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All In Pt. 01

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College student loses his ass to trans girl in a poker game.
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Hey all. All characters involved in sex are 18 or older. Because someone has tried to copy my work and post it online elsewhere, I must state my all my work is protected by copyright laws. That being said, I hope you enjoy.


Sitting in business class, I somehow got lucky enough to sit next to the most gorgeous blonde ever. She's got skin that looks like it has been touched by the sun. Copper toned and smoother than silk. Her blue eyes are like staring into a cloudless sky on a bright sunny day. She sits there with torn-up jeans and a t-shirt without a care in the world as she bites down on her bottom of her lip, twirling her pencil between her fingers with ease. I still can't believe she chose to sit by me last week at the start of the semester.

"Good day, class. Today, I'd like you all to choose a partner for the semester. Together, you'll be working on building your own business," Professor Higgins says as she brushes a long string of red hair behind her ear. "I'm quickly going to go over the project details and then I'll let you choose your partners. I'll put up a sign-up sheet for you and your partner to put their name on the sheet. Class will be dismissed after that and we will meet up again on Thursday for the lecture."

"For the project, you'll first need to figure out what your service or product is the business will be built around. Then you'll need to decide what kind of business you'll start. Is it a limited liability company abbreviated as an LLC? Or will you form a corporation? Or just a simple sole/partner proprietorship?'

"You'll also need to create the 9 business documents that will be discussed in the next lecture. Then you'll have to create a marketing plan. If possible, I'd like you to follow through with your plan, whether it's starting social media accounts, email marketing or other forms of marketing discussed in a later lecture."

"You'll also need to turn in financial documents. The balance sheet, the Income Statement and the Cash Flow statement. That being said, you'll need to provide a plan on how you will provide your service or manufacture and distribute your product. Extra credit to those who go through with their business. This project will be over 50% of your grade. Now feel free to choose your partner. Class will be over for now. Feel free to get to know your partner and go over the project. You don't have to stay in the classroom to do this."

"Andrew, right?" Oh my god, she knows my name!

"Yeah, and you're Aviana, right?" She nods.

"Would you like to be partners for the class project?" she asks as she brushes a string of blonde hair out of her face.

"Uh, sure. Yeah, that sounds great," I say. She caught me off guard. I didn't expect the hottest girl in the class to want me as a partner. This is the best day ever.

"Great! So what do you have going next? Would you want to grab a cup of coffee and go over what we need for the project?" she asks, her blue eyes remind me of a tropical beach. So clear and so vibrant. Her lips are so luscious. So thick.

"Yeah, sure. I'm free."

She smiles at me. "Great. Let's head to the cafe on the 5th floor." She grabs my hand and we head out. I can't believe we're holding hands.

"So, what do you think of the campus so far? This is your first semester here, right?" she asks.

"Uh... Yeah. It's nice. Much different than the other ones I toured," I say.

"I know. It's so big. Did you know there are 120 floors? It's just shorter than the tallest building. Plus there are 3 other buildings just as tall right next to each other, all connected," she says.

"Yeah, I can't imagine how they keep it standing up straight," I say.

"It's crazy to think about, isn't it? So, other than the campus, are you enjoying your time here?" she asks.

"Yeah, totally. Although I haven't gotten the chance to meet very many people yet. Other than my roommates, of course."

"Well, lucky for you, you're in the same class as me. I think you and I are going to be really good friends," she says.

"I'd like that," I smile.

"So, I've got to ask, do you have a girlfriend?" she says.

"No. Not at the moment," I say.

"Perfect! I mean, that's too bad. You seem like a really nice guy. I'm single myself," she smiles. I can't imagine how someone like her is single. She's probably the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. Perfect smooth sun-kissed skin. A pair of legs to die for. And an ass like a peach. Especially in those jeans, she has on. "Just curious, why is it that a handsome guy like yourself is single? I'm surprised someone hasn't snatched you up already. You're not gay are you?"

"No... I've just been busy, I guess. I mean, I had a girlfriend in high school, but we broke up after we decided to go to different colleges," I say.

"Aw, that's too bad... for her," she says with a smirk.

We end up at the cafe and place an order at the counter. "I'll take a Chai Latte, please," she says.

"I'll do the same, please," I say. I go to reach for my wallet.

