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Anal Alice Act 10

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Alice has a "talk" with her daddy...
9k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 10/19/2013
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Preface - PLEASE READ!:

This is the TENTH part of what is a running story. It is all about the taboo. Any notion and talk of love is subverted to serve the taboo.

Anal sex, incest and nonconsent are MAJOR themes of this story.

You may want to not read this part and other parts if you take offence to any of the following in a lurid, obscene (and of course fantastical) context: nonconsensual and reluctance themes, incest, rough sex, extreme sodomy, objectification and degradation.

I unequivocally do not condone any of the immoral and illegal activities I write about. Do not misunderstand the nature of fantasy and kink and its separation from reality, particularly when it comes to the R word.

Thank you again to all my fans for your patience. Here, at last, is the promised (and long hinted at) daddy-daughter action. There will likely not be another part for a long time, so I really hope this satisfies you somewhat and your high expectations aren't completely disappointed. There was quite a bit of pressure to make this one good!

All characters involved are 18 or older.

This is not the end of Anal Alice. Nor will the next part be. Even though months, years might pass in-between parts, it is not the end. I know this because the end has been written for a long time. I will tell you when it is the end.

Enjoy yourselves, you beautiful deviants.

P.S. The fantasy is everything.


She must have fallen asleep at some point, as the next thing she was aware of was Tom fucking her ass awake. Alice had no idea how long she had been out, but the sun seemed lower in the sky. She was embarrassed, feeling that it was very impolite of her to have fallen asleep while on a date. She hoped Tom hadn't been fucking her bottom for long before she'd woken up, that would have been rude of her indeed.

After satiating himself one more time inside her sticky wet bottom, pumping it with another load of his cum, Tom set the engine and began to drive her back home as he'd promised. She'd asked where he'd gone to when she'd first fallen asleep, and he told her how he'd just been checking on a couple of the other cars parked here. Alice hadn't even noticed them, she'd been so wrapped up with Tom. She was concerned she'd stayed out a long time, but was also thankful Tom had let her sleep. She'd needed it -- all that buttfucking had completely worn her out.

She didn't speak much on the journey back; she was still sleepy, and also in a bit of a daze. She half-wondered if she'd only dreamt the most recent time Tom had put himself inside her bum. It was possible; she was so bleary and muzzy. She drifted as the vehicle rumbled along, thinking about sharing that lovely romantic kiss with Tom and trying not to dwell too much on the rest of it -- although she knew the later stuff was just his way -- and probably most guys' way -- of showing her his appreciation and affection.

Tom dropped her off outside her trailer. She thanked him profusely, but he waved it away, said he had a lot of fun, then drove off before she could tentatively ask when their next date might be.

She was too pleased that Tom of all people had said she was fun, and that he really had seemed to enjoy himself on the date, to worry right now about the possibility of a second date. She was riding on clouds, and kind of in a state of awe. Now that Tom was gone and she was once again back in front of her trailer, the whole thing seemed some conjured fantasy from her own mind.

But no, the softly aching, very full feeling in her bottom told her otherwise -- that, at least, made sure she knew it had happened, that this special day hadn't only been daydreaming. And for that she was very grateful.

During the car ride, there'd been a while she'd had to clench super tight, to stop all of Tom's cumloads -- and the man she'd hitchhiked with, and Mike's -- from leaking out of her. It would have been mortifying, to stain Tom's car seat like that -- but not only that, she instinctively felt it would be really impolite to discard the results of his lovemaking when he'd taken such trouble -- and satisfaction -- in gifting it to her insides. It would be like throwing away a birthday present in front of the person who gave it to you.

Thankfully, eventually her bottom and her had gotten on the same page, and it had understood that she wanted the cum to stay inside her and so stopped trying to leak out, which was a great relief.

Alice tried the trailer door but it was locked. She knocked but nobody answered, so she got the key from under a stone and let herself in. There she got herself something to eat, then collapsed with it in front of the TV, feeling warm all over in the most relaxing way.

She jerked awake -- she couldn't stop falling asleep! -- to the door banging open and Mike and Dan entering.

She stood up to embrace them, not even scolding them as they pawed at her breasts and ass. She was in too much of a happy, dreamy mood.

'How was Tom?' Dan asked, hands clutching her buttcheeks and pulling them apart -- Alice was momentarily worried the cum would start pouring out, but no, it had learned its lesson and stayed put.

