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Alison Brie: Right Place, Right Time

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Training hard with Alison Brie has its upsides.
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This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

Working out with Alison Brie was always enjoyable but very hard work and they both had to give their all every session, ending them exhausted and sweaty. Filming for GLOW was coming up fast and they were working on getting their moves worked out, practicing and perfecting them before the actual shoot. Alison had been working hard in the gym as she always did to get into her best physical shape for this so she had the strength and fitness to perform as required and now they were training to get the actual moves done right, delivering both technically and safely. After their initial introduction to the routines to outline the key points of safety and technique they needed, stepped up in intensity and intricacy from the previous series, Alison and her co-stars went to work practicing them, with the lovely brunette working with him primarily to relentlessly perfect her physical moves. Right now they were laid out on the mats after another session, both breathing hard, glistening with sweat, Alison pulling herself into a sitting position.

"Want to go again?" she asked, glancing back to the ropes. It was late on a Friday and everyone else had called it on their training for the night, leaving just Alison and her partner Rob to keep going, wanting to be perfect with everything.

"Sure," he said, pulling himself up with a deep breath and a stretch as Alison went back to the ropes to climb the corner once more. They were working on a superplex off the top rope, a version of a fairly typical vertical suplex but with so much more energy and pace as they swung down from the corner. Alison was the one being suplexed, sitting on top of the corner with her feet on the second rope as he stepped up onto the ropes with her and locked her into the hold. It was a move she was going to get given on the next season by co-star Betty Gilpin, the star of the show as the face with Alison as the heel, Liberty Bell dominating her Soviet opponent Zoya as they grappled for the title on the show GLOW. With Alison in the hold they both checked and approved their position, that he wasn't going to break her neck as they swung or anything before they tightened their grip and went for it, Alison throwing her strong, slender body in to the move as he swung her over from the top rope, feet spinning up and over as he flipped her body through the arc and slammed her down onto the ring, landing loudly on the mats as the ring shook in another well delivered move.

"Fantastic," she said, rolling over and kneeling up, really feeling like they had it.

"Yeah going great, you're nailing this. Want to do it again?" he said as he stood up, offering a hand to Alison.

"Sure, I want it perfect. You happy to work late? Time's going on a bit," she said, glancing to the clock. He rarely wanted to work with her late on a Friday, nobody did, she rarely did but right now she had to get these moves down pat.

"No problem, not like I have anywhere to be," he commented as they reset. Alison caught a little edge to his voice, like it wasn't just an off-hand comment.

"No? Got nothing planned or anything?" she said as she climbed the ropes and waited for him to get up with her.

"No nothing, just gonna be a chilled weekend I guess, it's been one of those weeks," he said as he carefully bound her up again, interlocking with the gorgeous Californian before they made their checks again.

"Yeah? What's up?" she said, before taking a breath and concentrating for another superplex, swinging over again and down onto the mats with a characteristic thump.

"Just been lots of things this week you know? We're busy here doing this, which is great but it doesn't leave me a lot of time for anything else. I'm still single and this week it just seems like it's been one thing after another," he said, taking a breath and wiping the sweat from his brow.

"It happens, what's come up?" she asked, wiping her own forehead with the bottom of her shirt to give him a glance of her toned tummy.

"Oh you know just...stuff. Had to spend a load of money on paperwork stuff for my apartment, nothing fun sadly, blew a tyre on my car so that was another expense and then I caught my favourite watch on something and cracked the screen. Nothing huge but just all gets to you, just all seems to come at once," he said, standing up again.

"Bad things come in threes," she commented with a slight smile.

"I guess so, just...feels like it's piling up you know? I'll probably walk out of here, trip over and land on my phone to give myself another huge bill," he said, gesturing to nothing with a slight laugh Alison's chilled attitude getting to him, helping him relax a bit from it. It had been a tough week though and he just wanted a bit of time to relax and reset this weekend, a few beers and to just chill out for a while.

