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I was sitting in my safe place


when I was asked can you help me?

I had been out on the running track for an hour or so, which was wet and muddy, after years in the Army it didn't bother me. Back in the changing room I had just stripped off my mud splattered trainers, top, shorts and bagged them. I was about to wrap a towel around me and hit the showers, a soft slightly effeminate voice said.

"Hi! I am Kevin we both work for the same Company."

I turned; standing their naked, towel slung over his shoulder with an inviting tanned, toned body and endearing smile. My fantasy was hitting on me as we stood naked almost touching, I slung my towel over my shoulder, hoping our bodies would touch.

I first saw Kevin when I was in the Company's back office getting my assignment manifest and route. Our eyes met across the room as we locked onto each other's gaze, I liked him. That day as I drove south in traffic I kept thinking about him looking at me. Kevin was a back office journey router and traffic monitor, I was one of the ex-military eighteen wheeler driver's. Our Companies work could be described as, we carried interesting loads for interesting people to interesting places; discreetly.

He was about my height, younger with short black hair an endearing look about him and an innocent, insecure, infectious inviting smile, effeminate mannerisms the way he walked. Walking to the shower area chatting towels over our shoulders, I felt such a rush I thought I was going to go hard their and then as our bodies touched, we were oblivious to our surroundings. Did I want to go down that route again?

Since the pandemic showers were divided into two person cubicles, no idea why, I opened the door we walked in closed and locked it. Towels discarded showers fired up my hands on the wall in the 'assume the position' mode. I felt Kevin reach up and start to wash my back, each time he stretched I could feel him stroke me as his hands ran over my body. I turned our erections touching we pressed together, he reached over, we started to tongue wrestle.

We were hard wedged between each other's legs, instinctively starting humping face to face. Our fingers reaching down and in-between each other's buttocks as we pulled rhythmically together. We undulated with illicit thoughts that had been passing between us since our eyes first met. We let go in harmony with exhausted deep breaths as the flimsy shower door rattled on its hinges and locks with a voice crying out.

"What are you two up to, are you still banging each other?"

We stood intertwined deep breathing water nosily cascading over us, impromptu tryst discovered, we settled for what we had but still took time to seductively dried each other. Towel's securely wrapped around us I left first, looked around, nobody in the changing room or elsewhere, Kevin followed.

We dressed and headed to the coffee shop sitting on high stools facing a wall. We talked I never found out or cared why Kevin was there that night. Nobody could see our hands caressing each other. I had offered Kevin a lift home, with expectations, it was totally out of my way. I drove one hand on the wheel other caressing the gear stick with Kevin's hand on top of mine as I changed gears and gunned the engine.

His dilapidated apartment he shared with three other guys, reconvening up to his shared bedroom wasn't an option; he asked. "Can we meet again?"

Rather than phone I went up to the back office, each time our eyes met, never spoke just looked. I was away overnight for a week on deployment. My WhatsApp rang, Kevin on video, I was in my sleeper cab he was in bed both scantily dressed as we chatted.

Each night our discussions and undressed antics became more intense. We had a Company Friday team building meal scheduled in a pub in town. Kevin and I sat together discreetly touching as we enjoyed our meal. We all left by ten, I had invited Kevin to an 'anything goes' night club I frequented. Door security was strict, Kevin was refused entry he was 19, I was 27, licensed age was 21. I bluntly asked him.

"Want to go back to my apartment for the night?"


Just closed the apartment doors as we started to undress soon were naked caressing each other on my couch then we moved to my waterbed. He lay on his back with a hard-on I straddled cowboy style as we wobbled together, I engaged and started to bring him on as he grasped hold of me. Undulating slowly until his entry groans became satisfaction moans, I increased my rhythm which he mimicked. With waterbed enhancements we moved from a canter to a gallop onto climax, he squirted, noisily and profusely all over me.

I was now gagging for my blast, he pulled up his knees it only took a moment before we were together. Excitedly and noisily, the waterbed adding nautical spice when I let go with an unconstrained blast, we squirmed as he bumped waves within the bed as it was constrained within before draining.

