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Amber's Initiation


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"Hey kiddo, I had to do it once, and trust me, you're fine compared to how bad some girls get it!" She then held out her hand. "Names Lindsey, nice to meet you," she introduced herself.

Amber shakily brought the hand in front of her panties up to shake Lindsey's, "I'm Amber..."

Lindsey then led Amber out into the main room. Most of the other girls were there, but one or two seemed to be missing.

They were all made to stand in a row, and the sorority head walked out, ready to give the next order. Amber didn't even look at the girls around her, she just held her head down, and kept her hands covering whatever she could.

"So now that you are all dressed appropriately, it's time that we move on. You may notice that already two girls have left. One gave up her clothes, and is already sneaking back. The other tried to make off with her clothes. So we stripped her, and made sure that she'd have a tougher time getting home," as the sorority head explained this, one of the other girls raised a couple pairs of handcuffs. The girls all gasped.

Amber was shocked to hear this. Would one of the girls really choose to streak the campus? How bad could the tasks be? Did they know what would happen? Amber couldn't see herself running around naked. She also couldn't believe that they'd actually handcuff one of the girls. The idea of being naked, and not even able to cover, sent chills down her spine.

"Next, you will each be given one of your tasks. You will one at a time come up to me. You will be assigned a buddy, and you will be given your first task. The buddy will be in charge of verifying when you complete a challenge. They will be keeping an eye on you, and the other girls."

Amber was understanding how thoroughly planned this was. Not that she would, but this meant that there'd be no cheating in the task with one of the other girls watching them.

"So when I call your name, come up, and you'll be given your task," she called, and without any further waiting, one of the girls was called up.

Amber watched as the girl walked up. She was dressed fairly well actually. The girl was given a choice to pick any of the envelopes from before. After picking one, it was opened, and the contents were shared between the sorority girls and the candidate. The girl hesitantly replied that she understood, the task not being spoken out loud, and in a few moments, she and another girl suddenly walked away and into another room.

The process was similar for the next girl, but this one seemed a lot more freaked out. Amber could just tell that she was considering leaving. Yet she was paired up and walked off.

Amber was about to wonder why so far every girl was taken away. Would these tasks all be done privately? Amber's question was answered though with the next girl. The girl gasped as she read the letter. "Oh my god, you can't be serious!" she exclaimed.

"That's how it is. Either do it, or you can give us your clothes and head home," the sorority head said bluntly.

The girl looked at the note in her hand, looked back at all of the other girls. Amber saw that she was in a very short skirt, half her butt was hanging out. She also had on a shirt, but Amber saw that it wasn't fastened, as if the buttons were perhaps missing. Amber couldn't tell if she had underwear on at all.

The girl took one final look, held her head down, and was lead to the side of the room. Her buddy then began to read off the note, "We'll begin with jumping jacks." The girl hesitated, but eventually began to do them. As she did, the poor skirt flipped up constantly, and the shirt fell open. Amber discovered that she did have a thong at least, but no sign of a bra, and the girl's bare breast were shown to everyone.

Amber was pulled away from watching the girl when she was called up next. She took a deep breath, and approached the sorority head.

"Oh, you got the lovely teddy I see, and what a cute pair of panties to go with it!" she said. Amber only grumbled a thanks, but she was blushing furiously. She really felt she could go without the teasing.

"Now, which color would you like? It seems you have an even amount of each."

Amber thought about it. She hadn't been able to tell what colors the other girls picked, and which tasks would be the worst. She settled that she might want to get the worst out of the way, and that would possibly be the red envelopes. "Red please," she asked.

The sorority head opened it up, read it, and smiled. She handed it over to Amber.

Amber read every word, and wasn't sure how she felt about it. It read, "You are to be the sorority's waitress. You are to server drinks to everyone. You must be perfectly polite." The task itself was simple, but Amber still blushed at the idea. She'd have to walk around to each of the girls, dressed in hardly anything.

"Now, your buddy shall be..." the head began.

Before the head could choose, Lindsey stepped up, "I'd love to Ma'am."

