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An Unfortunate Habit Pt. 03

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Wetness is consumed and the problem dealt with.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2018
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"Mr Trevais! Your... your thing; it is engorged!"

Randolph was brought back from his thoughts. Cecily had noticed he too was naked.

"Of course. Men have erections, women are rather more subtle. It is not surprising that your description of your dream has had such an effect on me. It was undoubtedly erotic. The reaction is subconscious and involuntary but, being professional, I can regard it dispassionately for what it is. Miss Evans has similarly been affected. Note the hardening of her nipples. Now, to demonstrate, what I want you to do is place your hand between her thighs, yes right there, feel how wet she is, how she has reacted to your narration."

"Mr Trevais! You don't really mean I should touch Miss Evans intimately?"

"Yes indeed, touch, no more than touch, push your fingers up and inside her, do this now, how many can you get in?"

"I couldn't..."

"Of course you can: now how many?"

"Three," whispered Cecily wide eyed at what Randolph was making her do.

"With your free hand I want you to masturbate. I want you to bring yourself to climax, finish the job your dream began."

"I don't know, I don't know what to do."

Randolph sighed. This was of course a ridiculous statement.

"Miss Evans. I need you to assist. Miss Stubbs needs to be brought to orgasm whilst awake. It is very important she is aware of the pleasure. We need to move her strong need for sexual release away from her subconscious and out into her conscious mind."

"But I don't have a need for sex." The worry on Cecily's face was a picture.

"Believe me, Miss Stubbs, you do." Randolph was emphatic. "Miss Evans, please pleasure her orally."

There was now shock on his receptionist's face.

"Cunnilingus please, Miss Evans, and don't tell me you do not know how to do that!"

Cecily watched with disbelief as the pretty face of Mr Trevais' assistant came closer and closer to her sex, the naked receptionist's hands taking hold of her thighs to ease them apart; separating the soft pink skin. "No, what can you be thinking of, Mr..." and then the tongue touched and Miss Stubbs was transported back to the feelings of her dream. She gasped at what she was feeling and did not resist as Randolph began to carefully undo the buttons of her pyjama top.

"I shall work on your breasts, Miss Stubbs. It will help." Randolph was reassuring.

Randolph was delighted. There was his pretty receptionist, the top half of her face peeking over the top of Cecily's dark curly, rather wet, hair, her mouth and tongue clearly at work and her eyes staring at Randolph almost in shock; there was Cecily gasping with surprised delight at what she was feeling; and there were his own hands undoing the last of Cecily's buttons to pull apart the material and reveal a delightful pair of very respectably sized breasts topped with rather sweet and firmly erect red nipples set in almost boyishly small areolae; the blush was back and, yes, it did cover Cecily's breasts as well. It was a charming prospect to view.

His fingers stroked the breasts from valley to peak, gently at first, moving around them before his fingers tickled the little hard red nipples and then moving to a general kneading. Pleasant handfuls to play with; there was no question Randolph had been looking forward to this and from the sounds Cecily was making, his attention was welcome. What would have been really nice, would have added to the whole experience for Randolph; would have been if Cecily had lent towards him and wrapped her lips around his erection but he did not expect that: it was not where her interest lay. Unfortunate but true.

There was night cream by her bed; Randolph applied it plentifully making Cecily's breasts slippery in his hands. Again, it was not something Cecily was used to: anymore than having another woman between her thighs, tongue exploring, was something she normally enjoyed; a tongue searching, in a quite remarkable way, and going where it had not occurred to Cecily a tongue should travel.

The orgasm when it came was dramatic, even violent. Poor Miss Evans head was squeezed in the vice of Cecily's thighs and, being aware of the level of lubrication Cecily was known to produce, Randolph was half worried he might have to explain to the constabulary a most unusual case of drowning! Whilst that did not, of course, happen, Miss Evans did confide to Randolph, later, that she had literally been drinking from Miss Stubbs, such was the production of his client's remarkable glands.

"Gosh," as a word hardly seemed to do the event justice but, perhaps, for Cecily it was high praise indeed.

"You see," said Randolph standing and addressing Cecily as she came down from her high, "it is—it was—all a matter of orgasm, a necessary release for your body. You did not consciously allow it, permit it, during the day and so your sub-conscious had to supply the deficiency. What you now need to do is work on this exercise, build upon it and your nocturnal, ah, dampness will be a thing of the past. Not banished or done away with but controlled, ready to appear at a convenient time. We shall have to devise a regime, a programme to achieve this goal. I am sure you will not mind if Miss Evans assists us, she has been most efficacious this evening."

Cecily blushed again, the colouration travelling up her body in a most pleasing way.

There did, though remain a couple of matters to be sorted out. Firstly Miss Evans was, herself, in a rather excited state and, secondly, Randolph had a rather prominent erection which needed a degree of easing.

