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AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 041-050

Story Info
Robbie's fiance tries to make amends for abusing a MC app.
11.6k words

Part 6 of the 35 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 09/29/2022
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All characters are 18 years or older.

This story is a continuation of the AMA: The Boyfriend series. I would highly suggest starting with Chapter 1 if you have not already. This collection of short chapters was originally published on a daily basis, and are collected here for Literotica. In these chapters you can expect photoshoots and costumes, flirting, cuddling and finding out a bit more about the Perks of the Affection Multiplier App.

The AMA was originally conceived of by Fantasy; this is just my version of the popular idea. Kudos to him and his original versions!


Chapter 41

It took a long few minutes for the three of us to pull ourselves together. Cassidy had collapsed onto the couch next to Wanda, both of them grinning happily. Wanda was still naked, Cassidy with her hoodie zipped open and her tits on display in the cool air. I had gone from one knee to sitting on the carpet.

"Robbie," Wanda said from her seat, rolling her head to look at me. "That was, without a doubt, easily in the top three experiences I've ever had."

"I bet it was the best orgasm, though," Cassidy said, tickling Wanda's stomach.

"No comment," the blonde chuckled breathily. She turned to Cassidy and stroked my fiance's deep violet hair. "Thanks for letting that happen."

"My pleasure," Cassidy smiled, then smirked. "Or, your pleasure, I guess."

Wanda and I both snorted. I slowly got to my feet, and then helped both of the women stand up. The movie had ended and was back on the DVD menu screen, so while Wanda and I got our clothes back on, Cassidy ejected the disc and put it away with the other movies.

Watching Wanda get dressed, pulling up her thong and leggings as her boobs bounced and jostled, had me pause and she caught me. She laughed softly and leaned towards me, lips pursed for a kiss. I returned it, and she scrunched up her nose happily when she pulled away. "OK, seriously you two," she said. "Thank you for that. You two don't happen to be swingers or something, are you?"

"No," Cassidy said quickly. "And we're not planning on it, but Robbie has my permission to fool around with or fuck anyone he wants. This is the farthest we've gone, though."

Wanda quirked her head to the side a bit, raising an eyebrow. "A one-sided open relationship, huh?"

"I didn't ask for it," I said. "And I'm still not sure how I feel about it. This was... you are a complete Wow, and I had a lot of fun, but..."

"But," Wanda nodded. "I get it." She climbed up onto the couch, standing so that she was now on an even eyeline with me. She motioned me closer and when I moved she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a hard hug. "It's weird, I know. Brodi was the one who suggested our open relationship, and I spent the first half a year unsure about it even though I knew it was probably a good idea for keeping us together. It's been fun, but weird."

Cassidy came over and stood next to me, rubbing my back. "Robbie deserves it."

Wanda finished the hug by kissing me on the cheek, then reached down and took one of my hands and one of Cassidy's in hers. "Look, whenever you guys are ready for it, I'm down to fuck, OK? But don't let this get in between you two. You have to talk. A lot. Check in on each other. That's the only way it'll work."

Cassidy hugged Wanda around the waist, and I joined in again as we held each other for a moment. "Thank you for the advice," I said quietly. "This is all very new, and it's not exactly something just anyone would be able to give some advice on."

Eventually we separated, and I cleaned up the forgotten popcorn while Wanda made noises about going to bed and feeling lucky that no one had come out of their rooms while we had been busy. On her way by me she gave my ass a little smack, and shot me a wink, laughing and scampering away as I turned to give her butt a thwack in return and missed.

I was just finishing up rinsing the popcorn bowl when Cassidy slipped in behind me and hugged me, resting her cheek on my back. "You OK?" she asked me softly.

I turned in her grasp and hugged her to me with one arm, bending my head down to kiss her on top of her head. "I think so," I said. "I mean, I'm fucking tired, but that was..."

She brought her face up and kissed me. "That was exactly what I was hoping it could be like," she said. "Wanda is beautiful and sexy, and seeing her want more and more of you... Robbie, this is what you deserve. This is what I want for you."

I held her for a long time, not answering her, because even with everything that had just happened, with everything that was happening and how much I'd been enjoying it, thereason it was happening couldn't be ignored.

"Let's go to bed," I finally said, sliding my hand down to her hip. "We're supposed to be up early for the first photo shoot, right?"

