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All the Pretty Monsters

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Deena falls in love with a lesbian succubus.
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I'd broken things off with Kyle. Three years with him and he treated me like a princess. It just wasn't enough. I wanted fun new things, and with him it was the same old trips to the islands, baubles and jewels, he was spending himself out of his trust fund, and it was just so boring after a while. I deserved something fresh.

Kyle actually took offense when I had handed the engagement ring back. Like I hadn't given him any warning. He just hadn't been paying attention.

That's what landed me at the club that night. The beat thumping in my ears, the smell of booze and sweat. Bodies moving to the beats that the DJ was laying down. Just what this princess needed to move on to a better chapter.

I'd spotted her at the far end of the bar from where I was sitting. I glanced at her a couple times. Okay, after a few drinks it was more than a couple. She was older. Just old enough to have been my mom, by appearances. And maybe it was because I was being a little less than discreet, but soon she was staring back at me.

I saw her call the bartender over and say something to him, pointing my way. She had a certain elegance in how she moved that was hard not to admire. The drink showed up in front of me a minute or so later. She showed up about a minute after that.

She was pretty. Big hair, comfortable, but nice clothes. Awesome D cup titties, not that I was into that kind of thing. Just...there they were! She sat down next to me at the bar, and I could feel her side eye me as if she was sizing me up. The mom vibe was strong with this one.

"Um... thanks for the drink, I guess." I said, trying to make small talk.

"You're welcome. I saw you looking at me." Her features were beautifully Slavic, a bit of an eastern European accent, just enough to notice.

"Yeah, sorry. It's just. I just ended a long term thing and I'm just starting to get back out there. I'm a bit rusty on social etiquette cues I guess. No offense. My name's Deena." I explained.

"None taken, kitten." She grinned. "You'll dance with me now?"

She dragged me out onto the floor. She was a couple of inches taller than I was. She moved like liquid mercury. Almost like she was floating above the dance floor instead of being on it. I felt her touch me now and again, guiding me. Every time our eyes met, it was harder and harder to look away. I lost track of time as we danced and danced.

It was late. The DJ was playing a slow song. The woman, I didn't even know her name, was slow dancing and I was in her arms. I could feel our tits mashing together erotically. Her breath was in my ear.

"When this song ends, we go back to my place, kitten." She crooned.

"Yes, Mommy." I heard myself say.

Her mouth covered mine. I could feel her tongue enter my mouth. There was a lot to process. It was long and delicious. I knew I was kissing her mouth, but in my mind it was more like eating her pussy, which was a weird thought, seeing as I'd never eaten pussy before.

She kissed with an unbridled passion that I'd never felt before. Like a primal force of nature that seemed to reach inside me. Her taste, like a drug better than any I'd ever had. I would have promised her anything in that moment to have more of that feeling.

"My name is Olga. But Mommy, yes. I like. Your name is kitten now." She instructed.

I was thinking I should probably call home, and let them know what was going on, but somehow the right moment never really came up, and before you knew it we were outside on the sidewalk as her limo drove up. A limo. Fuck.

We made out in the car all the way home. There was something about her kisses. Something that was imprinting me, binding me to her, chemically, magically. If I were a princess, then she was a goddess, and I worshiped her every second we were in each other's arms.

Her place was opulent to say the least. Once inside she let down her hair, stripped out of her clothes, and I saw her for the first time, naked. Floating a couple of inches above the floor. Her tail curling back, swaying as she moved her thighs against each other laciviously. The horns on her head, no longer covered by her hair, which fell free. Her lips curling back to reveal her pointed teeth. Olga was a succubus.

"Mommy, why?" was all I could manage.

"Look at yourself, princess. How could I resist a morsel like you!" She laughed.

"But succubi only want men..." I'd recalled out loud to her.

"Ha! Not all of us, no. Men are too easy. Too bucolic. To me, they taste like dirt! You, on the other hand took some chasing. Your strength and stamina will be... rewarding." She said.

