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Alistaire Too Ch. 02: Bridget & Petra

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Bridget and her ambiguously lesbian girlfriend.
18.3k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/17/2023
Created 06/02/2022
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The story of Al becoming Alistaire was such a big hit, I decided to go ahead and write a sequel series with all the ideas I had but never used in the original. While these tales are presented in the order in which they end, the early portions of each may overlap.

I'd like to make a special shout out to the readers and commenters who responded so wonderfully to Alistaire's first cycle. His further adventures are dedicated to you.




"So Bridget," Ben asked casually. We were in a brief pause while I went through some notes. I was Dungeon Mastering our usual Sunday D&D session. With only a month to go until graduation, less really, I had been putting in extra effort to make our final adventures together special, or at least less pedestrian than my usual story-leading efforts. "How was your date with Danny last night?" Adam and Tres slid their eyes toward each other. Talking about our social lives, especially Bridget's social life, was usually avoided. You would expect that, since our group formed as four less-than social butterflies and a weird but attractive girl. Things had changed in that department, of course, but in our group, even those of us aware of that fact acted as if we did not.

Bridget looked up in surprise at Ben's gambit. But then her eyes narrowed. Uh oh. Bridget was about to fuck with us. "Eh. It was okay. We all agree the movie was great, right? But after, he and I hung out and... I just wasn't feeling it in the end."

"Too bad, I guess," said Tres.

"Oh, there was a little hand to hand combat, if you know what I mean," Bridget went on airily, waving an open fist around absently, as if it was not a very suggestive gesture. "But I don't see it going anywhere."

Adam and Tres just gawked silently. I gawked for different reasons. She had never teased the other guys before. Or was she teasing me?

Ben outright laughed. "And here I thought things looked like they were going better than that."

Bridget just shrugged. "We date to try people on. Danny doesn't fit. Speaking of trying people on, Ben, how did your date with Beth go?" she asked, turning the tables.

If Adam and Tres had gawked before, they both about freaked now.

"Holy shit, dude! You went out with Beth?" Adam almost shouted.

Trey actually hit me in the arm, "Dude, did you not know this?"

"I had an idea it was coming," I said with a grin at Bridget. "How was it, Ben?"

But Adam wasn't done being amazed. "Ben, that girl is out of your league! She is easily the hottest girl you've ever been in the same room with."

"Ahem," said Bridget.

Adam was like a deer in the headlights at that. I almost died, both from laughter and shock. Like I said, we never talked anything, um, biological during D&D... not since Bridget joined the group. And here was Bridget, deliberately upsetting that applecart in so many delicious ways.

"What? Oh... Bridget!" Adam said in acute embarrassment. The best part was, the way Bridget always, always dressed, Adam could have had no more than an inkling at most that Bridget, a girl with whom he had been spending hours every week, was at least equally hot as Beth. I certainly knew, intimately, what Bridget was packing away under those baggy clothes, but none of the guys knew that I had any such knowledge either. "Look, Bridget, I didn't mean... I mean you are... of course... Oh shit," babbled Adam, suddenly afraid Bridget would think that he was flirting with her. "Look, Beth just has such a nice a... I'm going to die now."

God, it was fun watching someone besides me absolutely panic in embarrassment.

Bridget, because she is awesome, let him off the hook, sort of. "Yeah," she sighed. "It is a nice ass."

Adam was just glad to have someone else talk, but Tres and Ben were agog again. They both certainly knew that in addition to Danny and other guys, Bridget had 'gone out' with a girl named Petra a couple of times.

I just wanted to stand up and give Bridget the Citizen Kane clap. It had been a Masterclass in fucking with all of us, even me.

However, I also wanted answers. I had not talked to Beth yet.

"So, how was the date, Ben?" I prompted.

Ben opened his mouth automatically, then shut it for a moment, considering his reply. Good man, Ben. While I had learned that secrets, though a little fun, could be a lot dangerous, I also believed in discretion. If an individual needed to know, they needed to know. If they didn't, they didn't. Adam and Tres didn't. Bridget technically didn't. And as far as Ben knew, I didn't really either.

"It was awesome," he said at last. "We had so much fun. She is so funny, and she laughed at all my jokes."

"She laughed at all of your jokes?" Bridget asked dryly. "Congratulations, Ben. She must really like you."

