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Amy's New Janitor

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A busty white wife lusts after her old, black janitor.
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A special thanks to Literotica member Cuzimirish for his editing expertise.

This is a revision and expansion of the story "The New Janitor" with several new scenes and plot details.

This story contains interracial sex, cheating, big penises, and large breasts. If this content does not interest you, or offends you, please find a story more to your liking.


"I know, Robby, but there is no other alternative. I have to close the office every night until Myer is cleared to return to work. You don't bounce back that quickly from open heart surgery. His doctor said four-to-six weeks before he could return." Amy tried to get her husband to understand.

"I get it. I really do, Amy. I just wish there was some way to avoid you having to close the office every night. Robert was frustrated.

"Me too! But right now this is what needs to be done. Besides, even if I were home right now, what would I be doing? Making your dinner, doing your laundry, and then I get to go to bed without sex."

Robert hung up.

This conversation reminded Amy exactly what was wrong with their marriage. Her mom always told her she "married low." Amy knew what she meant and lately, she was inclined to believe her.

Robert Wilson. What did she see in him? He had long hair. He had muscles. He had that Fabio thing going on, but he wasn't any good in bed, and when he was in the mood, he didn't last long enough to be of any use.

Robert. Underemployed Robert. Amy made five times as much as her slacker husband. He wanted to have a hand in her insurance company, but her dad, who signed it over to her ten years ago, would not agree. So the company and all of its assets were set into a prenuptial agreement and the couple married anyway.

Smart man, Amy's dad.

Now Robert works as a manager for an electronics store.

Amy had checked out of this marriage a year ago when she caught him with the neighbor's overweight wife.

Fucking Robert.

As owner/operator of her own insurance agency, Amy was now forced to work until 8:00 p.m. to close the office for the night until their office manager returned from his period of convalescence. This caused Amy even more problems, giving less time to pick up after her lazy husband.

After the call, Amy sat daydreaming about the last time she had had sex. It must have been over a year ago. Prior to that, she wasn't accustomed to having no sexual intimacy. At 34 years old, Amy felt she was in the prime of her life. No children, 5'8", 125 lbs., huge, natural, full breasts, long, light brown hair. She should be having sex at least once per day, or so she thought.

The problem was that she was no longer attracted to her husband. And even if she were, by the time she returned home after work, Robert would already be half asleep, and he was grumpy when he was half asleep.

Amy was a smart, successful, ambitious woman, but she was often written-off as an airhead due to her incredible, beautiful face and centerfold body, which was flawless in every way, save for her over-sized breasts.

Back to reality: 6:00 p.m., and she has to let the janitor in.

Since most of her business was done via telephone and computer, they kept the doors to the business locked for safety reasons.

Amy answered the knock at the door. A dumpy old black man with a short, white/gray afro stood before her at the door of the agency,

"Hello Ma'am. Are you Mrs. Wilson?"

"Yes, I am. You're the new janitor?" Amy hardly gave him a once-over. Short, fat, and wearing an old janitor's uniform.

"Yes, Ma'am, I am. I'm new to the company, but I'm not new to cleaning!" He smiled. One of his front teeth was missing. His eyes had that permanently bloodshot look to them.

"Okay, well, let me give you a quick tour of the office." Amy let the man in and began to explain where the waste baskets were, when and where to vacuum, and other general descriptions of what needed to be done.

From their first moments together, she felt as though he was staring at her when she wasn't looking. Her short skirt and tight blouse were a little sexy for a typical office environment, but she was the owner and liked to dress sexy, just for herself. Now, she regretted it. She tried to catch him ogling her so she would have a reason to get another cleaning company. This current company always sent her the bottom of the barrel. She found the last janitor passed out in the corner of the break room, drunk out of his mind.

She wanted to get this "tour" over with so she could get back to her paperwork.

The janitor, Andrew Davis, had seen her kind before. He had worked for these uptight white bitches that needed a good fucking many times. Always in a hurry, never giving him the time of day, probably not getting any at home. He often felt this way about his female bosses. This time was different. He sensed something different about Amy. Something he liked. He thought she may be susceptible to his "voice."