"Don't bother, I've got it," she smiles.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes, of course. I'm the one who asked you out. I should be the one to pay," she smiles. She grabs out a $100 from her pocket and hands it to the cashier. Damn.

After she gets her change and we get our drinks, we grab a table.

"So what classes do you have tomorrow?" she asks, as she tosses her hair over her shoulder.

"Just your basics... I've got a calc class with Professor Edwards. And a web design class."

"Have you tackled Professor Edwards challenge problem outside her office yet?" she asks.

"No, probably not even going to try," I say.

"Why not? You seem really smart."

"Sadly, math isn't my strong suit," I say.

"You're taking Calculus as a freshman. That's pretty impressive."

"That's because I had a teacher who tutored me back in high school," I say.

"More power to you, I guess. Anyway, I heard last year this freshman got it the first week of class and it was one of the hardest problems put on the board. He was like a janitor or something."

"Sounds like Good Will Hunting," I say.

She raises an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"You know, that old movie with Matt Damon. He's like a genius who solves a math problem no one can solve," I say.

"Never heard of it," she says.

"Oh, You should check it out." I take a sip of my drink as our eyes connect. "So, my roommate has a theory about Professor Edwards."

"Yeah? And what is that?"

"He seems to think that she's really Nova," I say.

She snorts out a laugh. "And on what basis is he forming this theory?"

"Oh there is none, he just smokes way too much weed," I laugh.

"Who knows, maybe she is. Have you ever seen Professor Edwards and Nova at the same time?"

I pause to think about that for a second. "You know? I don't think I have."

She tilts her head and raises an eyebrow. "Maybe there's some basis for his theory after all."

"Right..." I shrug.

"So, do you have any classes on Friday?" she asks me.

"Nope. That was my goal for this semester. To have a three day weekend," I say.

"Me too! Cheers to three day weekends!" She holds her cup up.

I tap mine against hers. "I'll cheers to that."

"So, got any ideas for a business?" I ask.

"Maybe," she smiles. "I was thinking we could make an adult media company."

I nearly spit out my drink. "A what?"

She laughs. "I'm just kidding, but damn the look on your face is priceless."

I chuckle. "Yeah, somehow I don't think that would fly with the professor."

"I don't know, she definitely has an ass for it. Maybe she can be our main star. You wouldn't mind being the one to ask her, would you?"

I nearly snort out loud. "Sure thing."

"I can be the other star of the show. I wouldn't mind discovering if the carpet matches the drapes,' she gives me a wink.

"Wait. Are you a lesbian?" I ask.

"Nope. Bisexual actually," she smiles. My jaw just hit the floor. "Do you need a crank to help get your jaw back in place?"

"I'm sorry," I say.

"Don't be. It doesn't bother you, does it?" she asks.

I quickly shake my head no. "No, not at all."


"You really tell it like it is, don't you?" I ask.

"Is there any other way to tell it?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I guess not," I smile.

She circles the rim of her cup with her finger. "So... do you have any Thursday night?"

"Nope. Probably just going to settle up in the library and get an early start on the work. How about you?"

"Well, I usually have a private poker game every Thursday night. You're more than welcome to come if you'd like," she smiles. "Buy-in is $100. It's a cash game. So you can leave whenever you want and you can continue to buy back in until the last call."

"Holy shit. That's a lot," I say.

She laughs. "You're adorable. If you want, I can spot you the $100. You know how to play poker, right?"

"Yeah, I know how to play. You don't have to spot me. I can manage the $100."

"Good, then I'll see you tonight. I've got to get going," she smiles, then she catches me off guard as she lays a kiss on my cheek. She hands me a slip of paper. "Here's my number. Shoot me a text and I'll text you my address. Poker starts at 10 pm. I'll see you in class on Thursday."

I watch as she saunters off, my eyes glued to her ass as it sways with every step. That was... crazy. I would have never guessed a girl like her would host poker.

I head back to my dorm room. My roommate's already there with his head buried in a book. "Hey, how's class?"

"Not bad. I just got invited to a girls house to play poker," I say.

"Really? I heard there was an underground poker ring or something like that going on," Blake says. Typical stoner, always wearing a beanie even when it's 100 degrees outside. Baggie torn up jeans and a shirt with some stupid saying on it. This time it's Keep Calm and Hit a Bong. And full of conspiracy theories.

I can't help but laugh. "Underground? Are you serious? It's just a game of poker."