"Oh no, then you won't be able to get any more bad news for a while," Alison smiled with a wink, turning to bounce off the rope and run a few lengths across the ring.

"I guess not," he smiled, stepping into her line and pulling her swiftly up into a gorilla press slam, his hand pushing into her chest and cupping her pussy through her skintight leggings as he lifted her. Alison saw their well-practiced move a mile off and threw herself into it, helping him lift and press the delectable five-foot-three, 110-pound Californian over his head at arms length, delaying her sweep for a moment as he stepped away from the mat and then swung her over, Alison curling perfectly to drop flat down on her back on the thick mat as he hurled her down dramatically for the non-existent audience.

"Well hey, you don't need to take it out on me," she said with a smile and flick of her eyebrows, looking up from the mat as if nothing had happened.

"You got it," he said with a laugh, loving how cute and fun Alison was, always able to bring a smile to his face as he helped her up. They kept on going, moving on from the superplex to a diving tornado DDT; it was all corner and rope work they were doing, the aerial moves being the most athletic and taking maximum training. Everything happened faster and with so much more energy that getting it right was absolutely key, especially with moves like the DDT. Alison had to dive from the top rope to take hold with a headlock and then spin round and drive into the mat with her opponent, in this case Rob but during filming it would be any one of the other girls. They were training as well and eventually they would be training together, but first off they had to learn how to safely perform the move with their experienced trainers.

"You ready for this?" Alison said, glancing back and catching him eyeing her toned ass through her skintight black leggings. She was wearing workout gear, her three-quarter length leggings over some smooth, seamless cotton panties with a snug black sports bra under a grey cut-out tank top, nothing fancy but it did give a look at her body which was in peak condition right now. With all the training she was in the shape of her life and loved the attention she got for it, even if this was a professional relationship.

"Sure, done it a thousand times," he replied as she climbed up and turned to sit on the top of the turnbuckle, feet on the second rope.

"I'm still learning this, so anything could happen," she smiled, steadying herself.

"I'm ready for anything, just give it your best shot," he said, getting in a solid stance ready to catch the slender actress. They'd already practiced this move a bit and done the initial jump and headlock, practicing that endlessly to avoid any potential neck injuries to her opponent. With that in place, it was time for Alison to practice the body swing, moving with him to rapidly spin him around ready for the drive into the mat. She braced herself, calm and concentrated as she remembered in detail everything she had learned about the start of the move, every little thing to deliver it safely. He was ready for her as she launched off the top rope, not tentative or cautious, going straight for it with fervour and energy as she knew she had to. It took commitment to get it right and she was giving her all, throwing her slender body towards him where he caught her effortlessly, hands at her hips as her right arm went around his head and her left arm went under his to grab the back of his shoulder so she could spin him. It was a good start, but they didn't follow through into the spin, taking a few goes just to make sure the first part still worked.

"Good job," he said as he lowered Alison down to the canvas, dropping the dainty Californian onto her feet. She immediately climbed back up the corner to reset, him getting in place once more for the first of several more runs of the initial grapple, making sure it was still perfect before they moved on. She was spot on every time, absolutely nailing it and remembering everything they'd practiced perfectly.

"Ok you ready to go for the next stage?" he said as she took a breath and climbed back up the ropes again, sitting on the top.

"Yeah I'm ready," she said, stretching a little.

"Ok remember here don't yank my neck as you do this. I'm gonna work with you, use your other hand to help pull my body round. So just do what you've been doing with a bit of rotation, throw yourself into the spin almost and I'll take care of the rest. This is a combined effort here," he said, noting how Alison listened intently. The gorgeous brunette took it in and nodded, getting ready to go for it, spurring him into readiness for her. They weren't going practice the actual DDT drive into the mat yet, just the spin and Alison launched herself from the corner onto him, landing the neck grip perfectly, her hand grabbing his body again as he supported her and throwing the motion into it now to spin him. Her hand slipped off him, having not go a proper grip on him as she reached under his arm, meaning she jerked away from him and awkwardly wrenched at his neck as he turned with her, the slight actress giving a yelp of surprise and momentary panic as they swung around. He immediately turned faster to stop her yanking heavily at her neck and took physical control of her, guiding her body down by her curvy hips to drop her carefully to the mat.

