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An Eventful Weekend with Friends

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A modest couple stay and play with raunchy friends.
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This story is about loving wives who love and are loved. It is neither a BTB story nor a cuckold humiliation story. If you are only interested in one of those please don't waste your time reading this one.

* * * * *

Given their very different personalities it is surprising that Nancy and my wife Janet are such close friends and that Janet and I get on well socially with Nancy and her husband, Nick. I am Jack.

Nancy and Janet met up in Primary School and were each other's best friend right through school. Janet was always the more shy and sensible of the two. Nancy was adventurous and boisterous and extraverted. In all of their activities together Nancy would be the more madcap and Janet's restraint would generally keep them out of trouble. They stayed in touch while Janet went away to University, even though Nancy didn't go, and they have remained best friends ever since.

Now they are both married with small children but they still have their widely different personalities.

Janet remains quiet and reserved although when she is with people she is always polite and friendly. She is physically energetic and particularly likes to take long walks on hilly tracks so she is very fit. She is just under average height and very attractive being slim overall but curvy in the right places. I think she has a beautiful body and I should know. She dresses attractively but conservatively.

Nancy is outgoing and, wherever she is, she is always the life of the party. She is a little taller than Janet and has a more voluptuous figure with prominent boobs. She dresses to emphasise her sexy shape. She playfully flirts at every opportunity with every man she meets. In a conversation she holds the floor with a continuous flow of jokes and bawdy anecdotes. Despite that appearance and manner she is actually a kind and generous person underneath.

At University I was not particularly socially competent. Janet, because of her reserved nature, did not stand out from the crowd. Nevertheless I recognised that there might be something rather special about her and was keen to find out. I made the most of every opportunity to get close to her and open a conversation with her. I rapidly discovered what a lovely and interesting person she is. We slowly became friends and then special friends and then lovers and then, when we got our careers started, we married. Our marriage is a happy one. Because of our reserve and conservative dress we may appear almost prudish to others but covertly we enjoy a full sex life. We have learnt how much pleasure we can give each other. A little girl and then a little boy arrived. While our lives are not without problems we remain sufficiently in love with each other to cope.

Meanwhile Nancy, after leading, by our standards, a fairly wild life, met up with Nick and married him and, like us, acquired a couple of children. Nick is a carpenter and a rough diamond. He is much Nancy's counterpart. He is a big man. He is friends with everyone he meets. He is loud and sometimes almost uncouth but always cheerful. He often teases but is never intentionally cruel. Despite Nancy's flirting with other men and Nick's teasing of her and everybody else they are very fond of each other and firmly attached. He is not the sort of person I would normally choose as a friend and I sometimes find him overwhelming but, despite our differences, I enjoy his antics and I like him, at least in small doses.

Nancy and Janet continue to spend a lot of time seeing or talking to each other. They shop together or meet over coffee to gossip and they arrange play dates together for the children.

Sometimes our two families meet up somewhere for a picnic or other outing. Between us we have four pairs of grandparents on whom we can park our children from time to time so the four of us can go out together for a dance or a movie or a party with mutual acquaintances. These are always happy occasions and we get on well together.

* * * * *

Through his business associates Nick acquired occasional access to an old beach cottage at Broken Head in northern New South Wales and he and Nancy would sometimes go there for a weekend. They frequently told us what a beautiful place it is and how much we would enjoy it if we were there.

Eventually they gave us a firm invitation to join them at the cottage for a forthcoming weekend when the cottage would be available.

They explained that the cottage only had limited room so we would have to leave all the children behind but there were grandparents who would be only too happy to take care of them for the weekend.

I was a little reluctant as, although I could enjoy Nancy and Nick's company for a day or an evening, I was not sure how I would go being in close quarters with such a boisterous couple for a whole weekend.

I had heard that Broken Head with its Nature Reserve was a particularly lovely place. I realised that Janet with her passion for walking in natural places would love it and given her friendship for Nancy she would be keen to go.

Knowing I would face pressure from Nick and Nancy and Janet I had no choice but to accept.

When Janet and I talked about it and I mentioned my misgivings she said thoughtfully "Well at least Nick will be sure to make it fun."

