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AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 051-060

Story Info
Robbie's fiance tries to make amends for abusing a MC app.
11.6k words

Part 7 of the 35 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 09/29/2022
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All characters are 18 years or older.

This story is a continuation of the AMA: The Boyfriend series. I would highly suggest starting with Chapter 1 if you have not already. This collection of short chapters was originally published on a daily basis, and are collected here for Literotica. In these chapters you can expect heavy flirting, exhibitionism, and an MFF oral encounter.

The AMA was originally conceived of by Fantasy; this is just my version of the popular idea. Kudos to him and his original versions!


Chapter 51

"I'm sorry," Cassidy said.

We were still in the Pilot's Cabin. It had been a few minutes since Wanda had left and gone below deck, and Heather, Cattie and Sherry had come back up dressed in their own bikinis. It looked like they were getting ready to do a shoot for Heather since she was looking all glammed up with her short hair gelled out to look sort of like an anime character and her makeup done super striking and showy. Then again, maybe it was the big cameras that gave it away.

"I know," I said. I left the wheel for a moment and stepped over to her, picking Cassidy up from the counter and lifting her into a hug. She clung to me, wrapping her legs around me, and I stepped back to the wheel.

"I didn't mean to tell her," Cassidy said. "I just- she asked and I didn't want to make you try and lie or fudge it or anything."

"I know," I said again. "It's fine. Other than Cattie I think Wanda might be the other person on this trip who could actually offer us some good advice. She also deserved to know, probably before last night."

Cassidy let her legs come down from around my waist as she lowered to her bare feet, but she stayed hugging me, standing between me and the wheel and resting her head on my chest. "Robbie, do you really still love me?"

I closed my eyes, then snapped them open remembering I was driving, and took a deep breath. "Yes, Cass. I really still love you. I'm still hurt and mad, but I still love you for sure. And you're mine."

"I'm yours," she whispered back.

"Cass," Cattie called from out on the deck. "Hey, Cass, can you come look at this? You're better at lighting settings than me."

Cassidy kissed my chest through my shirt, then went on her tiptoes to kiss my lips, and I let her out under my arm. She took a deep breath before she left, trying to wipe the feelings from her face before going out to face the others.

I listened to them for a bit, just the chatter of the girls as they discussed the bright overhead lighting and the best angles for the shoot Heather was organizing. It sounded like she was planning on being in and around the hot tub, so they needed to be able to move a bit. Cass ended up going below to our equipment bag to get a light diffuser - ours was a good-sized one with a collapsible frame so it travelled well.

At some point they were happy with the results and they started taking pictures, though I couldn't really check what they were doing since I had to keep my mind on driving. A couple of minutes later Cassidy came back into the cabin.

"Tiger, I- Heather's planning on getting completely naked for this. Do you want me to step away?"

"Come here," I motioned to her, and she came and slipped her arm around me as she joined me at the wheel again. I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you for checking. I'm OK if you're helping Cattie manage the shoot."

"Yeah, well, I wasn't planning on it," Cassidy grumbled. "I kind of just got sucked into it."

"Do you want me to say no?" I asked. "I can be the bad guy if you want, I don't care."

"No, it's fine," she sighed. "She's still Cattie's girlfriend."

"OK," I said and gave Cassidy's butt a little swat. "Love you."

"You too, Tiger," she smiled, scritching my back before stepping away.

For the next fifteen minutes or so I could hear them talking as the work went on. Every once in a while I would glance back - not trying to catch a glimpse, just checking the back corners of the houseboat to make sure no one was coming up behind us or anything. At one point I saw that Cattie was taking photos of Heather sitting topless on the edge of the hot tub. Another glance back a little later and I saw that she was naked and posing outside the tub, leaning on the side, though I didn't see much more than her big boobs and the big curve of her hip.

I shook my head and turned back to my driving. I didn't know how Cattie could do it, her significant other putting up full nudes. Some people seemed to think it was only a short hop from scandalous clothing or costumes to full nude, but from my perspective it was one hell of a jump. And full nudes apparently weren't the limit of Heather's content.

I spotted the speedboat before it got too close to us. It was a big sucker probably designed for guys with bigger wallets than dicks, and as it kept getting closer I saw there were at least a half dozen guys hanging out. The speedboat should have just sped by us about a hundred meters off our starboard side, but I could only guess that they'd spotted Heather and the girls on deck and they immediately started veering closer to us.