Cassidy nodded, and the two of us made our way to our room, sliding the door closed. There weren't any noises coming out of the other rooms, so I assumed JC and Terra, and Cattie and Heather, were settled in for the night. Cassidy stripped and started climbing into bed, but I went for a quick shower. When I came out, scrubbing my hair dry, I thought she would have been asleep but she was waiting up for me. I slipped under the covers beside her and she turned, resting her cheek on my chest and her breasts pushing into my side.

"I love you, Robbie," she whispered, and I could feel her starting to quiver. "I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."

It was Cassidy's turn to break down. I had a feeling we'd get hit with this a lot in turns as we tried to figure out who we were together.Fuck, she shouldn't have done this now, I thought, but didn't say it to her. I needed therapy. We needed therapy. But Cass needed it possibly most of all from the years she'd buried the trauma she'd given herself.

I held Cassidy until she was cried out, and as she fell asleep.

There was a lot on my mind, a lot of thoughts and feelings, and I wasn't even sure how to start processing them.

Chapter 42

The Golden Hour, sometimes called the Magic Hour for photographers, was the point during sunrise and sunset when the light from the sun had a red-orange hue and was generally acknowledged as the single best time to take pictures or film video. For models and cosplayers making their living on the internet, that wasn't always a functional time to work, but on a trip like this with everyone working towards the same goals, there was a fervent energy to make the best use of the best time.

Unfortunately, that meant that I was awake at 4am, rolling out of bed and pulling on my sweatpants again. Cassidy was awake as well, already in the bathroom and doing her makeup.

"Morning," I mumbled, sidling up next to her in the cramped little room and whipping my dick out to take a piss.

"Morning, Tiger," she said, completely uncaring of what I was doing. We'd lived together for years, and while we'd never broached the pooping in front of each other line, peeing was fair game considering our apartments until recently had all been single-bedroom, single-bathroom affairs. Cassidy leaned over and kissed my shoulder, then went back to her makeup.

"I'm gonna go move the boat and find a place to get to land," I yawned. "Do you need anything from me?"

"Nope," she said. "We're going to use our equipment, and Cattie and I don't have any big props or anything. We just need you to do the photography for our paired shots."

"OK, sounds good," I said and kissed Cass on the top of the head before leaving. Out in the hall I could hear noises coming from all three of the other rooms. Terra and JC's door was open, so I went and knocked. He was sorting through camera equipment on the bed and lifted his head to see me, while I had to assume Terra was in the bathroom since there was a hairdryer running. "Hey, I'm going to move the houseboat, just a heads up."

"Sweet," he said, giving me a thumbs up. "And hey, thanks again for moving us last night."

"No problem," I said, and tapped the doorframe. "See you up there."

I went out the back porch and up the stairs onto the top deck, winding my way around the hot tub and the deck chairs towards the Pilot's cabin. I was halfway through the process of turning over the engine when a soft whistle caught my attention. Looking over at the other houseboat, I saw Becca waving to me. I waved back, then lifted up the radio. "Good morning, Becca," I said.

"Morning, Robbie," Becca replied. "Everything go alright over there last night?"

"Everything was great. Some of the animals got a little bit rowdy, but they tuckered themselves out."

You could see her rock a little bit with a chuckle, but she didn't broadcast it. "Well, that's good I guess. Be careful though, I think some of the animals on my boat are starting to go into heat after yesterday. Rumours are starting to spread."

"Uh-oh," I said. "Well, I'm sure we can find a way to cool them down. I bet the water is nice and cool this morning."

"Uh Huh?" Becca asked. "I don't know, what if a couple of them don't want to be cooled down?"

"Anyone in particular?" I asked.

She didn't respond on the radio. Instead, she made the universal blowjob motion at me from across the water. Then she changed the subject. "Have you figured out where you want to try and get to land?"

"I was thinking over there by that low shelf," I said, pointing to a spot on the rocky face rimming part of the cove we'd spent the night in. "It looks like it has a bit of an overhang, and the bumpers should keep the boat safe, and we can get over from the top deck."

"Alright, try it out and let me know," she said.