Together recovering, Kevin's head resting on my chest my long slow deep breathing causing his head to rise and fall. It had taken us to get here after satisfying our morning lust, Kevin asked me "when was my first time?"

"I was 19 in my second year at college and asked if I would like to host at a party in the Holiday Inn. Craig Docherty an Australian lecturer was the organiser looking for student attendees, I agreed something new. I was approached by a German engineer called Eric who worked for Mercedes military trucks; my college subject. He chatted about what he did, asked me what I wanted to do after college, he was friendly and down to earth.

Out of the blue asked me would I like to pose for him in his room, he would make it worth my while. I had already told him I had posed for college art classes. We went to his room he striped me to get the right pose's. After a few photographs asked, would I pose naked, he would make it worth my while. He had an expensive camera with a ring flash on it photographed me standing, sitting, then lying on the bed in various possess, mainly over the shoulder and butt shots, nothing erotic or sensual. Nothing untoward happened about two in the morning I left.

We had exchanged WhatsApp details, a week later I received copies off photoshopped photographs and two videos with an invite to 'host' at an expenses paid conference in Munich. Exams finished and curious I accepted it as a holiday. It was another Holiday Inn venue, I had a nice room and met up with Eric.

Over introductory drinks asked would I be prepared to entertain one of his Company's clients in my room, they would make it worth my while. Erotically thrilled by the thought, away from home, in Germany, trapped I suppose; I agreed. In a short silk kimono lay on the bed waiting like I was told.

Door opened, a Chinese businessman came in, smiled untied and opened my gown saying 'just like your photographs.' He invited me to strip him as he fondled me. I was to stand with my hands against the wall as he fucked me, he was slow and gentle becoming excited until he unloaded. That was my first time but really enjoyed it, he dressed and left. Shortly afterwards Eric came in another Company client wanted to see me, he was French. This time I was fucked doggy style on the bed, Eric came in twice more that night with an Italian and a Swede, all satisfied. I was enjoying the thrill of it, two days later I flew home."

I asked Kevin "when was your first time?"

"I was out cycling alone through a forest trail which I left and went cross country. It was a hot day stopped at a river hid my cycle behind a hedge, stripped off and went skinny dipping. When I came out of the water three guys were watching me, taunted me with sexual innuendos, one grabbed me the other gave me a blow job the third filmed it. Uncontrollably I climax over one of them to their enjoyment.

Then I was forced to lean over a fallen tree as one of them tried to bang me, I struggled so much he couldn't climax, again filming me. I was left lying on the grass traumatised and bleeding. I heard voices, thought they were coming back and hid in the bushes. My bicycle and clothes were behind a hedge at the other side of the clearing.

It was two guys out for a walk looking for somewhere to have alfresco sex. I couldn't move for fear of being caught or worse. I was treated to watching them enjoy themselves, it was nothing like what I had gone through. They left, I retrieved my bike, dressed and cycled painfully home."

"Did you report it? Do you have a safe place I have one."

"What's the point I provoked them being naked, I couldn't describe them. Apart from a few cuts and bruises I was ok. I was probably gay for a long time but resisted it until I saw you. You gave me confidence to accept who I am, I knew you were gay the way you kept looking at me. I heard you went to the sports center on a Monday night and I waited for you."

Kevin was holding me when we woke leaned over and caressed me, it didn't take long before we were enjoying each other we had clear consciences now about who we were. That afternoon, scantily dressed on my couch, I shared more of my past.

"Even after it all kicked off about Craig procuring students. Eric was still asking me to entertain at conferences and test and evaluation events. Then it stopped. I finished college looked for work passing an Army recruitment office they were looking for HGV drivers. Because of my 'apparent' work on heavy vehicle test and evaluation was accepted. I did basic training and passed all the Army driving tests.

A few years later and overseas deployments I was posted to a newly formed Special Warfare, Section 7 that specialised in transportation, specialist cargo handling and high speed driving. I was a driver & instructor on overseas deployments training in-country personnel how to drive ultra-heavy vehicles at high speed, off-road and mountainous terrain.

