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Anchors Away!! Pt. 16

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An old mans dream of sailing takes a few unexpected turns..
6.4k words

Part 16 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/04/2022
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After stowing all of our belongings from our stay at the hotel. Max and I get busy trying to figure out a way to lower the Antenna mast on the Queen Ann without taking it all the way down... like we did the last time.

"We have got to be able to clear a 17-foot fixed bridge at Chicago" If we take it all the way off...we can clear 16 ft easily." I say, " But I hate to do that and loose communications. Our only other alternative is that will have to take the Calumet River, then circle back around to pick up the Illinois river... in order to get to the Mississippi at Grafton Illinois."

"We could take the antenna down and put it back up each time...because we have to be able to pass under the 17 ft bridge and we have to pass under "That Bridge" and get it back up and in operations before we get to the Fish Barriers" I explain.

"Which bridge are you talking about? Max asks, puzzled.

"That bridge" I say.

"Which fucking bridge is that?" he says, thinking that I am being a smartass...

There is a bridge on the Chicago river channel, that everyone calls "THAT BRIDGE" because it only has a 19foot clearance....and if the water happens to be a bit high, you don't even have that much room...so a lot of people have scraped the top of their boats or broken off their antennas on the bottom of the bridge...so if you say..."THAT BRIDGE" everyone that does the "loop" knows exactly, which bridge you are talking about!"

"Okay...so that explains the bridge...what are Fish Barriers?"

"Well, there is a very invasive fish, called an Asian Carp that is threatening the Great Lakes. If they manage to get into the lakes...they will totally destroy the commercial fishing industry on the lakes. These fish can grow to 4 ft long and can weigh up to 150 pounds and are voracious eaters....and can eat up all the food sources from the other fish species! They even jump up out of the water...when boats go by....people have been injured from being hit by the damn things.

"Bob and I ran into some of them on the Missouri on the way down... they weren't as big as these, but still a real pain in the ass, to have to deal with....literally!"

"Anyway...the Coast Guard have these fish barriers set up... that are electrically charged...to stun the fish...so that they cannot swim against the current of the river...keeping them out of the great lakes. If that fails....then that will most likely be the end of "the great loop!"

They will have no choice but to shut all access to the lakes down....and the great loop will then become the great u turn!

Sucks....but that is just how serious this "threat" from this species of fish is!

"I've got an idea" says Max

Down below deck he went....returning in a few moments with Ann's "stripper pole" and a handful of zip ties.

"So... you planning to install the stripper pole on the foredeck of the boat...and strip to scare the fucking fish away?"

"No" he says "Okay, here let's take these bolts out completely...and loosen these two until they are halfway out....so that the mast tower will tip over...then we zip tie this pole across these railings....so that when we tip the mast back, like this... lean it onto the pole...then zip tie the mast to the pole so that it can't go anywhere and Voila! We still have our antenna so we can use the radio...and will still be able to clear any of the bridges we need to clear at Chicago! Or on the Illinois river"

"Brilliant!" I exclaim " Now we can take the boats right through downtown Chicago and save ourselves traveling several miles out of our way!

When we go below deck on the Tia Maria, I tell the girls " Just saw Max have a stroke of genius!"

"He's got a nice cock...but I certainly wouldn't call it genius" Bob teased.

"He fixed the antenna mast on the Queen Ann so that we can raise it up, or tip it back...whenever we need to, so that we can clear low bridges with it! Once we get it back home...I plan to put hinges on it...so that it can become a permanent feature on the boat!"

"So that means we are ready to head for Chicago?" Ann asks

"Yep" I say, "Next stop will be the Navy pier so that you beautiful ladies can have a bit of "retail therapy!"

"Are you sure that you still want to stop there?" Ann says, "I mean we have just spent the last few days...living in luxury. Do you really want to waste yet another day of travel...just so that Bob and I can do a bit of shopping?"

"This is not your average shopping center...this place has amusement park rides, shopping venues, food venues...we could spend an entire day in there and not see it all."

"If the other two want to go...I will go, but I am by Chicago the way Max is by New York. Just thinking about going there, makes me feel uneasy! Guess I have seen way to many "gangster movies" over the years, just not sure that I could shop and enjoy myself...without constantly looking over my shoulder for the ghost of Al Capone coming to get me!

