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Anatomy is Destiny

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A Straight Man and His Buddies Find a New Way to Bond.
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Jason was your classic office stud. He was a few years out of college, working in the suburbs as a client relationship manager at a car dealership. It was probably the best job he could have gotten with his below average skills. He had spent too much time in college going to frat parties, fucking sorority girls, and sleeping through class to really rise to the top.

He was a sport and fitness nut and almost always stopped at the gym after work. As a result his biceps and pecs strained his polos and his perky butt made the back of his slacks pop. He had spiky black hair that was faded on the sides and back. He had an odd but endearing shaped smile, his mouth was slightly small but he had brilliant white teeth. His skin was clear and smooth. Popular throughout high school and college, he smiled and laughed easily and loved going to after work happy hours and basketball games. He was a bro.

His bulge was full and he walked confidently around the office. His heaving pouch visibly swayed side to side like a grapefruit under his tight khakis. Girls in HR and marketing would play with their hair when he came by and involuntarily stick their chests out. "Thanks Jason let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!" They would say in a baby voice as their eyes dwelled on his crotch.

After the gym he went home to his petite, pretty wife. She had no particular aspirations beyond her job as a real estate agent besides sticking with her man and giving him babies. She performed her wifely duties perhaps once a week, or every other week if she was mad at him. That didn't stop him from trying though. If he was trying too often she would deflect, she did not want her man to expect sex every day. He was more controllable when he was horny. If she relented, then he would part her panties, enter her, and pant and hump her until he got off, they would kiss and mentally check off "sex" in their list of Things That Newlyweds are Supposed to Do. Except that was the last time Jason got to fuck anyone.

Dim, but not too dim to realize he was never going to get ahead, Jason responded to an online ad that promised early retirement in exchange for a simple medical trial. "My friends are all buying houses and vacationing in France. Why don't I deserve those things?" He grumbled to himself. "God, I bet my wife would let me fuck her everyday if I brought home a million dollars. Probably even let her friends join in."

Skipping the gym one day, Jason nervously stopped at a nondescript office after work called, "Biotech Research Clinic". He entered the quiet office and there seemed to be nobody there except an older secretary.

"Uh, yeah I'm here about the trial?" He asked.

"Oh of course. Just sign this paper and have a seat. The doctor will then see you."

"Uhh alright, but what is it exactly? I don't want to sign up if I don't know what it is." He said.

"This is just a sign-in sheet! There's no commitment of course until the doctor examines you." The secretary responded tartly.

Jason shrugged, excited about the prospect of buying a huge house with a pool, with an Aston Martin in the driveway to make his friends jealous. He looked around and was a little weirded out that there weren't the normal things you'd expect in a clinic. No magazines, toy bins for kids, clipboards, notepads, aquariums, or plants. Just metallic walls and a surprising amount of mirrors. The air seemed somewhat dry so he helped himself to some cucumber water in the lobby. Finally a tanned gentleman in his 50s or so with dark hair but graying temples and an Italian accent came out from.. somewhere? Jason didn't see from where.

"Ahhh, you must be Mr. Alvarez.. I am Dr. Martelli. Come with me please." The man said.

He followed the man, turning down several hallways until at last they came to an exam room.

"Please have a seat Mr. Alvarez." he said.

"So, I assume you are here for the trial?" the doctor asked.

"Well, maybe? I just want to know what it is and what it pays. My job is nothing special and I could use some extra cash for my kids. Well, I mean my future kids. I've been fucking my wife for a while now so I'm sure she'll have one soon enough."

"Fucking?! Well that is good Jason, because actually this trial is a procedure on the genitals." Dr. Martelli said.

"Whoa, holy shit dude. I was just thinking I'd take a pill or something. I don't want to get operated on." Jason frantically said.

"Mr. Alvarez allow me to explain. We are trying to test a hormonal injection into the side of the penis that might heal injuries to the genitals. You know, burn victims, factory accidents, soldiers that stepped on a IDE and got their parts blown off. In a healthy man we don't expect much side effects, possibly reduced or increased libido as the body adjusts to the hormones. But we do need to test it nonetheless before we can sell it to the public."

Jason frowed and his eyes darted for the exit. "Yeah.. my dick is just fine. I can't imagine anything would be worth getting my dick injected."

