only covered his groin and not even a quarter of his butt. Along with these were a pair of white, knee-high socks.

"Um, Mr. Nelson?" Asked Alex nervously.

"Yes?" Mr. Nelson said through the door.

" Are you sure you brought me the right clothes,?" Alex replied.

"Yes, I'm sure," mr. Nelson said.

"They seem a little small," said Alex.

"They'll do fine," came the reply.

" I don't think I can wear this," said Alex.

" well you're free to return them. We can call the police and have the matter of my car sorted through them. Or you can put on the work clothes I've graciously given you and do this work until you've paid off your debt," came the curt reply. Alex said nothing. He pulled off his own clothes, standing naked in the bathroom. He looked down at his hairless body and silently cursed. He picked up the underwear he was to wear and looked at it. It was a black pair of cheeky bottoms with fringes of lace. Alex didn't know what game Mr. Nelson was playing.

Alex thought it best to play along and be done with it. He pulled them up his legs and felt them settle between his cheeks. Next, he pulled up the shorts. He struggled to them past his generous rear and over his hips. He managed to get the button done and zipped. He picked up the bra and looked at it. It must have been from when Mr. Nelson's daughters were young. He put his arms through the straps and felt around for the hook in the back. A virgin, Alex was inexperienced when it came bras. He fumbled around for the clasp and managed to get it shut. The cups settled flush against his skin, even driving some of the excess flesh up, giving an appearance that he had small but firm breasts. Over this he pulled the shirt. It was extremely tight and stopped right above his belly button. Finally, he pulled on the knee high socks.

After all this, he looked at himself in the mirror. The shorts weren't long enough to conceal the generous curve of his ass. The bottoms of his cheeks poked through. The problem only worsened whenever Alex bent over. He saw a hair band on the counter and pulled his long hair into a pony tail. " Is everything alright?," asked Mr. Nelson through the door.

Alex pulled the door open and walked out. Mr Nelson drank in the sight of the petite boy. "Excellent, now put these on," he held out a pair of ballet flats. Alex took them and put them on. It was clear that Mr. Nelson had something other in mind. " now, you came here to work, and I expect you to do everything you are requested to do, is that understood?" Alex nodded. " good," Nr. Nelson led him to the closet where a small handheld vacuum was. " first, I want you to vacuum the entire house," he instructed. Alex knew immediately what was really going on. Using a handheld vacuum meant having to bend over the entire time. He took it and turned it on.

Mr. Nelson watched Alex get on his hand and knees and started vacuuming. Alex suspected that Mr. Nelson was not as neighborly as it seemed. He could feel Mr. Nelson's stare. He was acutely aware of how the shorts rode up, revealing a large portion of his feminine rear and thighs. He vacuumed trying not to move his butt too much, but ended up crawling on his hands and knees.

After finishing the room, he stood up. "Get the closet too," said Mr. Nelson. Alex moved to the closet and bent over to vacuum the floor, wishing the shorts were longer. He heard Mr . Nelson move up behind him. He came uncomfortably close behind him. He came a little closer. Alex felt his butt press into Mr. Nelson's crotch. Alex swallowed. He could clearly feel that Mr. Nelson was erect. Mr. Nelson began to rhythmically gyrate slowly while Alex did everything to ignore it. "Get the sides," said mr. Nelson. Alex felt the bulge move deeper into his rear. He felt that he was being dry humped softly. Mr. Nelson then put his hand on the soft skin of Alex's back, and bent over, pretending to look over Alex's shoulder at his work. Such a pretense might've worked had it not been for the large erection that was tenting his pants. His hand slipped down and gripped a portion of waistband. Alex could feel the older man excitement. He wished he had the courage to tell him to stop but no words came. Mr. Nelsons other hand came down and gripped Alex by the other side of his waist. Alex was bent over while Mr. Nelson deepened his thrusts. Alex was being gently rocked by Mr. Nelsons thrusts. Seeming to sense that Alex was putting up no resistance, Mr. Nelson slipped a hand down and rested it on Alex's generous ass."don't forget the corners."

Mr. Nelson began to squeeze Alex's ass. He played with the hem of the shorts and slipped a finger under. He moved to the crotch and began rubbing it with his finger. Alex was thankful for the meager protection of the shorts. There were two thin pieces of fabric between his behind and mr. Nelsons questing hands. While Alex vacuumed a now clean floor, mr. Nelson continued with his molestation of Alex's rear. He rubbed Alex crotch and dug his finger into the crack. He suddenly grabbed the bit of underwear showing above Alex's shorts and pulled it up, giving Alex a severe wedgie. This was the last straw for Alex. He quickly stood up and turned around.