That was not the first time Janet had made remarks like that, almost as if she is impressed by Nick. I am fairly fit, above average for my age, but Janet occasionally mentions how big and strong Nick is and hints that if I exercised more I could become stronger and more like him.

* * * * *

Nick and Nancy and Janet made all the arrangements and I did what I was told. It was decided that we would take just one car and we would use Nick's car as it had the most room. Nancy and Janet decided on what clothes they would take and Janet told me what to pack. Nancy and Janet purchased the supplies.

We all took the Friday off and after depositing the children we set off so as to arrive at Broken Head in the late afternoon. Before going up to the cottage we stopped in the village to buy takeaway food for dinner.

It was an unusual cottage set high up above the village. There was a kitchen/lounge at the front with two bedrooms at the back. The bathroom was at one end. It had a large deck out the front overlooking the sea. Being an old design, the toilet was out at one end of the veranda. An unusual feature was a little plunge pool set into the ground down from the deck. Being up high with high hedges on both sides it was surprisingly private on the deck and down in the pool.

By the time we had unpacked the car and put everything away and eaten our dinner it was quite late. We sat around the deck in deck chairs. Nancy sat in Nick's lap. Janet and I sat opposite them. After all the hustle and bustle of getting there we were all feeling relaxed and ready to just talk. As usual Nancy and Nick had the most to say, mainly jokes.

Janet was interested in what activities the weekend might bring. "Tell us about the area Nick. The beach stretches as far as we can see to the north but to the south the bush seems to go right down to the sea and end at a cliff. Does the beach continue around the point?"

"No. It doesn't. The area to the south is the Broken Head Nature Reserve which stretches for over 2 kilometres (1¼ miles) and is generally steep and covered in dense bush. Much of the shoreline consists of cliffs with just rocks below although there are two absolutely beautiful sandy coves along the way."

"Is it possible to walk to the coves around the seafront?"

"It is possible but much of it is fairly difficult. The first cove, Kings Beach, is quite popular. Getting that far by walking around by the seafront is not so difficult but the easier way to get there is to take the road over the back which has a short spur and a parking area and a steep walking track down to the beach. That is how most people get there. The second cove, Whites Beach, is harder to get to as it requires a longer and steeper and rougher walking track down from further along the same road."

Our conversation continued with small talk and jokes and anecdotes, often bawdy.

As we talked Nick was massaging Nancy's shoulders. After a while his hands crept further down and then round to her breasts. Then they went down under her shirt and back up to play with her nipples. It was evident that she had no bra on. It was quite clear what was happening. Nancy was obviously enjoying it and so was Nick. I was fascinated by this naughty public display and couldn't keep my eyes off it. I found myself getting aroused. Janet had become rather drowsy. I don't know whether she was just not seeing what they were up to or whether she was deliberately pretending not to notice.

I was embarrassed when Nancy caught me looking. She looked straight at me, then down to the bulge in my pants, and then back up to my face and gave me a cheeky grin. She was plainly enjoying what was happening and delighted with the effect it was having on me.

* * * * *

Eventually Nick raised his arms, yawned, and said "I don't know about you lot but I'm ready for bed." He took Nancy's arm.

As he led her off toward their room Nancy turned and winked and said "There's no need to hurry to be up in the morning. The atmosphere makes me feel I could just stay in bed all day."

I roused Janet and we went to our room.

As we were getting ready for bed Janet said she needed to go to the toilet. I pointed out it was now rather dark out there and she might need company. She laughed and assured me she could look after herself.

After she returned it was my turn. As I went out on the veranda there was suddenly a female voice beside me in the dark. "Well, did you enjoy our little show?"

"What do you mean?

"You got really excited seeing Nick playing with my titties. I could see by the tent pole in your pants."


"You never know. If you get lucky I might even give you the chance to play with them yourself some time. I'll bet that idea gets you excited." She ran her hand down over the front of my pants and squeezed. "I thought so!"

I didn't know how to react and just said "Whatever."

She turned and left for their room. As she went she looked back and said "I hope you sleep all right tonight. We might get a little noisy."