The doctor sighed. "I was afraid you might say that. It has been difficult to find volunteers. That is why our company has kept raising the price. Even at $4 million dollars there was not much interest in finishing the trial."

Jason's eyes popped. "F.. four million?" he wondered. His mind filled with images of expensive watches, front row basketball tickets, and being idolized at his high school reunion.

"Wow. Damn. And what are the side effects again?" He grew more comfortable.

"Well, just fluctuations in libido. You may not care for sex for a few weeks, or you may be extremely aroused. In any case a young athletic male like you should not notice anything too out of the ordinary. And if you're not sure Mr. Alvarez, think of all the people you could help by completing our study."

"I mean if I have a chance of being a millionaire and a stronger dick then... yeah. I guess so." Jason shrugged.

"Excellent. The first thing we will need is a semen sample to establish a baseline. Then you will have to submit a sample regularly so we can monitor your progress. Please pull down your trousers Mr. Alvarez."

Jason looked worried and shy.

"There's no need to hesitate ...." "Jason" he said. "Yes, Jason, This whole trial is related to the sexual organs so you might as well get used to it." The doctor reassured.

Jason shimmied down his slacks and boxer briefs halfway down his thighs and looked to the side, averting his gaze to spare some embarrassment. His relaxed balls and dick heaved to one side. But it had started to swell. Pretty much any time he was fully exposed was exciting, even if it was in front of a doctor.

"So any problems with your penis or testicles Mr. Alvarez?" The doctor asked.

"Um, no." Jason replied meekly.

"Good. And you are sexually active yes, about how often do you copulate?"

"Uh.." Jason wondered.

"Ejaculate Mr. Alvarez. You mentioned a wife? How often do you inseminate her?" The doctor pressed.

"I guess about twice a month. But I jerk off like 6 times a week." Jason said quietly.

"I see. That is a good number for a virile male of breeding age such as yourself." The doctor smiled faintly.

Dr. Martelli put his fingertips on Jason's flopped member and retracted the foreskin, revealing a reddish knob, with a drop of precum on the tip. Jason's balls began to tighten in his relaxed sack and pull up towards his groin. His dick swelled with blood, with bluish veins intertwined around his shaft.

"I see you are about 7 and half inches. This is quite an impressive specimen indeed. And your semen, any unusual quantities or color?" the doctor continued.

"No I don't thiiiii UH. Fuck." Jason interrupted himself, as the doctor had begun efficiently stroking his dick's shaft and head. His dick was not quite pointing straight up yet as it did when he was fully aroused, but it was engorged and pointing at a 45 degree angle as the doctor tugged on it.

"Oh ..... Shit." Jason said as his balls pumped and he gushed out a quarter of a cup. The doctor was ready with a large vial to collect it all.

"Well that was quick! I suppose young men are always eager to ejaculate at your age, though." The doctor mused.

As his dick softened, Jason felt a prick on the side of his dick.

"Excellent, the trial has begun. Our secretary will schedule your next checkup." The doctor said.

Jason stuffed his privates back into the pouch of his boxer briefs and zipped up his slacks, feeling somewhat violated. He hurriedly exited the clinic thinking, "Fuck, what have I gotten myself into?"

Dr. Martelli held the vial of his sperm with his thumb and index finger. He gave it a little swirl and sniff like it was a shot of cappuccino. He delicately dipped his tongue in and gathered a bit of residue. He smacked his lips and raised his eyebrows in approval. Then he shrugged and tossed it in the trash.

Part 2

The next day Jason awoke with what felt like a horrible hangover, except he hadn't been drinking. He stumbled around between his kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom in a fog without accomplishing anything in any room. Stacey had already left for work. "What time is it?" He wondered to himself. He went to piss but felt a surprisingly empty hand as he went to grab himself. Usually he had to convince his morning wood to go down before he could piss every morning. Instead his formerly proud and prominent protrusion was just like a fleshy lightswitch. A little tag of sensitive skin. "What the f..." He could hardly believe his eyes. Yet it could still pee like normal. His formerly heavy testicles no longer swayed like plums between his legs but had lodged up close to his body. "I.. can't believe this!!" Jason prodded and looked dumbfounded at his equipment.

He was already late for work so he pulled on his underwear, which were now sheer like a ken doll instead of heaving out with a heavy bulge like usual, and got dressed like normal.

