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A couple is abducted by aliens.
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This will not be for everyone. I just took the premise and went with it where it led me.


"Damn, that was great," I say as I walk out the door and I stumble a little, but manage to catch myself on a railing.

"Yeah, you two always throw the best parties," Lyra says to Ava and Charlotte. Lyra is my girlfriend, a beautiful girl with stunning black hair, and big bountiful D-cup breasts I have spent many minutes fondling. I'm just your average guy with short dirty blonde hair and a six-inch dick.

"Are you sure you two are good to go home?" Ava asks.

"Yeah, cause me and Heidi are staying," says Stanley, "We are way too drunk to try and make it back to campus. We are going to crash here."

Heidi just shakes her head yes. She and Stanley are a couple, Stanley being my roommate, he has brown hair, and Heidi, who has black hair, is a member of the same sorority that Lyra is a part of and they both live in the house as members. I met Lyra here at our college, we were taking a lot of the same classes and we got to talking, and then soon to dating. We've been together for the past two years now and it was about halfway through the first semester of our junior year.

Ava and Charlotte are anomalies to me. Ava and Charlotte are a couple that Lyra knew from before we met. Ava has black hair and Charlotte is a redhead. They don't go to our school, but their home is nearby and they only seem to be a couple of years older than us. They also seem to be filthy rich and constantly throw these crazy ragers.

"We'll be fine," I say, "I'm here after all."

"Yeah, I've got my big, strong man to protect me," Lyra says and she puts her arms around one of mine and squeezes.

"Well, you better make sure nothing happens to her, Aaron," Charlotte says.

"You can count on me," I say and I give a salute, but can't hold it for long and start to laugh. It seems to be infectious and now all six of us are laughing. After we all calm down we say our goodbyes as they all head back inside.

As we walk the world is spinning just a little too much so we lean on each other for support. It's not terribly far to campus, but it also isn't a short walk.

"You know," I start to say, "I'm so grateful you're friends with Charlotte and Ava because now they're my friends too."

"Yeah, friends," Lyra says. Did she say that sarcastically or am I just drunk?

We keep walking, but Lyra says, "This is boring, let's play a game as we walk."

"Sure, but what game?" I say.

"How about truth or dare?" she says.

"Truth is boring, let's just stick to dare," I say.

"Okay, deal," she says, "But let's make it interesting. Loser has to go down on the winner."

"Just so I'm clear you're saying," I start to say, but she cuts me off.

"If you win I'll give you a blowjob, but if I win you'll have to eat me out," she says.

"I like it. I'm in," I say.

"Great, I'll start. I dare you to shout out loud that you love cock," she says.

I look around at the empty street we are on. Ava and Charlotte's place was a short walk to a street lined with shops and apartment buildings. It was late at night and practically no one was around.

"Easy. I love cock!" I shout, "Now I dare you to yell I love pussy."

"Fine," she says, "I love pussy!"

"I love cock!" I yell again.

"I love pussy!" she yells again.

We both then start laughing like idiots.

"God, we're such children," she says. She then seems to notice something. She goes over to one of those street trash cans and sticks her hand in it and pulls out a beer can. She shakes it a bit and it's clear there is still a good amount of beer in it.

"I dare you to chug this," she says.

I grab the can from here. With almost no hesitation I bring the can to my lips and chug it. I look back at her and there is a look of complete disgust on her face.

"You have no idea where that was or who was drinking it!" she says.

"So?" I say back.

She laughs and says, "You're disgusting."

"We'll see who's disgusting," I say as we pass an alley, "I dare you to lick that alley wall."

She goes right over to it, sticks her tongue out, and then presses it against the wall of that filthy alley and gives it a great big lick.

"And you call me disgusting," I say, "That was way worse."

"It tasted bad too," she says then laughs.

She looks back to the street and sees one of those gutter holes the rain goes through. "I dare you to go into the street and pee in that."

I walk over to it and pull my pants down, all the way down so my butt is sticking out and just let it all out. When I'm done I pull my pants back up and walk over to her. She is laughing her ass off.

"Ah," I say, "That felt good."

"You didn't have to pull your pants all the way down," she says.

"Come on, we both know the world loves to see my ass," I say and laugh.

"You idiot," she says, but she laughs too.

"Okay, my turn," I say, "How about you go in that alley there and pee out your name."

"Don't think I can do it?" she says, "It may be harder for girls, it takes a bit more effort, but we can do it."

She walks further down the alley and pulls her pants and panties off and places them nearby. She then proceeds to pee moving so that she spells out Lyra. After she's done she gives me a smirk and then puts her clothes back on.

"Impressive," I say.

"Told you I could do it," she says.