* * * * *

By the time I got to bed I was raring to go and keen to fool around with Janet. Unfortunately she was already fast asleep and it would have been unfair to wake her. I had to just lie back and suffer the frustration.

After lying there a while I realised that the wall between the bedrooms was thin and I could hear Nancy and Nick as if they were right next to me. I could hear various increasing grunts and moans and Ooh's and Ah's and exclamations.

"Oh Nick! Keep doing that! You're making me really wet!"

Nick growled. "Come off it! You were already wet! You really got excited teasing Jack didn't you!"

"Yeah! But somebody's got to loosen those two up!"

"Well I'd certainly like to loosen up that cute friend of yours. She appears the ice queen in her conservative clothes but I suspect she's got a hot and sexy body underneath. I'll bet she becomes a really horny bunny when she gets excited. I'd love to get her going and give her what she needs and I know your dying for a chance to fuck Jack!"

I was quite shocked and annoyed to hear Nick talking about Janet like that. However, as I lay there listening to the noises from the other room, I realised that there was something exciting about what I had heard. After all Nancy had been deliberately teasing me and then out on the veranda she had virtually propositioned me. I found myself getting more and more aroused. My prick was getting harder and harder as all sorts of erotic thoughts went through my head.

Janet and I greatly enjoyed all the sexy things we could do to each other. We had experimented with different touches and positions and variations together but we had never done anything kinky. We had always been faithful to each other and had never felt the need to look around. I had no idea what Janet's reaction would have been had she heard what Nick had said. Now that we were together for the weekend in close confines with this sexy couple of close friends I had all sorts of visions of what might happen. Imagining playing with Nancy's sexy body was arousing enough. It disturbed me to realise that, even though I found the idea offensive, what was turning me on the most was the thought of Nick seducing and fucking my wife. I couldn't help reaching down and gripping my now steel hard prick.

The noises through the wall continued and got more urgent. There were sucking and slurping sounds and Nick groaned "That's lovely! Keep sucking it". My hand was rubbing up and down my prick as I visualised what was going on.

There were more movements and then Nancy cried out "That's enough of that. I want that thing in me right now!"

There were several movements and then I could hear him pounding into her and her screaming encouragement at him. I could even feel their movements shaking the cottage. It was unbelievable how much noise they were making.

Suddenly I felt a small soft hand take hold of my prick and heard a whisper in my ear. "It seems they're having fun." I turned over. In the faint amount of moonlight coming through the window I could just see a grinning pair of eyes looking at me. "Perhaps we should join them." Janet whispered.

I thought for a second that Janet must have heard the earlier conversation and was saying that we should go and join them in their room but then I realised she just meant that we should do as they were doing.

Janet and I put our arms around each other and started kissing and cuddling. She was wearing just a tee-shirt and panties which I quickly got rid of. In my excitement I didn't need much foreplay. I put my hand down between her legs and over her clitty. She started humping against me. She was plainly wet and ready to go. She was whimpering and I was momentarily embarrassed that they might hear us next door just as we had heard them. Then I decided I didn't care. Janet had hold of my hard tool and now she was pulling it towards her pussy. I positioned my prick between the lips of her pussy, rubbed its head on her clitty for a few seconds and asked "What do you want?

Janet cried "You know what I want. Stop teasing! I want your cock in me right now!"

"Take it then!" and in one hard stroke I pushed my prick right in to her tight pussy. I drew it almost out again. She put her legs around mine and grabbed my bottom and pulled.


I started pounding it in rhythmically. We both cried out on every thrust. I don't remember our ever being so vocal before. After a while I could feel the pressure building up. I knew I couldn't hold it much longer.

I asked frantically "Are you ready?"

"Yes! Yes! I am cumming now. Squirt it in me. I want to feel your cum."

"Here it comes!" I said as I let go. Then, as I relaxed "You really took it out of me tonight darling."

"Yes! That was the greatest. I love you Jack."

Janet and I had always got a lot of fun and pleasure from our sexual activity but I don't think we had ever had a more exciting time.

Chuckles continued to come through the wall. Then Nancy called "Goodnight you two. That sounded like a good one. Sleep well!"

I asked Janet whether she was concerned about the lack of privacy being so close to Nancy and Nick but she said "It's OK. After all we are all grown up. We might even learn something."

