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Amazing Neighbors

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Neighbor does like anal but his wife does, I was willing to.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/28/2023
Created 07/25/2018
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I wasn't very happy to see that the new neighbors had two dogs, seeing the dogs I wished yet again that I had had the foresight to purchase the empty lot next door when I built my house. Five years after my house was built construction started next door. Things got off on the wrong foot from the start, the builders constructed a wall of railroad ties and started hauling in dirt to level the lot and for the next six months my driveway and lawn was covered in mud after every rain.

Then the owners moved in, a young professional couple with a yapping little rat dog. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but asthma and a desire for peace and quiet have kept me from having any since I was a teen. We live at the end of a cul-de-sac surrounded by over a thousand acres of old growth forest, with every kind of beast and fowl one would expect in such an area. That dammed dog never quit barking; my office window downstairs and my bedroom window upstairs are on that side of the house so there was no escape, it would interrupt both sleep and work, they seemed never to be home so I guess it didn't bother them. I was happy when that dog and its people moved after just a couple of years.

The next owners were a young family and a wiener dog that made the last dog seem mute. I hated that dog, I seriously considered killing it to silence it. I had more than one conversation with them to keep the dog quiet at least at night. After every conversation they would keep it in the house for a week or so and then it would return. It was a pleasure to watch their boys grow up, play sports and go off to college, I was the nice old guy next door (I was in my forties) so I didn't want to make a big issue over barking. I was ecstatic when that dog died, until they brought home two new puppies. Bad neighbors are the bane of my existence. After the younger son graduated and left so did they to downsize and for a few months the house was empty and my world was peaceful.

Then the moving trucks showed up and I was greeted by two dogs running toward me growling, barking and with barred teeth while I was working in the yard. Swiftly behind them yelling was a slender young man.

"I'm so sorry," he said, "They are harmless, all bark and no bite."

"They are just being dogs and protecting their new home," I responded, "welcome to the neighborhood, I am Hogan."

"Jim," he responded, while offering a hand to shake. "And that's my wife Jill." gesturing to the attractive brunette with lots of curves carrying a baby and holding the hand of a toddler walking up behind.

"And this is Abby, and Ally," she added.

"I am very pleased to meet you all, Can I help in the unloading." I offered.

Simultaneously they said, "we couldn't intrude."

My smile and nod let them know that they could.

"That would be wonderful, if you truly don't mind." They spoke, finishing each other's thoughts.

For the next few hours Jim and I unloaded the moving van while Jill directed and unboxed their dishes and other kitchen items.

Covered in sweat and dust from the boxes Jim and I dropped into opposite ends of the couch after setting and moving it to where Jill directed, as it was the last item to be moved.

"Whoa, boys, you're not done, we still have to set up the beds." Jill proclaimed as she entered the living room. So up the stair we trod assembling first the girls bunks, then the massive four-poster in the master. I could not help but notice odd worn circles on each post just below the mattress level. After laying down the mattress Jim and I headed back to the couch as Jill was putting sheets on the girls beds and tucking them in for the night. After getting the girls situated she came down to join us choosing to sit between Jim and I rather than on the chair or settee.

"Hogan, thanks again for the help, we could not have managed without you. I would offer you a beer, but you haven't hooked up the fridge yet." She said with a smile and a chuckle.

"How rude of me," I responded, "I'll be right back." I walked next door to my house and came back with a six pack of beer and a bottle of pinot.

"You are my new best friend." Was Jill's response.

"And a great neighbor." From Jim, as he hoisted his beer in salute.

Jill checked again on the girls and returned to sit, rest, drink, and converse, I learned how they had met in College and how it was love at first sight, Jim was Jill's first date, first kiss, first ...everything. They are both in their late 20's and I am in my fifties. When the beer and bottle were gone, I said my goodnight and went home. Over the next few months got to know the family well, the girls started calling me Papa Ogan as we shared time together and almost weekly hosted the other for dinner or a bar-b-que.

