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Anal Alice Act 08

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Alice returns home from an unfortunate experience.
6.9k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 10/19/2013
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Preface - PLEASE READ!:

This is the EIGHTH part of what is a running story. It is all about the taboo. You will not find romance here. Any notion and talk of love is subverted to serve the taboo.

Anal sex, incest and nonconsent are MAJOR themes of this story.

You may want to not read this part and other parts if you take offence to any of the following in a lurid, obscene (and of course fantastical) context: nonconsensual and reluctance themes, rape culture kink, incest, rough sex, extreme sodomy, objectification and degradation.

I unequivocally do not condone any of the immoral and illegal activities I write about. Do not misunderstand the nature of fantasy and kink and its separation from reality, particularly when it comes to the R word.

In fact, I'm going to be even clearer, because this is important.

This story has taken its sweet time arriving, I know. I'm sorry. I'm a professional published author as my career, something that, unlike this, I make money from. This (and other personal reasons) means I rarely get around to this. I am confident, though, that the next chapter will not take so long to arrive.

This part will no doubt disappoint many, just as it may entice others. What I think most people hoped would happen, is not happening -- not yet. Instead, what I term "rape culture kink" is more delved into. What that means will probably become clear while reading.

This will upset some people. Those of you who are not into it, that's alright. Those of you who are, that's alright too. It is not an uncommon kink, same as CNC. It is not abnormal to be excited by any of this. It doesn't make you a wrong'un. Not as long as you understand -- with every fibre of your being -- that these kinds of kinks are entirely divorced from reality. Reality may inspire them, but they do not do the reverse. Everything in this story -- in all my stories -- all the actions, and attitudes, and philosophies, take place in a wholly fictional fantasy world, where none of the principles and actualities of our reality exist. These people do not exist and therefore cannot be harmed.

In REAL LIFE, as I'm sure I don't need to tell you, sexual assault is an abhorrent act of entitlement and power that ruins lives. I am spelling this out to you because this story -- and the series as a whole -- is taking a very different stance, one based thoroughly in kink. BUT THIS IS A STORY. If you ever get mixed up between fantasy and reality while reading these, then I advise you to cum, get that necessary post-cum clarity, and have a fucking hard talk with yourself. If you still see blurred lines, stop reading my work and get help.

All characters involved are 18 or older!

I am thankful for all my readers, my understandably impatient fans with their comments, ratings and emails. I always like to hear from you, and I am blessed to have a mix of male and female deviants as fans. Again, I am sorry that it has taken me so very long to write this next part and I hope you take this on board when rating - time generally breeds disappointment.

This is not the end of Anal Alice. Nor will the next part be. Even though months, years might pass in-between parts, it is not the end. I know this because the end has been written for a long time. I will tell you when it is the end.

Hope you enjoy.

P.S. The fantasy is everything.


She made her slow way back to the trailer, upset and annoyed. She wasn't sure how long it had taken for Dan's friends to be kind enough to let her go. Quite a while, she thought. She didn't know how bad the rape was really but that was beside the point . . . It just didn't seem fair. Guys kept taking advantage of her. The most guys she'd been with before at once had only been her two brothers, and that had been overpowering enough. Four, though, that was something else. Especially as she'd been a virgin before her brothers and had nobody since them.

Well, she supposed she was still actually a virgin, as no guy had ever been in her pussy, so it could be worse. Hadn't one of her brothers say that taking a cock in the ass wasn't technically sex? Maybe nobody had had sex with her, then, not even Dan's friends. They'd just . . . She wasn't sure. Played with her? They'd certainly seemed to have fun.

She was exhausted and her heart still beat fast and she was all sweaty. She felt like she was having a hot flush in the sun and had to sit down in the shade for a few minutes to calm down before she could go on.

Her ass hurt so much. She lay back for a bit on the warm grass, her knees up to take pressure off her bottom, feeling dizzy. Trying to breathe deeply of the fresh summer air. She could feel cum leaking out from her poor abused asshole, and she tried to squeeze it tight to stop it so it didn't soak the inside of her bumcheeks or all go on the grass for some poor bug to stumble into and drown. It didn't obey her instruction, frustratingly; it seemed to be too tired and worn out to do what she wanted. Those guys had really done a number on it.