I was in Thailand training, on a weekend leave I went to the red light district, she was wearing a figure hugging short dress and a come-on smile. Back at my hotel she was lying naked in bed I stripped and joined her under the covers. I fingertip searched for her pussy I was duped, she/he was a ladyboy who said "you pay to have different fun." We had athletic fun all over the room including on the balcony.

A week later I was summoned to the CO's office told Section 7 was being disbanded due to budget cuts and a recent incident when we 'inadvertently' crossed borders. That's why we received down range hazard pay. My antics with the ladyboy had been filmed and put on the web, it gave the Section an excuse for me to be removed. I was to have three months leave before re-deploying home. I caught the next flight out; to Auckland.

Just off Auckland's Karangahape Road was CCK a swingers club, marketed as a playground for grownups. They were looking for temp staff, I started in reception dealing with walk-ins, locking and unlocking phone camera's. Later I hosted in the club which took me back to my days with Eric and Craig. Back home I was transferred to the Company we work for."

Kevin kicked in with; "I would like to visit or work in one of those clubs, before my bicycle incident I had gay friends at college who wanted me to join their campus parties. On my eighteenth birthday I was at a Transgender fund raising disco, sponsored to go cross-dressed and dance with whomever. It was fun being someone else that wasn't me by the end of the night I was dancing with a lesbian, she was gagging for it, invited me back to her place. Bedroom lights out she undressed then undressed me, thinking I was shy.

We started kissing and groping each other, I touched her pussy as she groped me, finding my hard shaft let go, jumped back switching on the lights. We stood their naked looking, she found it funny as she was one of the student dressers who assisted us getting ready, came over hugged me. My first time she showed me what to do, I climaxed as she had an orgasm while biting me, we lay their draining over each other.

By sunrise we had more climaxes followed by afternoon escapades. I didn't have any clothes other that what I arrived in and had to wait until darkness before we could leave. We had agreed to go to the Unicorn club a lesbian pop-up club. We had a fantastic night groping each other and by clubbers also had it off in a darkroom. On the way back to her place we were called a pair of dyke's.

I spent my second night with her during athletic sex I agreed to go dressed to a swingers club where she was a party coach we ended up being watched by clubbers as we played lesbian. It was fun one couple wanted me to peg them in the dark, they thought it was very realistic and my climax made their day. I also went with her to a family wedding to dispel rumor's she was a lesbian her family forked out for a double room for us. Later we stayed over at my parents who were concerned I was gay allowing us to share my bed. We still partner for family events but she is a committed lesbian."

Kevin and I kept our relationship at a distance in case of blowback. I made a call and we were invited to a Molly (gay swinger's) party. It was to be held in a secluded country house, when we arrived we were to dress in a Roman theme, Kevin a nymph I was a Senator. There were about 50 guests, I was a coach, Auckland days, Kevin a trainee after his swingers party he had the party bug.

Guests started to arrive we met allowing them to change into their pre-chosen costume's. Kevin in is very short skirt and loose floppy top attracted attention from more mature guests. He was taken to one of the private rooms. On the drive home I asked him 'how it went.'

"In the main drinks area I was approached by a soft spoken white haired guy much taller and bigger than me. He asked 'would I entertain him in his cabin,' it was very plush with soft red strobing lights, he undid my skirt untied my top. As I stood in front of him I could see he desired me, he undid his robe let it drop as his hands explored me.

He was rock hard I was a passive nymph as I held the wall bars as he explored me from behind, it wasn't long before I felt him gently slowly slide in until he touched my P'spot, it was an electrifying experience. I felt a climax start and build each time he touched, he kept it coming, I could feel him start to fatigue. I was dripping as he climaxed, remaining engaged until fully unloaded. I could feel sweat run down my back. We returned to the drinks area, he spoke to a colleague who came over and asked me to join him in the dark room. In one of the alcoves he stripped me and gave me a slow blow job, we were enjoying every minute of it I didn't want him to stop, my climax was like an uncontrollable express train before it erupted.