We start walking down the street again. We pass some kind of store and she seems excited to see that despite how late it is the store is still open. "Wait here," she says and she quickly heads into the store. I'm only waiting for a couple of minutes before she comes back out, something clutched in her hands behind her back.

"I dare you to put this on and keep it on the rest of the night," she says and reveals she's holding a pair of frilly pink panties.

I grab them and say, "If you think I won't swallow my pride to get a blowjob, you're damn wrong."

We walk forward a bit and I duck down an alley and remove my pants and my boxers. I slide the panties up my legs. My dick and balls don't fit nicely in the panties, but the panties are nice and soft. I put my pants back on. My girlfriend comes over and grabs my boxers before I can and throws them into a nearby dumpster.

"Hey!" I shout.

"I just wanted to make sure you had no choice but to stay in them," she says and laughs.

"Whatever," I say. We keep walking and arrive at this back alley. I've been down this alley before, it's a shortcut back to our campus. Lyra's probably been down it plenty of times before too, but never in the middle of the night. A devious idea enters my mind.

"I dare you to walk down this alley naked," I tell her.

"With you right next to me?" she asks.

"Nope," I say, "I'll stay right here. When you reach the end of the alley, just wait for me."

She looks down the dark foreboding alley. She seems to consider her options. Then she says, "Nope. I'm too scared. You win."

"Yes!" I scream. I can't wait until we get back to campus and she delivers that blowjob. We start to walk down the alley as I ride the high of my victory and impending reward.


What was that? Sounded like some sort of weird buzzing.


There it was again, but louder. "You hear that?" I ask.

"I'm scared enough the way it is," Lyra says, "Stop trying to freak me out."

"No, I'm serious," I say.


"Wait, I hear it now," she says.

"See," I say.

"What is it?" she asks.

"I have no id-" I try to walk forward, but my foot doesn't hit the ground. I look down and see I'm starting to float upwards. I look at Lyra and she's right next to me floating too. She grabs onto me, clearly scared. I look up and what can only be a UFO is above us. It is using some kind of tractor beam to lift us up.

"What do we do?!" Lyra yells.

"Don't panic," I try to say.

"Don't panic?!?" she shouts, "We're being abducted by aliens! If there was ever a time to panic it would be now!"

"Maybe they're friendly," I say hopefully.

"Or maybe they want to dissect us," she says.

"I hope you're wrong," I say. We make it to the top and as we float into the saucer the hatch we came in closes beneath our feet and then we land roughly on the now-closed hatch. I look around at our surroundings. We are in some kind of circular room. Surrounding us on all sides are opaque walls. On the ceiling is some sort of large laser gun-looking thing.

I hear voices from the other side of the glass. It's a strange language, like nothing I've ever heard, sounds are made that I doubt a human could ever mimic. Then before I have any time to react the gun swivels and aims at Lyra and then it fires. A red beam shoots out at her and she disintegrates into dust. The hand I had been holding was just gone. I stared at the dust pile in shock. As I stare unable to move some sort of hose comes out of the ceiling and sucks up the dust that was Lyra.

"LYRA!" I shout and then I make a loud wailing noise, one I didn't know a human could make. I hear a noise above me. The gun has swiveled to aim at me. I don't move. My love is dead. I don't want to live in a world without her. So I wait for the gun to aim at me and kill me. It shoots out its red beam and then there is nothing but darkness.


I feel strange. I'm so tired. I try to open my eyes, but I can't. I try to move my legs and arms, but I can't. I feel so weak. Did the gun only knock me unconscious? Why did they keep me alive and not Lyra? Did they want me for some purpose?

"The experiment seems to have been a complete success," something is speaking in that strange language from before, but now I can completely understand it as if they were speaking English.

"If it worked on these primitive lifeforms then it could work on any species," one of the aliens says.

"Too bad we had to do it illegally," another says.

"Well at least no one will know about it," the first one says, "This is just some random backwater planet. Our proprietary technology will go unnoticed."

"Now we just need to properly reconfigure the subjects," one says.

"Okay, I know how they looked before," one says.

No one talks for a bit and I feel strange.

"No, no, no," one says, "You've got it all wrong."

"What do you mean?" the other says.

"I was doing some research and came across this," it says, I guess it's showing the other one something.

"Oh," the other one says.

"So it's more like this," it says,

"Oh, I thought they were like this," the other says.

"No, they clearly both had this, so it's like this," it says, "And if that's like this then the whole thing is like this."

"That makes sense," the other says.

During this whole conversation, I kept feeling that strange weird feeling again. By the end of the conversation, it went away.

"There," it says, "They're both as we found them."

"I'm still not sure, but I trust you," the other says.

"Where did we pick them up again?" it asks.

"I thought it was here," the other says.

"Yeah, you're right," it says.

Whatever energy I had that was keeping me awake seemed to be used up and I fainted again.