"Sorry, sorry," she said as he let her go, raising her hands helplessly as he stood up and rolled his neck slowly, stretching out.

"It's ok, don't worry," he said, and it was. Just another day of practicing wrestling. He had the muscle to support him so there was no problem, she was far more concerned than him.

"I'm sorry, this is new, I screwed that up," she said.

"That's why we're here practicing. Get back up there," he said, pointing her to the corner. She smiled and climbed back up the ropes, turning round and resetting her position.

"Ready?" he asked as she settled her feet and focussed.

"Ready," she confirmed, looking him in the eyes.

"When you're ready," he said, waiting to receive her delectable feminine weight. The brunette focused, wiggling her hips a moment before she leapt from the ropes once more, straight onto him for the headlock with practiced ease, hooking her arm much more powerfully under his and grabbing his shirt, committing successfully to the move as she threw her body to the right and pulled him round, not wrenching at his neck this time as he turned with her and then lowered her body.

"Excellent, that was spot on," he said as she gave a beaming smile.

"Great, really got that grip this time," she agreed.

"Yeah, that's the key. Now let's practice it four hundred more times," he said with a smile as he pointed back to the corner. Alison gave a playfully defeated sag, scuffing her feet and delaying her move back to the ropes.

"Oh can't we just go home," she pouted even as she climbed back up the corner.

"Hey this was your idea, to spend your Friday night with me," he said with a smiling shrug.

"I know, I figured you could use the company," she said teasingly with a flick of her eyebrow before she concentrated and performed the move again, getting it mostly right but rolling on his shoulder with the attempted turn again.

"It's tough to meet people when you move around so much, this job is pretty mobile," he said, putting her down so she could immediately reset.

"You need to find another stunt performer, someone that could come with you and understand the lifestyle," she said, pausing for a deep breath before climbing the ropes once more.

"I guess so, that'll take time though. For now I'll focus on you, let's get this right," he said, Alison laughing slightly and then diving towards him again. They continued working out, repeating the move again and again to try and perfect it until they were both tired, Alison feeling the ache in her core muscles from twisting her body.

"Let's leave it there, I've had enough," she said, giving a slow sigh and stretching tiredly.

"Sure, we've had a good session tonight, we'll continue it next week," he said as they started stretching out to warm down. There was no masseuse to do it for them so they needed to take care to stretch out properly before calling it quits.

"So how you we go out for a drink tonight?" she said as he stretched beside her.

"A drink?" he said, a little taken aback.

"Sure, a drink...or four," she said with a giggle.

"Yeah, that'd be great if you want to, if I'm not keeping you from anything," he said, since he genuinely didn't want to inconvenience her.

"No I was just gonna kick back and relax anyway, it's been a tough week and I just want to unwind a bit before next week," she replied.

"Well sounds good, I need to grab some better clothes though," he said, since he'd only worn casual stuff.

"Sure, we both need to go grab something better, I'm not exactly going out like this!" she laughed, glancing down at her snug workout clothing. They finished their workout with idle chat and made plans to meet at a local bar in an hour or so, giving them both enough time to get home and freshen up. He got back to his apartment and took a shower, relieved to get fresh after a long warm day of working out with the girls of GLOW. The warmth in California didn't help when working out physically in a warehouse studio all day with just a few open windows and some fans to keep everyone cool. He got showered and shaved, drying himself off as he glanced at the time, realising he only had about half an hour to go and meet Alison. He gave himself a chance to cool down before wasting no more time in dressing in a casual black shirt and jeans, spraying on some aftershave and heading out to meet her, the bar in question a quick cab ride away, walking to the main road to flag one down and heading to meet her.

