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An Incident in Potter's Woods

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Afternoon of experimentation leads to life decisions.
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Robert Craft who his friends still called Robbie returned home after his first year of college to pretty much the same life he had in high school. Though there were a few differences the nearly twenty-year old felt as if he had stepped back in time from the moment the bus arrived on Main Street. Until leaving for the state university he had spent his entire life in his sleepy home town. It was typical small town America and he was a typical all-American boy. He was handsome and athletic. He was a three sport letterman in high school and had dated the same pretty cheerleader since ninth grade.

Though they both claimed to be in love it was a fairly chaste relationship. Most of his close friends had similar relationships. If you went steady for a long time you got to pet occasionally while making out. Sometimes if a guy begged he might get a hand job to take care of his needs. He was a senior and 18 before he saw her naked. It was part of his birthday present. She consented to getting naked and oral sex. But she continued to insist that they abstain from intercourse. He would likely still not know what it felt like to fuck if she hadn't broken up with him over winter break. She had met a guy at college and thought it best that they move on. What really hurt was when a friend told Robbie that his virgin girl had fucked at least three different guys while away at school.

Robbie ended up asking a girl at his college out that was known to be easy as they called it back then. Her reputation was well deserved. Robbie lost his virginity on their second date. Though he continued to fuck her for several weeks the sex was more like an act of revenge toward his ex than a pleasurable activity. There was of course a few minutes of pleasure but the feelings of shame and self loathing he had afterward were far more powerful. He didn't love or even like the girl. She was no more than a cunt to relieve the need and he wasn't the kind of guy to enjoy that kind of relationship.

So that summer he found himself back at his parent's house, living in the same room he had since the day he was born. He was working at the same job he had had since tenth grade and hanging with the same small group of friends he had for years. He missed being able to play in the summer youth baseball league. They strictly enforced the age limit. Odd thing was he couldn't coach either because while the maximum age to play was 18 the minimum age to coach was 21. He was trapped in a sports no-man's land. With no sports, no girlfriend and only a part time job, Robbie had a lot of time on his hands.

There were three other guys in his group of pals that were in almost the same boat. Ed Jeffers had been Robbie's neighbor and friend since they were babies. Though Ed participated in sports with his friend's encouragement, he was not as athletic as Robbie and was mostly a bench warmer. He also was not as tall, handsome or popular as Robbie. He had dated some in high school but never had a long-term relationship like most of the guys in town. As far as Robbie knew Ed had never even had his cock touched by a girl. They had met Doug Collins in little league when they were twelve. Doug was almost the exact opposite of Ed. He was one of the handsomest and most popular guys in town. In addition he was the high schools top athlete. He was good enough to be going to an out of state school on an athletic scholarship. Doug hadn't left high school a virgin. But his reputation for fucking them and leaving them meant pickings were slim in a town where everyone knew everyone else.

You could say that Stan Fields was what you would get if you took the other three and mixed them together into one person. He had Ed's lack of athletic ability, Doug's looks and charm and Robbie's good guy personality. Stan like Robbie had had the same girl friend all through high school. Unlike Robbie, his girl wasn't a knockout cheerleader or insistent on remaining a virgin. They had mutually decided that they should date others when they went off to separate colleges. Neither had so much as held hands with anyone else. They both thought that they needed to have more experience to be sure about their love. Stan was convinced that after a semester of exploration their love for each other would be even stronger. For him it was and he had planned to call off the experiment and ask her to marry him that winter. She on the other hand had embraced the pleasures of the sexual revolution that was in full swing and joys of what the hippies were calling free love. Stan was still in pain that summer and not interested in dating.

Three weeks of the summer had passed and all four of them were feeling the doldrums brought on by boredom. Life back at home was painfully slow and uninteresting compared to the busy lives they had away at college. Hanging out with the gang was no longer enough to occupy the young men. As they often had over the years the foursome was hiking in Potter's wood one particularly uninteresting afternoon. Potter's wood was the name given to the almost 500 acre area that belonged to the federal government on the eastern edge of town. No one seemed to know why the unoccupied stretch that was a great place for boys to explore had the name. Since the government only occasionally leased logging rights it was a pristine nature preserve and generally very private.