"Dude, I'm totally serious. You don't want to get involved. Trust me. If you fall in debt with them, you'll get your knee caps busted," he says.

Now I'm cracking up. "Have you seen the girl that runs it? She looks harmless."

"I'm telling ya, man. It's bad news," he says.

"Where did you hear about all this?" I ask.

"I know things. I've got my sources," he says. "All I know is that they find gullible first years like you and they rob them for all their worth. No joke, they're professional scam artists."

"Who's they? I thought it was just one girl."

"That's not what I heard. There's like 5 girls who run things," he says.

"I think you're being paranoid, man. It's just like how you thought Nova is Professor Edwards?" I laugh.

"She is man. I know it. I'll prove it," he says.

"Whatever," I sigh. "I've got to go to the bank."

"Dude, you're making a mistake," he says.

"You won't be saying that when I come back with a few extra few hundred dollars," I laugh. "Besides, the girl that asked me is my lab partner. I don't think she'd scam me if we're going to be working with each other for the entire semester."

"Whatever, man. I warned you."

After I head out to the bank for some cash, I grab a bite to eat.

As Wednesday rolls around, Blake and I head to Calculus. I can't get Aviana off my mind. I can't believe she's bisexual. Professor Edwards walks in wearing a really tight sleek grey business skirt, a white blouse with a jacket that matches her skirt. Her ass looks as if it wants to bust out of that skirt. Damn, her calves look as if she's been climbing mountains. But that ass...

She has her blond hair up in a bun with a renegade strand that runs loosely down her face. She adjusts her glasses as she sets her briefcase down on the desk. "Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you're all having a wonderful day. How about we make it just a little better with some calculus. We'll first go over the homework. We'll continue with derivatives, but we're going to go over limits."

As she continues to speak, my eyes drift down to her sizable bust. She's showing just enough cleavage to make the imagination run rampant. I try to picture her in Nova's outfit, but it doesn't quite fit. Nova's got white hair and she's a little bigger than Professor Edwards. Blake needs to stop smoking weed.

After class ends, I finish up some homework and grab a bite to eat. It feels like it takes forever for 10 o'clock to come around. I can't stop thinking about what Blake said. As if. He's just being paranoid. He's always going on about some conspiracy theory. Besides, Aviana seems like a really nice person. Definitely not a scam artist.

Oh shit, I should text her. I pull up my phone and shoot her a text. 'Hey, it's Andrew from class.'

It doesn't take her long before she replies. 'Hey, Andrew! I was beginning to think you were going to chicken out.'

'Pffffff. You're going to wish I chickened out.'

'Lol, we'll see about that. Put your money where your mouth is.'

I bite my bottom lip as I think of a witty comeback. 'By the end of tonight, I'm going to be putting your money in my pocket.'

'You're funny. You're more than welcome to try. And you're also welcome to come over earlier if you'd like.'

'What time should I come over?'

'How about now?'

'Okay, yeah. I'll head over right now.'

'Good, can't wait.'

She sends me her address. It's off-campus. I quickly make my way over. As I reach her house, it's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be. It's almost like a sorority or something. I knock on the door. After a minute or two, she answers, still wearing those short cutoffs and a t-shirt. "Hey, you made it! You know, it's not too late to back out with your dignity intact."

"Ha. Ha. I think you're just saying that cause you're truly scared I'm going to be taking all of your money," I smile.

"God, if you weren't so god damn adorable, it'd make it a lot easier to take you for all your worth," she smiles. I hesitate for a second. She literally just used the same words Blake used. That must be just a coincidence.

"Come on in. Don't be a stranger," she says.

"This house is huge," I say.

"Well of course it is. There's like, 5 of us that live here," she smiles. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Ah, sure," I say. She grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen. My eyes wander around the house, taking in the wood flooring, the nice furniture and painted walls. "This place is nice."

"We try to keep it that way," she says as she browses through the fridge. My eyes fall on her ass as she bends over and reaches down on the bottom shelf of the fridge. Fuck me. Her ass is so perfect. It's tight. And her legs... They're so smooth. "How does vodka and orange juice sound?"

"Yeah, sure. Sounds good," I spit out, tearing my eyes away as she looks up at me. When I look back there's a devious smirk on her face.

"It's okay, you don't have to be so coy," she says as she pours us both drinks.