And on her. Her memories of what had happened were already rather confused and jumbled, as though part dream. She had woken up lying on the hot grass, trying to open her eyes -- which had seemed almost glued together -- against a mercilessly glaring sun. Sore all over (especially a certain place), thirsty and dehydrated, and feeling she'd been, well, very manhandled. She didn't have a mirror, annoyingly, but she just knew her hair was all a mess.

Even now it seemed stuck to her face. Touching her cheeks, it seemed she must have sweated loads, for they were abnormally wet and sticky, and it came onto her fingers. She checked to see nobody was looking then pulled up her top to wipe her face and used the grass to wipe her fingers. Strange, confusing white stains appeared all over her top. She hoped she wasn't ill.

Oh, and her hair was sticky too! Grrr. She realised after a while that it might have been their cum. Maybe they had felt bad about repeatedly fucking and filling up her ass (she had a feeling they might have had a go more than once, especially if they were anything like her brothers) and had wanted to spare it, so maybe they'd decided to finish on her face and hair instead. She wondered if she was supposed to be thankful for that or not. Why did guys have to be so annoying!

Dan's friends must have let her go after she'd fallen asleep, which must have been sometime while they were fucking her. Yes, she had a hazy recollection of it all being too much for her, and she must have passed completely out, just as though she'd drank too much. She hoped they didn't think poorly of her for falling asleep during sex. They probably would have left her alone soon after. Though she expected they might not have stopped instantly. After all, Dan and Mike hadn't when she had passed out during sex with them and they'd simply kept fucking her until she'd woken up again, filling her with more loads of their cum.

She supposed it didn't matter anymore than anything else. After all, the guys had already all been fucking her without her consent, so it stood to reason that they'd keep going for a bit when she was unconscious. Especially as that would mean she'd be struggling less so she'd be much easier to fuck.

She was surprised she was thinking so clearly. Parts of her mind were all fizzy and stuff, but other parts seemed as clear as a big snowy plain. She felt oddly wise, although not all that together. Like one of those silly jigsaws she could never do, but she could look at the pretty pieces and admire them.

Her thoughts wandered in the sweet summer haze. A female friend of hers, only slightly older than her, called Emily, had once told her that guys would pretty much never stop when they were about to "get off", as she'd put it (a meaning Alice only recently began to understand), that they simply had to see it through when they were in that mood. She'd told Alice that guys' brains were in their dicks at those times. And most other times, when seeing or thinking about a girl they found attractive.

Alice didn't really understand how brains could be in penises, but she didn't know much about biology, and none of it taught in school had sunk in. Though if the brains in guys' heads wouldn't work at such moments then it made sense why they would ignore her protests, or whether she or another girl was conscious or not.

Emily had always been popular with guys at parties, and tended to get very drunk and flirty. Alice had only been to a couple of the parties, but she had seen guys bundle Emily upstairs when she was nearly out of it, probably to put her to bed. She'd watched them, their strong hands supporting her arms and waist and bottom as she stumbled -- half dragged -- up the stairs -- and thought that was very sweet and caring of them. She hadn't seen the guys again; they must have spent all night looking after her. They'd been so kind they'd given up the rest of their time at the party to look after a very drunk teenager. Alice wondered why she couldn't have men like that to be nice to her, instead of the boys who just wanted to use her for their own pleasure.

There was the second party too, though. That had been a bit odder, a bit more confusing, to the point she hadn't given it much thought since so as to not tax herself with something she didn't fully get that clearly other people did.

When the party had been going on for a long time, and Alice hadn't seen Emily in a while, she had gone upstairs looking for the bathroom. She'd pushed open a not-fully-closed door and walked in. She'd hit the light switch and immediately realised it wasn't the bathroom; at the same time she was greeted by the surprising sight of a guy on top of Emily, who was face down and appeared to be asleep. The guy was pounding away with what seemed to Alice to be an overlarge penis appearing and disappearing inside Emily, vigorously enough to make the headboard bang against the wall. Another guy was there, pulling on his own sizeable member with one hand and recording with the other.