"Incoming looky-loo's," I called back over my shoulder.

There was a splash and I glanced back and saw Heather was back in the hot tub, though she didn't lower herself down to hide her bare chest.

The powerboat got closer, slowing down to match our pace, and the guys started whooping and whistling. There were seven of them, all somewhere in their mid-twenties and looking relatively fit. I could only guess they were frat boys or some sort of teammates or something.

Cassidy slipped back into the Pilot's Cabin quietly, sitting up on the counter again as close as she could comfortably get.

Meanwhile Cattie was holding the camera and light diffuser while Heather grinned and waved down at the guys, her tits in the open. The guys obviously loved it, and then they cheered even louder. I glanced back again and saw that Sherry had lifted her top and was shaking her little boobs at the guys.

"Cattie's gonna be pissed," Cassidy said.

"I don't blame her," I said.

Sherry rushed over to the entry to the Pilot's Cabin. "Hey, Robbie, pull over or whatever. Let's say hi to these guys!"

"Yeah, no can do," I said. "Sorry, Sherry. We need to keep up with the other houseboat."

"It's fine," Sherry said. "We can catch back up to them, can't we? These guys seem cool and I want to make some more friends. There's no single guys on this trip."

"There's not supposed to be single guys on the trip," Cassidy said. "It was part of the rules."

"Whatever," Sherry said. "Come on, it'll just take a few minutes."

"Sorry, Sherry. I'm not stopping to talk to these randos," I said.

"What the fuck," Sherry said and slapped her hand against the doorway. "It's not a big deal. Fucking Christ."

She stormed off, and soon the powerboat was gunning its engine, shooting up big sprays behind it to show off to Heather and Sherry. Then it shot ahead, heading towards the other houseboat.

"What an entitled brat," Cassidy muttered once the noise of their engine died.

"She's young," I said. "It's not an excuse though. No wonder Cattie is a little worried about her."

Ahead of us, the boat slowed down again and I could hear the soft din of the whoops and whistles again as someone on the other boat gave them their own show.

I felt weird that I was worried who it might be.

Chapter 52

About twenty minutes after the powerboat sped off across the lake, Becca pulled us into another shallow bay. This one wasn't as hidden as the last, but it had a sandy beach that we were able to pull up close to and drop anchor. JC finally emerged from below - from the grin on his and Terra's faces, I had a feeling they'd taken their time alone down on the main deck for some personal time. With JC's help we got the houseboats together again with the gangplank lowered between the upper decks.

Everyone started to merge and mingle, and I noticed Becca organizing a crew of girls to help with lunch. I went to offer some help, but Becca saw me coming and waved me off.

I ended up sitting in one of the Adirondack chairs on the Singles Boat talking with Ami about the last few Marvel movies and how disappointed she'd been since Endgame when Cassidy came and joined us, handing me a cold beer and sliding in to sit on my lap without breaking the conversation. She joined in, immediately ganging up on me with Ami playfully as they swore up and down the movies had been better than the Disney+ shows, and once in a while would lift my beer to her lips for me to give her a sip. Every time she did it, and I tilted the bottle for her to get some, Ami would give us a look like she was in an anime - I could practically see the big heart eyes at how cute she thought we were being.

Our conversation was interrupted, however, by Heather.

"Um, hey," she said, coming over from the Couples Boat. "Ami, could I talk to these two for a minute?"

"Sure," Ami said, and just sat there for a long moment.

"Alone?" Heather prompted her.

"Oh, yeah, of course," Ami said and stood up from her chair. "I'll talk to you guys later."

"See you," Cassidy said warmly, then turned to Heather. "What's up?"

Heather had thankfully changed since her photoshoot and was now wearing a bikini bottom with a white sleeveless tee, though it looked like she hadn't bothered with a bikini top under it as her nipples were making big bumps in the shirt. Her hair was also a little more tamed down and the heavy makeup had been replaced by her usual amount.

"So, first I wanted to say thanks for helping earlier, Cassidy," she said. "I appreciate it, even if my kind of content isn't your usual thing."

"It was no problem at all," Cassidy said. "Happy to help Cattie and you out."