I had more visits in the darkroom finally the BDSM play room where I was stretched out dressed on a rack, my nymph outfit being ripped off by guests. They started to touch me with riding crop things. It was so erotic I squirmed my climax built one touch at a time from their crops. I didn't think it could make you climax, it took a while, I was exhausted as I climaxed. Before I met you in the dressing area the organiser asked me if they could use the security video of me in the play room for promotional purposes. I said I would let them know."

My night was adventurist not to that extent as coach you tend to be one step back from the fun, not always. We headed back to my apartment, exhausted meant a quite night the morning was different. My driving took me away for most of the week, Kevin now looked after my apartment.

Boss summoned me to the office Kevin's work experience would finish shortly and I was to take him on a 'lone wolf' run to complete his work experience. We would be carrying a volatile high risk cargo, back office would normally monitor progress and interactively reroute around bottlenecks or incidents. If necessary summon assistance. This time Kevin would ride in the cab with me doing this, also activating any countermeasure required.

We set off heading for Hamburg to drop off a load, I drove at high speed with an abnormally heavy cargo, call sign was 'Mobile One' Kevin navigated, monitored and mitigated risk keeping the center call sign 'Havoc' aware of our progress. We left the ferry in Rotterdam after an overnight sail and joined a host of trucks on the autobahn's.

Hamburg docks we had a proper overnight stopover, truck parked up in a secure warehouse to be unloaded and reloaded with a new heavy but smaller load waiting for onward run to Cap de la Hague in Normandy.

That night I took Kevin on his first visit to Hamburg's red light and party district off Reeperbahn Street in the St.Pauli district nicknamed 'die sundigste meile (the most sinful mile). He had selected the Geitz-Club, I had been their before in my Army days.

We bought beers watched what was happening, wasn't long before we were approached by a hostesses. Kevin was more interested in the tall with incredibly long legs blond hair drag hostess, who had hooked on to him. Given his experience with a local swingers club I let him do his thing as they headed upstairs. A hostess invited me to buy her a drink, took it from there.

I met Kevin after settling our tab, thankfully our boss was the understanding type. I asked him how it went.

"Went upstairs to a darkened room, door closed she groped me until I was brought on I was standing their naked dripping. Pushed onto the bed, she removed her dress, looking at me was a raging hard-on. Grabbed my legs hooked them over her/his shoulders and started, I was on my back legs pointing at the ceiling with a fantasy materialising. Even although going like a piston when it came it was in and all over me.

I had asked for a 'double bang' it was my turn, even on her back with her long blond hair flailing about as she wriggled left and right, by the time I had got in their I was flagging but I wasn't going to be outdone. I went like a demented piston, both of us twisting and back arching, then on top of me I kept going I could feel this was going to be my epic climax. When it came it was all over the place, not to be deterred I was flipped onto my back, legs back up in the air I felt a fresh arrival. I may have been exhausted he wasn't, I was now being lifted up when he let go, it felt like I was being inflated until as it escaped. He cried wunderbar!"

At least I knew why the bill was so high even allowing for the beers. Taxi back to the hotel we had an early start and a long drive to Cap de la Hague tomorrow. When we arrived at the depot our truck was fueled and loaded, it was a dirty load. Arriving without incident, swapped loads for tomorrow, it was a heavy but small load. We left it in a secure compound overnight and went to our hotel not a lot happening in comparison with Hamburg. I had Kevin re-enact what happened the previous night, he seemed to remember it well. Future swingers may be impressed if he gets invited to one of their parties.

Next morning was a short uneventful run to Saint Malo then an eight hour sail/sleep in our cab. From Plymouth to our destination was eventful, protestors somehow had word of our shipment. Kevin enjoyed continually re-routing us and directing authorities to thwart their quest to trap us. A week later Kevin was back at university completing his dissertation on 'high risk transportation' over the next month I was kept busy moving interesting loads, otherwise alone.

It was mid-morning, I was sitting on a bar stool seeking solace looking out a large panoramic window over a busy city lane. Not looking at anything in particular more intent on checking my phone to see if the photographs I had posted were being well received.

I was in a café having my usual Saturday treat of green tea in a tall glass with a pineapple danish pastry, checking and answering messages as I swiped left and right, it was called 'My Safe Place.' A voice I recognised pulled me out my attentive daydream.


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