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An Unexpected Arrival

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A femme catboy shows up on his front step.
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This is a story that predominantly features the relationship between a man and a catboy. However, given that it's thematically mostly about a gay relationship, it felt more reasonable to put it in the Gay Men category. If you want your stories to be entirely in this world, and entirely about humans, this story aint that.

However, the sci-fi/fantasy elements aren't really a huge driver of the story. There is also violence, as is so often the case in my stories. (You think that's a statement on us?)

All characters are over 18.

An Unexpected Arrival

Jack Valynce didn't really mind quarantining, but he just wished that the government's reasoning made some kind of sense. Had strange creatures from another dimension arrived? Sure.

Could they be carrying weird diseases? Apparently not - not a single one of them had any recognizable illness. So, the reason for quarantining the general population seemed suspect, but of all the things that the government was doing, that was the one Jack wasn't going to complain about.

No, forcing the strange creatures not just to live amongst the general population but indeed, in their very homes - that was the thing he would complain about.

If he complained. Which he didn't, because it didn't do anything.

The television talking head yammered on about how the leaders of the "Fae Folk of Dimension 2714-B" had completed formation of their council. Which was great, because now it meant there were multiple governments to screw Jack over.

His screen flashed, and a blue window popped up over the news broadcast. A Mandatory Message had arrived. It started with a typo and got worse from there.

Congratulation citizen! You have been selected as a Cultural Envoy of the Democratic People's Republic of America! You are now, officially, an honored representative of our government, our citizenry, and our way of life.

You have been assigned a Personal Liaison of the Fae Council, the representatives of the citizenry of Dimension 2714-B. This comes with an honorarium, and a substantial boost to your Social Credit!

Remember, your Personal Liaison is new to our world, and as a Cultural Envoy, you represent all of us!

If you feel you've been negatively affected by General Dispersal Order 2, please contact your Social Counsellor!

Have a great day!

Jack really wanted to throw a brick through the screen, but he'd spent a lot of time assembling a monitor that didn't monitor him, and also didn't actually read the Mandatory Messages out loud in that ingratiating voice.

He rubbed his face and shook his head. "No man, no fucking way."

This shouldn't have been possible for a lot of reasons, and the fact that it had happened disturbed the hell out of him. He could try to raise an alarm, or he could just leave. Nobody would notice him breaking quarantine with his bag, they'd assume he was delivering something. He headed to his kitchen and pulled open his knife drawer, when he heard a knock on the door.

Well, there went all of those plans, he thought as he slammed the drawer shut.

"Not possible," he muttered and pulled out his phone. Maybe he forgot about a package headed his way.

The image on his door cam was kind of insane. First, it looked like a guy wearing cat ears. Second, he was dressed in hospital scrubs and looked like he'd just escaped an asylum. Not that Jack was dressed much better - quarantine meant soft pants and t-shirts.

Maybe all this fairy nonsense was literally that, and these were metal defectives who couldn't distinguish between the regular world and the inside of a madhouse. Although given the state of the regular world, even Jack found it confusing.

The small guy looked at the door cam more directly. He had large eyes, shaggy brown hair that fell down below his jaw, and brown ears on the top of his head. His features were so delicate that Jack wondered if he was only assuming that the government wouldn't send a woman to live with him.

The creature bit his lip and knocked again, while a sense of desperation spread across his features.

Jack sighed and trudged to the door, then opened it.

"Wrong apartment, probably," Jack said.

The fae kin in front of him was just an inch or so over five foot, and Jack was high enough above six foot that the cat ears came to just above his chin. The fae creature's face flushed red.

"I'm sorry sir, this is, this is apartment 617. It is where they told me to go."

The fae spoke in a soft, rather high-pitched voice. It could've been a girl, but Jack really doubted that the system would've screwed up that much. He was a little surprised the fae spoke English, but also didn't care enough to ask about it.

"This is a bad idea," he told the cat guy.

The cat guy looked down, bit his lip, and then looked around the hall.

"Where's your stuff?" Jack asked, noticing the empty hall.

The fae looked down at himself and then shrugged.

Jack sighed and nodded. Of course he's destitute. Well, can't leave him out there like that. "Well, fuck." He stepped aside and gestured to him. "C'mon in."

