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Alex's Suntan

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A threesome on the beach.
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We had been pottering about in the garden all morning and it was time for a drink. We decided to go just a little further afield than our "local" and ended up in a old seafront pub a few miles away. As we drove into the car park Alex spotted a table in a sunny corner of the garden so she dashed off to claim the table whilst I went inside to get our drinks. Going into the dark bar straight out of the sunshine, it took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. As I ordered our drinks I realised that I was being hailed from a seat behind me. I turned to find Neil, an old friend that we had not seen for many months. Naturally I invited him to join us at the table outside.

Alex was as surprised to see Neil as I had been as the pub was not one of his usual haunts either. We embarked on a "catching up" session. Neil had been globe trotting, whilst we had remained in sunny Cornwall. After some time Neil remarked on Alex's tan. Whereas I just burn, Alex's skin takes on a beautiful bronze hue. Our garden has a private spot, just big enough for one person to lie out nude and catch the rays and so I knew that Alex was bronzed all over. Having just come from the garden Alex was somewhat skimpily dressed, albeit quite respectfully for summer. I joked that Neil should see the few parts that we covered up! Neil responded "I would love to!"

Perhaps it was the effects of the sun and the drink but to our surprise, Alex answered "Well, that can be arranged!"

I though that she was also joking. Another round of drinks came and went and it was time to leave. As we moved off Neil asked "How about that private viewing?"

It took a moment before we remembered what he was talking about. Alex glanced to me for a lead, "I think that it's a bit too public here" I said. Neil looked so crestfallen!

Alex looked at Neil, then at me and said "How about the cove?" The cove is just a little way along the coast and is an unofficial nudist beach. Even though it is quite hard to get to it can be quite busy in the tourist season but that was a few weeks away. There was no stopping now.

We drove off in convoy to the nearest parking place to the cove. As we went I asked Alex if she was sure about it. She said that "it was only skin after all."

"Well I'm not getting myself burnt" I commented.

"That's OK, you can sit in the shade while I top up my tan." And so it was agreed.

The glove compartment of my car is an Aladdin's cave of 'things that will be useful' fortunately this included my sun glasses, an old, half read paperback and a tube of sun block. I wrapped these in the car-blanket after we parked. The three of us scrambled down the cliff and found that the cove was deserted. We selected a suitable spot, with a shady corner for me, and a hot stretch of sand for Alex and Neil. Both Alex and I had been on nudist beaches before so with no embarrassment we stripped off. I don't know if Neil had been on such a beach before or not, he seemed a little shy. This did not stop him from rapidly taking his clothes off, but for some reason he kept his back to us. As it turned out, he was already a little tanned, but his bum was very white, perhaps not nude sunbathing then.

I unrolled the blanket in my shady corner and was about to park my pale body on it. Alex had other ideas, she snatched the blanket and laid it out in the sun. Whilst she settled herself down Neil was taking the opportunity to admire her body. Alex is slim, fit and has long blonde hair, with her all-over tan she looked gorgeous. Having sorted out her blanket, she gave Neil a long look. Particularly those white parts. Having been admiring Alex's body, there seemed to be rather more of those white parts than when he had first stripped off.

"You don't want to get burnt" she said to Neil, "Come and lie on the blanket and I'll rub some oil in."

Neil duly lay down on the blanket on his back, however Alex instructed him to turn over. She knelt beside him, poured a little oil onto her hands and began rubbing it into the small of his back, an inch or so above the tan mark. She took her time, gently and slowly working her way down over his buttocks and thighs, until eventually she decided that that side was done.

"Roll over" she commanded. It was evident that Neil had enjoyed her administrations!

Alex grinned at Neil's Cock, pointing towards the sun. "Now, you don't want to get that burnt" she said and taking some more oil into her hands began to rub it in.

To Neil's disappointment she started with his belly, working the oil into him. She rubbed it in carefully and slowly all over his white patch, but she got not a drop onto his throbbing cock. Until at last she could no longer resist and took his manhood in her hands. I heard Neil sigh, "Oh yes!" But a few gentle caresses was all he got.

"I don't want to get burnt either" Alex told him. "Would you like to put some oil on me" she asked.

Neil didn't need to be asked twice! Alex took his place on the towel, lying down on her back and stretching out. Neil took a handful of oil and reached straight for her breasts. But Alex was not giving him the goodies straight off. "You can start with my toes." She said and Neil duly took up position, sitting at her feet.