Jill joined me almost every day on my daily walk, she started to trim down and firm up almost immediately. About six months in she was down to, as she referred, "her fighting weight." She stated that she had not weighed that little since high school. Her flat tummy and thin waist were exaggerated by her large breasts (still nursing) and apple shaped ass. She was still curvy but her curves now were tight and firm. In our conversations I learned that she had been the tomboy turned nerd/gamer and was never even asked on a date until college when she met Jim.

I said, "I didn't know they let beautiful young ladies with sight attend the school for the blind."

She just smiled and said, "You are so sweet."

What every guy loves to hear. But I really didn't mind, I always considered myself the nice guy even if it didn't always work out best for me, I felt good about myself and sleep well every night. By now both Jim and Jill were also calling me Ogan. I didn't mind a bit.

Jill joined a local crossfit group and got even more fit, she looked like a fitness model and the more fit she became the more sexual her conversations and provocative her dress. She was hot! Jim started joining us on our daily walks; he was always in excellent shape so it was more for the social aspect than for fitness, which of course meant that the girls in their strollers also came along. I rarely pushed the strollers but more often than not would carry one of the girls, and at times both, with Abby on my shoulders and Ally in my arms. I felt like a member of the family. Every now and then Jim and Jill would go on a date and I was always a ready babysitter. I think by the end of the year the girls thought I really was their grandfather.

When May rolled around I invited everyone to my lake house for the weekend, going up the week before to make sure everything was ready after the winter, and boats were serviced and berthed in the dock. I stocked the pantry and refrigerator. The liquor cabinet was always well stocked, and this year for Jill I added a healthy selection of wine.

I let them have the master suite as it had a private bath and room for the bassinette. I offered Abby her own room or I had an inflatable bed that they could also set up in the master, she chose to be close to her mom and dad. I was on the other side of the cabin affording them lots of privacy. The girls got up early and I fixed breakfast as their parents slept in, a luxury I'm certain they seldom enjoy. Abby supervised the cooking telling me the correct way (her mom's way) of preparing the eggs and toast. I set out the butter and jam, poured orange juice for the kids and mimosas for the adults. I have never mastered hash browns so the frozen variety baked at 450 degrees was the best I could offer, with sausage, bacon, fresh fruit and melon to complete the meal. Jill emerged first, looking amazing even with bed hair and no makeup.

The first day on the lake Jill wore a sexy one piece with a plunging neckline and high legs that went over her hip bones, and virtually no back with just a narrow strip of material crossing her lower back and disappearing between the full globes of her buttocks. The suit was white and, when she emerged after her first dive into the water, was nearly transparent, I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was staring, although I did try to hide the growing bulge in my trunks. Jill followed my stare down to her visible nipples resting high on her breasts and pushing points into the diaphanous material, smiling, she looked at Jim and said, "you were right I think he likes it."

Jim replied, "a man would have to be dead not to like it."

I gave them lessons on how to pilot a boat, the Seadoo's and a brief intro to scuba, Jim loved being the captain and I was more than happy to let him his eyes were on the water, mine were on Jill, who would smile and wink whenever she caught me staring, which was often. Jill wanted to learn how to waterski, I instructed her how to place the rope squat and lean back, and showed Jim how to go full throttle then back off as soon as she was up, and both the hand signals to sped up, slow down, stop, and all is okay, along with holding the skis up after a fall to be visible to other boats. She just couldn't get the hang of it so I had Jim pilot and I got in the water. I positioned myself behind Jill, had her lean back and draw her knees to her chest while I held the backs of her thighs and had Jim take off. I held Jill in position as I dragged along behind only letting go as she was able to stand.

After a few attempts she was skiing, I swam back to shore giving my erection time to subside and sat in the water watching as they made loops around the bay. She fell a few times but was able to get back up on her own. After the day on the lake I grilled steaks and hot dogs and mixed up a few pitchers of strawberry daiquiris and we played board games until the girls fell asleep. We soon after retired to our separate rooms, me taking a few minutes to relieve the pent up sexual tension the day had brought.

I woke up to Jill preparing breakfast the girls already eating their favorite cereal, with fresh fruit (I love summer) and Jim pulling into the dock having taken the boat to the marina for a fill-up. When asked what each wanted to do today Abby responded with wanting to tube, and Jill to ski, Jim was happy to be Captain again and after breakfast we wasted no time in getting back into the water.