The catboy quickly darted into the apartment, and ran over to the kitchen table, as he looked around wide-eyed.

Jack furrowed his brow and approached him with a hand to shake. "Jack. Jack Valynce."

The fae turned around and took his hand and licked it, before he hissed.

Jack yanked his hand back and shouted, "What the fuck!"

His new roommate recoiled, his already large blue eyes wide with fear. "I am sorry, sir! I was greeting you!"

"Oh," Jack nodded and wiped his hand on his pant leg with a sigh. "I... didn't catch your name, at all."

Hisses, a snap, and more hisses. Jack sighed again. "Okay, out of all that I got, 'Skye' - how's that? You like Skye?"

Skye thought for a moment and nodded with a grin, which showed off his enlarged canines.

"So, let's try this again Skye," Jack said and held out his hand. "You grip my hand."

Skye took the proffered hand.

"And you move up, then down a couple quick times," Jack said before he demonstrated. "That's called a handshake."

Skye nodded and then shimmied and looked uncomfortable. "Thank you, sir." He shook his hips.

"Something the matter there, Skye?"

"My tail is trapped."

The bigger man chuckled, "Yeah, those hospital scrubs probably not made for fae folk. Maybe there's some way to modify them?"

The catboy nodded and smiled, and then removed his pants without a word. Jack couldn't help but notice that his furred legs ended in feet instead of paws, but feet that were more furry than human. They were similar to his clawed hands. He looked away too late to avoid noticing his small pouch and tiny uncut cock. His midsection was apparently more human, giving an overall appearance akin to furred socks and gloves.

Also, one mystery was definitively solved.

"Why?" Jack asked with a groan, fresh with the knowledge of what catboys packed down south.

"Hrmm?" Skye asked in return as he poked a hole in the butt of his pants.

"Nudity is frowned upon in the human world," Jack said with a gesture toward his body.

"Oh, sorry, yes, they said that," he replied and put his pants back on. "I'm still... I'm sorry, sir."

"You don't need to call me sir. Look uh," he said and gestured toward his kitchen. "You want anything to eat?"

Skye stared at him for long enough that Jack started to wonder if fae ate humans, before he replied, uncertainly, "Yes?"

"What is it?"

"They... they said that you - that I'm only allowed to eat what you say I can eat."

"Yeah, I mean, that's... None of this food is free, you get me?"

"Not really."

"You trade things for food, right?"

"Oh, yes."

"So, it's not free."

"Oh, I see."

Jack stared at the catboy for a long time, as he tried to figure out if the guy was messing with him. He eventually came to the realization that this young kid was probably scared out of his mind and didn't know what was going on in an alien world.

"No offense, you look young. How old are you anyway?" Jack asked.

"76 seasons," Skye replied as he walked into the kitchen and looked around at the cabinets.

Jack did some math in his head, and replied, "If anyone else asks, you're 19 years old. That's... that's how we count that."

"Our seasons are longer than yours, but it's probably close enough," he said with a nod, then asked, "How old are you?"

"Thirty-one. Years, not seasons."

Skye nodded, and then shrugged, "I have no idea if you look young, I'm sorry."

Jack laughed and shook his head, then went into a cabinet and pulled out a can of meat. He opened the canned meat and shook it out on a cutting board, then went to get a knife.

When he turned back, Skye had taken a bite from it, and held the rest of it in his hands as he chewed.


The catboy looked at him and swallowed nervously. "Yes, sir?"

Jack started to object again but just skipped past that to, "We usually cook food first."

"It's not raw," Skye said as he held it up toward Jack, who just laughed again.

"I know it's... there's a lot of foods we cook twice. That's one of them. I mean, my god, cold canned meat. I'm shocked you can stomach it."

"It's good!" he said and took another big bite.

"You should try it cooked, it's incredible," Jack said with another laugh and went to the living room. After everything that happened, cooling down with some meaningless entertainment sounded great.

Soon, Skye joined him in the living room, and stood next to the couch.

Jack gave it a minute and then turned to Skye. "Okay, do you... do you not know how couches work?"

"I... I don't know what I'm allowed to do, sir."

"You don't have to - okay, so look. I know this is awkward for both of us - you know what, actually you're right. I should show you around."