'Amazing!' she said. 'I think he really liked me, oh I felt like a princess! I still can't believe I went on a date with Tom and he liked me!'

'Of course he liked you, sis,' Mike said, casually pulling down her top to expose her nipples. 'What's not to like?'

'Did he fuck you?' Dan said.

'Of course he did,' Mike chuckled. 'Stupid question.'

'I dunno, he might be gay,' Dan shrugged.

'Fuck, bro, even gay guys would fuck our sister.'

Alice blushed with the compliment, but she had to correct them. 'No, it wasn't like that . . .'


'Well, we didn't have sex. It being a first date and all. He did, um, put it in my bottom though, like you do.'

Dan snorted.

'Knew it,' Mike grinned, rolling her fatly engorging nipples between his thumb and forefinger on each hand. 'As though there was any doubt.'

They turned as one as the door opened again, and their dad entered the trailer, looking serious.

'Alice's date went well,' Mike said.

'Yeah, only question is how many loads are in this thing,' Dan said, jiggling Alice's butt.

Alice pulled away from her brothers, bright red and eager to change the topic. 'Where's Mom?'

'She's not here?' her father said, his eyes on Alice's chest -- too late she realised why, and hastily pulled her top back up to cover her nipples, which continued to poke very visibly through her top. I really need to wear a bra more often . . . but they're all so small and uncomfortable!

'The trailer was locked when I came back from my date,' she said.

'She'll be at Tammy's, then. You know how those two can talk for days.'

'God, her daughter Brandi-Lynn's got a hell of a rack on her,' Dan said. 'A guy could happily suffocate under those tits.'

'They are huge,' their dad admitted. 'And she's always wearing such low tops, showing so much cleavage . . . Not that I think she has much choice. Can't hide those things.'

Alice felt an annoying twinge of jealousy. She never much liked it when her brothers and father talked about other women like this; she guessed she was just too used to being the centre of attention. It didn't help that Brandi-Lynn's boobs were even bigger than hers.

Her father's eyes settled back on her. 'Alice, I came back from work early so we could have a talk.'

Alice swallowed. 'A talk, daddy?' She'd forgotten all about it. He'd said "chat" yesterday, hadn't he? "Talk" sounded ominous. She'd been shouted at when she was younger from a "talk", making her cry. The thought of another "talk" made her feel small and vulnerable.

'A long overdue one,' her father said.

'Can we have a go with her first, dad?' Mike said.

'Your sister is not some fucktoy just for you two,' their father warned. Alice felt a surge of appreciation for him.

'Not just,' Mike grinned, elbowing Dan. Alice didn't understand what this meant as she obligingly followed her father into his bedroom.

He shut the door behind her and turned to face her.

'How did your date go, Alice? I want to hear it from you.'

Her father's sensitive tone shifted large, unwieldy gears in Alice's mind, and she found herself giving him a slightly different answer to that she'd given her brothers -- and even herself. 'It went . . . okay . . . It was nice, I think. Oh, I don't really know. I think there's a lot I don't understand about guys, daddy.'

'I know, baby. But we're all here to teach you. Come on, you look like you need a hug.'

She did. She really did. And one not from her pawing, hungry brothers, but from her daddy.

He reached forward, she drew in as though pulled by magnets, and her daddy enveloped her.

Safe. Warm. Comforted.

She felt his big hands on her ass. Just cupping her cheeks, maybe a slight squeeze. It didn't bother her; it was a far cry from her brothers' excited mauling.

Alice looked up at her father. He was a handsome man, his black hair turning silver at the sides, his thick-stubble-becoming-short-black-beard inset with silver streaks.

He made her feel so small in his arms. He was a big man -- not fat, exactly, but tall and broad-shouldered, with what she'd heard one of the local single moms describe as a "muscular dad bod". He looked back down at her with dark eyes, balanced between a natural authoritative sternness and fatherly compassion.

'I want you to tell me everything, Alice.'

She could smell the fresh beer on his breath. 'Everything?' She gulped.

'Please. You can tell me anything, and you should. I'll know if you hide anything. I'm here to listen.' He sat down on the bed and patted his lap. 'Sit on my lap, like you used to, and tell daddy everything that's been going on with you. I know I've been busy recently, but I'm here now, and I'm here to listen.'

