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AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 081-090


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"There's a second thing, though," Cattie said, drawing our attention back to her. "Cass, I love you like a sister. Hell, I mightlike you better than my own sister. And if this were happening naturally, and I was single, and you two weren't going through what you were... Well, I think we'd have a lot of fun. But tonight, you're not participating. You need to sit back and watch, and you're not allowed to even touch yourself as someone else gets what's supposed to be only yours. Because Robbie issupposed to be yours, and for this to happen I need you to know what that means."

Cassidy nodded, though I could see the sadness in her eyes. It wasn't jealousy, or anger that she was being excluded or told what to do. It was that deep, deep regret she'd shown over what she'd done.

She knew what she'd done, and the damage she'd caused between us.

Chapter 84

"That's fine," Cassidy nodded, and stood up and threw on a sweater. "Give me a second, I'm going to go get a chair so I'm not on the bed and getting in the way."

She slipped out of the room, leaving me with a mostly-naked Cattie.

"I'm sure," Cattie said, giving me a little smile and pre-empting my question.

"OK," I acknowledged, trying to stick it in my head that I didn't need to ask her again. "I just- I appreciate you a hell of a lot, Catelyn."

Her smile broadened a bit as I used her full first name. I don't know if I'd ever done it before, but it felt right in the moment. She leaned down and kissed me again, softer than before, then sat on my lap and kissed me again, her bare breasts pushing against my chest as Cassidy returned with a chair from the kitchen and set it down, shutting the door again.

"So how do you want me?" Cattie asked me. "It's been a long while since I've been with a guy."

"I think I want what you want," I said. "Seriously, Cattie. You and Heather are in this dominant-submissive thing, but the way you talked about it last time... do you even like it?"

"I like... parts of it. Bits of it," she admitted. "But I like my turn to be on top, too."

"OK," I said, and kissed her again. God, kissing her was this weird thrill. It felt wrong and right in a way I hadn't felt with any of the other women on the trip. Kissing Wanda was pure sexual tension. Kissing Becca was like kissing Cassidy for those first couple of weeks of our relationship back in high school. Kissing Terra was like a little sip of water in a desert, this hope of something that doesn't feel like it should be. Kissing Leia, and Ami, and Zenya were all different as well, though with them it didn't feel as deep or complicated. They were all beautiful and desirable, but kissing Cattie...

"Honesty time," I said. "Your fantasy you described during the game - are you only interested in something like that with a woman, or would you want to do that with me? I can totally understand if you'd want that with a woman but not a guy since we're not exactly the same when it comes to sexual attractiveness."

"I-" Cattie started, then stopped and cocked her head to the side, looking at me as her eyes got a little teary. "Robbie, I can't believe I'm just realizing this, but after the last couple of days I think I trust you enough to indulge myself in being weird if you're willing to trust me too."

I kissed her, holding her softly in my arms. "I do," I said. "Just tell me how you want me."

She bit the inside of her cheek, then glanced back at Cassidy.

"Do it, babe," Cassidy encouraged her. "Robbie and I both love and trust you."

She turned back to me. "Can you get naked all the way and lay flat on the bed?"

"Anything for you," I said, and kissed her nose. She stood up and I quickly dropped my shorts and scooted up onto the bed fully. My cock was already half-chubbed, and started to grow firmer as Cattie stripped off her panties and got entirely naked with me. She crawled up on the bed, not between my legs but to the side, and I watched her with a smile as she did it.

Cattie got up near the head of the bed and laid down horizontally to it, her head hovering just over mine. "Hey," she said softly with a smile.

"Hi," I replied.

She kissed me. Softly. Tentatively. Like we hadn't been doing just that thing moments ago. The kiss changed and morphed. She tried different things, testing how our lips matched together. How it felt with our noses pressed to one side or the other. She shifted around my body, kissing me from the other side. At the same time, she ran her fingers through my hair, both on my head and on my chest. Her fingers curled in it as she played with it. The kissing stopped and she just rested her forehead on mine, her eyes closed as our breath started to match and mingle, noses side by side.

It was an intimate moment with barely any contact between us.