"I guess maybe she does," Ben said, a little proudly.

"Good for you," I said sincerely happy for him, but weirdly more happy for myself. Having at least one of my partners doing... whatever Beth had done and was going to do with Ben, did a lot to damp down my nascent feeling of being a total, as opposed to run of the mill, cad for having sex with multiple girls and yet chasing after more.

"So I need not continue to monitor the Danny Situation?" I asked Bridget, almost disappointedly.

"You never needed to monitor my situation with Danny," Bridget said tartly, but with hidden reassurance. Then she smiled evilly. "But you guys might want to ask me about Petra next week..."

My three dudes about choked on their tongues. I almost gagged myself.


"Hey Alistaire," said Rebecca Dean as she passed me in the hall near the mailboxes. I waved in reply as we passed each other.

A few yards later, Jo Silvermann and Franny Todd both waved and said hello. Jo even asked, "Did you have an AP this morning?"

"Chem," I said, stopping while we talked. "How about you guys?"

Jo just shook her head. Franny said, "Chinese language." Then she added something in what was probably Mandarin that from her tone sounded like, 'and I kicked its ass!'

"Rock on," I said, and offered a fist bump, which Franny returned. We went our separate ways.

I shook my head as we parted. The prior five minutes illustrated how much the me of today would be an alien creature to the me of even early March. None of the girls I had just interacted with had any reason to know how much had happened to me, but I had clearly somehow changed. Through the winter, all three of those girls would have, and often did, look right through me like I was a clear pane of glass. Now...

Confidence does amazing things for your appearance, I guess. And I had that now, in spades. Nothing else had changed... as far as people knew.

"Alistaire," I heard a voice behind me. I turned, to see Ms. Green about fifteen feet behind me. I dutifully turned and walked back to the young Biology teacher.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked, trying very hard not to check the rookie instructor out. Cripes, was she hot...

"I am told that you know a bit about the recording studio," she said with a teacherly smile. I jumped. Why was she asking about the studio? Did she know something? Did the faculty at large?!?

"I, uh, I mostly know about cleaning it up and resetting the equipment. Why do you ask?" I said carefully.

"I made the mistake of talking about podcasts to the headmaster," she said wryly. "Now, for my sins, I am responsible for an official school podcast for parents and alumni. I am hoping that you could show me how the equipment works."

Yeesh. Considering what, or more to point, who I mostly did in the recording space, the last thing I needed was to have to spend time in there with Ms. Green! I'd be horny every moment, something I have a much harder time than average concealing...

"I could probably help," I said with a smile, "but I could give you at least five juniors who regularly use the equipment to actually record, and who could use a cool extracurricular like that."

"Oh, and a jaded old short-timer like you has better things to do?" she laughed. "Okay, thank you."

With relief, I sicced her on four Juniors who mostly did voice work. I knew them off the top of my head because I kept a very close eye on who, and especially when, the recording facility was spoken for.


Fortunately, the recording studio was unused that evening, after one of our few remaining Track practices. Both Bridget and I had had our hardest AP exams that afternoon, and we had repaired to the studio to lock the door and fuck away the stress.

Guys, I cannot recommend enough the idea of absolutely plowing your seriously hot, very close friend as a way to get through exams. Step one, get yourself a very close friend who likes sex and has a banging body...

No sooner had the door to the studio closed quietly behind us than Bridget had pulled me to the floor in the middle of the room and rolled over on top of me. I pulled her head down against mine and we kissed, hard. Our tongues practically fought with each other and we each gasped for breath. Then Bridget actually bit my lip, hard enough to make me say, "Ow!"

She ignored my protest and just throatily demanded, "Fuck me. Now!"

"Well, hey now!" I chuckled.

"I am pent up and frustrated about... everything," Bridget growled in a gruff voice that I felt was supposed to be my schtick. "And that weak-ass, end of season practice today was too little to burn off my anxiety over that test this morning. I really don't think I did well enough on it! Now fuck me. Foreplay later."

Well, I too was worn-ass out over APs, and I still had two more to go later in the week. My own worries were centered not on that morning's test, but my next outing. Moreover, this delicious girl was demanding I fuck her, and it would have been a shame to let her down, now wouldn't it?