After giving her tour, Amy returned to her office and sat down at her desk. Her office was in the rear, center of the suite, against the back wall. It had floor-to-ceiling glass walls at the front and on the sides. She rarely ever closed her door and frequently made her rounds to the salespersons' and underwriters' desks to make sure they were working. There was a storage room outside her office where the janitor supplies were kept.

Amy busied herself with paperwork when she noticed that the new janitor, Andrew, was passing by her office to and from the storage room more often than she thought necessary. As she looked up, he stopped and stood at her doorway.

"Mrs. Wilson, we're going to need some spray polish for the furniture in the entryway."

She looked up and gave a half-hearted reply. "Thank you. I will be sure to pick some up tomorrow." She shook her head thinking that it was going to be a long six weeks working with this lowlife.

Amy thought she heard him say in a very soft voice, 'Why don't you wear something sexier to work when I come in from now on?' She turned her head a little and asked, "I beg your pardon?"

"Hmm? Oh, don't mind me, Ma'am. I'm just learning my way around this office. Don't mean to disturb you."

The dumpy old black man walked off with his duster and disappeared around the corner. Amy felt a strange vibe coming from the man. She did not have much experience with black people in her life. In fact, she had very few black clients or associates, and no black friends. This Andrew character seemed harmless enough. He certainly wasn't threatening.

For the rest of the night, Amy felt horny. She wanted to leave a little early so she could go home and use her vibrator and masturbate, but couldn't because this new janitor was in the building and she did not trust him enough to give him a key as yet.

As she was processing payroll, she again got the feeling that someone was watching her. She looked up from her computer and saw Andrew standing there. This time she took a moment to examine him a little more closely. There was something odd about his proportion. He was short, probably 5' 7" and was overweight. His belly stood out a little and he had a double chin. He was not someone that anyone would look at twice at. He would be categorized as old and ugly by most.

She moved her eyes to his legs and discovered the source of her curiosity. One of his legs was thicker than the other. She could clearly see his blue work trousers were lop-sided. She concluded that he must have some sort of deformity. When she looked up, she saw that he noticed she had been looking at him.

She quickly cleared her throat and shuffled some papers. As she turned her head up from her desk, he was gone. Once again, she thought she heard a soft voice say: 'Dress sexy for me. Open your shirt a little and let me see your body.'

This time, Amy stood up and quickly moved toward the door to see if he was near it. He was not.

"I must be hearing things." Amy returned to her desk.

The soft, male voice, a whisper, spoke to her several more times that evening, mostly telling her to wear something sexier tomorrow, or to wear sexy clothes at work. It began to bother her toward the end of the evening. Fortunately, 8:00 p.m. came soon enough and she was locking the door behind her and heading home.

"Did you bring anything home?" Robert looked like he had just gotten up from a nap.

"Uh, no. Did you cook anything for us?" She shot back.

Robert turned and walked back into the kitchen. He pulled a frozen pizza out of the freezer and let it drop on the kitchen counter.

She spurted out, "I'm having a salad, drama queen!" The two didn't speak to each other for the rest of the night.

Amy was now officially pissed off and frustrated.

The next several days at work passed without much incident. The company was doing well, everyone was busy, and once six o'clock rolled around, the day would come to a screeching stop. Andrew, the janitor would come in, do his thing and leave. Amy would go home frustrated. The soft voices continued and Amy found herself being tempted to wear sexier clothes, despite telling herself to dress more professionally, especially around this letch of a janitor.

Weekends were the worst for Amy. She had nothing to do but work and shop, so that's exactly what she did. She would shop for clothes, work clothes mostly, then stop by the office where she would work alone for a few hours before returning home and taking a nap.

When Monday finally arrived, Amy could at least look forward to not being bored any more.

On Monday morning, while getting ready for work, Amy seemed to be having difficulty deciding what to wear. She was torn between a short red skirt with a white button down top or a blue dress. It was then that she noticed something peculiar happen to her. Without thinking, she removed her bra and chose a form-fitting pink blouse that she normally would never wear to work. She grabbed a white suit jacket to wear over the pink top.

