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And…The Truth Will Set You Free…

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A young wife struggles with the truth, both past and present.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/02/2020
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And...The Truth Will Set You Free...

Chapter 1

This is a story of an emotional journey a couple take as they try to decide if their past is more important then their future. If you have read any of my past writings you know I can get a little wordy. I won't apologize for that, it's just who I am. This is the first of 4 chapters (so far). Not all multi-chapter stories need to read in order but in this instance, it's important that you do. Oh, and there is plenty of sex, also. So...please take time to read it and offer comments, whether positive or negative. I will read and consider all. Just remember, the stories I write are for my fantasies as well as yours...

"Man, Lisa was on fire last night. She couldn't get enough of my cock. I thought she was going to wear it out. I came 3 times and she must have cum a dozen times. That last time when I was fucking her doggy style and slipped my finger in her ass just as she came...man-o-man, she almost bucked me off the bed. She was gushing like a geyser. I've never seen her cum so much."

"No shit Scott, she let you stick your finger in her ass? I've never tried that before."

"Well, she didn't exactly let me, I just did it in the heat of the moment. I saw it in a porno once and thought, what the hell. Mark, I'm telling you, she went nuts. If you have never tried it you are missing a treat."

"That is so fucking hot. I will have to try that on Marsha next month and see if she likes it. Have you ever tried that on her?"

"Fuck yea, she loves it. She might even let you fuck her in the ass. She hasn't let me yet but we have been close. It is only a matter of time. By the way, how did you and Marsha make out? You didn't ruin her for me, did you?"

Ha...no, I left her intact. You know that. But we had a hell-of-a-time. Dude, as you know, she can suck a dick like nobody's business. She took me all the way down her throat when I came in her mouth. She is so fucking sexy and loves it when I push her knees back to her shoulders and slam into her hard. We woke up this morning sore and exhausted, as usual."

That's when it dawned on me. Lisa was Mark's wife, not Scott's. And Marsha was Scott's wife, not Mark's. And both couples were friends of me and Sarah. Oh fuck. They were wife swapping and I never knew. But then, I had no reason to. It was never apparent during any of our times together. And those gatherings were common. At least once every few months our families got together for a cook-out at someone's house. And Sarah was close friends with both Lisa and Marsha. And what did Mark mean about trying it next month? Was this a common event for them?

My name is Brian Simpson. I'm 35. My wife, Sarah, is 33 and we have been married 7 years. I am a bank manager and Sarah is a stay-at-home mom. While I'm not comfortable saying we are rich, we live comfortably in a gated community on the outskirts of Dallas, Texas with access to the country club and all that goes with it. The Browns (Mark & Lisa) and the Masons (Scott & Marsha) live across from each other just down the street from us. None of the three couples have started a family yet. While Mark and Scott are my age, Lisa and Marsha are in their mid to late 20's. The age difference is not a factor and the women bonded instantly when we moved into the neighborhood.

With the age difference being a non-factor, the only obvious difference between my Sarah and the other two women is their outward appearance. While Lisa and Marsha are both blue-eyed blondes, Sarah has dark brown hair and ocean green eyes. All the women have nice bodies that are kept well-tuned by all the activities associated with being members of the country club. Lisa's breasts are slightly larger than the other two women but not disproportionally so. The short answer is, they are all beautiful women and us guys are lucky to have them.

The 3 of us and one of Mark's friends, Dave, have a standing tee-time every Sunday. I was sitting in the club house getting dressed for our usual Sunday morning golf outing when I overheard the conversation coming from the other side of the lockers. I was already at my locker when they came in talking and I guess they didn't realize I was there, hearing every word. I sat frozen in place by what I had heard.

I was afraid to make any noise for fear of interrupting the conversation coming over the top of lockers. I don't consider myself a horn-dog but listening to them talk about fucking the others wife peaked my attention. I am, after all, a guy. I love Sarah and would never cheat on her but, in another world and another time I would jump at the chance to fuck either Lisa or Marsha. I don't know of any red-blooded male who wouldn't. Plus, if they knew I was there I would never rid myself of the embarrassment that would come from being accused of being an eavesdropper.