The guys had grinned at Alice and asked if she wanted some. She'd shook her head quickly and with total embarrassment, and left, turning the light back off and closing the door behind her.

After she'd found the actual bathroom -- happily free of any other too-drunk girls being played with by horny men -- she'd gone downstairs and told the others there what was happening, but they'd all laughed, or rolled their eyes and shrugged or seemed apathetic. One of the girls had called Emily a slut and the other had said guys fuck her all the time when she's drunk, that it was normal.

Alice had frowned at this. She'd had a school lecture on consent earlier that week and so while she still didn't fully understand it -- it seemed to have been made a lot more complicated than she thought -- she did think it was supposed to be important. So she'd been brave and spoken up, hesitatingly, mumbling again that Emily might not have wanted it, seeing as she was passed out.

The guys had grinned and nudged each other (one had stretched his arms obviously and said, 'Think I might retire myself . . .' -- to which his friends chuckled), and the girls had laughed and rolled their eyes again and one of them had told Alice not to be so naïve. Another said it was just guys being guys, and that Emily was such a slut anyway and was always getting herself fucked like this at parties. Then they started talking amongst themselves about how she'd been dancing with the guys earlier and rubbing against them, and how slutty her outfit was, not even covering her ass. Gossiping about all the times they'd seen her get fucked at previous parties when she'd drank too much. How much pretty much every guy had got his dick in her holes at one time or another.

Alice, chagrined, hadn't spoken up again, and had instead tried to join in with their good-natured laughter and jokes. She hadn't liked to be called naïve, not like that, because she knew she absolutely was, about many things. She sort-of understood that what you were taught in school and college and stuff and how people behaved in the real world could be very different.

So she didn't let it bother her. She also hated making a scene and would much rather keep to herself. She was never one for drama and knew she'd have let a lot more slide than what she did before ever trying to have any kind of confrontation. Emily had seemed pretty peaceful upstairs, but Alice supposed even if she'd been yelling the house down nobody would have done anything about it; probably just laughed and joked more and eventually turned the music up. Alice certainly wouldn't have interfered; she was far too passive and good-natured for that. She much preferred to go with the flow, and follow everyone else's lead. And at these parties she guessed that everyone was just used to Emily's antics.

After another drink Alice had considered that it might actually have been rude to walk in on those guys and interrupt them while they were trying to make love to Emily. So, after very little thought, she went upstairs again, intending to apologise, hoping they were all done and without really considering at the time that it would have been doubly impolite to interrupt them a second time.

She put her ear to the door but couldn't hear anything over the sounds of loud, bassy music from downstairs. So she opened it tentatively, then more as her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness, not wanting to make the same mistake as last time by turning on the main light. But enough yellowy light seeped in from the hall to get an idea.

Unfortunately -- and thankfully the gloom covered Alice's heavy blushing -- they weren't done with their party prize. Emily now seemed to be sandwiched between the two guys, one on either side of her. At the time, Alice didn't quite understand what they were both doing; only now did she realise one of them must have been deep inside her bottom.

'Emily?' Alice had asked, uncertain if her friend was still unconscious.

'You mind?' one of the guys said. 'Kinda busy here.' He chuckled over the sound of the bed shaking.

'I just . . . I'm sorry for interrupting you,' Alice said, blushing again, feeling so awkward. 'I don't want to be rude. Is she okay?'

'Better than okay,' the other guy said. 'She your friend? She's a great fuck.'

'Yeah, she is,' Alice confirmed. Emily had always been nice to her and fun company, and Alice always looked up to her and often wanted to be just like her. She always seemed so popular and happy and fun-loving and nothing seemed to bring her down.

'Is she still drunk?' Alice asked, knowing she should be leaving them to it but transfixed by the scene, which was still so strange to her innocent mind, yet also seemed to be weirdly thrilling in a way she couldn't make sense of to herself.

'Oh yeah,' the first guy said, thrusting in and out of her. 'She's so fucking drunk. Tom spiked her drink, didn't you Tom?'

'I did not!' Tom retorted. Then he laughed. 'Well alright, only a little bit though. She should know better than to let me fix her drinks again, after last time! Stupid bitch.'

'That's not very nice,' Alice mumbled. 'She's not a -- a bitch.'