The engine came on with a thrum and I raised the anchor, then set about piloting the boat over to the spot I'd eyeballed. I was right about the overhang, and thankfully the rock shelf went deep underwater rather than beaching us. The problem, I realized, was that while I could get us into position even if I dropped anchor I couldn't stop the boat from moving a little bit. It took a little figuring out, but I was able to shift a bit further down the rock shelf to where there was a pronounced outjut spot on the overhang, and I eased the boat carefully so that the bumpers hanging from the front railing touched it. Then I dropped anchor again and waited. By now Terra, JC, Cattie, Cassidy and Wanda were all up on the top deck watching, and Heels was just coming up the stairs.

"Alright," I said into the radio. "I think I'm stable here."

"Sounds good," Becca replied. "I haven't found a good spot over here, you think I can come up alongside you and we can cross over?"

I bit my tongue, wondering if that would put any more risk of damage to the boat, but with the heavy number of bumpers hanging from the railings and on the side of the boats I figured it would be alright. I signalled it was fine, and shut off the engine.

I prepped the 'unloading ramp' first, opening the gate on the side of the railing. The stone shelf was a step down from the top deck, and I left JC to help the girls while I went to the other side of the boat and got ready to help moor them to us. It didn't take long, particularly with Ami helping me from their side, and soon there was a parade of women carrying duffel bags or luggage out onto the rocky mesa.

"Good morning," Becca said, one of the last to leave their boat, Ami needing to run down and grab her things from whatever room she was in.

"Morning," I said, and took the initiative to step forward and kiss her briefly. She was a little surprised but kissed me back. It was only maybe two seconds at most. I stepped back from her. "Is that alright?"

"That depends," Becca said. "Is Cassidy still in the loop?"

"She is," I said. "I told her about yesterday and she was excited."

"And how are you feeling?" Becca asked me.

"I'm... figuring it out. But seeing you in this light, I wanted to kiss you."

She smiled softly. "Good, because I wanted to kiss you, too. Look, you and Cassidy should come see me and talk sometime today, just make sure everything is out in the open and see how we all feel."

"I think that's a good idea," I said.

She smiled and patted my arm, then slid by me as she headed for the step onto the rock shelf. I could tell she was swivelling her hips a little extra, knowing I was watching.

Chapter 43

The women had spread out widely along the rock shelf, some hiking higher up. The thing about a whole bunch of people taking photos in the same area was that you needed to try and do it without getting in the way of other people, or them getting in the background of your shots. Sure there were editing tricks you could do to remove things from photos, but it was just a hell of a lot easier to not get them in there to begin with.

Thankfully, at least half of the women on the trip had done some cosplay and modelling at various nerdy conventions where you not only needed to deal with a bunch of other models trying to take photos in the same area as you, but also the teeming crowds in general.

I hiked my way along the ridge, pausing to help Heels and Wanda get a sticky tripod to deploy properly, to Cass and Cattie.

"Good morning," I said.

Cattie looked up from where she and Cass were crouched over our bag of gear and smiled, standing up. "Morning, Tiger," she said, using Cass's nickname for me. She gave me a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for helping out."

"'It's what I'm here for," I said. "Where's Heather? I didn't see her getting off the boat."

"Mmm, she doesn't want to shoot anything this morning," Cattie said. "I left her sleeping. She's planning to film something for her OnlyFans in our room later this morning I think."

I was a little put off by that - literally everyone else was out here, either working or helping someone else, and Heather was back there sleeping? "OK," I said, trying not to show my thoughts. "Let's get set up, the sun is about to be peeking over the horizon."

We worked quickly, getting a couple of different lenses ready for the camera and a tripod out for the main shots. It was a simple shoot all told, at least here on location. Cattie was dressed up as a femme Ash Ketchum from Pokemon with the classic hat and blue and white shirt, except that the undershirt was a black crop top that hugged her bust and showed off some nice cleavage. She was also wearing a pair of denim daisy dukes instead of full jeans. Her hair was up in a big messy bun behind the baseball cap.

Cassidy, meanwhile, was dressed as Misty from the original series with the tight yellow cropped tank top and tiny jean shorts held up by dark red suspenders, along with reddy-orange hightop sneakers. A bright orange wig, carefully styled to straddle the line between anime hair and realistic, rounded out the cosplay costume.