At work he thought he could have been imagining it but the girls at work seemed to almost ignore him today. Usually they would all but crawl around like kittens when he was near. Instead his boss Mr. Kauffman seemed a little more friendly than usual.

"Jason are you ok sport? You look a little tired today." Mr. Kauffman, his boss, was past his prime but still a silver fox that kept in shape through swimming. Mr. Kauffman put his arm across Jason's shoulder and squeezed his trap muscles a little. They walked a little while Mr. Kauffman rolled Jason's muscles between his fingers. "You've had a good quarter, if you're feeling a little out of it just take today off, on me."

"Gee, thanks Mr. Kauffman. Yeah, I don't know what's come over me but I really could use a rest day." Mr. Kuaffman looked at Jason's muscular butt swishing back and forth as he walked out to his car.

Instead of driving home, he stopped back at the clinic to confront Dr. Martelli.

He barged right past the sour secretary and into the halls. "Sir, you must have an appointment!! Sir??" She rasped behind him.

Dr. Martelli came out, looking genuinely flustered and concerned.

"What is it Jason, tell me??" He said warmly.

"Your "procedure" didn't work. It really messed things up down there."

"Ok, this is highly unusual, but I happen to be between patients so I can quickly take a look" he said.

They went into the nearest exam room and Jason reclined on the patient's table. He yanked down his pants and pointed to his pubes where his thick dick used to flop out, but not only a tiny dicklett remained.

"Oh, I see,.. hmm.. Interesting" Dr. Martelli inspected. "May I?" he asked.

"Well, obviously you may, because I want to fix this." Jason said sternly.

Dr. Martelli rubbed Jason's little dick with two lubed, gloved, fingers. "Feel anything?" he asked.

"Well yeah, of course, it feels like my dick is getting rubbed. But you didn't say anything about shrinking it." Jason said.

"Ok, the exam is not over, we will get to the bottom of this.", the doctor said.

Dr. Martelli continued to explore Jason's privates, poking, and prodding. He got to Jason's asshole and stuck his lubed fingers in, twisting his fingers into hook shapes so he could test every direction inside. Other than Jason's heart rate increasing slightly and getting a little flushed in the face, Jason had no reaction.

"Hmm, your prostate and seminal vesicles seem to be about double the normal size. Anything now?" The doctor asked.

A"No.. not really. I'm like vaguely aware something is going on down there but I barely feel it." Jason said.

The doctor massaged and probed a little harder, but this time with three fingers. After a few minutes, the doctor pulled out and his fingers were covered in white goo.

"Ah, I see what the situation is. This is a rare but manageable side effect. You see, your system has reacted a little chaotically to the introduction of the foreign hormone. Your body tries to remain in balance at all times, but the strong masculine serums in the treatment have caused your endocrine system to swing too far in the opposite direction, like a pendulum. But as long as you treat your body with plenty of healthy food, fluids, and rest, it will shortly swing back to the other direction, and your genitals will swell to their normal size, and even bigger. It has also caused an explosion of nerve endings to grow in your anal region, so it is four times more sensitive than normal, although the nerve pathways have not reconnected with your central nervous system yet, so it's almost like.."

"It has a mind of its own??" Jason cried incredulously.

Dr. Martelli looked shocked and a little stunned that he did not think of that first, but then he chuckled slightly and agreed.

"Why.. I suppose that's one way to look at it. It appears to be extremely sensitive on its own, but barely relays that nervous excitement back to your brain. If our theory is true then your penis and testicles will also become larger and more sensitive too, after the nerve pathways have regrown. And one last side effect, based upon the effect your anus had on my glove," Dr. Martelli held up his semen-covered fingers, "That your reproductive fluids have temporarily re-routed to your ass."

"What in the hell does that mean, doctor, I cum out of my ass now?? That is not what I signed up for at all!! Undo it, cancel the experiment, or give me the antidote, now!!"

"Mr. Alvarez, please calm down. There is not really a reversal serum per se, your body has to deal with the hormonal imbalance naturally or we will just make things worse, or possibly permanent. Our clinic is here to help you every step of the way. However, sadly you will be expected to return all payments to you so far if you were to walk away with inconclusive results at this time."

"Payments? What Payments?" Jason was horrible with money and checked his balance about once a month, if that. He pulled out his phone to check his account and was speechless that it was about $80,000 more than usual.

"So you.. guys were serious?"