As they sat on some rocks in small clearing that they had used for a few years as a place to sneak off and drink beer they engaged in the usual bullshit session. They had hung out there many times swapping lies and generally horsing around. But that summer things were different. The spirit was gone. They were going through the motions as if on autopilot.

"Fuck this is stupid!" Robbie blurted out as he tired of listening to Doug tell the same story of fucking some chick for what seemed the millionth time.

"What the hell?" Doug asked annoyed to be interrupted.

"I don't know man. There has got to be more to life than fucking off in the woods like we have been since we were kids with hairless balls. Christ all we got to talk about is pussy you had years ago and we ain't got any of now!"

"Shit Robbie's horny!" Ed said and started jumping around.

"Fucking A I am horny. Maybe you guys are satisfied with your fucking palms. Personally I am getting tired of only having my hand jerk off my dick!" Robbie shot back pissed off at his best friend's antics.

"What you want one of us to do it for you?" Doug asked sarcastically.

"Piss off pretty boy. I didn't know you were a switch hitter," Robbie said not really as pissed at the suggestion as he wanted his friends to think.

"Fuck you! I need to touch a guy's dick for pleasure. Hell unlike you pussy deprived lads I hardly have to touch my own," Doug lied.

The truth was that unknown to his friends Doug had discovered a side of the sexual revolution and free love that most missed. It started with him and his roommate fucking their dates side by side and progressed to group sex scenes which inevitably led to bisexual encounters. He had quickly decided that a mouth was a mouth. It wasn't long before he got the urge to experience giving and found that cock sucking was fun.

"Yeah right, if you were getting any pussy, you wouldn't be spending all your free time with us, dick wad!" Stan piped in.

"Shit, I already fucked all the pussy that doesn't have a lock in place in this Podunk town. What the fuck is your excuse for hanging with the guys instead of going out and tapping the local talent?" Doug said purposely taunting his accuser.

Stan knew that the truthful answer was lack of interest. He also knew that even if he was interested that getting one of the small town girls in bed would be a major amount of work. He wasn't up to the effort when he could just jack off every other day or so. As for guys, he hadn't thought about it one way or the other. Guys having sex with each other didn't bother him in theory. But the only thing close to that in his life was a circle jerk group when he was a counselor at a camp the summer before college. As he mulled the idea in his head he imagined that it would make things less complicated than being totally straight.

He settled for the lame comeback guys that age tend to overuse, "Fuck you, cocksucker!"

"I fucking told you I do not suck cock!" Doug shot back way too angrily.

"Whoa man, calm down. Nobody is seriously suggesting anyone here is queer or something. Fuck we have known each other long enough to know none of us suck dick," Ed added hoping to settle things down.

"Do we really know that?" Robbie asked sincerely curious at that point.

Though he had never acted on it he had definitely thought about it more than once. He had even caught himself checking out his college roommate's body when changing clothes and showering.

"Something you want to tell us?" Ed asked startled at his friend's thoughts.

"No, fuck, I have barely had any chick lips on my dick and I definitely haven't gone to the other side. But it is just well you know do we really ever know anyone. Fuck, I thought Shelly and I might be together forever. Then I learn the fucking bitch that had insisted that she was going to be a virgin at her wedding turned slut after never giving me more than a whiff of her pussy. You never fucking know what in is in anyone's heart of what they do that they don't admit to doing."

"So anyone got anything they want to confess? Are there any secret cocksuckers in the group?" Doug asked with his usual bravado.

He was hoping that someone might admit to something even if it wasn't as much as he had been into at college. It was one of those things that while he was doing it, it seemed ok, but amongst his friends he would like to have had some confirmation that he wasn't the only one experimenting. He had already decided that if one of the other guys admitted to anything he would tell about at least part of the experimenting he had done. But no one took the bait.

After a couple of minutes Stan broke the silence, "Ok, are you satisfied Robbie? We are all straight."