I present the idea to Bob and Max...

"Like before, I just don't like to be around crowds in big cities" Max replies " Might be a fun place to visit, but not something that I can't say that I would go out of my way to see"

"Well, Bob...what do you think?" I ask.

" I would kind of like to go there...at least for a little while. Don't have to spend the whole day...just stop and look around...maybe ride a couple of rides and when we are ready...we head on out!"

"Okay, we are about two hours away from Chicago....there is a transient Marina...right there at the pier. So even if we do get there by late afternoon...that would still give us enough time to take in a little bit of the pier...get something to eat...spend the night there...and head out again first thing in the morning."

"Is the marina safe?" Ann asks.

"According to what I have read about it...they have security there at all times....plus they have services right there at the dock...we can have the boats topped off with water...and have the "icky tanks" pumped out and ready to go when we leave. Think they even have a marine supplies store and a laundry...so other than fuel...we can be ready to go and may not have to stop again until we are almost all the way to the Mississippi!"

"Alright, count me in" says Ann "But if I see ANYONE wearing a trench coat and carrying a violin case...I am getting behind you and using both of you as a shield!"

"Count me in too" Max says "Not my cup of tea... but I can stomach a crowd for a little while, if need be"

"Did I mention that they also have a Beer Garden?"

"Well why in the fuck didn't you tell me that in the first place...that changes EVERYTHING! Being in a crowd sucks....being in a crowd of drunks...now THAT is what I call fun!"

Have to admit...getting back out on the lake again, was not easy for me to do. All it would have taken, was for someone to say " Enough of this shit, lets fly home...and I would have beat everyone to the door! But just like you do when you get thrown off of a horse...you get right back up in that saddle and try it again. Once we got up to full power...and felt the boats slicing through the water...without hardly any waves to contend with... I was feeling much better about continuing on our journey.

Two hours passed very quickly, and before we knew it...we were seeing the lighthouse and then the navy pier.

"Day-um!" Bob exclaims "You weren't exaggerating one bit! That ain't your normal shopping center! Just look at the size of that Ferris Wheel!"

"Chicago is where Ferris Wheels were invented by George Washington Ferris for the 1893 World's Fair! Why that bit of trivia sticks with me...I haven't a clue!"

"Definitely going to have to take a ride on that!"

We arrive at the marina, and I pay for two overnight slips...then work to get both boats secured....services hooked up...freshwater tanks filled and even though the wastewater tanks didn't need emptying...we went ahead and did it anyway...while we were where that service is available.

We wandered around the pier for a bit just taking in all of the sights. There was a tall sailing ship called "Windy" that I would have loved to have taken a ride on...if we had more time.

"This is a BIG place" Max remarks "Doesn't appear to be too terribly crowed either...which is what I like!"

"I think this covers around 50 acres....so, like I mentioned before...don't expect to see it all in just one day!"

All four of us go for a ride on the carousel... but nobody was interested in riding the flying, tilting...lawn chair tied on the end of a dog chain ...spinning Ride. We stood there and watched while others ride it....screaming and hanging on for dear life. NOPE....Not getting on that contraption!

We make our way over and get tickets for the Ferris wheel. We had two choices...either pay a regular admission price...and have to sit with others in the same gondola....OR...we could pay for a VIP ride...and we would be the only ones in the gondola.

We chose the VIP option....

Like all Ferris Wheels...it took them a while to get all of the gondolas loaded...before the actual ride would begin. Which with a wheel of this magnitude...with 40 something gondolas, it gave us a lot of time to look around and get a magnificent view of the city and of Lake Michigan.

"Wonder if anyone can see inside these things, from the ground?" Bob asked, "They have so much tint on the glass that I really couldn't tell if the gondola was empty or full...when we were waiting to get on."

"Why does it make any difference if the windows are tinted dark" I ask

Well, if they weren't tinted really dark...then I wouldn't be able to do this... at which point she quickly unzipped my fly and began a "fishing expedition" for my dick!

I tried to stop her...but it was too late...she had already found it...and had it out and was playing with it...trying to make it get hard... which was definitely working!