With remarkable restraint, Neil began to work the oil into Alex's toes and feet. Then up her shins. When he got to her knees Alex parted her legs a little. And as Neil worked his way up she spread her legs wider apart. Oil was now being applied to Alex's thighs. As Neil reached the top of her legs he moved up to kneel between her knees in order to reach further.

Seeing them in this obvious pre-sexual position I began to wonder how far Alex was going to let Neil go. But I thought "If' she's happy, I'm happy" and I settled back to watch how thing would play out.

Perhaps Neil was taking his cue from Alex's administration on him, whilst rubbing the oil in all around, he careful missed her pubic mound. He seemed to take a long time on her belly. Perhaps he was nervous as to how she would react when he finally reached up and began to caress her breasts. He need not have worried. From the smile on her face Alex was quite happy!

If I had thought that he had taken a long time over her belly, he took forever with her breasts. He caressed her very, very lightly, barely touching her at first, leaving just a film of oil as he explored her curves. Even from the distance that I was sitting at, I could see Alex's nipples react, projecting forwards to meet his hands. Neil became bolder, fondling Alex's breasts with relish. He lingered long over those divine mounds of love before he reached up further to her shoulders. At this point he was stretched right over Alex, if it wasn't for his hands on her shoulders he would have fallen on his face.

Alex's eyes were closed as she first arched her back, forcing her breasts on to Neil's chest. She relaxed again then raised her hips, her pubic hair came into contact with Neil's rampant cock and all pretence was over.

He lowered his body onto hers and began to push down and forward with his hips, seeking the right angle to enter her. It didn't take long to find. I watched as Neil's hips moved forward with purpose. He must have fully embedded himself into her with the first thrust. Alex's answering groan was distinctly one of pleasure. And then he stopped! Perhaps he had forgotten me, sitting in the shade. He looked towards me, his face a mixture of guilt, hope and pleading. I gave him an encouraging smile and a gesture. He looked so relieved!

For her part Alex glanced towards me, saw my gesture and gave me a big grin. She raised her legs and pulled Neil even deeper into her. There was no possibility of Neil stopping now. With gathering tempo he thrust into Alex, and she was clearly loving it. She was grunting every time that her pussy was filled with Neil's cock and gasping every time he withdrew.

Neil's movements became more jerky. He was clearly building up to his orgasm. But Alex wasn't ready for it to be over. "Stop!" she commanded.

Stunned, Neil stopped at the limit of his withdraw. The look on his face as he fought to control himself, I was amazed that he did.

Alex slid out from under Neil. "lie down" she instructed him. He flipped over and lay on his back. Alex stood over him, her back now towards me. She knelt down astride Neil and slowly lowered herself on to him. It was a fantastic sight. I watched entranced as Alex reached behind her for Neil's cock, positioned it and then slowly slid down, engulfing it. She lay her body down onto his, holding him in the position that she wanted.

Now Alex was in control. She raised her lovely arse a little, then a little more until Neil almost slid out of her. She held the position for a moment before settling right back down upon him. This pattern repeated itself a good few times. Alex fucking Neil in a calm, leisurely manner. Slowly she began to sit upright, getting as much of Neil's cock into her pussy as she could. Neil's arms moved upwards. Although I could not see, I could imagine his hand on Alex's breasts. I would have been willing to bet that they would not be quite so gentle now!

Alex changed her movements, rocking her hips forward and backwards. Faster now as she worked both of them to orgasm. Neil suddenly went rigid and Alex crashed down upon him. She threw back her head and yelled "Yessssss."

The image was spectacular. My beautiful lady sitting astride a man, body arched, head flung back whilst the waves of her orgasm rolled over her. Neil was quite still. I could imagine his cock, engorged, buried deep inside Alex, pulsing and throbbing as his cum spurted into her.

Finally Alex collapsed onto Neil. They lay there a while, getting their breath back. After a while I noticed that Neil had reached around with both hands and was gently caressing Alex's bum. "My God" I thought, "does he want more?" But no, he was quite happy just to lie there and feel her lovely arse.

Eventually they both recovered. Alex gave Neil a long kiss, they both got up, picked up the much rumpled blanket and came to sit next to me in the shade. My body seem so pale next to theirs, so tanned and flushed.