I wake up again, but this time I feel much better. I can easily open my eyes this time. It's daylight out and I look around. I appear to be in an alley, though I'm positive it is not the one we were abducted from. To my great surprise and joy, I see Lyra unconscious next to me. I grab her and give her a strong hug, tears flowing down my face uncontrollably. I thought she was dead and I was just so happy to see her.

She seems to wake as I hold her. I don't let go though. She seems confused and then tries to pull me off her. I don't want to hurt her and let her push me off. She looks at me with nothing but pure confusion.

"Who are you?" she asks.

Now I'm the one confused, "What do you me-" I cut myself off and bring my hand to my mouth. My voice sounds weird, it's much higher pitched. I then look at the hand I brought to my mouth. It doesn't look like my hand. It's much more delicate and soft looking and has no hair on it. I look at it intensely.

"Wait," Lyra says, "Aaron?"

"Yes?" I say back, worried.

"You're a woman!" she says.

I look at the rest of me. I'm still wearing the same clothes I had on before we were abducted, but they aren't fitting me very well. My shirt was too long and I could clearly see the outline of breasts beneath it. I tried to stand up, but my pants almost immediately began to fall off as I now had a much smaller waist. I held them up with my other hand, but I was able to tell that both my arms and legs were like my hands, dainty and small. I decided to screw it and let my pants drop. It revealed that I was still wearing the pink frilly panties, but now they seemed to fit much nicer and there was no bulge anymore. I reached into them to confirm and my fingers brushed past my new sensitive pussy lips. As I turned to look back at Lyra I could feel my now much longer hair swaying around.

I was freaking out, "What do we do? I can't be a woman!"

"Calm down," Lyra says, "We first need to figure things out and get our bearings. What's the last thing you remember?"

"Well first you disintegrated and I thought you died," I say, "Then I was hit by the same beam. Then I woke up, but couldn't open my eyes and the aliens were talking and Oh my god!"

"What?" she asks.

"I figured it out," I say, I finally pieced everything together, "The aliens were confused. They thought since we were both wearing panties, we must both be women."

"A bunch of stupid aliens," she says.

I was still freaking out though, "I-I don't have any I.D. This woman I've become doesn't exist. And what about my life? No one will believe I was abducted by aliens and changed into a woman. I can't finish college now." I was starting to hyperventilate.

Lyra grabbed my face in her hands and looked me in the eyes, "Look I know things are bad, but right now we just need to focus on one thing at a time. In order to do that I need you to calm down, okay?"

"Okay," I say, "I'm calm."

"Good," she says, "We still seem to have our phones."

I touch my pocket and realize she is right. I check it. It's dead. "Mine's dead," I tell her.

"Mine too," she says, "That being the case the next thing we should do is figure out where we are because they did not leave us where they took us."

"They really were stupid aliens," I say.

We start walking and Lyra says, "After we figure out where we are we should head to my sorority house. We can figure things out from there."

"I guess that's a good enough plan for now," I say.

We start walking and I have to constantly adjust my pants to stop them from falling down, but we eventually enter a busier place. People are moving about their day. Nearby I hear some woman yelling something in Spanish. She was yelling about some person bothering her. We keep walking and I see a woman walking down the street. I motion to Lyra that we should talk to her to see where we are. We walk up to her and she seems a little surprised, but calm. It still feels too weird for me to talk in my new body and before I can work up the courage Lyra talks.

"Hi, I don't mean to bother you, but we are lost and don't know where we are," she says, "Can you help us?"

"No entiendo lo que estás diciendo," the woman says.

"Wait I understood that," I say, "She said she doesn't understand what you said." Now that I think about it, I also understood what that other woman was shouting. I'm not sure how considering I don't know Spanish.

"I understood it too," says Lyra, "I've also realized something else." Then Lyra repeats her original statement, but this time in perfect Spanish.

The woman responds back in Spanish still, but I understand it. She says that we are still in the same city, just that we are in the more Hispanic part of town. All we need to do is walk a few more blocks and we'll arrive at a bus stop that can take us back to our University. In Spanish, we both thank her for her help and we start walking towards the bus station.

"Do you understand what's happening?" I ask Lyra, "I couldn't speak or understand Spanish before and I don't think you could either."

"You're right, I couldn't," she says, "I've been thinking. You said that you overheard the aliens speaking before they shot us and you couldn't understand them, but later you said you could. And now we both understand and fluently speak Spanish. What if that's what the aliens did to us."

I was starting to piece more of what the aliens said together, "They did mention that whatever they did to us was a success and that they could use it on other species. It's like they gave us a sort of universal translator. Not only can we understand any language, but we can speak it too."

"Including alien ones," Lyra says, "That's so cool."

"Maybe for you, but I had to pay the price of being turned female to get it," I say.