While at work, she continuously questioned her ridiculous choice of blouse because she had to keep the jacket on all the time or else everyone would see her light brown nipples right through the shirt, poking little bumps through the material. She had never gone braless at work before. She couldn't figure out why she did it this time.

At six o'clock, she greeted the short, sloppy little black man and locked the door behind them.

"Hello Mrs. Wilson. How are you this fine evening?" He looked her up and down without the slightest reservation.

She smiled a forced smile. "Hello, Andrew. I need you to deep clean the restrooms tonight. We usually do that once per week, so let's start doing it tonight."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Andrew was blatantly staring at Amy's chest as he listened to her instructions about cleaning the restrooms. Amy glanced at the wall-to-wall mirror in the foyer area where they were standing and saw to her horror that she was talking to Andrew without the cover of her jacket. She could see her massive breasts' shape and her prominent nipples through her thin shirt on display in the reflection. The shirt looked painted on. Andrew was getting the show of his life.

Upon her realization that she was only wearing the pink top without a bra, her nipples hardened, and her pussy became moist. She finished her instructions quickly and returned to her office.

'Oh my God! I can't believe I forgot to wear my jacket!' As Amy thought about the incident, she tried to trace her actions to the point where she took her jacket off, but she couldn't. She had no memory of taking the jacket off. This understandably bothered her.

For the next hour, she stayed in her office to avoid Andrew. Then she heard, 'Come on out and see me. Get a Diet Coke from the machine.'

Amy didn't see Andrew anywhere.

It wasn't until she was walking down the hallway to the breakroom did Amy realize that she was actually going to the breakroom to get a Diet Coke, just as the voice suggested her to do...and she forgot to put her jacket on again.

As she entered the brightly lit room, there was Andrew, wiping the counters.

"Hello, Mrs. Wilson." He stopped and watched her put her coins in the machine and retrieve her drink. She found it strangely difficult to leave the breakroom. Back in her office, she heard another voice.

'No need to wear a bra after six o'clock, Mrs. Wilson.' She shrugged the voice off.

She tried to busy herself with paying bills until eight. Andrew was finished by 7:45, so she left then.

A similar scene began to play out in the mornings. Amy would have a specific outfit planned and then select something completely different than what she originally planned to wear. Her second "choice" was always much sexier than the first. Later, she would wonder why she wore what she did to work.

Amy's sexy clothing choices were giving Andrew a private show every night during the week. She usually walked around the office parading her braless tops and low-cut dresses as she took care of her end-of-the-day responsibilities. She would see Andrew's lustful stare, but it didn't seem to register that she should wear more appropriate clothing.

On this particular night, after Andrew had just reported for his shift, Amy took her bra off in the restroom and put her brown cotton pullover back on. As she walked back out, Andrew stopped and gawked.

"My, my, you sure look beautiful today, Mrs. Wilson." He was staring directly at her breasts without any pretense at giving her eye contact. Not only that, but he was rubbing his deformed leg.

"Is everything okay, Andrew?" Amy asked the question because his movement was so awkward.

"Oh, I'm better than okay, Ma'am." He continued to rub.

Not knowing what to make of Andrew's odd behavior, Amy returned to her office.

Soon after, Andrew appeared at her door.

"Sorry to disturb you...when you get the chance, could you order more Windex?" He held up the gallon jug that was nearly empty, then lowered it to his side.

Amy looked up at Andrew and noticed the bottle. There was something else. It was the same leg of his trousers that had caught her eye before.

There was something running parallel to his left leg that ended just above the knee. It looked as if he had something wrong with his leg.

Time seemed to stop as Amy continued to look at Andrew's trousers. He stood in the doorway staring at the beautiful, busty, young woman who was now staring at him in return. He felt a warm, familiar ache in his groin right about the time when Amy realized that what she was staring at was a very, very large penis that was hanging low on the aged janitor.

'What was that?' She questioned what she saw. 'It couldn't be...'

She tried to refocus on the paper work she was signing but her thoughts soon returned to what she perceived to be a huge penis hanging down underneath the old man's pants.