"Right," Heather nodded. "And on that note... It's been brought to my attention that I may have overstepped yesterday when I was encouraging you to sunbathe topless with us. I'm sorry you were offended, I was only trying to encourage you to feel free with your body."

Cassidy hesitated for a long moment, blinking slowly as if she expected Heather to say something else. The taller woman was standing over us looking uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"Well, thanks," Cassidy finally said. "I appreciate the thought."

"Cool," Heather said. "And, I mean, youshould feel comfortable with showing off your body."

"Oh, I am when I think it's appropriate," Cassidy said. "But I respect my fiancee, and I've given myself to him. He gets to decide if he's comfortable with that or not, too."

Heather screwed up her face a little bit. "You'vegiven yourself to him? That sounds like some pretty oppressive patriarchal bullshit. What, when you get married are you his property or something?"

"No, that would be ridiculous," Cassidy scoffed. Heather looked slightly appeased, but then Cassidy shifted and took my hand in hers and lifted it to her lips, kissing my fingers and continuing. "I swore I was his already happily. He owns me. I'm his, and he's mine."

The sneer on Heather's face couldn't have gotten any more disgusted.

"I would have thought you'd understand," I said, cutting into the conversation for the first time. "I mean, considering your relationship with Cattie."

That made Heather stop and blush for a moment. "That's different," she said.

Cassidy cocked her head to the side a little and raised an eyebrow. "How is that?"

"Because she's not- It's play," she said.

Cassidy shrugged and snuggled down more onto me, laying her head back on my chest. "Well, Robbie and I are getting married. I'm his, and I'm never fronting anything else again. This is who I am happy being all the time."

"Thanks for the apology, Heather," I said, trying to keep things civil and giving her an out.

"Yeah," Heather said, stepping back and walking off. The expression on her face was something around consternation crossed with shock, with a dash of that disgust still in there.

"What a cunt," Cassidy said quietly.

"Babe," I said, surprised at the heavy language.

"Sorry, but she is," Cassidy scoffed quietly. "What kind of apology was that?"

"Half-assed and forced," I said. "Let's be real, Cattie probably made her do it. You could have been a little easier on her though, for Cattie's sake."

"She needs to realize she's not some queen bee of a mean girl's clique," Cassidy said. "And I didn't say anything that wasn't true." Then she sat up and put her hands on my chest, looking at me with worried eyes. "Except I know I said we were getting married, and that's not for certain right now. I'm not trying to push you, I swear, it was just what I was feeling. I should have worded it differently."

"It's alright," I assured her. "It's a lot easier to just say that. I don't blame you at all."

"You're sure?" Cassidy asked.

"Yes," I nodded and kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose. "Have I told you today how beautiful you are?"

"Once or twice, I think," Cassidy smiled. She was right, I'd said it to her and Cattie plenty during the early morning photo shoot.

"Want me to tell you again?" I teased her.

"Yes, please," she smiled.

"You, Cassidy Pines, are an absolute diamond."

"I love you, Robbie Blane," she whispered.

I kissed her more firmly, this time on her lips. I could hear someone come up the stairs and shout that lunch was ready down in the kitchen, but I didn't break the kiss and neither did Cassidy. We didn't stop until someone cleared their throat right next to us.

"Ah-hem," Cattie coughed again. "While it's nice to see you two like that, are you guys ready to eat or what?"

"Yes," I chuckled, and Cassidy nodded and stretched while still on my lap before standing.

"Your girl came and apologised for yesterday," Cassidy said. "I mean, I think she did. It was kind of hard to tell."

"Yeah, she can be like that," Cattie sighed. She turned to me with a raised eyebrow. "Coming, Robbie?"

"In a second," I said.

"Something wrong?" she asked.

"Uh, something like that," I said and glanced down at my crotch. Between the tight swimsuit and Cassidy squirming around in my lap, and then the kiss... well, it would take a second for me to deflate to an appropriate bulge amount.

"Oops," Cassidy grinned and bit her lower lip. Then both of the women snorted and giggled.

Chapter 53

Lunch was freshly made wraps with snack bags of chips, and of course served with cold beers. We didn't stay cooped up in the interior of the boat this time and soon everyone was up on the top deck eating and chatting. Becca had decided this would be a great place to stay for the evening since we had access to the beach for shoots that night and the next morning, and soon there was a group forming to go for a hike after lunch.