I looked up and saw that Ann had performed the same maneuver on Max.... she also had his cock out and had it standing tall!

Bob and Ann stood up at about the same time...and unfastened their shorts and pushed them down so that their naked butts were totally exposed. Then, almost as if choreographed....both girls aimed our cocks at their vaginal openings and impaled themselves on them!

Okay....It appears that the Ferris Wheel gondolas must be about all full...so that means that we only have about 10 -- 15 minutes for the ride...then maybe another 5 -- 10 to unload everyone again.... So, we don't have a lot of time...for anything other than a "Quickie"...before we need to be dressed and acting innocent again... by the time our gondola door opens again.

Bob is bouncing up and down on my cock...and at first, I have both of my hands on her waist to help steady her....but as she is bouncing...my hands slowly creep up her sides and next thing I know....my hands are cupping her breasts...so I work until I can push her bra up...letting her breasts fall out of the cups...where I can get better access to them. I cup each tit in the palm of my hands...and use my fingers to squeeze and roll her hard nipples. Until she lets out a moan and begins to quake and quiver....letting me know that she is in mid orgasm....which sets my own off as well. I fill her vagina with my cum...and can feel that it is leaking out of her and running in a trickle down the insides of my thighs!

I have been so engrossed in what we were doing...that I have lost count of how many times the wheel has gone round. It should be getting VERY close to stopping so that the unloading process can begin.

Max and Ann have given up all pretext of modesty... Ann is standing up ...her shorts and panties on the floor at her feet....while Max slams his cock into her pussy harder and faster with each stroke...until they both begin to moan, and it becomes obvious that he is dumping his cum inside of her!

Max and I have it easy, all we have to do is pack our junk away. Both women need to get themselves cleaned up and get their clothes back on...

"QUICK!" Bob says excitedly "Give me your socks! We need you socks..."

Once I have them off, I hand them to her... she promptly folds one in half and places it in the crotch of her panties...as if it were a sanitary pad...then pulls her panties up to secure it in place. She hands the mate to that sock over to Ann...so that she can do the same. By the time we reach the bottom of the wheel...both girls have dressed and are sitting in their seats demurely...as if they were sitting in a pew in a church.

We do a bit more wandering around...go into a few shops and both girls find some cute clothes that they like...so Max and I quickly become "pack mules" by being loaded down with their shopping bags.

We find ourselves something good to eat... then head back to the marina. Once onboard, Max and I are treated to our own little "fashion show" as the girls try on each new outfit for us.

The girls look sexy as hell in everything they bought... so, it was very difficult to say which one I thought they looked best in. So, when Bob asked which one, I liked the best... my response is "I really like the suit, the best"

"The suit? But I didn't buy a suit!"

"The one you wore on the Ferris Wheel....your "Birthday Suit" I say as I give her butt a playful slap.

With that....she strips off her clothes and says, " you mean THIS ole thing....I've had it for years!"

"That's the one baby...I NEVER get tired of seeing you wear it!"

"And I hope that you never do!" She says before sitting on my lap and kissing me deeply.

I lean back onto the bed...taking her with me. Totally caught up in the moment. I am loving every moment of this...her kisses, her hair cascading down to cover both of our faces...the smoothness and silkiness of her warm skin.

My own skin is yearning for me to rip my own clothes off...so that it can experience full body, skin to skin contact with her, once again! I honestly do not think that there is any way possible, for me to feel any more deeply for her...than I do in this very moment. After all of my years on earth...I am only now finding out what real and true love feels like! It's no wonder that Kings have given up their thrones, their crowns, and their countries...just to be with the women that they love!

Bob crawls up on top of me....and inserts my cock into her...then slowly and gently rocks her body back and forth...almost as if she were still riding on that Carousel. Her movements bring us both right up to the very edge of an orgasm...then she stops, and we just lay there kissing and embracing each other...while we wait for the "urgency" to cum, passes. Each time she does that... the "edge" gets a little closer and a little sharper.

I completely lost track of time or how many times we both were "So close" but didn't go over. But it was getting to the point where if I didn't cum soon....I am afraid my poor nuts just may explode! If this is what "Blue balls" feels like...it is both heaven and hell...all wrapped up and tied with a bow!