"A small price to pay in my opinion," Lyra says. I turn to argue, but she just gives me a mischievous grin, as if to say she's just joking. I appreciate her trying to keep the mood light so I just force a small chuckle and decide arguing is a waste of time.

At the bus stop, we don't have to wait long before one arrives. Luckily for us, there are public phone chargers on the bus so we both can charge our phones. Once a little power is in mine I can see that there are tons of missed calls and texts, mostly from our friends. Lyra seems to have the same issue. I then realize that the date is different and it's now five days later. The last text I received was from around twenty hours ago saying that if we don't answer in the next twenty-four hours, they'll file a missing person's report on us. I don't waste any time and respond to this in our group chat. This group chat consists of me, Lyra, Stanley, Charlotte, Ava, and Heidi. I text them that while we are not fine we are not in any immediate danger. I get several responses from them that are all a variation of Thank goodness, but what do you mean you aren't fine. I just text back that it's complicated and I ask if we can all meet up at Ava and Charlotte's house. They all agree and we stay on the bus until it drops us off close to their house. We arrive at their house and it seems like Stanley and Heidi aren't there yet.

"Let me go inside and explain at least the bare minimum so they'll understand your appearance," Lyra says.

"That sounds like a good idea," I say.

Lyra enters the house and I hear the sounds of hugs and people being genuinely happy to see her. This is followed by the sound of voices, but I can't make out what's being said. A few minutes go by while I wait outside. Then Lyra comes to the door and beckons me inside. I follow her into the house. We walk to the couple's living room where I see them sitting on a couch. They get up when they see me.

"Wow," Charlotte says, "You weren't kidding. She looks like she could be Aaron's sister. She's so pretty."

I blush when I hear this, but then get angry at myself for that. Why should I care if she calls me pretty? I don't want to be a girl.

Ava walks closer to me and says, "Damn. She is hot. Never knew you would make such a good woman, Aaron."

"Sh-shut up," I say, blushing even harder, "It's not like I wanted this."

"Either way," Ava says and she looks at me with a kind of strong lust in her eyes, "You are beautiful."

Lyra grabs me and holds me close to her, "Back off. He's still my boyfriend, or I guess she's my girlfriend now. Either way, she's mine."

I like how possessive she's being. It's always nice to feel wanted.

"Stop it, Ava," Charlotte says, "Sorry, she always gets like this when she sees someone she likes. You have no idea how many times this has caused a threesome."

"What?" I say and I even notice Lyra averting her eyes. I can't help, but let my imagination run wild as I imagine all three of them together, naked, and pleasuring each other. I start to feel a warm feeling from my crotch."pillow humping""literotica futanari""literotica daughter"lyricsmaster sister and mom rapeMil literotica"first time anal stories""incest sex stories"pornfuntall sophie literotica lonely Granpa flashes his big hardcock to his teasing incest storiesIncest or taboo sex stories:backseatliterotic cruise wife boss bdsm You're going to "let me fuck you""sir render" asstr Sibling rivalryIncest Sloppy seconds erotic storiesliterotiva"literotica femdom"Uncle jack visit ch.04 porn literatureloteroti peepingdoomywife2 all novel"taboo sex stories"Poo eating literioca storiesSali ke sath sex karna hai lagaiye"shh relax" literotica club drugged finger labialiteroticdescent into debauchery niccifrat bro given to sorority literoicathreesome storyLitrotica nonconsent tongue cervixcamping with momma-literiticaLong family Roadtrip incest stories 3foregin exchange cheating literotica"naked on stage"cervix cock womb literoticaமகனை காப்பாற்றிய அம்மா tamil sex storiesjizzed in pants literotucaSeduce grandfather storiestaboo bbw mom storiesFree exotic 69 literotica sex stories"literotica audio""kim kardashian porn"Daughter wearing tight shorts incest storiestaboo stories literortica"intimate family" randomauthorA day to remember literoica/s/our-mother-my-slut"literotica text with audio"literotica audio m4m""Yeah, that's nice," groaned Danny as Sylvia feasted on his testicles"asstr ped breeding slave"grandma sex stories"literotica author Hfc2804Naive teacher of winston, sex storieslyricsmaster seit lieb zu einanderslutwives"bdsm fiction""literotica incest""literotica lactation"liferoticaowengreybeard hookToutes les anciennes histoires de non consentement de literoticamom son reunion taboo sexstoriesA day to remember literoica"literotica mother in law""literotica babysitter""literotica incest"Dharma11 wifeloversliterotica emera"literotica incest"fiance fucked like a slut storyliteroyica wife exposedprison latex gloves literotica bend male escort hunglyricsmaster mom son robberpreachers daughter is a slut literoticialiterotcaLong family Roadtrip incest stories 3"wife sex stories"litirotica