'Term of endearment,' Tom said, smiling to put Alice at ease. 'We're all friends here. Besides, reckon she's got bigger things to worry about!' He punctuated his last words with a forceful thrust from behind. Emily made a loud groaning noise and drunkenly moved her head about. She tried to flail her arms, as though she meant to push herself away or something, but there wasn't much she could do, sandwiched between two big guys as she was.

'Oh, is she waking up?' the first guy said, who Alice remembered now was called Ben.

'Hope not,' Tom said. 'She'll only start struggling again and being annoying. Girls can be difficult like that.'

'You perv,' Ben said. 'Nothing wrong with a bit of struggle. She'll get into it anyway.' He slapped Emily's face. 'You awake, babe?'

There was another incoherent groan after the first slap, but nothing on the second.

'She'll be out of it for hours yet,' Ben said to Alice. 'You won't get much good conversation from her. Don't worry though, we'll look after her.'

Alice nodded, feeling better. They seemed to be nice enough guys, and at least they weren't treating her badly. She paused just as she was about to leave, remembering something else from the consent lecture that had been repeated a few times. In fact it was about the only thing she did remember and make sense of -- her mind didn't find it easy to contain all that much. 'Did she, um, say yes to -- to this?' she asked them.

'Well, she couldn't say no,' Tom said. The pair of them thrust forward at the same time.

'Good one mate,' Ben said, grinning. He slapped Emily's face again, keeping his hand there after the slap and squeezing her cheeks roughly as he casually shook her.

'Oh, okay,' Alice said, reassured. It seemed to be fine. Emily hadn't said no or anything. Alice apologised again for her impoliteness and interrupting their fucking of her -- and their -- passed-out friend, and left. Downstairs, one of the girls asked in an amused tone if they were all having a nice time up there, and Alice said yes, they did seem to be.

Emily had never raised the issue when Alice next saw her. Now, Alice supposed that Emily may have -- unbeknownst to anyone -- actually been getting raped some of those times (Alice still wasn't that sure, and didn't want to presume), but Emily simply hadn't been letting it bother her.

Maybe she didn't really remember what happened. Alice saw her hanging out with Ben and Tom one day, just casually. She thought that was nice, she guessed they really were all good friends. Alice was proud of Emily and wanted to follow in her footsteps. She'd been told these kinds of experiences were supposed to ruin her life, but surely it couldn't if it happened all the time. You'd get to used to it and then it would just be normal, like, well, like having breakfast or going to the lake or something, Alice supposed.

Emily must have gotten used to it, which was why she had a good attitude about it all -- as the guys said. Alice had overheard Dan and Mike once talk about how easy Emily was to fuck at parties. 'Just got to get her past the point she can say no,' Dan had laughed.

Another guy, an older guy who Alice knew sometimes showed up to the parties (despite everyone else there being at least ten years younger), had once kept a raptured audience of young guys -- and a couple of giggling girls (and Alice, listening at the sidelines) -- outside the high school, as he boasted about what great "rapebait" Emily was and how the other girls should be more like her. That they could all learn a thing or two from Emily's great drama-free approach to life.

He told them how she'd put up quite a fight against him once but how that just encouraged guys. He said being raped was totally normal everyday behaviour for a girl like her and wasn't really a big deal. It just meant she was really popular with guys. Besides, he'd added, rape was rarely as bad as it was made out to be. It was just sex without the girls' consent, he clarified.

Alice remembered it hadn't seemed so bad when he put it like that. The two other girls there had nodded slowly as though realising the same thing.

Alice was brought unceremoniously back to the present as she realised how incredibly thirsty she was. Thinking of Emily was good for her, though. She knew she shouldn't take this too badly. After all, she had probably been leading Dan's friends on, and they'd just wanted to show their appreciation of her body and the very skimpy clothing it was barely clad in. She supposed they'd just been really horny and desperate to get off, and they'd found her irresistible. There was a big compliment in that, she supposed. She was glad she made them happy, but it was still kinda annoying they didn't pay attention to her consent or, more precisely, lack of. Then again, Alice knew that this kind of thing happened to pretty much all girls, and some of them like Emily all the time.


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