Then she was kissing me again, trailing it down my jaw and neck to my collarbone, to my shoulder, and down my arm. She stayed there for a long moment. I wasn't especially bulky and muscled, but I was fit. I'd maintained a level of athleticism since my swimmer days and hadn't gotten soft like some of my old teammates. She explored my muscles, kissing my arm. Kissing the inside of my elbow. Then she licked my arm and glanced up to see what my reaction was. I just smiled and nodded. That made her smile in return, the moment of self-consciousness passing. She kissed further down my arm to the palm of my hand, and she lifted it off the bed as she sat cross-legged.

"You've got such big hands," she murmured, examining my hand up close, weaving her fingers between mine. "I guess what they say is true, big hands and big feet mean one thing."

"Big gloves and shoes," I finished for her.

She rolled her eyes and kissed my palm, then nuzzled her cheek against it. "I was thinking of that big cock, but I guess that's two things," she grinned.

She explored my hand for a while, kissing the front and back, sucking on my fingers and thumb as she watched my reaction. Then she brought my hand down to her breasts and softly grazed her nipples with my knuckles.

"Make a fist," she requested, her voice getting a little lower and husky.

I did, and she lowered my hand down to the bed as if it were a precious object. She placed it fingers down and knuckles up. Then she shifted, moving from her sitting position to her knees, straddling my hand.

Cattie's breasts were fantastic, but I'd now been looking at them for a bit. Cattie's vagina, however, was new to me. It was pale, like the rest of her, with a soft pink flush to it. She had a somewhat prominent clit hood from this angle, and as I watched Cattie slowly lowered her hips until her warm pussy was pressed to the back of my fist.

"Mmm," she hummed happily. "I just want to try..."

She started grinding her hips, pressing her lips against my hand, breathing deeply as she played with herself, using my hand like a- well, I wasn't penetrating her or vibrating, so I wasn't really sure what sex toy to call myself at that moment.

Then Cattie lowered her body, still grinding on my knuckles in a sort of frog-like position until her face was right next to my cock, her chin resting on my hip bone. She glanced up at me, smiling softly, and pouted her lips forward and shifted, kissing the side of my shaft as her nose brushed just to the side of it.

"Fuck," I breathed out softly. This woman knew how to tease like no other.

Chapter 85

Cattie continued to explore me. She slowly, methodically, explored my cock and pubic bone with her lips and fingertips. She moved around me, raising her pussy from my hand and leaving a smear of wetness there. As she moved I looked over at Cassidy, sitting on a chair at the end of the bed and watching the two of us with rapt attention. She was fully dressed, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees, her hands under her chin, and I realized she wasn't watching us. She was watching me.

Not Cattie. Not the beautiful, naked woman in bed with me. Me.

She smiled, then broke into a full grin, as I made eye contact with her, but she didn't say anything.

Cattie's travels around my cock eventually led her up to the head, which she began to tease with her lips and the tip of her tongue. She traced the ridge of my glans and started watching for my reaction again, her eyes trained on mine. I had to take deep breaths to keep from wanting to grab her and get her, or part of her, on my cock fully instead of dancing around it.

Then as my cock flexed involuntarily, a little bead of precum oozed out of the tip and pooled there.

"That's so fucking hot," Cattie murmured, looking at it like she'd just discovered a new universe on the tip of my dick. She touched it, just the liquid, with the tip of her finger, like she was testing the viscosity. Then she touched it with the tip of her tongue, tasting it, savouring it for a moment, and then she kissed it away. Then she did something I really wasn't expecting, something I'd done to Cassidy, and much more recently Becca, and never really thought how weirdly intimate it was. Cattie put her fingers on either side of my cock head and she gently pulled the hole open just to look at what was inside.

It took everything I had not to move, not to giggle or jerk away or anything. I'd looked at the inner bits of two women, and with any luck I'd probably want to do the same thing with Cattie herself. I'd want to peel her open and taste her. So why should I stop her from doing the same?

She got enough, though there wasn't all that much to see, and slid lower as she let go of my cock head and began to explore my sac. I couldn't see as much of what she was doing, but I could definitely feel it - she really didn't hold back. I think my nuts got explored more thoroughly by her than Cassidy and I combined. And that was just with her fingers, because then she did it all again with her mouth. By the time she was finished, another thick bead of precum was at the tip of my cock and she raised herself up, kissing that away as well.

"Having fun?" she asked me, sliding up my body and laying next to me again, running her fingers through my chest hair.