I about chocked on my beer when Jill dropped her cover and revealed a wicked weasel bikini that was transparent even dry and consisted of two tiny triangles at each nipple that couldn't have been much larger than a quarter, and the bottom had only a string in the back, and the front was so low that the majority of her vulva was exposed in all its bare splendor. I could not hide the erection peeking out the leg of my trunks, so I quickly jumped in the water, much to both Jill and Jim's amusement. I couldn't hear their conversation but from the quick glances and smiles my way I knew I was included in the topic.

Later that evening they told of how on one spill Jill lost her bottoms and luckily found them because her wrap was on shore. I said "just my luck, that couldn't happen while I out there."

Jill replied, "there wouldn't have been much more to see than that suit Jim bought me shows anyway, but I am flattered that you would have like to see. Maybe I'll flash you some day."

"I wouldn't complain."

"Neither would I" responded Jim. I just smiled.

The weekend ended and everything went back to normal, our daily walks and evening chats, and me babysitting on Jim and Jill's date nights. A few of weeks later, during one of our conversations, which had become increasingly risqué, Jill asked if I had ever done anal, and if I liked it?

I told her that I had and I did, but verified that she meant me with a lady, because I was never interested in being the recipient. We both laughed. "No, I didn't mean it that way," she said, "I never have, and Jim thinks it's just nasty, but when I, you know, play with my toys, I cum so hard when I put it there."

"Well, there are many more nerve endings there than in your vagina, and some women really like it."

"But is it, well, gross, when you pull out?"

"It can be but if the woman is planning it and cleans herself before, not at all, and for me, well it felt so good, I didn't care that I needed to wash after."

Our walk went on but the subject matter changed. We had several more weekends at the lake before the summer ended, I never got flashed, but I surely enjoyed the tiny transparent suits Jill loved to wear, and Jim seemed to get as much enjoyment out of watching me, watch his wife.

In late September Jim was mowing his lawn when the mower stopped and wouldn't restart, I saw him trying to load it in the back of his Lexus and offered to loan him my pick-up or haul it for him, and asked where he was taking it? He told me of it dying mid-cut and was taking it to the shop. I said no need, I'm sure we could fix it. So we pushed it into my garage. It was an easy fix, pulling the flywheel and cleaning the contacts. While we worked, and had a beer or two, Jim broached the subject of anal sex. I told him he was a good looking guy but I'm not into guys. He just laughed and said, "neither am I," then started talking about Jill wanting him to do her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it, the very thought repulsed him. I told him the tightness is great but if it isn't your thing, then buy her a butt plug and dildos and let her have fun. I should not have been shocked when he replied he already had, but she was obsessed.

I didn't know how to respond, if a good looking woman wants me to fuck her ass, she doesn't have to ask twice. I finally told him that I wish I had his troubles.

A couple of days later, I'm out mowing my own lawn and I hear a grunting sound, looking around I could see nothing, but on the next pass I heard it again. So I turned off the mower, stood up and started seeking the sound. Walking along the fence line movement caught my eye. There on their back porch I could see a nude female with a dark pillowcase over her head tied face down over the edge of the picnic table. I ran to her and pulled the pillowcase off her head and was shocked to see a gagged Jill her eyes clinched tightly shut, shaking her head and grunting,"uhnn unnn," I immediately started tugging at the ropes to untie her which caused her to shake more vigorously and grunt louder.

"You don't want me to untie you?" I queried. Keeping her eyes closed she shook her head no.

"No you don't? Or no you do?"

"Nunn, Nunn," shaking her head.

"I don't get it, do you want to be untied?" She again responded by shaking her head, no. Still keeping her eyes tightly closed.

"Do you want me to put the hood back on?"

This time she nodded her head, yes. So I put the hood back on and told her I was sorry for intruding on their private games, telling her I should go back to the lawn. Her immediate response was a vigorous shaking her head and grunting out a muffled no.

Our strange dialog continued, "am I supposed to watch something?" Again a shaking no.

"Is this for me?" A subtle nod.

"Are you for me?" Again a slow nod.

"Does Jim know about this?" A nod.