As the sun just started peeking up over the horizon, I started taking photos. The Golden Hour didn't actually last an hour, so working quickly was important. We started with group shots, the pair of them striking various Anime-ish heroic poses. Once the week was over, Cassidy had a VFX editor she worked with who could take these photos and add cool renderings of various pokemon and fancy special effects lighting. For now, it was all about getting as large a variety as possible.

We shifted around, using the most of the background available to us as we could, only getting delayed because Cassidy had a tendency to make silly faces and goof off a bit. When she was shooting at home, almost one in three pictures usually ended up being her making a goofy 'derp' face - she saved them in a special file and released them occasionally on social media for her fans when she broke a follower milestone or the like. Cassidy had a talent for making dramatic faces and poses look good, and Cattie... well, Cattie could be silly too, she just wasn't quite as elastic as Cassidy was.

Still, I worked the camera quickly. Then I had the idea to finish off the duo photos by laying on my back so that I could take some really strong 'hero pose' shots looking up at the two of them. I could just imagine the VFX artist putting in some flying monsters in the sky, or big looming pokemon behind the two. Cassidy and Cattie made the most of it, looking off heroically into space in different directions, fake shouting, and even making lovey-dovey faces at each other like they were in some rom-com movie poster.

Then Cassidy got a look on her face, and she rolled up the bottom hem of her yellow tank top until her underboob was showing. "Let's take a few sexy ones," she said.

"Just to see what they look like," Cattie agreed and rolled up her black undershirt to show off her own, slightly more significant sideboob.

"God damn," I muttered. "That is really hot, girls."

They posed a few more times, most of them turning out silly as they pretended to be shocked at each other, or at themselves. One particularly funny shot was them pretending to scold the camera like I was a peeping tom.

Then, of course, Cassidy pushed the envelope and she caught Cattie's eye and after just a little eyebrow wiggle and glance, they both pulled up their shirts all the way, flashing me as their boobs popped out in a perfectly synchronized double titty drop. Cassidy's nipples were hard, which I wasn't surprised by, but Cattie's soft tan nipples were equally hard and poking out. I snapped two quick pictures, and as they laughed and giggled, then they dropped their shirts again.

"That one is definitely just for you, Robbie," Cattie said. "Don't you dare share that."

"He wouldn't ever," Cassidy said, side-hugging her friend.

"I know," Cattie smiled, offering me a hand to help me up. "I just need to say it. Also, don't mention it to Heather, she'll get bitchy about it."

I opened my mouth to say something, wanting to probe deeper into the Heather situation, but Cassidy changed the subject first. "OK, Tiger," she said. "We can handle shooting each other for solo pictures. Do you want to see if anyone else might need some help? I know some of the girls would really appreciate it."

"Sure," I said, handing Cassidy the camera and giving her a kiss. "Have fun."

"We will," she grinned.

"Thanks for the help, Tiger," Cattie said, stepping forward and giving me a little hug, and a small kiss on the lips.

I left them to it, a silly little grin on my face. There was something about this new thing where Cattie kissed me casually like it was just something friends did that I was really starting to enjoy.

Chapter 44

The next closest group to us was actually Becca helping to coach Sherry, Cattie's sister, and Ginnie, the other small woman in the group. From what I knew, both of them were doing decently with their OnlyFans pages but were the sort of amateurs that were making money because they were cute and got naked rather than for any quality or style. Both girls were in lingerie and Becca was coaching them through some standard modelling poses and giving them tips as she took photos.

Beyond them, Terra and JC were working near the edge of the rock shelf, using the lake as a background. They were both in stylish swimwear and I could immediately tell they both very much knew what they were doing. They were trading off photography duties, striking poses that accented their athleticism and sculpted bodies.

"Hey guys," I said, as I was passing by. "Do you want a quick couples photo? Just for you."

"Yes," Terra grinned. "That would be so nice, actually. Thanks, Robbie."

She handed me her camera and JC and Terra quickly posed a couple of times in a more intimate, familiar way. My favourite was Terra resting her cheek on JC's chest and smiling serenely with her eyes closed while he rested his chin on top of her head, looking off into the distance. For the next photo after that Terra went up on her tiptoes and kissed her boyfriend with her back to me, and the one after that JC surprised her by yanking down her bikini bottoms and grabbing her butt with both hands as she squealed in surprise.

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