"You definitely know how to get a guy going," I said. "More importantly, are you having fun?"

She nodded, smiling contentedly. "Mhmm. Thanks for letting me do that."

"Are you done?" I asked.

"If we ever find ourselves in this position again, maybe I'll try something else," she said. "But right now your cock looks like I've teased it enough, and I'm starting to get really fucking horny. Feel." She took my hand in hers and raised them to her breasts. Her nipples were hard pebbles, and I softly began to massage them as she closed her eyes and breathed deeply, absorbing the feeling. "You're good at that," she said.

"I'm well trained," I said. "Also housebroken and I can do tricks."

That made her chuckle. "What kind of tricks?" she asked.

"You sure you're ready to move on?" I asked.

"I am," she said. I was still massaging her tits, and she lowered her hand from my chest to my cock, wrapping her fingers around the base.

"Then my first trick is I'd like to get between your legs and make sure you're good and horny, Catelyn," I said.

"Robbie, I'm in a lesbian relationship," she said and kissed my chin. "Do me a favour and just make sure I'm well lubed up. I can get all the oral I want. I don't exactly have access to a real live cock, let alone one as fine as yours."

I laughed. "Deal," I said.

Now it was my turn to move around her. Cattie rolled onto her back and I kissed down her body quickly, stopping only briefly to tease her nipples with some soft kisses, and she allowed me to open her legs. I wanted to spend my time down here. Hell, I wanted to spend hours down here. Looking up at Cattie from between her legs, and around her tits, I thought she was as gorgeous as could be. I wanted to tease and taste every part of her, really, and that made me wonder if I could do the same thing to her that she fantasized about.

I set that aside and quickly kissed her pussy lips, and then went to work. Cattie tasted good, with almost a neutral smell and a somewhat salty tinge that made me think of that liquorice flavour kissing her had.

"Oh, motherfucker," Cattie breathed out suddenly. "That's- Holy crap, Robbie. Cassidy, you never said he wasthis good."

Was I? Good enough to make her comment on it? Again, I had that flash of worry that maybe Cassidy hadn't been entirely truthful with me.

"I told you he rocked my world on a consistent basis," Cassidy said from her seat. "How's the feel of his scruff? He didn't shave today."

"A little prickly and rough, but sort of nice because of it. Hoooo boy, Robbie you're dangerous."

"How dangerous?" I asked lifting my lips from her now fully flushed and ready pussy.

"Very," Cattie said. "Now come up here and get that cock inside me, Tiger."

Chapter 86

Entering Cattie was a process. Not because it was hard, but because it was something I'd never thought I would be doing up until yesterday morning. It was something I was honestly a little afraid of - the idea of being with someone other than Cassidy.

It was also something I wanted to relish, being with Cattie.

We shifted a little first. Cattie moved down the bed a touch, and I put a pillow under her ass to raise her hips. Then I was between her legs, but I leaned over to kiss her instead of rushing to just stick it in. She raised her arms and crossed them behind my neck, our tongues slowly working together in a rhythm we started between the two of us. My cock was resting on top of her pussy - I could feel the warmth of her arousal, and the soft little fleshy nub of her clit hood as she circled her hips.

"Fuck, you turn me on," she whispered to me. "Always have, if I'm being honest."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"From the moment I saw how much you love her," Cattie told me. "But you were her's, so you were just a fantasy in the dark of the night. I can't believe this is happening."

"Neither can I," I said.

I kissed her again and reached down to position my cock at her entrance, the head resting into that little notch, our mixed arousal coming together at a point that would require just a bit of force to slide me inside of her.

"Ready?" I asked her.

She rested her head back on the bed, a moment of serenity passing over her features as she looked up at me. She was always beautiful, but with her silky black hair splayed around her on the bed, looking up at me... she was breathtaking. Cattie nodded softly.

I eased in, and she accepted me.

It was magical - at least, in my head and my chest. The physical feeling of it wasn't any different from entering Cassidy, if I were being honest, but the emotions involved in it were different. Maybe if we'd just slammed into each other I'd feel like it was just the mechanics of sex, sort of like my brief encounter with Ginnie in the afternoon. Just giving or taking pleasure. But that wasn't this. We didn't just slam into each other.