I wordlessly just grabbed her running shorts and yanked them down over her generous, supple ass, underwear too. She writhed atop me as we worked in concert to get them far enough down her legs for her to kick them free. Moments later, she had tugged my own shorts and jock down about a third of the way down my thighs. That seemed to be enough for her.

Bridget knelt over my hips, grabbing my cock and tilting it upward, running my helmet back and forth along her slit. She was wet already before she started, and she got wetter fast. In moments, she was sinking down atop me, my cock engulfed by her firm embrace.

I am used to a blow job and a bout or two of cunnilingus between us before Bridget and I get to actual intercourse, if we get there at all. Sometimes the oral is just too good. This night, she was wet, but not wet like I usually had her, and it was an excruciatingly good feeling, my cock having to fight its way inside her... even though she was doing all the work.

I grabbed her shirttails and pulled upward, forcing her to lean forward so I could pull the top free. She immediately straightened up and began to rise and fall atop me, dragging my cock out and back into her. Oh man was this good that evening.

Her heavy, constraining sports bra was still on, but she grabbed it under the front with crossed arms and tugged it up and off, letting her fantastic breasts tumble free. I love, love, love those boobs. She looked especially turned on. The little ring of goosebumps that sometimes formed around the perimeter of her aureoles were in full, eager flower that night.

It was a fantastic fuck—a short one, but fantastic.

When I finally came, I thought I was going to blast her off above me from the force of my explosion, her own sweet release following swiftly upon mine.

Of all my friends, Bridget was the only one with whom I ever cuddled after, and even that was rare. My track girls and I liked to talk, and we liked to fuck. We just seldom felt the need to do both at the same time.

But that evening, the sex had been more about blowing off steam and getting our heads right than about the sex itself. In the aftermath, Bridget just lay on top of me, still impaled on my cock. I softened after that titanic ejaculation, but not by that much. I still had naked Bridget weighing down on my chest, after all. And she was being careful not to dislodge me from inside her.

When strength flowed back into her limbs, she pushed herself up over me on her arms, still carefully. This had the excellent effect of giving me a nice view of her beautiful tits dangling right over me. I was distracted by them when Bridget asked calmly, "So, how is boning Poppy?"

"What?" I said, taken aback. "I'm not boning Poppy." Where did this come from? I tried covering my yelp of confusion with humor. Bridget always could keep me off balance. "I mean, I still might try, but I have not."

She just grinned in triumph. "Gotcha! You fucked Jenn."

"What? Wait. I didn't say that. I didn't say anything like that," I protested.

"You told Carla that you had a date with Jenn."

"I said I had a date. I didn't say with who."

"And now I know it was Jenn," Bridget chortled.

"Furthermore, I didn't say that I had fucked her," I protested. I regretted that Bridget, and inevitably now the others, knew for certain it was Jenn specifically that I had hooked up with, but otherwise I was starting to enjoy this.

"You fuck everyone, Alistaire. You're like some kind of irresistible sex force." Bridget punctuated that last comment with a tight squeeze of my softened cock inside her. That did nothing to preserve the softness...

"Oh, I am, am I?" I chortled, illustrating her point by toying with one of her dangling parabolas. "I'll have you know that as of the time of my conversation with Carla, Jenn and I had already been alone together and we had not, in fact, had actual intercourse."

"You? You got with a girl and failed to close the deal?" Bridget said teasingly. "What happened?"

"It was a very precarious location. As it was, we still almost got busted by Ms. Green!"

Bridget laughed. "How close?"

"We had Jenn zipped up less than thirty seconds before we ran into her."

Bridget laughed again. "You must have about shit yourselves. Still, you had nothing to worry about. Knowing you, if Ms. Green caught you, she'd have just joined in."

Okay, that scenario had not occurred to my otherwise fertile imagination. Now that it had... crap.

"Oh ho!" Bridget taunted me. "You like that idea!"

"Well, I can hardly deny it, with the evidence growing inside of you," I muttered in embarrassment.

"You are a force of nature, Alistaire," Bridget said in amusement, "but you aren't that big of a force of nature."

"Aren't I?" I growled, pushing upward to seat myself fully within her again. But I wasn't ready for a second round, and from her reaction, neither was Bridget... yet.

"I still wish I hadn't let you figure out who it was," I said, somewhat more seriously. "That wasn't my secret to tell."

"She knows she not the only one?" Bridget asked seriously.

"I made it clear," I said. "But not who."