"Yeah I guess. Either that or anyone who isn't, is too fucking chicken shit to admit it," He replied convinced he wasn't the only one who had thought about other cocks.

"Damn, Rob, I have known you since we were in diapers and I don't remember you ever expressing so much thought about this stuff. What's up with the sudden interest in guys secretly fooling around with each other?" Ed asked subconsciously trying to keep the topic going.

Though he had barely admitted it to himself he had been sexually attracted to Robbie since he first understood the concept. While away at school he had given a lot of thought to the idea that he was gay although that term was not yet wildly used. He had no real sexual interest in women and was taking greater notice of guys. His only sexual experience another than masturbation was jerking off with his college room mate. About two weeks after school started Ed's roommate initiated a frank discussion that led to the conclusion that since they would be in close quarters privacy would be limited. That led to the decision that to take care of need they could at will lie in their respective beds masturbating when the other guy was in the room. Within days they were masturbating together in the dark. Soon after day time sessions began. By the spring semester neither hid the fact that they watched the other as they did it.

"Fuck, I don't know. It isn't even really sudden. I just never said anything," Robbie said feeling a little frustrated and ready to spill the beans on his most secret thoughts.

"Are you saying that you have thoughts about doing shit like that with other guys?" Stan asked honestly surprised.

"Shit, I will call every one of you bastards fucking liars if you try to deny ever having a thought about it," Robbie said truly pissed that he was being backed into a corner.

That was enough for Doug to allow the curtain to open a little.

"I am sure you would be right, Robbie," Doug said boldly. "Fuck, statistically guys think about sex like once every three seconds or some shit. Figures some of the thoughts involve other cocks in the picture. I am not afraid to admit I have thought about it."

The other three were stunned to silence. Doug was a stud and well known ladies man. It didn't make sense that he would be at all interested in cocks.

"Huh, are you saying that you have considered having sex with another guy?" Stan asked dumbfounded.

"Are you saying you have never thought it? What about you Ed?"

"Well um in a way I have thought about it, but not anywhere near in a real way," Stan admitted.

"Well that makes all four of us then," Ed added shyly.

"Damn, see we have all been friends, close fucking friends even and we never once told any other one of the group about these thoughts," Robbie said excited to have the idea out in the open.

"How could we, with all the teasing about being queer and cock sucking that goes on around here?" Ed said sounding sad.

"Yeah, but it would be nice to have a friend to talk about it with. Maybe, then when those thoughts came we would know it wasn't so fucking weird," Doug added still not quite ready to go all the way with the truth.

"Maybe the four of us should make an honesty pack. We can be totally open amongst the group and not fear any scorn," Robbie said wanting to open up.

"Only if everyone agrees that any secrets we talk about stay between the four of us." Stan the one with the least to reveal added.

"Of course," Robbie said.

"Agreed," The other two added in unison.

Stan who had almost nothing to admit started, "Well I don't think there would be anything wrong with you know doing whatever with a guy. I bet it would be a hell of a lot easier than the fucking dance we do with chicks to get laid."

"What do you mean by whatever and since when have you been running around getting laid anyway?" Robbie asked genuinely curious.

"You know I am in not running around, but I think fooling around with a guy would be a different thing than the whole relationship thing with chicks. I have no idea what I mean by whatever because I haven't given it that much thought. What about you?"

"Well, I have had thoughts and even a couple of dreams where I was with a guy. I guess the usual stuff, you know touching maybe sucking."

"Wow, really?" Ed blurted out.

"Damn Eddie why so excited?" Robbie asked reverting to a long discarded nickname.

"I thought I was the only one. You remember a few years ago when we found my brother's porno stash?"

"Oh shit, are we going to tell that story?" Robbie asked as a mostly suppressed memory filled his head.

"You got to now," Doug insisted.

"Ok it isn't that big a deal," Robbie said. "We found the magazines and started reading them together and of course got hard-ons. Before you get any ideas all that happened was we went into separate bathrooms and jacked off. "

"Damn with the thoughts you have had do you wish you had just done it to each other?" Stan asked.

"Maybe," Robbie admitted.