"Miss Stubbs, the over exertion of your glands is interesting, perhaps on occasion slightly inconvenient and, whilst not incontinent, certainly something that has troubled you. It is not however of any real consequence and, indeed, will be a source of pleasure to you and others. Sex, if I may so, has much to do with liquid; it has been described, perhaps rather unattractively, as 'an exchange of bodily fluids'. You have one particular fluid in abundance. It is pleasant for a man, and indeed sometimes a woman, to feel the wetness of an excited vulva."

"Mr Trevais!" Cecily was shocked by Randolph's frankness.

"No, let me finish. A drenched vulva, one simply oozing lubrication, is particularly pleasing, and we must not forget how it assists the insertion of the male organ—if desired—and so it follows your exceptional secretions are likely to particularly excite others. If you look at Miss Evans cheeks and my own prominent state you cannot doubt the truth in what I say."

Certainly Miss Evans looked very red around the face and there was no denying the evidence of Randolph's erection. She was staring at it.

"I believe it would help, assist you, if you were, by way of comparison, to explore the excited and quite wet state of, if I may put it that way, a normal woman's vulva. Please place your hand once more between Miss Evans' thighs."

"Oh, I don't think I should."

"Of course you can, Miss Evans will not mind." Randolph glanced at his receptionist. He knew, on the contrary, she would find the idea very pleasing and indeed she nodded in invitation.

Tentatively Cecily reached out and her fingers touched Miss Evans' bare inner thighs.

"Yes, that is it, now slip your fingers upwards and tell me when you can feel wetness."

"Oh, Mr Trevais, here."

"Yes, just below the labia major, quite different, you see, from yourself who is wet to the knees! Now onwards and upwards. Does not that feel good?"

Miss Evans stiffened. It clearly felt good to her.

"Feel around, make the comparison. Now poor Miss Evans has been very helpful but, like you, she has sexual needs. Would it be too much to ask if you were to continue your stimulation and bring her manually to climax, help her as she helped you? I believe this will be useful to you, a further demonstration."

Randolph was interested to note Cecily did not this time object; did not at all seem to mind the opportunity to continue to explore Miss Evans, even insert her fingers into her for rather longer than she had done before.

"Now, Miss Stubbs, listen to Miss Evans, you will be able to tell what she likes by the sounds she makes and how her body reacts. I particularly recommend, in a little while, a strumming of the clitoral hood. You will find Miss Evans has a particularly prominent structure rising up just before the little button of the clitoris, you should work on that."

He did not enlighten Cecily, or indeed Miss Evans, how he possessed such intimate knowledge and they were, perhaps, too absorbed to notice.

Randolph watched and it seemed Cecily was doing well. "Perhaps you would also care to suck on Miss Evans' breasts. She will, I assure you, like that as well."

She did.

Randolph was amused to see Miss Evans' hands return to Cecily's body and it was not long before fingers were between all of their thighs and the two women were each sucking the other's breasts. It was an enchanting tableau but not one designed to quell the strength of Randolph's erection. He pondered on what he should do with it. A problem indeed. Neither of the two women were, and that was quite clear, interested in men or, therefore, the associated insertion of erections vaginally, orally or even anally: Randolph on the other hand had a strong interest, particularly in the former two activities though he would not have been unhappy to assist the ladies should they have wished to explore the more unusual sexual activities. It would certainly have been enjoyable to be the passive provider of the penetrative object whilst the two girls carefully prepared each other's bottoms for the act and assisted in the insertion.

He was not prepared, despite their non interest in men, to completely pass up the opportunity of intercourse, certainly not with Miss Stubbs. Miss Evans could, perhaps, wait for a rainy afternoon when clients were scarce. He had, perhaps, already resisted that temptation for too long. Should, though, he penetrate Miss Stubbs on this occasion?

The pleasant result of the busy fingers was soon apparent with much gasping and screwing up of faces. A second orgasm resulted for Miss Stubbs—certainly a busy night for her; and a first for Miss Evans. It was now his turn.

"I wonder," Randolph said, standing again, and inviting the two ladies to sit on the bed, "whether a little more instruction would be appropriate before bed."

Seated, and with Randolph standing naked before them, his aroused state was brought very sharply into focus for them. It was, so to speak, in their face. The so obvious difference between men and women.

"Mr Trevais, your thing is still... hard. It unsettles me."

Randolph relished the word. Much seemed to unsettle Miss Stubbs.

"But, Miss Stubbs, it was you who wanted Miss Evans and me to be naked with you to save your embarrassment. My very visibly aroused state is the direct consequence of your request; the fact you can see it at all is the direct result of your own actions, indeed it is your own fault; my arousal is involuntary and an occupational hazard which I bear with fortitude. Nonetheless it is uncomfortable and needs release." Randolph wagged his finger.

"I have pointed out the whole real purpose of your remarkable secretions, and those too of Miss Evans, is to ease the insertion of the male member. Undertaking that would both achieve the necessary release and also educate both you and Miss Evans in this procedure. I take it neither of you have experienced, nor seen this particular act?"

Cecily mumbled her agreement to this statement, "But, Mr Trevais, I hardly think, and the possible consequences..."