I don't know quite what she had in her mind when she said that but it was going to be an interesting weekend.

After cuddling together for a while and cooling down we lay close together and went to sleep.

* * * * *

In the morning I woke late to find the bed beside me empty. I could smell eggs and bacon being fried and could hear the sounds of Janet and Nick talking. The bedroom door was open and I could see them out the front. I couldn't tell what they were saying but they were clearly enjoying the conversation. Janet presumably said something provocative because Nick grabbed her around the middle and started tickling her under the ribs. She couldn't get away from the big man but I could see she was giggling and not at all upset.

I had mixed feelings seeing Nick and Janet obviously flirting with each other, particularly after hearing the conversation through the wall. Nick had left no doubt that he liked the idea of having sex with Janet. I also thought about Nancy's unmistakeable advances to me including her blatantly running her hand over my prick. I remembered Nick and Nancy's enthusiastic sex right next to us just through the wall and I thought about her sexy body.

I wondered what was happening and what this might lead to this weekend. I had never even considered being unfaithful to Janet. Nor had I thought about any other man having sex with her. Now I couldn't stop wondering what it would be like to play with Nancy's big breasts and the rest of her sexy body and then make love to her. More disturbing still was that I found myself aroused by thoughts of Janet being fucked by a big, lusty man like Nick. My prick was rising out of control. I wondered what sort of a pervert I was to be having thoughts like that.

I put on a pair of shorts and went out to join them. They moved further apart and Janet's cheeks looked a little pink. I asked "Where's Nancy?"

"Oh she always likes to sleep in when we are here, particularly after wild sex like we had last night. Being here always makes her especially horny. It's amazing what you can hear up here. From what we heard, unless it was just animal calls from outside, it seems you had a good time too."

Janet went rather red and said "It is pretty quiet up here isn't it."

At this point Nancy came out of her room in nothing but an open shirt and sheer panties. She was quite a sight. Janet gave me a nudge when she saw me staring.

Nancy yawned emphasising the sight and sleepily said "Hi!" Nick handed her a cup of coffee which woke her up slightly. "Did everybody sleep well?" she asked.

"Yes" said Janet. "We had a particularly good night."

"We thought so from what we heard." said Nancy laughing.

* * * * *

To get my mind onto other things I asked "What are we going to do today?"

"You can do what you like." said Nick. "There are all sorts of possibilities. You could go for a swim or fish in the ocean or take a long walk up the beach or trek through the park or nothing at all. It's your choice."

None of that activity appealed to me but Janet spoke up "Let's see how far we can make our way along the shoreline around the National Park, Honey. It sounds interesting."

My heart sank. She loves that sort of adventure but it sounded far too strenuous to me. I felt a little guilty not doing what she wanted but I said selfishly "That really doesn't sound like my sort of thing, darling. I am feeling much too tired. I was hoping to just stay here and get my book finished. Do you mind very much?"

I could see Janet's face fall. With understandable reason she was clearly disappointed with me. Then Nick spoke up. "I'll go with you Janet and show you the way. It is quite difficult in parts unless you know it as well as I do."

"Would you really go with me, Nick?" asked Janet. "I'd like that." I could see how her face lit up again and I could feel her excitement return. "Will you come with us, Nancy?"

"No, I am not feeling like that sort of exertion. I might just stay here and annoy Jack."

That made me a little apprehensive. I was not sure what might happen being left alone with Janet's sexy friend. However everyone else seemed perfectly happy as we cleaned up after our breakfast.

Janet disappeared into our room and came out shortly, ready for her hike. I was a little surprised at her get up. She had put her hair up in a ponytail. She was wearing nothing but boots, bikini pants and a tee shirt which showed off her shape. She had a little back pack into which she put a bottle of water, some sunscreen and an apple. What really surprised me is that she obviously had no bra or anything else under the tee shirt. That was not like her. The outline of her perky breasts could easily be seen swaying and jiggling around under the tee shirt as she moved. I was suddenly a little worried as to what might happen when she was alone with Nick and she was dressed like that. I did not completely trust cocky Nick but it was obvious that Janet was in high spirits.

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