"I give her a week before she figures out at least one, if not all, of us."

"Still," I fretted, though none of this fretting was doing anything to return my erection to softness, "it feels unbalanced. At least I don't have to look out for any disclosures about Danny. Did you really jack him off?"

Bridget sighed. "He's a nice guy, and handsome in a very different way from you. I'd really have liked it to work out, so there was a little courtesy third base, just to be sure there wasn't a spark."

I shook my head in amusement. I then idly pushed myself back up into her again, more to distract her than to get us going again. I needed a moment to consider whether I really wanted to bring up my real curiosity or not. Bridget idly squeezed down in response.

"So, how about Petra?" I asked, with all the idleness that I could summon.

Bridget froze—not in alarm or hostility, but in uncertainty. "You know, even Carla and Beth don't ask about her."

"Really? I just thought you guys saved that for when I wasn't around."

"Nope. Gonna pry some more?"

"No!" I said quickly, then after half a beat, "But yeah, maybe. A little."

"Oh you are, are you?" Bridget challenged, a bit more unreadable than she usually is for me.

"There is the full disclosure policy, you know," I said a little irritably. I had started down this path, and she was making it stranger than necessary already. "I mean, I was upfront that I had a new, uh, playmate, and you even schemed to find out who. I kind of feel like..."

"Oh, so am I a 'playmate' too?" grinned Bridget.

I looked at her naked body on top of me. "No, you are a friend. But you are certainly Playmate material!" That earned me another squeeze or two.

Then she sighed and relaxed. "Look, I haven't said much about Petra because I'm still trying to figure it out myself. I should tell you that so is she. There is definitely a sexual component, I like it, but I don't know how ongoing it is or will be. It is confusing, and it is confusing for her too. Is that enough disclosure?"

Actually, now that I thought about it, some explicit tales of lesbian sex might not have gone amiss, but as I've said, I'm a pig. I just nodded.

Bridget started to rise up and down on me, just a little, but with a definite feel of warming up again. I started to toy with her breasts with both hands, happy for the awkwardness to pass.

"She does know about you," Bridget added, not pausing in her slow rise and fall.

"What?" I almost yelped?

"Hey," Bridget replied, a little defensively. "You told Jenn about me—about us! I shouldn't tell Petra that I have other activities?"

"Yeah, but you told her it was me specifically?" I thought back to my conversation with Petra in the hall a few days earlier.

"She kind of suspected somehow," Bridget said, slowing but not stopping fucking me. "Then, after you fucking cornered her in the corridors, she confronted me. I fessed up."

"I did not 'corner' her!" I objected.

"She felt like it."

"Fuck. I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to upset her."

"That intensity of yours can be unnerving, Alistaire," Beth said, looking into my eyes.

"I just, you know, wanted to take her measure," I said, a little upset at myself. "I mean, come on. You are important to me Bridget. You are one of the strongest people I know, but you just said you are confused about being with a lesbian, you could be hurt by it. I just wanted to try to gauge if I should worry about that."

Bridget just continued to slowly ride me in silence.

"For the record, she seems nice, though I finished that conversation confused myself," I added.

"Just understand," Bridget said, "the whole situation is complex. She doesn't know what to think, exactly like the rest of us. I can't say that she even is a lesbian for sure." She fretted, as if debating whether to say more. "I am sure of one thing," she finally said.

"What?" I asked.

"This," she replied, and began to seriously hump and down on that one thing.


The next day was our second to last Track meet of the year. Second to last of my life, in fact. I sure as hell would not be running competitively at USC. While I usually took the long walk back after practices and meets with Carla, Beth, and Bridget, we usually went up before practice separately, as our classes all let out at different times on different days.

What can I say? I'm greedy. And cocky. But most importantly, greedy. Since things had gone to so well, swimmingly in fact, with Jenn, I found myself thinking about Poppy a lot more seriously. She was the number two (maybe one and a half) on our girls' varsity tennis team, and while the courts were not really on the way up to the track, they were sort of, um, adjacent to the way up. Because there are only so many courts, the matches and practices for all the teams are scheduled all over the place. Today, the girl's varsity had the early match. I left for the track way early, already dressed in my uniform, so I could stop and get in a good 20-30 minutes cheering for Poppy. I mean the team. But mostly I wanted Poppy to see me there, cheering.

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