He had expected for Mr. Nelson to move but he didn't. The doorway out of the closet was blocked by mr. Nelson. Alex realized how small he was compared to the large frame of mr. Nelson. " I think you missed a spot," mr. Nelson said, smiling. Alex shook his head. "Yes you did," he pointed at the ground at his feet. "Do this bit and I'll let you change back and you can be done for the day," Alex reluctantly knelt down and started vacuuming. His eyes were level with the obscene erection tenting Mr. nelsons pants. He tried his best to ignore it. He as almost done, when heard a loud zipping noise. He was afraid to look up but did.

Mr. Nelson had unzipped his pants and was now rubbing his large penis with his hand. Alex quickly looked back down and wished for the day to be over. "Hey Alex," said mr Nelson. Alex didn't look. "Alex, look at me," said mr Nelson. Alex reluctantly looked up. He was face to face with the large throbbing erection of Mr. Nelson. "Do you know what this is?" He asked smiling. Alex nodded. "If you do something for me, I' ll knock off some of your debt," he said.

"And if I don't?" Asked Alex quietly.

"Then maybe the police might like to know about your role in my car accident," he replied. "So how about it?"

"What do you want me to do with it?" Alex asked.

"Just let me do what I want," said mr. Nelson stroking his cock.

Alex silently nodded, not seeing a way out. Mr. Nelson slowly pulled Alex's head to his erection. Alex felt the tip hit his lips. He struggled for a second. Mr. Nelson pulled more insistently until Alex opened his mouth.

Alex felt the tip slide past his lips. A drop of precum rolled around his mouth as he felt the taste coat his tongue. Mr. Nelson began to thrust in and out of Alex's mouth. He grabbed Alex by his ponytail and used it to jackhammer in and out of his mouth. The tip suddenly hit Alex in the back of the throat . He tried to back off but mr. Nelson forced Alex's head until his nose hit mr. Nelson's stomach. He placed both of his hands on mr nelsons thighs to try to gain some leverage.

Mr Nelson began to thrust more frantically, furiously moving in and out of Alex's mouth. Alex tried no to gag as his mouth was abused. He was pulled tightly to mr nelsons base. Mr Nelson shot his load into Alex's mouth. Thick cum coated the inside of Alex's throat. Mr Nelson pulled out and wiped his cock on Alex's face. " that was great, you have a tight little throat," said Mr. Nelson.

Alex tried not to taste the semen that was in his mouth. He stood up and went to the bathroom to spit it out. He bent over the sink to spit it out. Mr Nelson suddenly came up behind him and clapped his hands over his mouth. "Swallow," he commanded. Alex silently struggled but realized he was far weaker than mr. Nelson. Reluctantly, he swallowed. He felt the hot sting slide down his throat. Mr. Nelson let go of his mouth and turned him around so that he was facing him. "Now was that so bad?" He asked. Alex said nothing. " now go get changed and meet me back here tomorrow."

Alex left and went home. He tried not to think about what had just happened to him and what was going to happen to him.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Alex knew what really had to be cleaned

I enjoyed this story! The fact that Alex had embarrassing feminine features was arousing. Then when he didn't really like Mr. Nelson's advances but did nothing to stop him either lead the reader to know that Alex had met his sissy destiny.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This depicts rape

The titular character comes to a reasonable agreement about working to repay the neighbor for repairs to a car after an accident. The driver should realistically have been more careful in a residential neighborhood to avoid pedestrians. Someone with Alex's build could have easily been a child. Instead of making good with the agreement, the neighbor forces Alex to wear clothing against his will, under threat of pressing charges, then continuously encroaches on and violates Alex, finally raping Alex by forcing him to perform oral sex on the neighbor. While you have a nice set up for an erotic story, the pay off is rape, which is not sexy at all, finally ending in forced consumption of ejaculate.

Ideas for revision are that Alex works late and gets so dirty and tired that the neighbor offers to have him take a shower and stay over for dinner. Alex then has his clothes washed and is offered the daughter's clothing to wear. Then he enjoys the meal and is relaxing on the sofa, having a drink, and begins to feel sleepy. The neighbor carries him to a bed, and Alex wakes refreshed the next morning, surprised to see himself looking like a girl. He is tasked with making breakfast for himself and the neighbor, and afterward, has to wash the dishes. Dropping one, Alex finds himself crying a bit. The neighbor soothes him and as he relaxes in the neighbor's strong arms, and consensual sexytimes unfold from there.

mouthfkmouthfkover 7 years ago
Very Good Start

Loved how descriptive you were and it was very erotic

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
A Part 2?

I want to see Alex's transformation, and how feminine will he be for Mr. Nelson. My fantasy is to have a man like him transform me into his trophy girl with blonde hair, and nice big tits (That my body would allow me to get) to be his kept girl.

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