The sounds from their side told me they were getting ready to head out. The clubhouse exit was on the other end so I was pretty sure they wouldn't walk past me on their way out. I caught the tail-end of their conversation as they were walking away. Scott was asking Mark, "So speaking of next month, has Lisa had a chance to talk to the Ice Princess about her and her husband joining our little club?" Mark replied, "Yea, she said she talked to her this past Wednesday. Lisa said she was shocked at first but seemed interested. She said the talk got pretty intimate but didn't give any details. She said the Ice Princess promised to talk to her husband about it. Dude, I hope they join. She is smoking hot. I would give my left nut for a chance to fuck her." As they walked away, I heard Scott chuckle, "Ice Princess, huh? Is that what the girls call her? Either way, I would like to be the one to melt that Ice Princess." Then the door closed, cutting off any further comments.

Mark and his friend kicked our asses. Scott was on his regular game but mine sucked. My mind was too occupied with the conversation I had heard in the locker room for me to concentrate on golf. I was the brunt of jokes and harassment for 18 holes. There was even some not-so-subtle innuendo about me needing to get Sarah to straighten my putter.

If finding out that our good friends were swapping wives wasn't enough to throw me off my game, the 'Ice Princess' comment really had me unnerved. Surely, they weren't referring to Sarah. First of all, I could attest to the fact that Sarah was no 'Ice Princess' in bed and secondly, there is no way Sarah nor myself would ever agree to join in on such dangerous activity. I had other friends who had had their marriages wrecked by infidelity and I had no intention of letting that destroy what Sarah and I had.

Even as I steeled my resolve and reassured myself over and over during the golf game and on the drive home, I couldn't help but wonder if they really were referring to Sarah. And, if they were in fact talking about us, the comment about her considering it really got me thinking. I had to ask myself if Sarah and I would ever consider trading partners with our friends. I was certain we wouldn't. We were no prudes when it came to sex. We weren't virgins when we met and we both had a sexual history that we had shared openly with each other over the years. I was sure she would agree with me that having each other was enough

Sunday evening, I fired up the grill. We had an early dinner on the patio and then went for a relaxing swim. Even though Sarah's swimsuit was a conservative two piece, it accented her gorgeous body well. The sway of her hips and the jiggle of her breasts had me primed and ready. I helped clean up and put things away. Every time I glanced at Sarah; I felt a stirring down below. Was I just horny or had the club house conversation stirred some primal need for me to claim her as mine and prove to the world that I was all she needed? I had a sudden visual of me whacking her over the head with my stone-age club and then dragging her into my cave by her hair and taking her like a real man. Fortunately, that visual passed without me having to club her over the head.

Then I remembered the part about Lisa having talked to Sarah. I felt like a slimy PI from some TV series but I had to know. Standing across the kitchen island from her I cast the bait out secretly hoping the hook would come back empty, "Have you talked to Lisa or Marsha lately?" Sarah smiled awkwardly and quickly turned her back to me, suddenly busy with something on the other counter. "Yea, Lisa came by Wednesday for a while. Why do you ask?" My heart dropped. That settled it. Sarah really was the Ice Princess referred to in the locker room. I could feel the uneasiness in the air. Oh fuck, I had hooked one. I wasn't sure this was a fish I wanted to land.

"Oh nothing, just wondering. What did ya'll talk about?" I was pretty sure I already knew but I had to hear it from her. She still hadn't turned to face me. "Oh...not much. Girl talk you know. We discussed maybe getting us and the Masons together for a cruise this fall. Maybe getting together for another cook-out soon. The usual chit-chat." Finally turning to face me she put on her best sexy smile. "I'm going to take a shower. Want to join me?" It was obvious Sarah was eager to change to subject. Even knowing she was avoiding having to talk about Wednesday I was not going to miss the chance to get naked with my gorgeous wife. Having spent most of the afternoon in some state of arousal, I was hoping it would lead to more than a shower.

We showered together with a lot of touchy feely as we cleaned ourselves and each other. It got pretty intimate but stopped short of actual sex. By the time we made it to the bed we were pawing at each other like high schoolers on prom night. Sarah ended up on top of me with my penis in her mouth and her pussy in my face. It started as a slow, sensual exploration of each other's bodies and soon turned into a race to see who could bring the other to orgasm first. I won as Sarah flooded my face with her release.