"No! This can't be. I'm leaving! You can't do this to me!" I turned and headed for the door.

I remember making it as far as the threshold. My knees buckling as if a heavy weight bore down on me. The whole concept of leaving was an impossibility. I might as well throw myself off a cliff as leave Mommy. I was on my hands and knees. If I could leave the room, then maybe...

"Come here, kitten. Crawl to Mommy." She ordered.

She filled my vision, her pussy straight ahead of me was wet and inviting, it smelled delicious. It smelled irresistible. I noticed it growing close as I crawled to her. Powerless to stop myself, I buried my face into her. The chemicals of her essence made me swoon as I ate her pussy, my own cunt drooling wetness down my thighs as I gushed, shamelessly sodden with the pleasure of serving her.

"Good girl." She moaned as I surrendered my last vestiges of free will to her oversight, feeling her cum covering my face as I squealed in delight and shivered in orgasmic bliss.

I had thought myself a princess. Something Kyle should have worshipped more. I had come to realize that as a princess, I was nothing more than a pretty doll, to be played with by the right owner. I had found that owner. She held me to her. I felt the tip of her tail probing the faucet of my cunt. Pushing inside me, taking the final remnants of dignity and self-determination and consuming them in a feast before my eyes. And I was beyond happy. I was owned. I was hers. Her tail inside me doing things no cock could ever do. If I had died in that moment, it would have been in happiness.

But I was meant for better things. She made me cum so good. Mommy got me any way she wanted me after that. I didn't even want to try and resist. She was consuming me, I was aware of that, but just didn't care. Her tail inside me or her tongue in my mouth or quim or ass, was enough. The liquor of her saliva keeping me in line. Not that I wanted anything else. Quivering in orgasm between her thighs. My temple. My home. My goddess.

The sirens woke me. Mommy was gone. I tried to get to my feet but it was pointless. I felt a little trickle of drool at the corner of my mouth. The floor would be a good place to take a nap. Yeah. The floor was good.

I was in a hospital bed. There was a tube in my throat and needles in my arms. Dad was there. More surprisingly Kyle was there.

73 pounds soaking wet when I got my wheels back under me. Chronically masturbating in the ward. Propositioning almost all the nurses. Two took me up on it. One asked to be reassigned the next day, the other came back twice more, then proposed to me. Needless to say, I was a hot mess. I'd been off the radar for nearly a year. Funny, but time didn't move like that for me anymore. I wondered where Mommy was.

Bit by bit I got my strength back. The problem was that there were some things that didn't return to me. The feeling of Mommy's tail in my cunt was foremost missing. I tried filling it with other things.

The day I was discharged, the husband of the nurse I'd been fucking, the one who had proposed to me, showed up angry. He said a lot of mean things to me about how I'd ruined her, and that I was a selfish bitch. I told him I didn't really appreciate his attitude and that if he'd bothered to learn how to take care of her needs, she wouldn't have ended up fucking me so much. Some people.

It took a few months to gain the weight back, but I did it and then some. Still, I wasn't the same person that I'd been before Olga. She was never far from my mind. The nurse from the hospital had lifted my address from the records and we'd hook up a couple of times a week. But it wasn't enough.

I couldn't control my libido, and was out every chance I got picking up women in lesbian bars, chasing that flavor, that closure that only Mommy had been able to provide. I couldn't quite find it, and as a result I was insatiable for pussy. Any pussy. From the roughest butch dykes to the prettiest pillow princesses, I welcomed any and all to my bed.

I wanted to know what had happened to Mommy. Why she had left me. I found myself drawn to the subject, studying the legends, seeking out the occultists. Although it would be hard to know the exact truth, I had been found on death's doorstep. Mommy had fled, or been destroyed. There were always those who could spot a succubus for what she was.