We ride that wave of lust and passion...right up to the edge one more time. This time...I cannot hold on any longer... I reach down and grab both of her ass cheeks and physically pump them up and down...Forcing us to go flying over the edge of orgasmic bliss! When my cock has finally finished pumping the last of all that pent up semen deep inside of her... I collapse, no longer having the strength to even hold my arms up. I am totally and completely drained of all energy. Bob rolls off of me and collapses right beside me....just as drained of energy as I am.

When we look over....Max and Ann are both on the other side of the bed...leaned up against the wall. Max is caressing Ann's breasts while she is stroking his hard cock.

"Goddamn Man!" Max says with "admiration" in his voice " That was some HOT, HOT shit that you two were doing over there! Maybe you two need to start teaching classes on how to fuck! I know watching you two...really took us to school! WOW! If I can still fuck like that...when I get to be your age...I will be a VERY happy man!"

"Well, took me a long time to figure out....but it has nothing to do with "technique"...and EVERTYTHING to do with "inspiration"...I say as I give Bob another kiss.

As we were preparing to leave...another couple came by and asked if we were "loopers" too. They told us that this was their third time around the loop and that for them...It gets easier with each trip. "Once you learn a few of the tricks of the trade....it gets easier and even more "addictive"!

When they asked if we were getting ready to head out...we told them yes....so they advised us to wait until around 10am to leave... "things will be much less congested through downtown...and you will enjoy the trip so much more.

So, we invite them to have some breakfast with us...at one of the food court places inside the pier.

"Better yet....come with us, we know of a place that sells "Chicago Style breakfast Pizza".... We can order a pie and share!

Have to admit... that pizza would be reason enough to visit Chicago ... all on its own!

Since we are all "loopers" breakfast conversations center around preferred routes

We tell them that we are planning to go through the Harbor locks and take the Chicago River, then down the Illinois to Grafton.

If your boat can pass under the bridges...that is the shortest route. Our boat is too tall...as we found out the hard way. We thought that we could easily clear THAT Bridge....but the water levels were high due to heavy rains....and so we couldn't fit under! Finally got the wild idea to fill our bilges as much as we dared...which lowered the boat just enough that we could pass underneath. Pretty sure you can still see the white paint we left on the bottom of the bridge! Certainly, would not recommend that method to anyone...but it got our butts out of a jam that time.

After breakfast, we pull the boats out of their slips and head over to the Harbor lock. We all put on life vests...as required by the lock masters and take our place in line....waiting for a green light for recreational watercraft. Red is for military or government boats, Yellow is for commercial boats and ships

These locks are different than all the others we have gone through. These have ropes on the sides that we are to use instead of our own. We make sure that we have fenders thrown over the side to protect the boats from damage...and just keep the ropes pulled taunt... as the water levels drop down about 4 feet.

Our journey through downtown Chicago is without a doubt, the most "Surreal" thing I have ever experienced!

Where we had been surrounded by nothing but water, while crossing Lake Michigan... here we are snaking down canyons of concrete and steel. Huge skyscrapers forming the canyon walls.

In a lot of ways... it almost feels like we are on a ride at a giant zoo...traveling along at a snail's pace...watching all of the "Zoo animals" zipping by us in cars and trucks! With several of the "exhibits" walking on the sidewalks, out of their cages.

"This is kind of beautiful, in its own way" says Bob " Just glad we stopped at the Navy Pier first...otherwise Max and Ann would have wanted no part of Chicago...simply because this fulfills their preconceived notion of what the city is like."

"Yeah, I am just glad that we decided to stop there at all. Think they both enjoyed the time we spent there...once they realized that it was not a madhouse filled with crowds of people. "

Our course takes us on a meandering path...working our way south -- southwest... until we eventually end up on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship canal.... Then the Des Plaines River and eventually the Illinois River.

It is at river mile 300.5 that we finally meet up with "THAT" bridge. Which we clear with absolutely no troubles...however we did see the evidence of other boats passing as there were several streaks of paint...all colors of the rainbow... commemorating their rite of passage!


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