Then Sarah said she was going to give me a massage and had me lay face down in the middle of the bed. I was pumped. We often took turns giving each other rub-downs and she was very good at it. She started at my shoulders and worked her way down my body. I felt the tension of the day leaving my body as she worked my back muscles. She had strong hands and knew how to use them. Grabbing an ass cheek in each hand she kneaded them like two loaves of bread dough. She even spread them apart and blew air kisses around my asshole. All of a sudden, I wasn't so relaxed any more.

She rubbed her way down my left leg and back up my right, even taking time to massage my feet and toes. Then came the surprise. She had me raise up on my knees. I was confused by this request. This had never been part of her routine before. Moving my legs apart and kneeling between them, Sarah again began massaging my ass cheeks. Spreading them as she rubbed, I could feel the cool air from the room on my anal opening. Then the cool air was replaced by warm air as she softly blew on my sphincter. I jumped involuntarily when the warm air was replaced by a wet tongue. Holy shit, she was tonguing my asshole. I was instantly rock hard.

She continued massaging my ass cheeks as she ran her tongue around my asshole. I felt the tip of her tongue probe the opening, trying to force its way in. As if I wasn't already sailing in a sea of arousal, she grabbed my cock in her left hand and pulled it back between my legs. Her tongue was replaced by the middle finger of her right hand, rubbing and probing but never quite making entry. As her finger was teasing my anal opening, she took my cock in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip as she stroked it.

I was about to explode. As much as I wanted this to last for an eternity, I knew I was on the edge. Eternity came when she slipped her finger into my ass as she sucked my dick into her mouth. I erupted. I screamed into a pillow as I emptied my balls into her hot mouth. She greedily drank my cum as she pumped her finger in and out. I thought I would pass out. I had never experienced anything so erotic. She eased her finger out of me after draining my now limp dick and let it drop from her mouth.

Rolling onto my back, I pulled her up to lay in my arms. She lay her head on my shoulder and we held each other close. I was in heaven. What could be better than having a beautiful wife who loved you and enjoyed the intimate time we shared? A wife who never seemed to run out of sexual surprises. I realized for the thousandth time just how lucky I was. "Oh baby, that was fucking awesome. Why haven't we done that before and where did you even learn to do that? I have always been on the giving end of anal play, never the receiving end. I'm certainly not complaining but you have to tell me what brought that on."

She raised up and looked at me. I could see desire in her eyes as she gazed speechlessly into my eyes. Even in this erotic moment I could see something else in her eyes, further down past the desire. Something troubling, like there was something there she wanted to tell me but couldn't. She kissed me. A long sensual kiss with our tongues lazily toying with each other as we shared the after-taste of my cum. Breaking the kiss, she once again lay her head on my shoulder. I could feel her heart beating against my bare chest as she breathed against my neck. "I love you Brian. I don't know why we haven't done that before. We can do it again sometime if you enjoyed it. As far as how I learned to do it...I will tell you sometime but not right now, ok? Besides, there is something else I desperately need right now."

As much as I wanted to explore the matter further, I sensed that it would need to wait until another time. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was much more to know. I also wondered if I really knew Sarah as well as I thought I did. We had always talked openly about our lives but I now questioned if there were things, she hadn't told me. The idea that there was something in her past she had kept secret concerned me but didn't change the fact that I loved her dearly and wanted her to be happy. If her being happy meant she needed to purge the depths of her soul to me then I was willing to wait until she was ready to open that door. I would gladly walk thru that door with her and love her thru whatever it was that was troubling her.

Sarah moved off of me and onto her right side, facing me. Pressing her breasts into my side, I could feel her now hard nipples against my skin. She took my flaccid member in her left hand and stroked it gently. Taking her time, she worked her way back and forth between my cock and my balls, stroking and toying until she had me hard again. Rolling onto her back, she pulled me on top of her.