"Oh very good, you shall be Amber's buddy for the day," the head said. Amber was glad that at least she got someone she felt was a bit friendly. Lindsey herself looked happy too, which put Amber a little on edge.

Amber didn't get a chance to see the fate of the other girls as she was lead to the kitchen. She tried to keep herself covered as Lindsey led her to the cabinets and fridge. Lindsey began to show her around.

"Now then, get some drinks and put them on the platter. Then we'll wait for everyone to get settled in and we can get going," Lindsey explained. The two waited for a few moments. Lindsey eventually looked out into the main room and saw no more girls were lined up. She gave a thumbs up to Amber, and Amber picked up the platter, and started off.

Amber did her best to balance the tray with one hand, and used her free hand to try and cover. She wasn't sure if she should try and hide her nipples that were showing through the top, or if she should hold the hem in place to keep her panties a little hidden.

She settled on holding the tray high in front of her chest, and a hand down below to keep the hem in place. She took a final breath until she stepped out of the kitchen, and began to make her way around the house.


Amber's Initiation By Jappio

Part 3

The first group that Amber visited was the people near the girl who did the jumping jacks before. Amber was very self conscious as she approached them, not sure what to say. Amber didn't want to draw attention to her half exposed self.

Amber's mouth dropped when she was close enough to the victim from before, now lying on the ground doing sit ups. She looked red in the face, probably from the mixture of exercising and embarrassment. Her shirt had fallen completely open, her bare breast sitting out for the two girls around her who were smiling. Her skirt had also bunched up, showing off her thong too.

Amber of course had never seen anything like this before. Even in her own exposed state she couldn't help but also just stare.

"Oh good, drinks are here, I'm thirsty," one of them said as she simply picked a drink from the tray. Amber began to blush as now all three girls stopped what they were doing to look at her. Amber fidgeted with the hem of her teddy and made sure it was in place. She was worried she was going to drop the tray with how shaky her hands had become.

The other sorority sister said she wanted one herself. She was on the other side of the girl doing sit ups, and couldn't simply reach the drinks. Amber also wouldn't be able to easily move around. When the sorority sister held her hand out expectantly, Amber knew she had to do something.

Slowly, Amber held the tray out farther from her, so the other girl could take what she wanted. This though meant Amber was losing her cover for her breast. She let the hand at her hem come up to cover, but she knew that the two girls surely had a good look at them before she could cover up.

Amber was realizing more and more what it meant to be exposed, to have skin that is normally not seen be viewed by people. She'd been able to start her task mindlessly, but now it was all starting to really get to her, she couldn't just ignore it anymore.

Suddenly Amber heard a voice from below, "...may I have one too?" It was the girl who'd been doing the exercises. She was hesitant to speak, especially considering she was essentially lying half naked under all the girls.

Amber realized something though. With her hand at her breast and the tray, nothing was holding her hem down, and from below, the girl doing the exercises probably had a clear view between her legs and at the purple panties.

Amber made a small yelp in surprise, and let her free hand go back to holding the front of her hem close to between her legs to cover up. She didn't want to look too foolish, so she quickly ducked down to bring the tray to the girl on the ground.

"Definitely, pick whatever you like!" Amber was holding the hem of the teddy tight between her legs, so not to flash the girl who would now be eye level with her crotch. The girl timidly took a water, and Amber began to stand back up. Her face turned a darker red though when she noticed that the two girls who had been there, and Lindsey, had all been staring at her butt while she was crouching! With the way she was pulling it down in front, and the way she'd been posed, it had been sticking out from under the hem!

Amber adjusted her teddy the best she could with her hand while holding the tray in front of her chest. She could see all the girls were looking at her, even with a just as exposed girl right next to them.

Not able to stand there any longer, Amber was quick to turn and walk away and find someone else to serve.

Amber noticed a girl by the window nearby. Amber wasn't sure why one of the sorority sisters was looking out the window. The girl wasn't near anyone else though, so Amber felt she'd at least not exposed to too many people. She walked up to her, and lightly cleared her throat to get her attention.