I had understood that ultimately I was just food to her. I hoped I was more than that too, but my primary function was to feed her. A role in which I had excelled. But I was aware that serving her as I had, precisely the way I had, had changed me. That I continued to change. Mommy had been the catalyst. Truly she had been my Mommy.

It was subtle at first. A certain lightness in my step. The way I could talk to women with my eyes. How easily they came to my bed. It was so much fun, the hunt. The takedown and capture. The feast. It was glorious.

They started as bumps on the side of my head and on my ass just where my spine ended. I loved the way they felt and would touch them while I masturbated, feeling them practically vibrate with sexual energy. My tongue seemed longer and the texture a bit rougher. My teeth seemed just a wee bit sharper.

I'd moved out of the house and into an apartment. It was modest, but would do for now. My girls, provided me with anything I asked for, and I asked for a lot. Still, there was no shortage of sexy girls who wanted to get between my thighs. The tribute seemed only fair. Equality, and everything.

My horns were still developing, my tail a little over a foot long when I realized I could do things with it. At first I had to visually watch it to make it obey me, but soon it was just second nature, the tip went wherever my mind told it to go.

Two of my girls, a blonde and a brunette, were over and naked on the bed. I had my tail tucked underneath me when I got the idea. Bending it down and then around I brought the tip to my own opening. The girls just sat there with their eyes wide, rubbing their own pussies like they'd been told. I teased my opening at first. The feeling, both novel and familiar. I willed it a little further in as the girls gasped. Blondie even started cumming. It was precious.

I withdrew the tail until just the tip was in. The scales for the first few inches coated in my juices. It was deliciously lewd. I fucked myself with my tail until I came. I felt something change within my body as my orgasm shook me. I motioned for Blondie to come kiss me. My tongue exploring her mouth. I felt two glands, I'd never noticed, pulse as they released the toxin.

Her eyes glazed over and she let out a happy sigh. I knew exactly what this was. I kissed her more deeply tasting her essence like candy. My pussy tingled like it had the world's most powerful sex toy in it. I felt powerful in a way I'd never even imagined. I felt like I could consume her then and there, in one go. So much so, that I broke the kiss.

I thought about Mommy, wondering how she'd managed all of this. The power, and how to gain and manage wealth. I couldn't be sure, but she'd been at it for a very long time indeed, by the time she had found me. I guess that was flattering. My own intention was to indulge in a little of my natural promiscuity. I would develop a harem of sugar mommas.

There were originally nine women. All well employed. All confirmed lesbians. All willing to indulge my appetites. And for a while we had some kicks and I fed well. But personalities do have a way of throwing a monkey wrench into what was intended to be paradise. Bickering and jealousy began to be more and more of a problem. So much so, that I was actively looking for a solution.

That's when I met Catherine. She was in her early sixties, the widow of a wealthy industrialist. Still attractive. I ran into her in a posh boutique, shopping. I made small talk. We went for a glass of wine at an outdoor bistro about a block away. We'd walked hand in hand down to a tree lined park. I pushed her against a tree and kissed her hard, took her back to my place and introduced her to lesbian sex. It was child's play.

Catherine loved me dearly. For months I'd stayed at her estate in Hollywood, and we made love on a daily basis. She had long gray hair that still had a natural luster, a surprisingly supple body, and loved to be tail fucked by me. It was only natural that I should move in. In fact, she'd insisted on it.

She really was a beautiful, generous woman. It was a shame she'd never had children of her own. It only made sense to have her will re-drawn with me as the sole beneficiary. It was unfortunate that her health was failing. She was in my arms the night she finally passed away, my tongue in her mouth as she moaned in ecstasy and breathed her last. I spared no expense at the funeral. After all I had somewhere around 158 million dollars at my disposal now.

I'll admit that it seems callous in retrospect. But that last year of her life was probably the best one. It had made me a fully-fledged succubus and rich to boot. I felt more like a princess than I ever had. Life was good. I had killed once, but her death had not been without purpose. I did not take it as lightly as you would suspect.