"Indeed, and moreover it, by which I mean my erect penis, would be hidden from sight; I think, though, you need a similarly intimate experience, but a demonstration particularly of ejaculation. Again, I suspect, not within your experience?"

"No, Mr Trevais, of course not; but really there is no need..."

But she was caught by his remarkable brown eyes, eyes that aided acquiescence to Randolph's wishes.

"Well, if you think it would be a good idea..."

Randolph did.

"Perhaps an initial study of the organ before a full test? Miss Evans if you could perhaps..."

Whilst Miss Evans had no recollection of having previously handled Randolph's penis let alone having orally released the procreative fluid, she seemed, to her surprise, perfectly to understand what Randolph wanted her to do. Her fingers closed around the erection and she slid the foreskin back up and over the domed head before pulling it down again.

"Observe closely; Miss Evans is demonstrating."

Cecily watched open eyed, possibly amazed at what she was seeing right in her own bedroom.

"You may use the other hand to fondle my scrotum, if you will, Miss Evans. It would please me."

His receptionist complied. The fondling was a great delight to Randolph. It felt as if he was hardening yet more, his cock rearing up right in the faces of the two watching women.

"You see what you need to do, Miss Stubbs?"



Miss Evans' hands were removed and Cecily stared. "Me?"

Tentatively her hands reached out and touched. The change of hands was a considerable pleasure to Randolph - the application of virgin hands not used to the handling of penises. He liked the way she was staring at it, her hand rather inexpertly moving his foreskin alternately hiding and revealing the shiny round head. It was but inches from her face.

"Of course, manipulation is but one of the ways to please a man short of vaginal intercourse. Indeed use of the mouth can give greater pleasure, particularly from an effective use of the tongue; an organ, of course, not present in the vagina; an organ capable of the most intimate caress.

Cecily realised the import of Randolph's words. Her eyes widened, "Mr Trevais, I couldn't."

"What is the difference from Miss Evans' performance on you which so greatly pleased you? Never mind, Miss Evans will assist; she will place it in your mouth."

Once again his receptionist took hold of his penis but directed it towards Cecily. Cecily's eyes were wide under her dark hair as the rounded knob end with its little closed eye moved closer and closer and brushed against her lips.

"Oh, Mr Trevais, I'm really not sure..."

Opening her lips to speak also allowed the penis ingress.

"There you are Miss Stubbs, now that is good isn't it? Something to suck on is always a comfort, a basic pleasure. Whether it is the mother's breast or later the nipples of another, a lolly or the smooth warmth of a man's erection. You are enjoying this; it is a pleasure to you and one you will not forget."

Randolph's persuasive words had their effect, Cecily visibly quietened and sucked contentedly, exploring with her tongue and generally giving great enjoyment to Randolph. It was a joy to be standing there in front of this charming, naked, seated woman, to have his erection in her mouth and to watch her pretty lips distended around it. All of a sudden she stopped.

"Mr Trevais, I think, I think it is leaking!"

"Did you notice a certain saltiness on your tongue? That is completely normal, a slight weeping in preparation for the full ejaculation; that is why young girls are warned that penetration without ejaculation, even a little external contact between penis and vulva, foreplay so to speak, can result in pregnancy. That is yet another advantage of oral activity. There is no risk of pregnancy. You were wise to that. Please do carry on, Miss Stubbs and, oh, swallowing is important. You will enjoy the sudden warm filling of your mouth and the sensuous feel of my semen slipping down your throat."

Randolph's words were, of course, persuasive, though her eyes widened noticeably at the prospect. "There's a good girl," he said as he stroked Cecily's dark hair and looked down at the creamy whiteness of her long neck as her head bent to its task.

"Perhaps if you could fondle the source, the containers of your future treat, I am sure that would be of interest to you. Yes, indeed, feel them hanging there, weighty in your hand."

There was no pulling back, no pause in her attention when Randolph did come. The exquisite feel of her tongue sliding over the sensitive skin could not be denied; its effect inevitable; Randolph felt the tightening in his scrotum and then the joy of release as the semen surged up the long tube and into Cecily's waiting mouth. Again and again he pulsed until he was spent. He pulled gently away, the lips retaining a light clasp until it was lost.

"And how did you find that new experience, Miss Stubbs?"

A swallow and then another.

"I liked it, Mr Trevais, yes I did. Different. I would not have thought I would, but I did. Strange, I would not have expected that."

Randolph nodded, hypnotic instruction did help.

"Mr Trevais, look—another drop of your... your stuff has appeared." And indeed it had, the last oozing of the ejaculation.

"Yes, that does happen, so quick Miss Stubbs, lick it off before it falls on your carpet."

Randolph was not sure the feel of Cecily's tongue rasping across the now super sensitive tip of his penis was a pleasure or a pain but the erotic image of Cecily sticking her pink tongue out and flicking the bubble of white semen into her mouth stayed with him for a long time; as did Miss Evan's rather shocked face.

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