"What? I wasn't being coy. I..."

"Relax. You're a boy, I get it. Now let's go downstairs and get comfy before poker starts," she says, grabbing my hand again. I follow her through the back and down the stairs. My jaw drops once I see her basement. It's as if we walked into a fancy bar. They literally have a bar with a full liquor cabinet. There's a pool table and several TVs. They even have tables like a bar would have. And of course, off in a corner is their poker table. There are already people down here. 4 girls who must be her roommates and 3 other guys. Among the girls, petite redhead, tall brunette, a thin, petite black girl and a small Asian girl. Among the guys, there's a preppy kid with slick hair, a total jock, and a nerdy-looking kid.

"This is your place?" I think out loud.

"Yeah, isn't it badass?" she asks.

I thoughtlessly nod with my jaw gaping wide open. I'm beginning to think there's some merit behind Blake's warnings. Before I can think about it further, she drags me over to a couch leaned up against the wall.

"Aviana, is this the boy you've been talking about? He's cute," A red-headed girl says with a face full of freckles.

"Isn't he? His name is Andrew. Andrew, meet Sydney," she says. "She'll be dealing tonight."

"You mean, we're not taking turns?" I ask.

"No, baby, this is a professional place," she smiles. "We take our poker very seriously."


"Well, everyone is here. We might as well get started," Sydney says.

"Great," Aviana says.

"About time," the brunette says. She looks lean. Like she works out.

Aviana grabs my hand and leads me over to the table. "You can sit by me," she says as she sits down and pads the seat next to her. I take my seat and she shoots me a smile.

"Alright, buy in's $100, pay up if you want chips," Sydney says. I fish out the $100 I got from the atm earlier and lay it down on the table along with everyone else. Sydney deals out the chips. "Games Texas Holdem. We play with a big and small blind. Big blind starts out at $5 and the small blind starts out at $1. It increases as the players decrease. The black chips are $100. The blue chips are $20. The green chips are $10. The yellow chips are $5 and the white chips are $1. Any questions?"

Since no one spoke up, she places the dealer chip in front of Aviana. Then she shuffles and offers the jock on the other side of the table a cut. Before she starts to deal, she looks at me.

Aviana leans and whispers in my ear. "You're the small blind."

"Oh right, sorry," I place a $1 chip on the table. The Asian chick beside me had already placed a $5 chip out.

Sydney starts dealing the cards out. I take a look at my cards to see 8 of diamonds and 7 of hearts.

Slowly the other players start tossing out $5 chips. Aviana's last to toss out a $5 chip. Now everyone's looking at me. "Are you going to call?" Aviana asks.

"Right. Yes." I throw out a $5 chip too.

"So you're raising?" she asks.

"What? No!" I say. She grabs the $1 chip and puts it back in my pile. My face burns hot as I sink into my chair.

She only smiles. "Have you ever played poker before?"

"Of course. But it wasn't like this. We were dealt 5 cards and we got to toss cards away," I say.

"That's 5 card draw, silly. This is Texas Holdem," she says and everyone else laughs.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you. You see, everyone gets dealt 2 cards. Then you can bet if you think you have a really good hand, you can also fold if you think the 2 cards are crap. Next, the dealer flips over 3 cards after they discard a card. There will actually be 5 cards total the dealer will flip over which are community cards and everyone can play off of them. The first three cards are known as the flop. Once they're flipped we can make another round of bets. Then the dealer flips over another card known as the turn. Like the flop, we can make another round of bets before the dealer turns over the last card, which is known as the river. We make one last round of bets before everyone flips over their cards. As far as what set of cards win, it's the same rules as 5 card draw. Any questions?"

"No, I think I'm good," I say.

"Great, I call, now flip em over," the Asian girl sitting next to me says.

Sydney discards a card then flips over a 2 of spades, and Ace of spades and a Queen of hearts.

Now everyone's looking at me again. "It's your turn to bet now since I'm the dealer and you're the small blind. Or you can just check and pass it to Sunetra."

"I guess I'll check," I say.

Sunetra tosses out a $5 chip. Everyone else follows suit, tossing out $5 chips. Sydney discards another card before flipping up a Jack of spades. I look around to find everyone's eyes on me. "I'll check," I spit out. Aviana giggles as she sets her hand down on my thigh, causing my body to go stiff.

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