She obeyed him, sitting on his lap with her arms and legs wrapped around him, facing her father with a lovely rush of nostalgia and sense of innocence and comfort. Her daddy hugged her into him, caressing her back as she rested her face on his broad chest and breathed in his musky, manly scent.

Alice began to tell her story.

As she did, she felt something growing and hardening beneath his jeans that she slowly realised, despite its already intimidating size, could be nothing other than her father's penis. She doubted it had anything to do with her tales; it was probably an instinctive reaction to her big bottom pressing into his lap. He probably couldn't help it and was likely a bit embarrassed.

'Should I get up, daddy?' she eventually paused her story to ask, concerned.

'No, no,' he murmured. 'But my legs are getting slightly uncomfortable. This wasn't completely the position I meant. Let's just shift you a bit.' He picked her up by the waist as though she was still just a child, turning her smoothly around so she had her back to him and plopping her firmly back down on his lap. He pressed her down into him, and she wriggled about to get comfortable, until the pair of them settled and Alice could feel her daddy's hardness thoroughly nestled between her asscheeks.

'. . . and then I got in, and watched TV, and, um, saw you, and . . . now I'm here.'

There was a minute of silence after she finished. Her father seemed to be thinking.

'You've been busy,' he said at last. 'I'm concerned, Alice.'

'Oh, please don't be concerned daddy! I'm okay, really . . .'

'As your father, I'm torn. I must care for you, and look after you . . . but I must also provide discipline.'

Alice was confused. 'Discipline?' Her father's voice was oddly throaty, as though burnt on hot coals. She didn't like to hear him sound so worked up and emotional. She didn't want him to be "torn". That she seemed to be the reason for it was upsetting.

'Yes, discipline.' Her father sighed. 'That first, I think. Stand up, Alice.'

She did so obediently.

'Now lie down across my lap.'

'I don't understand.'

'Yes you do.'

Her brows knitted together in confusion. 'I'm sorry daddy, I don't . . .'

'Don't be stupid, Alice,' her father said in a harder voice now. 'Lie down across my lap. Now.'

Alice bit her lip and shivered. She felt tears were not far off. She hadn't heard her father use that tone on her in a while, but her reaction was always similar. She didn't dare stand up to him -- she never could. All she wanted was to please him and make him talk to her more lovingly again. Though she knew his hardness came out of love, too -- it was just a bit more scary.

'Now!' her father barked at her and she jumped in panic. She awkwardly tried to balance herself on his lap, facing the ceiling.

With an impatient huff, he immediately flipped her over as though she weighed only a feather. Alice found herself looking at the floor as she lay over her daddy's thighs. She could feel his continued hardness under her legs.

Only a second later her miniskirt was lifted up, and her panties unceremoniously ripped away, completely exposing her bottom.

She went bright red. 'Daddy!' From this position he'd even be able to see her pussy! She was mortified, and with no idea what was going on.

'It's been too long since I last did this,' he said. 'Maybe I should've never stopped.'

And just as she was about to ask what he meant, her bottom bloomed in sudden pain.

She squealed. What was happening?! Another quick pain that blossomed over the other cheek, another yelp. Tears sprung to her eyes. 'Daddy . . .?' she gasped. 'Help . . .'

'You've been very naughty, Alice,' her father grunted. 'Very naughty indeed. Naughtier than even I've ever dreamt of you being. And this big juicy ass of yours is what's responsible. So I have to do what any father should, and teach it -- and you -- a lesson.'

Another ringing slap. Her bum felt like it was on fire. And then Alice realised: it was her father doing this. He was fiercely hitting her bare asscheeks with his hand. He was spanking her. She could only vaguely remember a few times in her whole life he had ever done that. She thought she was too big for that now -- but her father seemed to think differently.

She was crying now, she could feel it. The tears that had gathered in her eyes now began to run down her face. She could feel her cheeks quiver and jiggle with every slap, accompanied by the harsh exhale of her father. Alice was dimly aware that the hardness under her thighs was very big and hard now indeed, but really, all she could focus on was the stinging warmth radiating all over her bottom. Even her pussy felt touched by the heat.

'Daddy I'm sorrryyyy!' she wailed as another hit came, and the back of her legs jerked up instinctively.

'What are you sorry for?' her father asked.

Alice gulped, bewildered -- but then another, even harder hit came, and she cried out. 'I don't knowww!'

'That's not good enough, Alice!' Her father's voice was fierce now.