Jack stood up and gestured for Skye to follow, and he returned to the dining room and kitchen. "Entry, dining room, kitchen. You've seen these." He gestured to the living room as they headed to the hall. "Living room, futon. These are all common areas. Feel free to use as you wish."

The first door in the hall he opened, "This is the bathroom. Also common."

"What's it for?"

Jack breathed in deeply and turned to Skye. "You know what the phrase 'go to the bathroom' means?"

Skye furrowed his brow. "We don't excrete waste the same way you do."

"Well, whatever you do, and however you do it," he hooked a thumb toward the bathroom. "Do it in here. The toilet flushes waste away, but only put organic stuff in it. The shower is for cleaning the dirt off your skin."

Skye nodded, and the tour moved on. The next door Jack opened had a desk with a computer on it, and a workout machine. "This is my office slash gym. It is not a common area. Do not enter unless I invite you in."

He moved on to the next door. "This is my room. Also not common. Please don't go in unless I'm in here. And knock first. Any questions?"

Skye bit his lip and looked around, "Where do I sleep?"

Jack walked back to the living room and showed him how the futon pulled out, and then was pushed back. "It's not comfortable, but you know, life's imperfect."

Skye nodded and smiled, "That's very true."

Jack sat down and patted the futon next to him. "So how the hell did you end up in our world anyway? The news reports are light on details."

Skye joined him on the futon and shook his head. "I don't really remember exactly how I made the trip, but... the humans on the other side said I shouldn't tell anyone."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah, of course they did. Anyway, it's probably not a big deal. You probably shouldn't tell if they said not to." He paused briefly. "Look, you want to watch a show or a movie or something?"

Skye looked at the screen then back to Jack. "What's that?"

"Oh, you haven't seen a movie? Just you wait -" Jack said and threw on a movie that he'd watched not long ago and really enjoyed, mostly because it featured a load of scantily clad females kicking monster ass. It was bombastic, easy to follow, and he thought it was rather a lot of fun.

Skye barely moved the entire time, staring slack jawed at the screen. When it ended, he practically exploded in words. "That was incredible! Did that really happen? How does your magic mirror work? It gave me an idea," he gestured toward his scrubs. "Can I change these clothes more?"

Jack decided to skip past all the boring questions and just laughed. "They're your clothes, go for it."

The catboy sliced the legs of his scrubs off, so that they were as short as some of the booty shorts that the characters in the movie wore.

"Is this okay?"

Jack decided that since it was too late anyway, it wasn't really a great idea to mention how much of Skye's crotch he could see up the leg of the shorts. "Yeah, it's fine. Those are uh, kind of temporary clothing. Well not temporary, but cheap. We should get you something more permanent."

"They told me not to leave," Skye replied with a frown.

"Yeah, there's a quarantine. But we can shop online and have it shipped without leaving."

"Oh! Then... this is also, 'not free' right?"

Jack sighed and leaned back against the futon. "Man, nothing's free. You're going to cost me a lot of money, but that's just how it goes. I don't know any way around it."

Skye pulled up his knees and rested his chin on it. "This world is so different from mine. Money is so important here."

Jack just nodded, pulled his phone out and tapped through some things as he spoke. "And what happens on your world when you don't have the things you need to survive?"

"Well, nothing good, I guess?"

Jack held his phone out with a big green button on it. "Hit the green button."

Skye looked at him, then his phone, and hit the button with only a hint of trepidation.

The phone chimed and had a friendly message thanking him for placing the order. "Now in about three hours we'll get eggs, bacon, and bread, along with a few more cans of meat delivered. While we watch a movie."

Skye considered that for a few seconds and then nodded in understanding. "So, it's not all bad."

"Not by a long shot. C'mere, let me show you how to shop for clothing."

The catboy bounced on the couch over to Jack and curled up alongside his chest to look down into the phone. Jack looked down at him in consternation. "So personal space - aw, fuck, you're a cat, aren't you?"

Skye grinned and said in mock surprise, "Who, me? A cat? What shocking things you say!"

Jack gently pushed him back to give himself a little breathing room and held the phone between them. "Okay, so here's how you look through the clothes. To start with, let's get you some kind of pants, and a shirt, and... well you don't need socks or shoes right. How about underwear?"