As I felt Cattie's pussy slowly accept me, adjusting to me inside of her, she sighed happily and held my face in her hands, both of us watching the other. It took three slow strokes to bury myself in her, our pelvises pressing together at the end as I let a bit of my weight press down onto her hips.

"So fucking warm," she groaned, and closed her eyes as she flexed her Kegels, testing my hardness inside of her. "That's what dildos and vibrators are missing. I can feelyou inside me. Not some toy. I know it's you and it's so much more than just getting fucked."

I kissed her for my response, and she accepted readily. Then I started to fuck her. Slowly at first as we found our rhythm, then a little faster.

"Fuck, Tiger," Cattie moaned happily, cupping her tits and rocking with me.

"Catelyn," I groaned back, fully engaged in the sex. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. "God damn, you feel amazing."

"So do you," she said. "God, fuck. You feel so fucking good. The way you- yeah, that thing with your hips."

"That's not his only trick," Cassidy said from the end of the bed. I glanced back at her, and she was still eagerly watching us, her hands carefully propped under her chin to stop her from playing with herself. 'Have fun, baby,' she mouthed to me. 'Love her.'

I turned back to the gorgeous vixen under me and redoubled my efforts, picking up the pace.

"Yes, Robbie, ungh-" Cattie groaned, her breath hitching.

I kissed her again, and with our lips and hips pressed together I surprised her by rolling us bodily and suddenly she was on top in cowboy position. Cattie immediately went to work with her own hips, grinding on me. She raised out of the kiss, her tits dangling between us, and started bouncing forward on my cock, giving me the chance to catch her nipples with my lips. She laughed, and pressed her chest down more onto my face, surrounding me in tit.

I was holding her hip with one hand, my other palming her ass. I brought the ass one back around and reached up, cupping her cheek and putting my thumb to her lips. She sucked it in, suckling on it for me, and then taking it in her teeth and growling playfully. Then she let it go, and I brought that spit-lubed thumb down to her clit and flicked at her clit hood. She shuddered, and I did it again.

"Fuck, I'm going to come," Cattie hissed. "God, you're going to make me come already. Are you close, Tiger? Can you come with me?"

"Do you want him to come inside you?" Cassidy asked from her seat. "Do you want him to give you what all those dildos are missing and give you that warm, real manly cum squirting right up inside you and spreading that squishy, gooey warmth all the way through you?"

"We shouldn't," Cattie asked. "I'm- no condom. But I'm on the pill."

"I can pull out if you want," I offered through my own clenched teeth. Hearing Cassidy ask if Cattie wanted me to come inside of her had driven me towards the edge quickly.

"No!" Cattie said loudly. We'd been fairly quiet so far, and I think it was to try and not make it too big a deal on the boat what we were doing. "No," she said again. "Don't you fucking pull out, Robbie. Just let me get there, and then... and then..."

She opened her mouth in a silent shout as her orgasm started to peak, and I took that opportunity to push on her clit again with my thumb as I thrust up into her quickly. Cattie came as her body tensed for a long moment, extended by what I was doing, and her pussy locked down on my cock until I could almost feel the grooves of her abdominal muscles. And then I couldn't hold it anymore, and I grunted as I released into her. Cattie let out a wordless 'Huuuughf' as she felt me explode, my cock pumping three massive spurts as I rode the orgasm, then multiple smaller ones.

I was panting. She was panting, collapsing down on my chest. Our breathing was in sync. Cattie leaned up and kissed me, making out with me for a long set of moments before pulling back. "Robbie, you're still hard?"

"You think I could go soft?" I asked her. "God, I don't want to wait another second before I fuck you again."

"How do you want me?" she asked.

"From behind," I told her. "I haven't had a chance to see and play with that magnificent ass of yours, and I want to fuck you at a good angle to find your g-spot."

"Well, let's do that," she grinned. "But my g-spot is unusually deep. I'm going to need you to dick me hard and really dig for it."

"Happily," I said, and kissed her again.

Chapter 87

Cattie got off of me and sat at the edge of the bed on her knees, hanging her ass just over the side and sitting up straight, arching her back and looking at me. Then she flexed the cheeks of her butt, one at a time.

"God fucking damn," I said.

"Cattie, hon," Cassidy said. "I've always known you were a sexy bitch, but seeing you like this... I think I've got a lady boner about the same size as Robbie's cock at this point."

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