"Oh why thank you!" She said. Instantly her eyes went up down Amber's body, and Amber again wiggled in place. She was not use to her body being so finely inspected like this.

The girl's attention returned to the window quickly though, and Amber looked out it too. She was shocked to see a girl, in nothing but a bra and panties, standing at the side of the road. Amber could only see her back, but it looked like she was just standing there.

Before being able to ask what was going on, Lindsey spoke up, "hey, we better get going Amber. More people to find. We should go down the basement now."

Amber was lead away before she could find out what the other girl was doing out there. Amber tried to picture her outside in the few clothing she had on, and it made her shiver.

Amber was having a hard time concentrating. From having to find people to serve, all the other girls who were half dressed and doing some ridiculous, Amber hardly had time to self analyze. She felt so lost and confused, and she wished she could stop and think, but every time she thought of that, it seemed something new was happening.

Heading downstairs, Amber's eyes again widened. The first thing she saw was one of the other girls laying on a pool table. Her arms and legs seemed to be spread out, tied at the corners. Her outfit was merely some panties and a tank top. The top was even pulled down, and her breasts were spilling over. She was also blindfolded.

Amber didn't move at first, but Lindsey behind her pushed her forward more. Amber slowly walked past the table, stealing glances as she went. The girl's head moved around, able to hear that someone was walking by from upstairs. Her face reddened. Amber even noticed the panties looked small and tight, not to mention a little see through.

Ahead of Amber two sorority sisters; one of the victims, although hardly exposed; and the sorority head sat on some stools.

Amber blushed as she got closer. Again she saw all eyes looking at her barely covered body. Amber nervously stepped up to each to serve them. The four girls all giggled as they thanked her for the drinks.

Before she could leave, the sorority head spoke up, "since you're being our lovely little maid, why not give your masters a nice little curtsey?' All the girls laughed, even Lindsey. Amber blushed and was about to walk away, but the head spoke up again. "No, I really mean it, just a quick one, it'll be awfully cute."

Amber knew what doing something like a curtsey would do in such a tiny piece of fabric. She knew the teddy was too short to barely hide anything as is. Then again, she also knew that the head was just trying to scare her off, and Amber usually didn't back down.

Ambers face heated up again. With her free hand, she clutched the side of the hem of her teddy. She looked around. She sighed, and did a little curtsy, pulling the hem out to one side as she did. Her panties were again out in the open, and this time she was doing it on purpose. She wanted to get into this sorority still, she wasn't about to mess up her chances already.

The girls all clapped and giggled, and Amber was all too quick to get out there after that. She took one last look at the girl on the pool table before heading up the stairs.

Once up the stairs, Lindsey and Amber decided they should stop by the kitchen and get more drinks before finding the other girls. The two made their way into the kitchen.

As they were filling the platter up, Amber thought about something she noticed. Two of the girls who had been playing, who were the lucky ones and got pretty modest outfits, hadn't been doing anything but watch the less fortunate girls. Surely they had some tasks?

"Lindsey," Amber began to ask, "Why are some of the other girls not doing anything?"

Lindsey giggled for a moment, "Oh them, they're actually our other sisters. They weren't actually taking the test. We sort of rigged it so they'd get the better outfits and stuff, to make things tougher on you guys."


"Yeah, some of us girls that passed last year thought of it. We figured it would make things even more interesting, to make sure none of the real test takers got too lucky," Lindsey explained. Amber couldn't believe they'd been set up. That's why some of the girls in the game were so quick to sit down. Everything was planned out; they knew that when the music stopped they'd be near something good.

Amber's exposure and the other girls' exposure were all worse because of it. Amber was about to get angry. They could have done better had they not done that!

Yet Amber thought about it some more. Really, if they hadn't done the trick, the game would have just been harder in another way. It wasn't so much a way to get them more naked probably, just a way to make them feel more naked in the end.

Lindsey was able to tell Amber was a little mad while lost in her thoughts, but she still decided that some teasing was in order, "don't be mad at us though, not like you aren't having fun!"

Amber looked at Lindsey as if she had something funny on her face. "Fun? This is embarrassing, not fun!" she argued.