As I asked each question I moved around the bound gift until I stood behind her, her hips resting on the table with her legs tied to the table legs, that exquisite ass on display her outer labia just beginning to push open the folds of her vagina, and the most beautiful rosebud of an anus uncovered and vulnerable.

Standing directly behind I gently followed the curve of her back from shoulders to hips, touching ever so slightly. Returning upward lightly dragging my fingernails along the curve of her spine. Reaching the nape of her neck I pushed the hood forward to reveal the flesh hidden below, leaning over I inhaled her fragrance and gently touched my lips to the joining of her shoulders and throat. Supporting my weight above her with my right hand, my left continued back down, sweeping to the side barely grazed the swell of her breast compressed against the table beneath.

Kissing my way down to her lower back I lingered at the dimples each side of her spine, licking the hollows, and trailing to the cleft between her gorgeous buttocks. Chasing kisses with message my hands cupped each globe while my thumbs moved to part those magnificent pillows and expose fully the puckered star between. Kneeling almost reverently and leaning forward as my breath wafted across that tender flesh, her calves tightened and she raised to tiptoe as she pushed back to close the expanse between us. Feathery touches of lips to the sensitive flesh either side of our mutually desired target, solicited a tremor in her toned appendages as she struggled against her bonds to push back to meet me.

Pushing back against her, further widening the exposure of her forbidden orifice, leaning in I extended my tongue and drew it across her center. At the touch she groaned loudly and her body began to quake starting at her delicate ankles still straining on extended tiptoe, crawling up her legs to the point of our intersection then flowing out like a lightning bolt through her back to her bound extremities. Pushing forward my oral muscle, now phallic, opening and descending into her virgin port, the quake turned to thrashing and the groans to muted screams as she convulsed in orgasm. Keeping the momentum I rocked back and forth keeping the oral onslaught going, for a time, time stood still and nothing existed but that electric connection. It seemed both a mere instant and forever when her violent spasms quieted again to tremors and sporadic convulsions, kneeling lower I tasted for the first time that exquisite nectar dripping from the puffy folds of her womanhood.

When the tip of my tongue touched sensitive flesh of her erect clitoris and round of spasms and groans began. I suckled it like a nursing child then sucked upon it, gently raking it with my teeth to be rewarded with a flood, both of fluid and involuntarily quaking flesh. Her cries sounded almost tortured, yet with each release she pushed back against me to continue the bond between us. I paused again sitting back upon my heels to savor the glorious sight before me, perfection, in every aspect, perfection. Returning to the fountain before me I languished in the joy and relished the flavor of her essence.

Standing finally I asked if I should go, her body, exhausted barely moved at my question a slight shaking of her head, not raising it from its rest upon the table below was her only response.

"Is there something else I am supposed to do?"

This time her response was more deliberate as she raised again to tiptoe and pushed back offering me her final chastity. I quickly shed my clothes, until then I had remained fully dressed. My erection needed no further coaxing as I stepped forward inching into the dripping pool of her vagina, surprised at its tightness I paused when fully in sheaved, using all my will power and self-control not to release immediately into her silken gauntlet. I heard a whispered chuckle as she began to flex her vaginal muscles, obviously as well trained and toned as the rest of her. I could have remained there unmoving and been content forever, but I knew my task, and wanted it as much as she. Reluctantly I withdraw and returned but a couple of times to insure my shaft was well lubricated, one final pause, one more contraction by my captive (or capturer) and withdrawing I held the tip just embracing her sphincter.

At the first touch of penis to anus Jill again went into spasm and cried again loud enough even ganged that I feared the neighbors might respond, pausing, torturing her through two more orgasms, shying away from her attempts to push back and force the entry. I finally stood firm and she impaled herself pushing back to the extend her bonds would allow. Yet again she trembled and her legs gave way, I responded by grasping her hips, pulling her back as I thrust forward completely burying myself into her velvet vice. When her climax subsided I began to fuck her in earnest, growing almost violent in my attack trying to bury myself so deeply that I could never resurface. When I could control it no more I pinned her to the tabletop and released the pent up passion of months, I shot more volleys than I could remember, feeling as if my balls were attempting and escape through the narrow tube of my cock.


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