Neil asked me "John, do you really not mind?"

"Honestly Neil, it's fine" I replied, "to tell you the truth, I get a real buzz out of seeing Alex having sex with another man. I sometimes wish that she would do it more often!"

Neil looked stunned. He turned to Alex and said "Do you do it very often?"

"No" she replied, "Actually I'm very fussy about who I make love with."

"Then I'm very honoured and very grateful" said Neil.

Alex was sitting between us. If she had noticed that we had both began to stroke her thighs then she showed no sign of it. Unless it was to close her eyes and to begin to purr! Neil and I caressed our way up her thighs. As Neil continued up her belly to her breasts, I lingered between her legs, which Alex obligingly parted for me. I slipped my fingers down through her pubic hair, lingered a while over her clitoris and then slid down to her soaking pussy. Neil must have been saving it up for months, she was soaked in that divine mixture of Neil's cum and her own love juices. I could not resist. I encouraged Alex to slide down onto her back and I positioned myself between her legs. As I lowered my face down to her love nest I saw Alex and Neil begin a deep kiss, his hands still upon her breasts.

Oh, she tasted so good. I slid my tongue around her outer lips, mopping up the seepage. And then I began to explore her inner recesses. Taking my time, gently teasing her clitoris and finally worming my way into her. I felt somebody's hand on my head, I assumed that it was Alex's, pushing me further into her. Eventually I had to breathe! I lifted my head and came eye to eye with Neil's re-erected cock. Alex and Neil were still kissing passionately, and I thought, "I wonder what he will do?" And so I kissed Neil's cock, gently on the end.

He broke his kiss long enough to say "Oh, yes, go on." And returned his attention to Alex's embrace.

I have sucked a man before, but it was many years ago and I had forgotten just how good it feels. The lovely, velvety knob with the salty taste. I took the end of his cock into my mouth and ran my tongue around the end. It twitched appreciatively. I took him deeper, my lips sliding over the shaft. I sucked gently and returned so that my lips rested just under the knob-end. The hand on my head returned and this time there was no doubt that it was Neil's. Using my tongue to tickle him I took him in again as far as I could go. And back up the shaft. He seem to appreciate it best as my lips just slid over the junction of his knob and the shaft and so I concentrated on this area. Sliding my lips over it, back and forth.

Neil moved, sliding down and I was not able to go with him. Reluctantly I had to let his cock slip out of my mouth. He had moved down so that he could now kiss Alex's breast. Moving up I joined him on the other side of her. Needless to say my cock was now as erect as Neil's. He reached across Alex and took me in hand. I did the same to him. We lay there a long while. Alex content to let us kiss both of her breasts whilst Neil and I gently rubbed each others cock.

"John, for god's sake, fuck me." Alex's husky demand was irresistible.

Letting go of Neil, I moved on top of her. And in a moment was in her. Relishing the beautiful closeness of her pussy, I paused a while before I began to slowly move on her. Alex's eyes were closed and her breathing fast. I was in no rush for this to be over and so I took my time, fucking her with long slow stokes. Neil lay beside us, stroking the two of us that had become one. Time seemed to stand still in that lovely intimate embrace.

I was conscious of Neil when he moved but gave it no thought. All of my attention was focused on the face of my lovely lady. It was not until I registered him positioning himself behind me that I realised what was to come. I pushed right into Alex and held still as Neil knelt behind me and began to push forward. His hard cock seeking to enter me from behind. I jumped a bit when he found my anus, but I tried my hardest to relax and let him in. He pushed hard enough to open me and slid in. What an amazing feeling, to be in a woman and at the same time to have a man in me.

Alex opened her eyes, realised what was going on and asked me "So, how do you like it?"

I answered "I like it a lot!" and then to Neil, "go on, do it to me."

And so we began to move, me pushing myself into Alex and Neil thrusting into me. It took several moments before we got the rhythm right, but when we did it was wonderful. The three of us moving as one, giving and receiving pleasure. Alex, watching Neil over my shoulder came first. Feeling her spasms I could not hold back and erupted inside her. A second or two later, with one massive thrust, Neil rammed himself into me as far as he could and held still as his cock discharged it's second load.

I collapsed onto Alex and Neil onto me. We rolled sideways and disengaged.

Eventually, three hot and sticky people made their way into the sea for a cooling wash off. It seems such a shame that summer is so short!

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