'No...Just...there's no way.' She shook her head. It became an obsessive thought. She couldn't concentrate on anything else.

She finally decided she had to investigate.

To determine whether what she saw was actually the fat old man's penis, Amy devised a little plan to see more closely what it was she saw under Andrew's pants.

She noticed that there was a burnt-out bulb in one of the cubicles out on the office floor. To change it, he would have to use a short step ladder to reach it and she could walk by while he is on it and get a closer look at his pants while he was busy looking at the light fixture.

"Andrew? Can you come in here please?"

"Yes, Ma'am?" Andrew was, coincidentally, already carrying a small ladder that was about five-feet high.

"Will you please change the light bulb in the cubicle by the wall over there?" Amy pointed.

"You bet." Andrew went to the supply closet and retrieved a bulb and then made his way to the cubicle on the far side of the office space. He climbed the five steps and stretched his arms up to unscrew the old bulb. Amy walked in his direction and pretended to be concerned.

"Be careful!" She exclaimed as she stood just underneath him. Her face was about the level of his stomach and she looked down to examine his groin area from about four feet away.

Andrew looked down as she stood there and was able to check out her tits and delicious nipples in her tight, sexy brown shirt from above. He also caught her staring at his crotch.

He began to get erect.

Amy stared in disbelief as she witnessed the long bulge in his pants, that she thought was a deformity, begin to get thicker and longer still. She could scarcely stop herself from reaching out and touching it. Her crotch was getting wet from her staring at the old, fat, black man.

'Touch it.' She heard softly from the Voice.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" She inquired.

"No, Ma'am." Andrew continued to look down at her perfect tits.

Flustered, Amy went back to her office. She needed a stiff drink.

Despite her efforts, Amy could not get back to work. She was slowly, yet surely becoming obsessed with the thought of this ugly little man's dick and she knew she would need to masturbate if she couldn't control her thoughts. It was seven o'clock and she was ready to go home. One more hour.

She managed to stay out of Andrew's way for the rest of the night and finally made it home.

Robert was already asleep and didn't want to be awakened. Amy went to bed early, but had difficulty getting to sleep that night.

She dozed off thinking about the expanding pant leg and what was beneath it.

In the morning, Amy awoke focused on her wardrobe selection. She picked out one of the tops she bought last weekend when she went shopping. It was a beige top that was low-cut and sheer. She needed to wear a special, decorative, full bra with it because it was so transparent.

She looked in the mirror.

'I can't wear this. It's too over-the-top.' She looked at her blouse to determine if it matched her white skirt, turned around a few times, grabbed a suit jacket and left.

Once again, Amy questioned her wardrobe choice several times during the day. She wore her jacket the entire time out of embarrassment. At 5:30 pm, she said her good-byes to her employees and sat behind her desk trying to appear busy.

Her skirt was one of her shorter ones, white with a small slit up the back. She was also wearing zebra-patterned thong underwear. Now she sat behind her desk waiting.

If anyone else could have seen the situation it would appear bizarre. A gorgeous, sexy woman in a see-through top anxiously awaiting the arrival of a sixty-something-year-old, fat, black man.

Amy didn't realize the extent to which she was being influenced by the soft voice she heard every day telling her what to wear. She became so accustomed to it that she rarely took notice of it until after she acted in accordance with its request. She assumed it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

At six o'clock, Andrew knocked on the door.

Amy jumped up and checked herself in the mirror she had on the back office wall. She was excited, but did not admit to herself as to why.

She unlocked the door and opened it wide for Andrew. She left the jacket hanging in her office.

"Hello Mrs. Wilson. You are looking fine today!" Andrew carried his supply cart over the threshold and set it down inside. He stood in the foyer and stared her up and down.

Amy smiled and turned on her heel. She put a little extra sway in her hips as she returned to her office. She said nothing to him, but he could tell she was somehow different today, sexier, for sure.

"I will go ahead and start in the bathrooms now, Mrs. Wilson." He propped open both the men's and women's room doors and began cleaning in the men's room.

Amy sat back down at her desk and closed her eyes as if to clear her thoughts.

She was experiencing feelings of intense physical arousal.


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