"I did then," Ed said softly. "The whole time I was pulling my dick knowing Robbie was down the hall doing the same thing I thought about us doing it together."

Ed barely got the words out before he felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Its ok, we all have thought about it," Robbie said helping his friend to calm down.

"Did you think about me that day?"

"I honestly can't remember what I thought about. Fuck I was in your parent's bathroom with my pants down jacking my dick; that was scary. Who remembers anything else? But at school I have been looking at my roommate when he changes and stuff. Sometimes I think about touching his cock."

"My roommate and I jerk off together," Ed added quickly so he wouldn't loose the nerve.

"Holy shit!" Stan exclaimed. "Do you do each other?"

"No, we just lie in our own bed stroking and watching each other."

"Wow that sounds kind of hot," Doug said speaking for the first time.

"You really think so? Fuck you are such a ladies man I figured you would have no interest in cock at all," Stan opined.

"Never thought about it one way or the other until I got to college. My university is kind of progressive I guess and attracts progressive thinking students."

"Are you saying you have discussed this stuff with people at college?" Robbie asked.

"Yeah and ..." Doug paused not sure how much to reveal since he was certain the others had not gone nearly as far as he had with guys.

"And what?" Stan said feeling both intrigued and aroused.

"Damn, well I have done some experimenting," Doug admitted.

"What kind of experimenting?" Robbie asked anxiously.

"Well group sex is in and things sorta happen once you get naked and pile up."

"Fuck, you have been to an orgy?" Stan asked very interested.

"Although I hadn't heard it labeled that way, I have been involved in a lot of group scenes."

"Fuck, now that is a dream I have had!" Stan exclaimed.

"Um, er, um www what have you don www with guys at these er o orgies?" Ed asked so excited he began to stutter for the first time since leaving speech therapy years earlier.

"Well you know, a guy's hard cock will rub against you. Maybe the hand on your dick will be a man's. You might grab hold of a guy's hard on and then to be polite stroke it some. Sometime a guy will be sucking you and if you don't look you don't know it isn't a chick."

"You ever suck a cock?" Stan asked incredulously.

"Yes," Doug answered simply.

"What's it like," Robbie asked as every homosexual fantasy he had ever had flashed into his mind.

"Its ok, fun even."

"Wow so you only do it when you are in a group and just happen to get a cock in your mouth or what?" Ed asked feeling calmer having the knowledge that his friends were interested in cock sucking.

Doug laughed at that thought.

"No, it isn't exactly like that. The first time I ever did it I was fucking this chick and she was sucking this dude who was lying next to us. I just decided to try it so we did him together. Now sometimes I am at one of these parties and I see a cock hard and unattended and I am not busy and I go for it. Sometimes I am at a party and only do chicks even if there are guys around sucking or whatever. Maybe it is a mood thing, I don't know."

Robbie, Ed and Stan sat there staring at Doug wanting to hear more.

"So none of you guys have anything else to share?" Doug asked feeling uncomfortable being the center of attention.

"I have one secret but it doesn't even compare to yours," Stan said.

"So tell us," Doug insisted.

"Ok last summer at the camp I worked at the counselors had a jerk off group."

"What?" Robbie said in amazement.

"There were six of us that would get together and jerk off together. It wasn't like having sex with a guy we never came close to touching each other. I can't speak for the rest of the guys but other than looking at their hard dicks out of curiosity I didn't rally think of it as any more than it was."

"Seems like an opportunity missed to me," Doug stated honestly. "Fuck can't see a reason to do yourself when there is someone else I the room."

"Does that mean it doesn't have to be a mixed group situation for you to fool around with another guy?" Ed asked really interested in pushing the situation.

"Damn, you guys want to know everything. Oh well what's the difference. I have had three one on one's with guys and a couple of all guy threesomes. Everything else has been in a mixed group situation"

All four of them went silent. They were looking around and all wondered if something was about to happen between them. No one wanted to be the first to make a suggestion. Even Doug who had admitted to doing things he couldn't believe he had told about was not ready to suggest his friends join him in a sex party in the woods.

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