"Take me Brian. Don't make love to me. I need you to fuck me. I need you to fuck me hard and show me I belong to you." Without another word she pulled her legs up to her shoulders and presented herself to me. She took me in her right hand and guided me to her opening. "Fuck me Brian. I need you to hurt me." I had no intention of actually hurting her but I hooked my arms in the bend of her knees, pressed her legs up beside her head and, with one single thrust, I buried myself in her to the hilt.

Per her request, we did not make love, we fucked. I slammed into her with bone crushing intensity as she clawed at my ass cheeks trying to pull me further in. She was cumming by the third thrust and I'm not sure she ever stopped as I tried my best to force my dick thru her body and nail her to the bed with it. I'm not sure how long we fucked like this but when we finally stopped, we were both drenched in sweat. She had had multiple orgasms and I had been living on the edge for several minutes but had not quite peaked. I was certain she would take care of that as soon as she caught her breath.

As we lay there still breathing heavy and me still buried in her pussy she once again spoke. "Brian, I need you to take my ass." In the soft glow of the night light I guess she saw the dumb-struck look on my face. When I didn't move right away, she pushed on my shoulders. "Brian, did you not hear me? I need you to fuck me in the ass. I want you to fuck my ass hard like you did my pussy and then fill my ass with your cum. Do you understand?" I snapped out of my daze and moved off of her.

As she turned and kneeled in front of me, I asked myself fleetingly who this woman was in my bed. We had had hot physical sex before. We had had anal sex on several occasions even it wasn't part of our regular routine. There had even been a few heated sessions where Sarah had experienced that mystical anal orgasm. But I had never seen her this primal, this ravaged with desire. But that thought evaporated when I saw her beautiful ass with that cute little pucker being offered to me.

I eased up to her and rubbed my dick back and forth between her wet pussy lips to coat it with our combined juices. That was not what she wanted. Reaching back with both hands she spread her ass cheeks even farther. Turning her head enough that I could see her face around her shoulders I could see the lust in her eyes. "Please Brian, fuck my ass. I need you bad." And so, I did. Lining up with her anal opening I buried myself balls deep in her ass. At first, I thought the groan was from pain. It echoed thru the house. But she instantly began bucking back against me. The entire time begging, no demanding that I fuck her harder. I'm certain I bruised her. I'm certain my hips and her ass would be sore tomorrow. Each thrust more violent that the last.

I would like to say I fucked her like that for a long time but I would be lying. I had probably slammed into her a dozen times when the world went dark and my cock exploded. One last push and I gripped her hips and held myself deep in her tight asshole. I could feel each pulse as the cum spewed from my balls into her anal cavity. At that same instant her body convulsed as she screamed in orgasm. Her upper body rose and slammed repeated back into the bed, her arms flailing helplessly at her sides. I was just along for the ride. I had no control and neither did she. Although, in reality it probably only lasted a minute or so, her release seemed endless. Finally, she collapsed on the bed as she gasped for breath.

I finally softened and slipped out of her. She stretched out face down on the bed. I scooted over and lay beside her, resting on my side and looked into her barely open eyes. She looked sated and exhausted. But there was that something else in her face again. Hoping that I was wrong I leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead. "Thank you, Sarah. That was incredible. I love you." She raised slightly and pulled me into a hug and held me there an extra ordinarily long time. I felt my neck wet. When I eased her back, I could see a single tear trickling down her cheek. "Sarah, are you ok? Oh my god, did I hurt you? I'm sorry. I guess I was rougher than I intended. Talk to me Sarah. Are you ok?"

"Yes Brian, you did hurt me a little. But I needed to be hurt. You gave me just what I asked for. You gave me what I deserved." And then the flood gates opened and she shuddered as she pulled me back to her and cried. I didn't say anything. I just held her close dreading what I assumed was coming. What did she mean by 'I needed to be hurt' and then 'You gave me what I deserved'? As far as I knew she neither needed or deserved to be hurt. And then it hit me. Was it Mark or Scott? Had she been roped into their little wife swapping circle without including me. My imagination was running a thousand miles an hour as I ran all the possible scenarios thru my head. Then I was trying to decide if I was more hurt because she was fucking Mark and/or Scott or because she hadn't trusted me enough to include me.


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