Skye looked deeply uncertain. "Do I have to?"

"Nah, man, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do," Jack said with a chuckle. "But if you're not wearing underwear, you're going to want to stick to shorts that don't have zippers. Trust me on that."

"Ooh, I like that," he pointed.

"That's... that's women's clothing."


Jack thought for a moment. "Well, they might be uncomfortable in the crotch. Tell you what, I'm sure we can find something that looks like this, but is meant for, uh..."

"Catboys?" Skye asked with a bright smile.

Jack laughed. "I mean, that's..." he started, before he thought about it. "Actually, wait, fae folk showed up a few months back, maybe you're right." He flipped through, hit a few search terms, and found something. "Well, I'll be damned. And based on what we're seeing, I assume a lot of you catboys think alike."

"Ooh, I like these!" Skye pointed to some elastic shorts, and then scrolled down and found a shirt to go with it. "And this!"

"So, add to cart, see that button? Okay tap that, and then - yeup, that and there you go. I'll go ahead and order these, and if you like them, we can order more later," he assured the young fae while ruefully noting that the clothes he picked showed even more skin than what he was wearing right now. It wasn't up to Jack to dress him, so he shouldn't care, but the energy that was just pouring off Skye already bothered him.

And that was before Skye pressed against him and started purring.

Jack froze for a few moments, before he slowly put his arm around Skye's shoulders. "Uh, I assume that's a good sound? Like with cats?"

"Mmhmm! It's how I say thanks!" he chirped.

"I see," the man replied. "So, if I do this," and he started to scratch Skye's head behind his ears. The catboy collapsed onto his lap and purred even louder. Jack could feel his cheeks burn, as that wasn't the reaction he was really expecting. Though, in retrospect, he wasn't sure what kind of reaction he was expecting. "Uh, how about we watch something?"

Skye nodded from Jack's lap. "That sounds great!" He shifted onto his side, remaining in Jack's lap.

"Uhm, did you... uh, want to stay there?"

"Your lap is very warm, and comfortable," Skye nodded without looking up at him.

"I mean, we kind of just met," Jack said with an awkward grimace.

"So? I'm sorry, sir, is this rude?" He sat up and turned to Jack with a concerned expression.

Jack sighed. "Why do you call me sir?"

"Because you're older than me?"

He decided not to argue that point. "Skye, it's not a question of rudeness, it's that... strangers here don't behave this way. Well, that's not entirely true, some strangers do. A lot of strangers do maybe, but this stranger doesn't," he hooked his thumb at his chest.

"Do you not like it?" Skye looked disappointed, which made Jack realize that the emotional manipulation of cats was a tiny bit less fun when it came from a person. It didn't help that this cat was too adorable to lie to.

"I guess, you know, I do like it, but... it's sort of like if someone walked into your cold cave with a bright fiery torch. On the one hand, hey, warmth and light, that's great. On the other hand, your cave is filled with gunpowder."

Skye bit his lip and thought about that, though he spoke with a tone of confusion. "I don't really know what that means. But it sounds like you don't know how to feel because you don't know me."

Jack nodded, though that didn't seem to quite fit what he was trying to get at. Then he wondered if maybe it did. Then he thought how great it would be to not think about any of this confusing mess.

"Yeah, aight, well, Imma head out," he said as he grunted and stood up. "I've got a gaming rig in my room that's calling my name, you know what I mean?"


"Right, well, anyway, good night," he said and left the living room. He wasn't lying about the rig in his bedroom being an amazing gaming machine. Even without quarantine, he didn't get out of his apartment much, and it was one of the few things that kept him sane.

At this particular moment though, it was not the graphics card in his computer that was utilizing its full power. It was his network card, which he used to download high-definition porn.

Jack pulled his soft pants down around his thighs as his seven-inch cock stiffened. He grabbed a small tube of lube that was tucked in a drawer, squirted a little on his hand, and stroked himself to full hardness.

The video he was watching featured a curvaceous Latin woman with a thick ass getting railed by a guy even bigger than he was. Porn had taught him all the wrong things, so it had surprised him in the past when the women he dated refused to do anything beyond vanilla with his tool.

A knock on his door interrupted him. He was thankful that soft pants were easy to pull up and he muted and minimized everything.

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