My staff was handpicked, one might say. Catherine had had top notch people, and a few had stayed on. Those that had not, were replaced. I went through a very specific hiring process. I had learned my lesson from my harem attempt. Employer, had a lot more practical leverage than Lover. Those who came to work under me, did so willingly. Their service to me was total. The population large enough so that we all thrived. I was no longer a princess. I was a Queen Bee.

My personal secretary could have been a lingerie model. In fact she had been. She was twitching in orgasmic bliss on my office floor, when the woman entered, or rather floated in.

"You've done well for yourself, I see." Olga observed.

"You. You abandoned me." I sputtered.

"I did what I had to do. There were... complications. Unforeseen circumstances. It was... unfortunate." Olga explained.

"You left me for dead!" I spat.

"True. What of it? You have killed. I smell it on you." She observed.

"But I would have done anything for you! Where did you go? Why did you leave?" I demanded.

"First. Yes you would have done anything for me. You understand both sides of that transaction now. No? Second. When I came here to this country initially, it was to escape a more dangerous situation. One that had sought me out. One that has since been...dealt with. Perhaps I'll tell you more about it, someday, but it wasn't a pleasant experience, I can tell you that much." Olga said. "She is pretty."

Gesturing to my girl writhing on the floor, eyes squinched shut as her orgasms overcame her senses. "I remember you being such... so many good memories."

Her tail was between my legs searching. I responded in kind. We were on a much more equal footing this time, I thought as I plunged into her sex and heard her moan echoing in my ear as I felt her penetrate me. So familiar, yet different now.

My tail, within her sought out her core. It was there I sensed it. Hundreds of years, layer upon layer, and I fed, her core pushing out essence, a gift from her to me. Her mouth locked with mine. We shuddered there in that moment. Her eyes piercing me as they always had. Her tits against mine like we had never parted ways. Our tongues danced as only succubi can kiss. It was equivalent. One monster to another. Beyond erotic. We came at the same time. Trembling against each other.

"Seldom, have I heard of a female turning another." She said as we relaxed in the afterglow. "I didn't even know it was possible, to be honest."

"At first, I didn't know that's what it was. Until the first time I fed." I admitted.

"I don't know. I was born this way. I never had to figure it out." She said.

Olga stayed on. Sharing my bed as my partner. After the initial shock, I found it was nice to have someone around who was familiar. I still loved her as I always had. It was nice to have someone who understood the intricacies of our kind. For that, she had my appreciation. And the mansion was nothing, if not spacious.

We developed a feeding schedule with the staff, sometimes going out to the bars and feeding there. It kept things healthy at home. It kept the staff impeccably loyal, and hopelessly in love with us. Once a month we hosted a staff orgy. It was an incredibly popular team building exercise, giving us a chance to observe as well as indulge in the myriad talents our girls possessed.

Evenings however, were for the two of us, albeit with a morsel or two to share, some nights. But I'd found that I had not been wrong. Olga loved me as much as I loved her.

We were lounging in the sunshine out on lawn. One of the kitchen staff between Olga's legs, her face buried in her wetness. Olga's tail plumbing the depths of the young woman's quim as the girl shook in constant orgasm. It was quite erotic, and I was playing with my clit, thinking about joining in, when I got the text from Kyle.

Poor guy never gave up. He'd been flying a drone over our house and knew we were succubi. I reminded him that there were not State nor Federal laws against being a succubus, but there were invasion of privacy laws, which by his own admission just now, he'd broken quite willfully. And while I'd appreciated our past relationship, I'd have no problem dragging him to court.

I sighed to myself, hoping that was the last we'd hear from the guy. After all, there were more evil things than us, in Hollywood. Maybe I would join in, I thought, as I began to tease the young girl's asshole with the tip of my tail. Yes, that was bound to improve my mood.

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