Since JC was the one spearheading the hiking effort, I volunteered to stay behind to watch the boats as we couldn't leave them unattended. Becca agreed and decided to stay back as well. Soon most of the group were getting dressed in rougher clothes suitable for an hour or so hike, along with whatever running shoes or boots they had with them - it was surprising how many of the women had some form of hiking boot as part of at least one costume or outfit.

JC and I ended up in the water helping carry a bunch of the girls to shore so they didn't have to get wet, or at least put on socks and boots over wet feet. Becca and I made sure there were plenty of water bottles among the group, and then we watched them march off along the rim of the lake.

"They'll be fine," Becca said, watching the train of booty shorts and halter tops trail over the closest rocky rise.

"I'm sure no one will die," I said with a snort.

Becca rolled her eyes and nudged me with her elbow. "How many of them do you think forgot to put on sunscreen?"

"I'm going to guess at least two," Cassidy said. She'd also elected to stay behind, and I knew it wasn't because she was anti-hike or anything like that. With no one else around, this was the perfect time for us to have our conversation with Becca. "I'm betting Ginnie and Sherry, or maybe... Leia and Sherry."

"No, I saw Leia with sunscreen," I said. "And Ginnie would have gotten some from her. I'm thinking Sherry and Heels, since Baheela doesn't think she'll tan anyways."

"Mm, good point," Cassidy nodded, then turned to Becca. "So, I'm thinking we... talk, and can do the massage photoshoot at the same time? How does that sound?"

"Sounds good," Becca nodded. "White bikinis, right?"

"Yep," Cassidy nodded. "And some sort of up-do for your hair to keep it out of the way. If you want to go get ready, I can prep our cameras and transfer you the memory card later?"

The plan was made, and within ten minutes we had a big white towel laid out on the top deck of the Singles Boat between the hot tub and the Adirondack chairs. Cassidy was up first with our bag of equipment and was soon set up with a couple of different tripods and two different ring lights to help with the harshest shadows of the overhead sun.

Then Becca came up the stairs from the stairs. She was barefoot, wearing a white bikini with gold hoops at the hips and between the cups of the breasts. Her silvery blonde hair was pulled up into a stylish 'messy on purpose' bun held in place by what looked like a pair of fancy chopsticks with white handles decorated with a soft floral motif.

"Wow," I said. "You look really great."

"Very hot, and that's a super cute bikini," Cassidy grinned.

"Thanks," Becca smiled, then lifted herself up a bit on the edge of the hot tub and sat facing us. "Alright, before we start. Cassidy, you know everything Robbie and I have talked about and done, right?"

"Mhmm," Cassidy nodded. "You've kissed twice, and you told him you were interested in more but only if things were clear between us." Cassidy reached over and took my hand, glancing to check my expression. "It's clear. However far Robbie is interested in, I want you two to go for it."

"OK," Becca nodded. "I'm sorry if me needing to ask seems like I don't trust you, Robbie, but I needed to know for sure."

"It's OK," I said. "And I can't blame you one bit for wanting to double-check. Can I ask a question, though?"

"Sure," Becca said.

"You decided pretty quickly that you were open to things getting sexual between us," I said. "Is this something you're used to doing, or is this new for you, too?"

Becca sighed and chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment, pursing her lips as she considered my question. "Honestly? I grew up what I used to think of as mildly bisexual. I appreciated attractive guys and girls, but I never really felt drawn to date until I was just out of high school. I met this guy, and we hit it off, and even though I wasn't super sexual he was able to get me off. He also happened to be a manipulative piece of shit. It took me three years to realize it and dump his ass. Ever since then I've been sort of in an asexual limbo. Then a couple weeks ago I started getting horny again out of nowhere, and yesterday... well, I told you I know what I like and you seem to fit the bill. So no, this isn't usual for me. I can casually flirt among professionals with the best of them, but I've never broached actual contact."

"Thanks, and I'm sorry," I said.

"Me too," Cassidy nodded, reaching out and taking Becca's hand and giving it a squeeze.

"It's fine," Becca said. "The bad stuff is in the past, and now I'm a successful businesswoman with a dozen weird skills under my belt, and I vacillate in celebrity status online somewhere between e-thot and professional spokesmodel. The only way I got to where I am is through all of that."

"Wise, cute and sexy," I said with a smile.

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