"From the looks of those pointy tips, you're enjoying it plenty!" Lindsey said with a giggle. Amber still didn't quite catch it. She had to notice that Lindsey's eye sight was lowered down towards her chest. Amber's eyes grew wide, her face reddened fully again, and her arm flew to cover up her exposed breasts. Besides forgetting to even cover up, Amber realized that her nipples had become erect!

Amber couldn't believe it. She could verify they were indeed hard by the pressure she felt as she held her arm tight to her hardly covered chest. She could feel them dig into her arm. Why would they be like this? Amber really only thought two things could ever cause that, and as much as her outfit was flimsy, it wasn't exactly cold in the house.

Without wanting to admit to the second reason they'd grow hard though, and not quite believing it herself, Amber was quick to say, "It's just because it's a bit cold! The AC must be on too high!"

Lindsey just chuckled, "sure, that's all it is." Giving a final sly grin, she then began to help Amber set the next tray up.

With drinks ready, and Amber holding the tray with one hand again, and her free arm across her breast, to hide her newly discovered hard nipples, they continued their trek through the house.

Lindsey said that she thought she saw a few girls go into one of the nearby rooms. The two walked their way down the hall, and turned a corner into a room. The first thing Amber noticed was the sound of a girl making a 'yelp' noise. What she saw though made her stop in her tracks.

In the room, two girls stood standing. However the main spectacle was one woman sitting on the couch, and another girl lying over that woman's knee!

Amber wasn't even sure what was going on at first. The girl's butt, clad only in white boyshorts at the time, was sticking up towards the two watchers and towards the door so it was also pointed at Lindsey and Amber. The look on the girls face was perhaps the reddest Amber had seen yet of all the girls around, including herself.

Amber wanted to ask what was going on, but before she could, the woman on the couch lifter her hand, palm open, and then proceeded to bring it down towards the girl's bottom.

The girl made a quick yelp, and bounced a bit. She then muttered the number "three." Amber then realized what was happening, the girl was being spanked!

Amber still didn't move or say anything. This was a lot to take in.

"Drinks," Lindsey murmured. Amber remembered she had her own task to complete, and quickly started to ask if anyone wanted a drink. She hated drawing attention, but she told herself she had to make it quick, so she could get out of there.

The girl across the lap looked up at Amber. Amber didn't quite see any pain in the girl's eyes, but she definitely could tell the girl was awfully embarrassed. Amber gave her a reassuring smile, trying to say she sort of understood. Truthfully, Amber was faking it, she wasn't sure she'd be able to be in that girl's same position, but she tried her best.

After the fifth spanking, Lindsey felt the girls there were served, and started to pull Amber out there. Amber was able to look back one last moment, eyes still wide with shock, seeing the woman sitting was now pulling the panties down the girl's butt, her bare cheeks pointed up. Amber was pulled away before she could see it, but she did hear a bit of a slapping noise, and suddenly a louder yelp as they got back into the hall.

Amber was a little shaken up from that experience. It was something she'd never seen before, a lot like everything else so far that day. It was all so new, and made it so Amber had little time to self reflect. It was honestly probably a good thing for her; it was all helping her keep her mind off of her embarrassing outfit and exposure.

Amber was getting use to her outfit pretty quick though and that in its own way worried her. Amber didn't even own anything quite as racy as the teddy she had on. She hated that her nipples were so visible under it. She knew it would be worse to be topless, but it couldn't possibly be much worse.

She also could hardly believe the different kinds of feelings she was having. Every time she'd walk near someone, or someone looked her way, her heart would race. Amber's face would glow red as their eyes looked about and Amber knew there was little she could do to hide much of anything. These women looking at her also had on their own set of full outfits; it wasn't like a locker room or anything.

"Hey, let's go see if they want anything," Lindsey told Amber, pointing at two girls walking down the hall, probably touring all the different candidates. As usual, Amber felt as if her stomach filled with butterflies, and she hesitated to even make the first move. Every step she wondered if she should stop, but she never did. She was too stubborn to give up; she intended to keep going with the challenges and embarrassments.

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