"Of course Jason. Now that we know how to deal with this situation, and we already have your weekly sample, can we see the experiment through?" Dr. Martelli asked.

"Ok.. I will give this a little longer, but things have to get better really fast or I am canceling it all and suing your ass, money be damned." Jason grunted.

After Jason stormed out, the doctor turned his exam glove inside out to prevent the fluids from smearing on anything, and stuffed it into the inner pocket of his lab coat.

Part 3

Jason had begrudgingly learned to accept his new biology, as long as he kept telling himself it was temporary. Stacey barely noticed he was not attempting to fuck her all the time anymore, as she was out shopping with her friends. He did miss the admiration at work but it was kind of peaceful to not have so much attention for once. He did take extra care to hide his situation in the gym now, because he didn't want to lose respect with his gym buddies.

Jason met Greg at the gym after work like he did every Tuesday and Thursday. Greg was a little thicker than Jason, whereas Jason had more of a soccer player build, Greg was more like a rugby build. Greg had short crew cut dusty blond hair, a barrel chested frame, and thick thighs. Despite being more lean, Jason could definitely keep up with Greg on the weights. In fact even today Jason was killing it in the gym, breaking most of his personal records. His workout buddy Greg was spotting him as Jason broke 235 on the bench, and he was hyped. Jason's pecs were straining and you could see the defined striations in his shoulders and arms. He wore muscle shirts with deep cuts down the side so you could see his nipples, abs, and serratus muscles. Greg said, "Man, are you secretly juicing behind my back or something? You broke your bench press and weight dip maxes today!" Jason thought about it and goes, "Nah man, I would never mess with that, I'm nattie for life you know that." Greg laughed but was kind of jealous.

They both had sweat soaking through their shirts as they went to the locker room to hit the showers. He went on autopilot mode as he started to undress, snaking out of his damp white sports briefs. "What the..." Greg said, making Jason panic as he forgot his secret that he was supposed to hide. "I don't mean to pry dude but... where is it?"

Jason flashed bright red. He forgot to hide his manhood, or lack thereof. "Greg, why are you even looking there??"

"I mean we've worked out and showered together a thousand times man. It's not like I can't notice. Did something happen?" Greg wondered.

Jason said, "Look ok it's..." Jason was too embarrassed to say that he was part of some experimental hormone treatment. "You were right. I took a cycle of steroids. I was just curious and.. It's just to break through my current plateau. You know it's not as dangerous as they say."

Greg goes, "Well, I heard it shrank your nuts not your dick. Are you nuts still ok"?

Jason goes, "Of course, look, they're fine. See?" Jason turned around, and arched his back, to show him. "Ok, can we drop this now"? "Hello? Greg?" Jason wondered.

But Greg was transfixed, Jason's nuts no longer dangled but were just two large, sensitive egg-sized mounds on his taint. But above his tender mound was the black, wispy hair around his taint, which crept up to Jason's pink hole, which was circled by even darker black hair in a ring. The hair was sticking together from all of the sweat from their workout. The black hair contrasted sharply with Jason's very pale and slightly rose cheeks. His pink flower was wet with a mixture of sweat from the gym, and a bead of precum was pooling in the middle, as a result of his rewired plumbing. It was pulsing a little with Jason's breath and hypnotized Greg. "Greg? Hello" But all Greg could muster was a little drool and, "Uuh..." "What? What is it?" Jason pleaded.

"Your.. ass.. looks kind of like a pussy!"

"Dude! Not cool!" Said Jason.

But Greg was still mesmerized. "I mean, I'm not gay or anything, but do you think I could use it sometime?"

"What the hell? Of course not, that IS gay.", Jason rebutted.

"Look it's not you, it's just that Megan hasn't been putting out and I'm about to go crazy. It's really just a favor to me, I just get in and get out and we never have to talk about it.", said Greg.

"I'm a man... I don't get fucked, especially by my best friends, so the answer is absolutely not" Jason said.

"Bro, think about it. It's just like letting me drive your car for a minute. It doesn't mean anything other than me borrowing something as a favor. I promise nothing gay like touching or kissing, I just need to get off to feel like a human again. Please!!"

Jason sighed. He realized his hole was feeling wetter and was contracting as if it was saying yes on its own. But he was anxious that if he crossed this barrier he'd never go back. "Ok ... fine. But you really owe me. And none of that gay shit like you promised."


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