He didn't know if she'd stand him up or something, she didn't seem like the type and they had a great relationship but he couldn't be sure. His doubts were proven unfounded as when he arrived she was already waiting by the bar, drink in front of her, looking up with a beaming smile as he walked in to greet her. She was dressed casually in low kitten heels and a simple blue dress, skimming just above her knees to show off her silky legs, toned figure evident as it wrapped just snugly enough around her.

"Hey sorry I'm late, I had to get a cab and everything," he said, glancing to his watch and realising he was the better part of ten minutes late.

"Not good form, being late to a date," she teased as the bartender sidled up, sensing a sale.

"We can't all afford to live in the posh neighbourhoods," he smiled as he turned to the bartender.

"Hey, can I just get a Budweiser please?" he asked, proffering a bill.

"Sure thing man," the guy said, grabbing a cold one and popping the cap off, standing the perspiring bottle on the bar as he took the money. Rob took a good draw on it with a sigh of satisfaction.

"I dunno, pretty weak defence," she smiled, sipping her cocktail, something orange and fruity.

"Huh?" he said, momentarily lost.

"The distance, you being late because you had to get a cab, pretty weak excuse to stand me up," she said with a smile and flick of her eyebrows.

"Hey if this was date I'd definitely have been on time," he said, nodding to the bartender as he took his change.

"Oh really?" she asked, raising her eyebrows as she glanced around for a table. It wasn't late yet and not busy, easily able to find a secluded booth for them to tuck away in.

"Absolutely, no way I'd mess that up," he said, glancing down at her ass before she looked back at him.


"Nope, always on time for dates, it's good to be punctual," he said as they say down, sliding across the leather opposite each other.

"Oh so I'm just a casual, on-the-side friend, show up when you like huh?" she said, playfully acting offended.

"Exactly," he said with a smile, lifting his bottle to tip it to her before he took another drink. She laughed and drank her wine, looking around at the bar.

"What do you think all these people have been doing this week?" she said, gesturing past him at the moderately busy bar behind him, her big blue eyes scanning across the people chatting and socialising. He turned in his seat and checked out everyone out for their Friday night, knowing things were barely getting started. He was glad they were all full of energy and ready to go, after their week training he was looking forward to taking it easy.

"A mix of everything I guess. Probably an office job, personal trainer, assistant director...I dunno, pornstar," he said with a smile, looking back to Alison.

"Pornstar?" she said with surprise, louder than she intended as she craned to look past him at the crowd as if some well known performer was going to be standing there.

"Gotcha," he said.

"Not that I know who any porn stars are of course," she said with a sly look as she sipped her wine.

"No, I'm sure you don't," he replied with a smile, knowing she couldn't be as innocent as her fantastic, bubbly demeanour let on.

"She could definitely be one though," she murmured, flicking her eyebrows towards the people behind him, making him carefully take a glance to who she indicated. It was a petite blonde girl with a lovely figure, some great tits and a low cut top on, hair bleached and wearing a very short skirt.

"She could, though a lot could. All it takes is a phone now after all," he mused, draining his beer. It went down too easily on a warm night like this.

"I guess so, everyone's a star now, people get discovered in an instant now it seems," she said.

"They do, they also fade in an instant," he added.

"True," she nodded through a mouthful of wine, draining her glass, "you want another?" she offered.

"Yeah please," he said as Alison slid from the seat and swept his bottle away, standing it on the bar as she refreshed their drinks. He quickly checked his phone; nothing had come through apart from some random email so he made sure it was on silent and slid it back into his pocket as she returned to the table, standing his beer down before she slipped in opposite him.

"A warm day like this, nothing beats a nice cold drink," she said as she sipped her white wine. He took a corresponding drink of his beer, agreeing that it was definitely what they needed on a night like this.

"I didn't think you drunk much now? I thought you were all about the workout and diet for this show, really get in peak shape," he said, clenching his fists idly.

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