'But I . . . but I . . .' she stammered. She was so lost. She just wanted her daddy to take her in his arms and make it all better.

'Do you want help?' she was asked, in a softer tone now. 'Do you want help answering?'

'Yes please daddy! Please help me!' She sniffled, half-sobbed. She could taste the tears on her lips. Others she saw drip to the floor. Another hit didn't come -- instead she could feel her daddy's big hand resting on her bare ass.

'Okay, baby,' her father soothed. 'I'll help. You need to apologise for your bottom's behaviour.'

'I'm sorry for my bottom's behaviour,' Alice said quickly. She would say whatever he wanted so the punishment was over. She wasn't even thinking of its justification -- her father's word was law, and he always knew better than her. He was certainly much wiser and had infinitely more authority. If she was being punished then it didn't even enter her brain that she might not deserve it.

'No, no,' he chided. 'That's not quite good enough. You need to say sorry for having such a fat ass.'

Fresh tears ran from Alice's eyes. 'I . . . I . . .'

Her father's hand rubbed over her buttcheeks as they glowed with warmth, squeezing slightly. The pain was already dwindling to a fierce tingling. As her daddy's hands roamed, Alice was aware that she was leaking from two places now: the wetness from her eyes, and wetness from her pussy, which was even more embarrassing. She hoped her father was too focused on the questions to notice.

'Alice . . .' he said in a warning tone.

'I've forgotten!' she sobbed.

'Then remember.'

'I . . . I'm sorry . . . so sorry for . . . for . . . having such a fat ass.' She swallowed the next sob, feeling relieved and a little proud she managed to remember the line.

'See, baby, I knew you could do it,' her father said. He raised his hand -- Alice tensed, biting her lip in fearful anticipation -- but then he merely gave her the lightest touch, no pain at all.

More squeezing, this time with his fingers closer to her crack. They gently jiggled her ass, cupping one cheek and shaking it slightly apart from the other. He breathed out slowly, almost a whistle -- it seemed to Alice that it was an exhalation of pleasure, satisfaction and maybe even a kind of zealous awe. Her daddy sounded impressed -- and this made Alice, despite her position, despite her pain and tears, feel a spark of hope and joy. Her own pleasure.

'Alice, your bottom . . .' her father started.

She waited anxiously, turning her head to try and see her father's face. Hoping against hope it would be a compliment. That he'd say it was cute, or even beautiful -- it sounded like he might think so, or maybe that was just egotistical on her part.

'It's so slutty,' he finished in a low, thick tone. His eyes were dark, his face intent, transfixed.

Alice turned her face back to the floor in disappointment. No, wait, she reminded herself. It's supposed to be a compliment! That's how he means it. He's showing his appreciation, silly. You're just too upset right now to realise.

'I've never seen an ass so asking for it,' her father continued in the same thick, husky tone. 'So goddamn eager to be fucked. It's . . . it's like it's casting a spell. Fuck. I feel almost delirious.'

Alice didn't understand. She never meant to cast any spell and she hoped nothing was coming from her ass. Maybe that was why everyone seemed so pulled towards it. She had no idea of any way to stop it, and supposed she couldn't, but if it was true maybe that meant that it really was her fault. All the misadventures, maybe she really had brought them all on herself, and her brothers, and the other guys, Tom . . . maybe they just couldn't help themselves.

Irresistible. Wasn't that what one of them had said? Was it Jim, or Trey? Or her brothers? Irresistible. And that meant . . . she thought hard. That meant it couldn't be resisted.

'Can you resist my ass, daddy?' she said. She wasn't sure she'd meant to speak it out loud, but there it was, before her mouth could claw the words back. She hoped he understood the meaning of her genuine question.

'Oh, baby . . .' her father breathed. 'No, I don't think I can.'

Another hit -- hard, fast, and completely unexpected, and quickly followed by two more. Alice screamed -- but then her daddy's hands were soft again, softly groping her bumcheeks, soft, calming, healing. Grazing the edges of her wettened pussy. Digging in, drawing close to her backdoor hole that had been so prized.

'Please stop, daddy . . .' she moaned, wriggling on his lap, the top part of her pussy pressed involuntarily against the large snake caged within.

'Say sorry for being such a horny slut,' her father commanded.

'But I'm n—' Alice began instinctively, then regretted it immediately as her father hit her cheeks with the hardest slap yet. It was too intense for her to even make a sound; she was stunned silent, her mouth a wide O.

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